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FANNINFANNIN Member Posts: 177 ✭✭✭
what kind of broadhead do you guy use for bowhunting? expandable or fixed blade. i have these true fire expandables that the tip of the broadhead gets pushed in when it hits the deer and causes the blades to expand. any of you guys use something similar?


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    FANNINFANNIN Member Posts: 177 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    What heads are you shooting this year. Anyone have any experience with rage broad heads on elk? I am newer to bow hunting but thinking either toxics or rage
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    FANNINFANNIN Member Posts: 177 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Ok, I heard that the compact bows out today that are super fast, need to have a mech. broadhead in them instead of a fixed broadhead, in order for them to fly correctly. and if you attempt to use a fixed, you HAVE to have a helical on the fletchings.....Is this true? I wonder cause I am having trouble getting my broadheads to fly true, and yes, my bow has been paper tuned.
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    FANNINFANNIN Member Posts: 177 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Ok, We have the bow survey, and the whisker biscuit survey, Time for a broadhead survey. How many use mechanical. I use a fixed blade.
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    bang250bang250 Member Posts: 8,021
    edited November -1
    What is considered Super Fast? [8D]

    If huntin' is a sport, then your lookin at an athlete- T-shirt

    Gun bans have never accomplished anything, other than to create a safe working environment for criminals.
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    Slash0311Slash0311 Member Posts: 1,676 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Me and my buddies all shoot about the same speed with our hunting setups. We're all cloes to 285-290. Some of us shoot mechanicals (Vortex 125's) and others use fixed blades. I know one guy who uses fixed on Elk and mech. on whitetails. I haven't heard anything either way. I just know that the mech. fly better from me. I can get the fixed to fly okay, but they fall a little short on my pins compared to field points. The mech fly closer to my field points. As far as the fletching goes, the main idea is to get the arrow spinning a quick as possible to get it stabilized in flight. I'm going to be looking into those new "Turbo Nocks" not with the fletching but just the nock. Seems like a good idea to me.


    When in doubt, unload the clip, Semper Fi
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    gogolengogolen Member Posts: 1,619 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Fannin I don't know who told you that hogwash about having to shoot mechanicals instead of fixed blade broadheads, but whomever it was smack 'em around a bit for being archery retarded. The nice thing about mechanicals is they do fly very close to field points with no tuning of the broadhead required. That being said mechanicals are easy to use but they do absorb some (a lot) of kinetic energy, i.e. they won't pass through as easily as a fixed blade. I used to use them for a long time I only switched because I wanted to try something different not because there was anything wrong with them.

    Now for the fixed blades. A fixed blade broadhead has to be tuned with your arrow, you accomplish this by lining up the blades on your broadhead with the fletching on your arrow. Or you could use a broadhead where the blades spin on the ferrule of the broadhead to accomplish this. I am under the assumption that you are asking about helical fletchings because you are shooting straight right now. Helical fletchings are they better at distance yes, are they better for stabilizing a broadhead, yes.

    It might be really helpful if you could clue me in as to what type of arrows you are shooting, including the fletching. Also what type of broadhead you had planned on using.
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    buckeyboybuckeyboy Member Posts: 5,833
    edited November -1
    there is no concrete answers. it can depend on fletching, arrow spine, draw weight. broadhead allignment. How many pounds are you shooting?? what arrows are you shooting?? arrow lenth?? what broadhead?? I shoot a mathews lx 60lbs with carbon express arrows Muzzy broadheads and my broadheads hit exactly wher my feild tips hit. Question doed the back end of you arrow seem to move around as it's approaching the target . If so most likley arrow spine not stiff enough. GOOD Question for GOGOLEN[?]
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    buckeyboybuckeyboy Member Posts: 5,833
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by buckeyboy
    there is no concrete answers. it can depend on fletching, arrow spine, draw weight. broadhead allignment. How many pounds are you shooting?? what arrows are you shooting?? arrow lenth?? what broadhead?? I shoot a mathews lx 60lbs with carbon express arrows Muzzy broadheads and my broadheads hit exactly wher my feild tips hit. Question doed the back end of you arrow seem to move around as it's approaching the target . If so most likley arrow spine not stiff enough. GOOD Question for GOGOLEN[?] OOPS your post made it on before mine GOGO[:I]
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    gogolengogolen Member Posts: 1,619 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    One step ahead of you Buckey, well today anyway.
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    FANNINFANNIN Member Posts: 177 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    To answer your question, I am shooting a Pearson Pride Bow, 65#, 28" draw. My arrows are BlackHawk Vapor Arrows (6 w/ quickspins, and 6 w/ straight fletched from factory) I am currently using the Steel Force Sabertooth 100gr. I am getting better accuracy out of the quickspin vanes than the reg.
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    FANNINFANNIN Member Posts: 177 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Also, as for mechanicals....what do you think of the Rocky Mountain Snyper Broadhead. A buddy of mine just got some and I am considering them as well. Do they preform well for....let's say....Elk?
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    gogolengogolen Member Posts: 1,619 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Well I think you just answered your own question if you wish to continue using those broadheads switch to quickspins. Are your quickspins fletched straight or helical? You said your accuracy is better with the quickspins than the straight fletch, but how good is the accuracy with the quickspins? Where are your broadheads shooting in raltion to your groups with fieldtips? Help me fill in the blanks here bud.
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    FANNINFANNIN Member Posts: 177 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Sorry, the field tips shoot about 8-10" off in the 2:00 area. the Quickspins are somewhat accurate (about a 5" group) but Not near as confident in shooting the broadheads as I am with field tips. The Quickspins are staight fletched.
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    gogolengogolen Member Posts: 1,619 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Sounds like its time to start getting your arrows relfletched to helicals. This is just an observation but, your straight fletch arrows don't group well, then you go with quick spins straight fletched and your groups get better but still not as tight as you want them, if you go with helical or helical quick spins you will get even tighter groups. The reason being is the type of broadhead you are using with no or little spin the broadhead is planing off causing your groups to open up. I would definitely start by getting all of your arrows on the same page by either have the 6 without quickspins reflectched with quick spins, or having all 12 of them refletched with either a helical fletch or a quickspin helical fletch. If you go the route of only having 6 refletched with the straight fletch quickspins you probably will need to switch broadheads in order to achieve field tip accuracy and consistency. Are your field tips shooting 8-10" away from where your broadheads shoot?
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    FANNINFANNIN Member Posts: 177 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Yes, my field tips are shooting 8-10" off from my Broadheads....this is why I was asking about the Mechanicals. I heard that they are better for bows that shoot in the 275 and up range. A Bow shop owner told me that With that speed from a bow it is really hard to tune a bow with fixed broadheads and suggested mechanicals....I like that idea, but don't know if it's worth the risk of losing the penetration that a fixed blade would give me. He then suggested the Rocky Mountain Snyper, which can be sighted in with your field tip and shoot the same. Sorry for the confusion. Just curious what everyone thinks. Thanks Gogolen for the help so far.
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    buckeyboybuckeyboy Member Posts: 5,833
    edited November -1
    8 to 10 inches off[:0] GOGO I think he has other problems. the quick spin vanes are compensating or masking the true problem. fannin try shooting another brand Broadhead just for the heck of it.[B)][B)][:0] GOGO your just to quick for me today I jumped the bow before finishing reading your answer. [:I][:I]
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    gogolengogolen Member Posts: 1,619 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    When was the last time you had your bow paper tuned? I am shooting a fixed blade broadhead these to be exact The blades spin on the ferrule, and my broadheads fly exactly where my fieldtips do. My bow is clocking in at 294. Do you have any other broadheads you can try either a friends or some old ones? I would seriously start looking at other things. Do your field tips group well?
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    FANNINFANNIN Member Posts: 177 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Yes, my field tips did group well. I was putting a 4" group at 50 yards....that's why this whole broadhead thing is frustrating. It's a big knock to my confidence.
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    buckeyboybuckeyboy Member Posts: 5,833
    edited November -1
    well that tells you its not you bow so that leaves two things Your arrows or your broad heads try a different broadhead tonite and see how much difference it makes if it too shoots way off I would start looking at my arrows.[;)] HA HA GOGO beat ya too it[:p]
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    shootlowshootlow Member Posts: 5,425
    edited November -1
    i use a 4 vain straigth fletch with a VORTEC 100 gr broad head
    it is comning out of a Hoty fast flight Extreame at that does not paper tune for crap it tears a nasty hole and this bow will also shoot thunder head 100 gr just play with it and see what happens

    "Go over,go under,go around,or go through.But never give up."
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    FANNINFANNIN Member Posts: 177 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Well, I played with it last night (my bow that is) and got to where I am somewhat comfortable with the quickspins. I need to go get some different broadheads and see f they fly any different though. My field tips finally fly in the same path as my broadheads, so it shouldn't make a difference, but we'll see.
    Thanks for all the help
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    gogolengogolen Member Posts: 1,619 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Good glad to hear it, I was thinking last night (scary thought). You could always take your straight fletched arrows and have them helical fletched with quickspins to see if there is any more improvement.
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    buckeyboybuckeyboy Member Posts: 5,833
    edited November -1
    GOGO I'm suprised to hear you say that.[:0] You were joking about the helical quicspins werent you.[?]
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    gogolengogolen Member Posts: 1,619 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    With what Fanin has told me there seems to be a direct correlation between spinning arrows and accuarcy with his setup. I used to shoot straight fletchings and did very well with them, so I never saw a need to change. With Fnnin's setup the quickspins seem to help, so I say run with it.
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    buckeyboybuckeyboy Member Posts: 5,833
    edited November -1
    I hear what your saying GOGO but I think the quickspins are masking the real reason he's not grouping well. But like ya said if it works run with it.[;)]
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    gogolengogolen Member Posts: 1,619 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I think he said he was grouping well with field tips, the only thing I can think of is the broadheads are planing off when there is no arrow spin present.
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    buckeyboybuckeyboy Member Posts: 5,833
    edited November -1
    I agree thats why I asked him to try a different brand broadhead. that will tell the story. also are his heads alligned. I think he said his fletch was 6" I only use 4" so he should be able to counter the planing.
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    gogolengogolen Member Posts: 1,619 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    His broadheads are a large 2 blade with 2 small bleeder blades.
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    buckeyboybuckeyboy Member Posts: 5,833
    edited November -1
    AAAAAA HA those do tend to wind plane.[^] Now I see why you were trying to fix the problem with vanes. Some of those two blades can be tough no matter what.[B)] I personally dont care for them.[;)]
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    shootlowshootlow Member Posts: 5,425
    edited November -1
    chunk them and get some good ones
    the only time i use 2 blades with the bleeders in out of the long bow

    "Go over,go under,go around,or go through.But never give up."
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