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One of them days

bub8889bub8889 Member Posts: 41 ✭✭
Went out this after noon and was running a little late so I used 1 of our permenent stand rather than my lock on. I got all set up around 2:30-3:00 and settled in. I had 3 doe with in 10yds of my tree by 4:00 but I just had a feeling that if I waited I would see a buck so I left them walk. They milled around a left and I saw another doe coming across the field into the woods looking back every now and then. Sure enough he he came. No world record or even close but a fully bodied deer, I'd guess 200+lbs on the hoof and a decent 9 pt rack. Every thing was perfect the wind, the position everything. The doe walk right on by at 18yrds and the buck followed 80yds or so back and to my right side, I'm a lefty so that's a good thing. He stopped at 22yds quartering away, perfect shot. I drew found my spot a squeezed the relaese and herd what I thought was a good thud and saw the buck take off like a bat outa hell. Somehow in my focus on the buck I failed to notice the fence post the he was standing behind. I nailed the post dead center at what looks to be vital height lol Highly irritated I went back to my buddies house got the chain saw and cut the post off, arrow still in it. It wil be added to the mounts hanging in the shed lol I was tempted to tag it just because lol HOW THE HELL DO YOU MISS SEING A FENCE POST[?]????? Gotta love hunting


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