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need some non hunting advice "long read"

headzilla97headzilla97 Member Posts: 6,445
Im looking at grad school for teaching and I cant pick the one I want to go to. For my under grad I didnt go into debt to bad I have only about 25,000 to pay back. some of my friends owe in the 100 grand range so im not that bad. I have narrowed it down to 2 schools. one is close to home where i could commute or get an apartment for 400 a month with cable and utilities. at this school it will be a 1 year program and im certified to teach anywheres in the US. the down side its about 8000 a semester plus an apartment so thats about a grand total of 30,000 in loans minus any grants or scholarships I receive. I would also apply for a grad assitant position which equels 1000 a semester and 4 credits. Alot of my friends are near by as well and i have been offered a coaching positionat at a near by high school that pays 1500 a season so that would be 2 seasons. then I would have my stand by for summer work. School 2 is about 2 hours away "in deer country" and is a 2 year program. If accepted their I would most likely be offered a Grad assistant ship for a sports team, that would pay me 6000 a semester and all my credits. this is also a harder school to get into and if i didnt receive the ga spot I wouldnt want to go

Messenger Boy: The Thesselonian you're fighting... he's the biggest man i've ever seen. I wouldn't want to fight him.
Achilles: Thats why no-one will remember your name.
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