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rough weekend so far

bang250bang250 Member Posts: 8,021
I'll make it a short story,
My older dog is 11, found him Fri. afternoon very ataxic, took him to vet he is in ICU. That night found my pup 8mo. ataxic took her to ER. Older boy went blind and was gettin worse. Pup got worse over night. Vets have never figured out what is goin on. All toxicology test came back Negative. All they could do was offer supportive therapy and hope for the best. It worked for little pup she got to come home this morning still mildly ataxic but seems happy wags tail trys to move about.
Older boy still in ICU but gettin better his eyesight has returned but they are keepin him still.
Original estimates from the vet were $1000-1500 for older boy unless they found tox. then could be $3000. Pup was $500-750. Good news pup is home with only $471. and older boy was only at $800 somethin as of last night. If you have never seen a dog that is ataxic it is real sad. Its like they are drunk staggerin, fallin over can't get up. Anyway things are improving so hopefully he will be home soon. They still never had a definate diagnosis, Botulism was suspected but the Dr. I work for thought that was a stretch. Thanks for listening.


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