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Why are Homosexuals drawn to the Republican party?

The PilgrimThe Pilgrim Member Posts: 103 ✭✭✭
Why is it that more, and more homosexuals are flocking to the republican party? It seems as though the party is fast becoming a refuge for moral degenerates, and perverts. The party has long been a haven for adulterers such as Rudi Gulliani, Arnold Swarzzenager {sp}, and Newt Gingrich.

However today we see sodomites taking refuge in the party also . What I do not understand is how can a party that claims to adhere to family, and moral values allow it's elected officals to openly engage in homosexuality?. The party is now in damage control mode over the acts of the homosexual Foley, but where were they years ago?. Many members knew this man was a homosexual, which by nature makes him a sexual deviant who is naturally drawn to young males.

Why did they allow him to continue being a representative of the people, knowing full well that he was a sexual pradator?


  • COLTCOLT Member Posts: 12,637 ******
    edited November -1
    ...Drawn to the Repubs?? Repub party a haven? Please post a link to this "proof", stats.Please post the link that you gathered these little gems from, Daily Coz & Move On don't count, nor does any other propaganda rag or site.

    Naivete is your strong suit is it? Wring your hands a lot do you?

    "Allow"?? Your post is so opinionated without any facts it does not deserve a rebuttal, but, as I am just now starting to get back on my feet, and have not been here for awhile, AND bored shi*less, I'll rebutt.
    Why do the libs "allow" the same type people?
    Why does the NFL "allow"?
    Why does the Airline pilot association, "allow"?
    Why does the LEO community, "allow"? Geez...

    If you have not noticed, Barney Franks (I), and active) is real light in the loafers, and past Senator Stubbs (D) (re-elected 5 times, refused to resign after he DID have sex with a paige). Hold on to your drawers there, I'd bet a grand that in the VERY near term...some may be suprised at all the swishies inside the beltway...that are about to be outed soon, AND??? It will be fun!

    Geez, are you Oral Roberts right hand man(?), a member of the Taliban morality police or what?

    I don't agree with the Fa* lifestyle, repulsive. I know you may find it very hard to believe, but, being gay is legal.

    Adultery? Give me a break. First off what offends me about THAT is the fact that who ever is committing totally screwing over their spouse; this, equals dirtbag to me. That being said, not exactly a hanging offense nor is it unusual. Try living in the real world, it happens, always has, always will; it's called "sex".

    The Pilgrim quote:Many members knew this man was a homosexual, which by nature makes him a sexual deviant who is naturally drawn to young males.

    Though I disslike the fa* lifestyle, being one does not equate to being a member of N.A.M.B.L.A.
    Man, is THAT a rich conjecture on your part, laughable.

    quote:Why did they allow him to continue being a representative of the people, knowing full well that he was a sexual pradator?

    Again, please post a link to the fact on exactly WHO knew this jerk was a "pradetor" ( your spelling, not mine). Your not only full of unsubstantiated assumptions that cannot be backed up by facts, but if your serious, you need to find a monastery and give some serious thought to making a move.

    Between the FBI, Justice Dept., and the House investigative committee...I think the truth may come out(ya think?) this point all is gossip and blind conjecture. If you have all these "facts" at hand, I suggest you contact everyone investigating this matter, as I am sure they would be very anxious to talk with you.

    Who knows, maybe Senator Hastert, Puke Pelosi, Dingy Reid, John McCain all had the IM's in a room, reading and re-reading them while pleasuring themselves...I guess we will see...when the FACTS are in...[;)]


  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    In many posts of Pilgim he likes to point the finger of homosexuality at others, he is always bringing up homosexuality, makes one wonder if under the cloak of his "I am a true beliver" he is hiding something? Those who cry foul the loudest are usually the fouler.[:0]
  • COLTCOLT Member Posts: 12,637 ******
    edited November -1
    Classic, been away for awhile...see we're still drawing some strange ones.

    Yeah, "guilty dog barks first heh"? I was wandering the same thing...[:D]

    If I did not feel a little better, and bored out of my mind I would not have wasted the time to even reply, I find it very frustrating trying to talk to a ten year old on an adult level.

    Maybe still in the closet?...[:0]


  • MagillaMagilla Member Posts: 52 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I don't know Pilgrim. My guess is Republicans have bigger poop holes. More can fit.[:D]
  • The PilgrimThe Pilgrim Member Posts: 103 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:...Drawn to the Repubs?? Repub party a haven? Please post a link to this "proof", stats.Please post the link that you gathered these little gems from, Daily Coz & Move On don't count, nor does any other propaganda rag or site.

    Now, now, one does not need a link to see the obvious. Seems to me my thread as shall we say, hit home????

    quote:Naivete is your strong suit is it? Wring your hands a lot do you?

    Come now, oh naive republican, can you not see the forest for the trees?

    quote:"Allow"?? Your post is so opinionated without any facts it does not deserve a rebuttal, but, as I am just now starting to get back on my feet, and have not been here for awhile, AND bored shi*less, I'll rebutt.

    No, what my post has done has embarrassed you, because as a card carrying member of the GOP, you cannot accept the fact that your party harbors sodomites, and since your party harbors such people, what does that say about you????

    quote:Why do the libs "allow" the same type people?
    Why does the NFL "allow"?
    Why does the Airline pilot association, "allow"?
    Why does the LEO community, "allow"? Geez...

    Why does YOUR party allow sodomites???????

    quote:If you have not noticed, Barney Franks (I), and active) is real light in the loafers, and past Senator Stubbs (D) (re-elected 5 times, refused to resign after he DID have sex with a paige). Hold on to your drawers there, I'd bet a grand that in the VERY near term...some may be suprised at all the swishies inside the beltway...that are about to be outed soon, AND??? It will be fun!

    I totally agree that the democratic party is also a haven for perverts, but perhaps in your quickness to make excuses, you failed to realize the thread is about republican homosexuals. So, perhaps you are the one who should hold on to his drawers, {especially if you are a young male} considering you are a republican.....[8D]

    quote:Geez, are you Oral Roberts right hand man(?), a member of the Taliban morality police or what?

    Na, just a guy that doesn't like homosexual deviants making laws. Let me ask you, are you Elton John's right hand man?, or perhaps a member of the Gay and Lesbian alliance?

    I don't agree with the Fa* lifestyle, repulsive. I know you may find it very hard to believe, but, being gay is legal.

    Something can be legal, and be nasty at the same time.

    quote:Adultery? Give me a break. First off what offends me about THAT is the fact that who ever is committing totally screwing over their spouse; this, equals dirtbag to me. That being said, not exactly a hanging offense nor is it unusual.

    Adulterers are the highest form of moral reprobates. They represent all that dishonest, and dishonorable.

    quote:Try living in the real world, it happens, always has, always will; it's called "sex".

    Perhaps in your world, but not in mine. You may excuse away perverted behvior, but please don't include in your world.

    quote:Though I disslike the fa* lifestyle, being one does not equate to being a member of N.A.M.B.L.A.
    Man, is THAT a rich conjecture on your part, laughable.

    Homosexuals are sexual deviants. They engage in practices that deviate from the norm, which includes having sex with young males. They are sexual pradators. Your defense of them is duly noted. However in your defense, you are just the by product of a society that has lowered the moral bar to include sodomites as normal.

    quote:Again, please post a link to the fact on exactly WHO knew this jerk was a "pradetor" ( your spelling, not mine). Your not only full of unsubstantiated assumptions that cannot be backed up by facts, but if your serious, you need to find a monastery and give some serious thought to making a move.

    You should the liberal democrats who defend Clinton for using his position to garner sexual favors from an intern. Actually you are even worse because you are trying to excuse a man who used his power to abuse under age boys.......disgusting at best.

    quote:Between the FBI, Justice Dept., and the House investigative committee...I think the truth may come out(ya think?) this point all is gossip and blind conjecture. If you have all these "facts" at hand, I suggest you contact everyone investigating this matter, as I am sure they would be very anxious to talk with you.

    and the dems said the same thing about Clinton's actions. Like I said, your defense of of sodomites in congress, who solicit little boys speaks volumes of what you will accept.

    Who knows, maybe Senator Hastert, Puke Pelosi, Dingy Reid, John McCain all had the IM's in a room, reading and re-reading them while pleasuring themselves...I guess we will see...when the FACTS are in...

    and surely you will defend their actions.
  • The PilgrimThe Pilgrim Member Posts: 103 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Classic095
    In many posts of Pilgim he likes to point the finger of homosexuality at others, he is always bringing up homosexuality, makes one wonder if under the cloak of his "I am a true beliver" he is hiding something? Those who cry foul the loudest are usually the fouler.[:0]

    Actually this comment is one that the homosexual community created as a defense when their lifestyle comes under attack. What they have done is to suggest that if you oppose homosexual behavior in society, you are really at heart a homosexual.

    However, using their logic, a person who lobbys strongly against drug use is a drug user, a person who opposes rape and murder, is a rapist and a murderer, and so on. The truth be told, it is the man who has homosexual leanings who uses such a defense.......

    Care to come clean Classic?????
  • The PilgrimThe Pilgrim Member Posts: 103 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Originally posted by Bloviator
    Classic, been away for awhile...see we're still drawing some strange ones.

    Yeah, "guilty dog barks first heh"? I was wandering the same thing...[:D]

    If I did not feel a little better, and bored out of my mind I would not have wasted the time to even reply, I find it very frustrating trying to talk to a ten year old on an adult level.

    Maybe still in the closet?...[:0]

    Let's see Blov, you make a passionate defense for sodomites in congress, and go out of your way to point out the normalcy of homosexual behavior, but then accuse me of being in the "closet"???

    Me thinks thou protestith WAAAAAYYYYYYYY to much there sweetie.........[8D]
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    Typical bible thumper attempt to point the finger the other way.. Nice try OMD, err Pilgrim. you are the one that is always bringing up homosexuality not me.. I do not defend it nor do I condemn it. you are the one that is under the microscope. you are the one that continually talks about it. You are one sick individual. You need to seek help.

    We are not talking about rape and murder, we are talking about the possibility of you being a homosexual.Neither has anything to do with the other.. Your constant reference to homosexual behavior makes it very apparent. But of course your going to point the finger at everyone who doesnt agree with you. Typical circle speak comming from a fruit cake..[:(]

    I see you did not deny being a homosexual you merely attempted to point the finger away from yourself again."Oh no not me" "Look over there" "thats where it is" Yep!
  • The PilgrimThe Pilgrim Member Posts: 103 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Typical bible thumper attempt to point the finger the other way..

    quote:Nice try OMD, err Pilgrim. you are the one that is always bringing up homosexuality not me..

    I also preach agaist murder, theft, and child abuse. Yes, I preach against homosexual behavior, but you are the one always getting upset about it......????????

    quote: I do not defend it nor do I condemn it.

    No, you just want critics of the homosexual lifestyle silenced. Your agenda is very clear.

    quote:you are the one that is under the microscope.

    Only because you are trying to take the homosexual lifestyle out from under the microscope.

    quote: you are the one that continually talks about it.

    No, I am the one who continually preaches about. You are the one who continually gets upset when bad things are said about sodomites......Why is that classic???????

    quote: You are one sick individual. You need to seek help.

    Now Classic, I'm not the one defending the homosexual lifestyle. Now, if you see being a homosexual normal, than I am sick......[8D]
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    Pilgrim, I have no where defended the lifestyle of homosexuals. I merely pointed out that you seem to be one because of all your hollering about them. Many homophobes are insecure about their own sexuality..Why do you consatanly bring it up. Is your sexuality threatened by those people? Just because I think you are one, you want to turn the discussion to another theme. Deny you are homosexual and the subject would be closed. Your denial will in no way change my perspective of you however.

    An interesting phenomenon related to homosexuality is the religious homosexual who is in denial about his or her true feelings. These people have natural urges that are homosexual in nature, but feel the need to repress them. This repression is a necessity because of the religious backgrounds that have taught that these feelings are unnatural and against the laws of the organized church.

    The type of religion a person practices makes a difference in the way a person sees himself or herself in relation to god. Erich Fromm describes that religion can be authoritarian and humanistic. Under the authoritarian model, people are seen as worthless and can only retrieve their ideal qualities through belief in god. In regard to the repressed homosexual, belief in god helps make them think they will be able to change their sexual orientation to heterosexuality, which is considered ideal. This religious representation leaves the individual feeling bewildered and anxious and that god is willing to punish them because of the homosexual impulses they feel. In the humanistic view of religion, the aim is to improve the lives of followers using god as a reference. The humanistic view of religion does not provide relief for the homosexual because god or the church does accept homosexuality. Becoming a better person in a humanistic sense is to act more like god, which is a way that minimizes sin. In this way, the person feels far from god because he or she does not represent what god was. A person can pretend or repress natural feelings, but can never reach the status that they want. The unhealthy actions that people take to hide natural urges cause them to become psychologically unstable because it is impossible to adhere to the laws of the organized church and be an open homosexual.

    Again you put words in that arent there. No where have I said homosexuality was normal. Again the finger pointed away from youself? I defend the right of a person to be what they are, I even defend your right to be the religious fruitcake you are, even if you are wrong.[:0]

    Go elsewhere and rant about homosesuals, Oh yea your question was why are they flocking to the GOP? Here is my question, Why do they Flock to hide in religion? As good a hiding place as any I presume.

    More priests and religious nuts have been exposed as homosexuals than ever have been exposed in the government.. [:(]
  • Rack OpsRack Ops Member Posts: 18,596 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Classic: I don't think Pilgrim is OMD.....I couldn't imagine OMD saying close to what Pilgrim has said about Bush, Iraq, ect.
  • The PilgrimThe Pilgrim Member Posts: 103 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Pilgrim, I have no where defended the lifestyle of homosexuals.

    Why of course you have. When I used to write articles in defense of gun ownership, I constantly had gun grabbers attacking me. Truth be told, those people were defending their agenda which was gun confiscation. My arguement simply enraged them. I have seen me share of homo activists, and you are a "classic", no pun intended.

    quote:I merely pointed out that you seem to be one because of all your hollering about them.

    I also used to do articles in oppostion to drug use, and there was also a vocal minority that had a problem with that. They couldn't stand the fact that my arguement shattered their drug abusive lifestyles.

    quote:Many homophobes are insecure about their own sexuality..

    And what do you base this own?. Tell us how you know about the sexuallity of other men?. You see, your own arguement is conectting the dots.

    quote:Why do you consatanly bring it up.

    The same reason I preach against corrupt churches, corrupt politicians, child molestors, illegal immigration, people who cheat on their spouses, corporate theivery, and so in. I am a minister, and it is my job.

    quote: Is your sexuality threatened by those people?

    No. However, innocent children are at risk, because society normalizes homosexual behavior, and men like yourself defend it.

    quote:Just because I think you are one, you want to turn the discussion to another theme.

    Like I said, the homosexuals are trained to accuse men like myself, who preach against it, of being homosexuals also. By doing so, they think they will embarrass us into stopping our preaching against you.

    quote: Deny you are homosexual and the subject would be closed.

    While I am not a homosexual, the subject will not be closed, just because you wish me to stop saying, what I have been saying.

    quote: Your denial will in no way change my perspective of you however.

    As a True Believer, the very last thing that I am concerned with, is your opinion of me. The fact is, is that your responces to me go much deeper than your desire to defend homosexual behavior. They are born out of a utter hatred for the Word of God, and those whp preach it. You are transparent as glass.
  • RocklobsterRocklobster Member Posts: 7,060
    edited November -1
    I posted this one on another thread but it fits in here too, Your Worship:

    Mel Reynolds (D) Chicago, serving a five-year federal sentence for fraudulent-loan and campaign-finance practices, having completed a 30-month sentence for 12 counts of statutory rape of a 16-year-old campaign volunteer; pardoned by Bill Clinton, at the behest of Jessie Jackson, who then snatched up the sleazy pol to work for his Rainbow/PUSH Coalition. Of course everybody remembers Bill Clinton's infamous affair with 21-year-old intern Monica Lewinsky - let's call that the Clinton legacy. Perhaps fewer, though, recall Jackson's sordid four-year extra-marital affair with a subordinate, one Karin Stanford, a staffer with Rainbow/PUSH.

    Heh heh heh... a disgraced congressman who'd had sex with a subordinate received a pardon from a disgraced president who'd had sex with a subordinate at the behest of a disgraced clergyman who'd had sex with a subordinate. And what was the Honorable Mel Reynolds' new position with the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition? Youth counselor.

    In 1983, Democrat Rep. Gerry Studds' homosexual affair with an underage page was publicized; not only did he refuse to apologize, but he also called a press conference in which he appeared side by side with his 17-year-old conquest, defending his act as a "mutually voluntary, private relationship between adults." Studds was censured, but being from Massachusetts he was re-elected five times.

    At about the same time, Republican Rep. Daniel Crane was found to have committed statutory rape with a female page, he too was censured but voters from Crane's state of Illinois had the good sense to remove him. What do you know.

    Another fine Democrat of the Massachusetts delegation is the all too out-of-the-closet Rep. Barney Frank, who once employed a live-in call-boy lover named Steve Gobie. Frank paid Gobie $20,000 to work as a personal aide while Gobie, a convicted felon, ran a homosexual-prostitution ring from Frank's apartment in the 1980s. When the House convened for disciplinary action against Frank in 1990, only two Democrats voted to censure him. In both cases, Democrats controlled the House and failed to act against these most wayward of members, who not only violated the chamber's ethical standards, but also broke serious laws in so doing.

    Then we have Democrat Fred Richmond, arrested in 1978 for soliciting a 16-year-old girl; Sen. Brock Adams (D - Wash), accused multiple times of drugging, assault and rape beginning in 1988; Rep. Gus Savage (D - ILL.), accused of fondling a Peace Corps volunteer during a 1989 African tour; and Sen. Daniel Inouye (D - HI.), accused throughout the 1990s of sexual assault by various women. Then there are Reps. John Young, Wayne Hays and the ever affable Sen. Ted Kennedy, all Democrats involved in sexual escapades under Democrat majorities, all of which went unpunished by their colleagues.
  • The PilgrimThe Pilgrim Member Posts: 103 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by HighVolumeOfFire
    Classic: I don't think Pilgrim is OMD.....I couldn't imagine OMD saying close to what Pilgrim has said about Bush, Iraq, ect.

    I said even worse about Bill Clinton. The problem is, you liberals can't take it when we conservative, moral Americans point out the stench of your political gods.
  • The PilgrimThe Pilgrim Member Posts: 103 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    This is for you Rock Lobster............

    Edison Misla Aldarondo, Republican legislator, was sentenced to 13 years in prison for molestation of his daughter and her friend for eight-year period starting when they were 9. Full Article

    Randal David Ankeney, Republican activist, arrested on suspicion of sexual assault on a child with force. He faces 6 charges related to getting a 13-year-old girl stoned on pot and then having sex with her. Source Also accused of sexually assaulting another girl. Denver ABC Article

    Dick Armey (R-Texas), former professor, has been accused by The Dallas Observer of sexually harassing female students.

    Jim Bakker, televangelist with Pat Robertson at Robertson's Christian Broadcasting network. Committed adultery with Jessica Hahn [1] and then used charitable donations to pay her hush money[2]. Fellow televangelists say he's gay. [3][4]Indicted on 23 federal charges of fraud, tax evasion, and racketeering [5].

    Bob Barr, Republican Congressman from Georgia. Sponsored the anti-gay Defense of Marriage Act, saying "The flames of hedonism, the flames of narcissism, the flames of self-centered morality are licking at the very foundation of our society, the family unit." Was married three times. Paid for his second wife's abortion (she also suspected he was cheating on her). Failed to pay child support to the children of his first two wives and while married to his third and present wife was photographed licking whipped cream off of strippers at his inaugural party.

    Merrill Robert Barter, Republican County Commissioner, pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy. Booth Bay Register Article

    Robert Bauman, Republican congressman and anti-gay activist, was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar. Source: Washington Blade

    Parker J. Bena, Republican activist and Bush Elector, pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography (including children as young as 3 years old) on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000. Source

    Louis Beres, chairman of the Christian Coalition of Oregon. 3 of his family members accuse him of molesting them when they were pre-teens. Editor and Publisher article. In August 06, Beres confessed. The Portland Mercury

    Howard L. Brooks, Republican legislative aide and advisor to a California assemblyman, was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography. Sacramento Bee article

    John Bolton Bush's appointee ambassador to United Nations, corroborated allegations that Mr. Bolton's first wife, Christina Bolton, was forced to engage in group sex have not been refuted by the State Department. Raw Story Article

    Mike Bowers Former State Attorney General, prosecuted the famous Bowers vs. Hardwick case, based on Georgia anti-sodomy laws. Admitted to a 10-year adulterous affair Slate article

    Pat Buchanan predidential candidate, media talking-head. His campaign refused to confirm or deny whether Pat has had chlamydia or any other venereal diseases.

    Andrew Buhr, Republican politician, former committeeman for Hadley Township Missouri, was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy. Source

    Ted Bundy campaigned for the Republican Party. Infamous serial rapist who murdered 16 women. Source: BBC

    Jim Bunn Congressman of Oregon: With his success due in great part to support from the Christian Coalition, Bunn won his congressional seat, then immediately ditched his wife (and mother of his five children), married a staffer, and put his new wife on the state payroll for the unheard-of salary of $97,500. Conservative Babylon

    John Allen Burt, Republican anti-abortion activist, convicted of sexually molesting a 15 year old girl at the home for troubled girls that he ran. Source: Pensacola News Journal

    Dan Burton, Republican Congressman who, while married, fathered a child by another woman. Article

    George W. Bush, Republican president, accused in a criminal complaint and lawsuit of raping Margie Schoedinger, who was later suicided. Accused by Tammy Phillips, a former stripper quoted in the National Enquirer in 2000 saying she had an affair with Bush that had ended in 1999. Also noted by Mrs. Blount whom G.W.BUSH while campaigning for her Husband Red Blount and while G.W.BUSH was possibly A.W.O.L from the Air National Guard at age 26 he was all over their 14 year old daughter.

    Neil Bush, brother or G. W. Bush, in a March 2003 divorce deposition, admitted repeatedly having sex with strange women who just showed up at his room while on an Asian business trip. (Overshadowing the sex scandal; the business scandal--see link.) Washington Post article.

    John Butler, Republican activist, was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl.

    Ken Calvert, Congressman (R-Ca), champion of the Christian Coalition and its "family values." Sued as an alimony deadbeat by his ex-wife. Said "We can't forgive what occurred between the President and Lewinsky." In 1993 he was caught by police receiving oral sex from a prostitute and attempted to flee the scene.

    Charles Canady, Congressman (R-Florida), Judiciary Committee member. Lied to his constituents about his adulterous affair with Sharon Becker, which caused her divorce.

    Helen Chenoweth, Congresswoman (R-Id.). In 1995, Chenoweth had denied having an affair when asked about it by The Spokane Spokesman-Review. In 1998 she called (in a campaign ad) for Bill Clintons resignation saying "I beleive that personal conduct and integrity do matter". Days laters she admitted to a six-year adulterous affair with a married associate. but now she claims a pardon from a higher authority: "I've asked for God's forgiveness, and I've received it," she revealed.

    Keola Childs, Republican County Councilman, pleaded guilty to sexual assault in the first degree for molesting a male child.Honolulu Star-Bulletin Article

    Kevin Coan, Republican St. Louis Election Board official, arrested and charged with trying to buy sex from a 14-year-old girl whom he met on the Internet. Source: Newmax

    Roy Cohn, continually condemned gays and gay rights. Was a closet gay who died of AIDS. Wikipedia Article

    Carey Lee Cramer Political consultant and anti-Kerry ad producer, tried for molesting two young girls, one of whom lived with him, and was 8 yrs old; the other starred in an anti-Kerry commercial. Diary Diary. The Monitor.

    Dan Crane, Republican Congressman, married, father of six. Received a 100% "Morality Rating" from Christian Voice. Had sex with a minor working as a congressional page. article On July 20, the House voted for censure Crane, the first time that censure had been imposed for sexual misconduct.[6]

    Paul Crouch Televangelist, Former President of Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN). Paid $425,000 in hush money in an attempt to cover up a gay affair. Christianity Today article

    Richard A. Dasen Sr., Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, convicted of sexual abuse of children, promotion of prostitution and several counts of solicitation, enough to add up to a sentence of 126 years in prison. Investigators estimated that he spent up to $5,000,000 on prostitutes.

    Missoulian Article on the trial | Missoulian Article on his conviction

    Richard A. Delgaudio, Republican fundraiser and Bush pioneer, was found guilty of child porn charges. WBAL Channel article

    Peter Dibble, Republican legislator pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl. News Channel 8 Article

    Nicholas Elizondo, Director of the Young Republican Federation molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison. Halfway down this Bakersfield Californian article

    Thomas B. Evans, Jr. -R Congressman from Delaware may have had an afair with Paula Parkinson (see his article for more info).

    Larry Dale Floyd, Republican Constable in Denton County, Texas Precinct Two. Arrested for allegedly crossing state lines to have sex with an 8-year old child and was charged with 7 related offenses. Age 62 at time of arrest. Dallas News Article | Atrios Article

    Mark Foley, Republican Representative, Florida Sixteenth Congressional District. Resigned after trying to solicit sex from male congressional pages via an instant messenger program. The conversations included his asking a sixteen-year-old "stud" whether his BallPark Frank was erect and requesting that he take out and measure his BallPark Frank. The cover-up involved Republican House Majority Leader John Boehner, Ohio Eighth Congressional District and Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert, Illinois Fourteenth District.

    John Fund, of the Wall Street Journal, a prominent anti-abortion columnist and GOP fund raiser. He lost his position after it was revealed that he impregnated the daughter of an old girlfriend and then encouraged her to abort his child. American Politics Journal Article

    Jeff Gannon Partisan blogger with no journalism credentials and a fake name who got invited to Bush's Press conferences. Is also a pimp and a gay prostitute. Truthout Article. See also dKospedia's page on Jeff Gannon.

    Jack W. Gardner, Republican Councilman, had been convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl. when the Republican Party, knowing of these crimes, put him on the ballot. Article with documents

    Richard Gardner, a Nevada State Representative (R), admitted to molesting his two daughters. Review Journal Article

    Newt Gingrich, married three times. Gingrich campaign worker Anne Manning admitted that she gave Newt oral sex while he was still married to his first wife. Informed one wife he was filing for divorce while she was in the hospital recovering from cancer treatments. Salon article

    Philip Giordano, Republican mayor sentenced to 37 years for forcing two 8 and 10 year old girls to perform oral sex on him in his City Hall office. NBC Article | Newsday Article

    Rudy Giuliani, had an adulterous affair. Pocketed $80,000 for speaking at a charity benefit for tsunami aid which raised only $60,000 for the victims themselves (Feb 2005).

    Matthew Glavin, president and CEO of the Southeastern Legal Foundation, big player in the Clinton Impeachment, and many anti-gay jihads, has been arrested multiple times for public indeceny, one time fondling the crotch of the officer who was arresting him. Full Article

    Marty Glickman, Republican activist, was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with a juvenile and one count of delivering the drug LSD.

    Mark A. Grethen, Republican activist, convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children. Orlando Weekly article

    Jon Grunseth, Republican businessman and candidate for Minnesota governor, withdrew his candidacy after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter, and tried to grope one. "I've made some mistakes" he said. USA Today article

    Dr. W. David Hager Bush appointee, member of Focus on the Family's Physician Resource Council, player in movement to ban the morning-after-pill. Had an adulterous affair, before divorcing his wife he sexually abused her, including sodomizing her in her sleep. Article

    Mark Harris, Republican city councilman who is described as a "church goer," was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison.

    John Hathaway, Republican Senate candidate, was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media. Source: Casco Bay weekly

    Howard Scott Heldreth, anti-abortion activist who gained fame during the Shiavo media-circus, was convicted of two charges of raping a child in 2002. page at Florida Department of Law Enforcement's Sexual Offender/Predator Unit

    Mike Hintz, a First Assembly of God youth pastor, introduced by Bush on the campaign trail, and promoted his policies. Says he supports Bush's values. Two months later, this married father of four turned himself into police, charged with the sexual exploitation of a child. ArticleCommentary

    Also signed an ad (that called for criminally prosecuting business that sell porn), along with another pastor who was repeatedly busted for public *.

    Neal Horsley has called for the arrest of all homosexuals. Admitted on the Fox News Radio's The Alan Colmes Show, that he's had sex with mules. Put photographs on his Web site of naked men engaging in homosexual acts and a nude woman engaging in bestiality amid shots of grotesquely maimed fetuses. Drug dealer convicted of possession of hashish with intent to sell. He calls for "the establishment of a new government, one that can obey God's plan for government."

    Tim Hutchinson, divorced his wife of 29 years to marry a congressional aide he was having an affair with.

    Henry Hyde, Judge who oversaw Clinton's impeachment proceedings, prominent opponent of reproductive rights, who had an extramarital affair with a woman who was married and had three children, during the course of which she and her husband were divorced. article

    Don Haidl, Assistant Sheriff of Orange Country, in violation of California's rape shield law, led a smear campaign against the child his son poisoned and then violently gang-raped on videotape, adding up to 24 felony counts. He said that his son "acted accordingly" because the child was a "sister". The full gruesome story, with many newspaper articles.

    Paul Ingram, Republican Party leader of Thurston County, Washington, pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison. Source: The Olympian

    Bernard Kerik, had two simultaneous adulterous affairs.

    Earl Kimmerling, sentenced to 40 years in prison after he confessed to molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her. Source

    I. Lewis Libby, former Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff to Vice President Dick Cheney. In 1996 published a novel containing bizaree sexual content, including * and pedophillia. Full Details

    Rush Limbaugh, triple-divorcee[7], 30-pill a day drug addict. Goodies from The Smoking

    Bob Livingston, former Congressman (R-La.) resigned from the House in the wake of revelations about his past adultery.

    Donald Lukens, Republican Congressman, was found guilty of having sex with a minor - a girl he was accused of sleeping with since she was 13. Time Article

    Pat McPherson, Douglas County Election Commissioner. Arrested for fondling a 17-year-old girl. Article

    Jon Matthews, Republican talk show host in Houston, was indicted for indecency with a child, including exposing his genitals to a girl under the age of 17. Source: ABC News

    Jeff Miller, (R-Cleveland), Senate Republican Caucus Chairman in Tennessee and the sponsor of Tennessee's Marriage Protection act, getting divorced (as of April 2005) because of an affair he was having with an office aid. Miller described the Tennessee Marriage Protection Act as a means of preserving the sanctity of marriage. He opposed an amendment, however, which stated that "Adultery is deemed to be a threat to the institution of marriage and contrary to public policy in Tennessee."

    Now let's watch you squirm as you try to defend the nasty men and women in your political party.......Remember, God knows your heart.........[;)]
  • Rack OpsRack Ops Member Posts: 18,596 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by The Pilgrim
    I said even worse about Bill Clinton. The problem is, you liberals can't take it when we conservative, moral Americans point out the stench of your political gods.

    Pilgrim......I think thats the first time anyone has called me a liberal.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    Pilgrim: Why are you dodgeing the question about your sexuality? Did my post about the religious denial hit home? That list of government homos is just a drop in the bucket compaired to the religious homosexuals on the lists.. Reality is a bummer aint it..Read my Quote;
    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away".

    Many studies have been done on sexuality, try reading up on them sometime. It might help you to understand your latent feelings.[:0]

    You still havent denied your homosexuality.. Come on give it up. you know what you are...And stop trying to point your finger in the other direction. Also it seems as though I am not the only one in here that has this perception of you..[:0]
  • The PilgrimThe Pilgrim Member Posts: 103 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Pilgrim: Why are you dodgeing the question about your sexuality?

    What concerns me is, is that you, a guy who is defending sodomites, is now interested in my sexuallity????.......You are beginning to give me the creeps. I'm looking to see if you type with a lisp.

    quote: Did my post about the religious denial hit home?

    I am not a religous man. I am a True Believer that Jesus is Lord.

    quote:That list of government homos is just a drop in the bucket compaired to the religious homosexuals on the lists.. Reality is a bummer aint it..

    Yes, and the title of this thread deals with homosexuals who are REPUBLICANS!!!!!!

    quote:Read my Quote;
    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away".

    and do you think by denying your support of the homosexuals it makes you not affiliated with them?

    quote:Many studies have been done on sexuality, try reading up on them sometime. It might help you to understand your latent feelings.

    Actually has a man who is married to the same gal for 27 years, I never needed to "study" my sexuality, but reading your support of the homosexual agenda, I have no doubt that you do indeed need to study, search, and seek out who, or what you are. Just do me a favor, and stat away from grandchildren.

    quote:You still havent denied your homosexuality..

    Clasic, I know it will disappoint you, but I am not a homosexual, no matter how much you want me to be. The nasty thing is you being so concerned over whether I am.........yuck!

    Come on give it up. you know what you are...

    No, I know what you want me to be. You guys are soo flagrant.

    quote:And stop trying to point your finger in the other direction.

    Excuse me tinker, but if the bell fits, you should wear it, and prance around..........[8D]

    Also it seems as though I am not the only one in here that has this perception of you..

    Yea, and I am beginning to wonder about those guys too. You guys are giving me the creeps........[:0]
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    Again the finger pointing. You are the one that is constantly bringing up homosexuality.

    The topic became about you and your sexuality, not what anyone else does or believes. It is about YOU Pilgrim; No one else, not what they believe or what they defend, It is now about your constant referal to Homosexuals and how your drawn to it. You brought the question about your sexuality on yourself by your constant ranting and bringing homosexuality up. Only you, no one else brought it up..

    God made you who you are Pilgrim, he/she destined you for the gay life. Learn to enjoy it.[:o)]

    You still havent denied that you are a Homosexual..[:0]
  • The PilgrimThe Pilgrim Member Posts: 103 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Again the finger pointing. You are the one that is constantly bringing up homosexuality.

    Now, now that Pilgrim is just a big old meanie to your homosexual buddies........[8D]

    quote:The topic became about you and your sexuality, not what anyone else does or believes.

    The topic became about my sexuallity because you seem to be obcessed about it.

    quote: It is about YOU Pilgrim; No one else, not what they believe or what they defend,

    Actually the thread was about homosexual republicans, but you made it about your interest in my sexuality.....Like I said , you give me the creeps, and stay away from my grandchildren.

    quote:It is now about your constant referal to Homosexuals and how your drawn to it.

    No, it's about your desire to draw men around you into your lewd lifestyle.

    quote:You brought the question about your sexuality on yourself by your constant ranting and bring it up.

    Excuse me tinkerbell, you are the one who is constantly asking me if I am a homosexual. When I told you no, you could not let it go.

    quote:Only you, no one else brought it up..

    Come now tinker bell, you need to go back and read your posts.

    quote:God made you who you are and he/she destined you for the gay life. Learn to enjoy it."

    No, God made you want me to be a homosexual. I told you I like women, not men. now let it go, and fish elsewhere.

    quote:You still havent denied that you are a Homosexual..

    Again Tinkerbell, for the fourth time. I am not a homosexual, and no matter how much you want me to be, I can't. May I suggest becoming a republican paige if you want to be around homosexual men?
  • The PilgrimThe Pilgrim Member Posts: 103 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    and stay away from my grandchildren!
  • The PilgrimThe Pilgrim Member Posts: 103 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I must say this thread has really exposed the true agenda of several so called "conservatives"
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1

    quote:I must say this thread has really exposed the true agenda of several so called "conservatives"

    This thread has really exposed the true agenda of you as well...

    By the way, me thinks you doth protest too much...
  • The PilgrimThe Pilgrim Member Posts: 103 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by BlackRoses

    quote:I must say this thread has really exposed the true agenda of several so called "conservatives"

    This thread has really exposed the true agenda of you as well...

    Hopefully my agenda, of barring homosexuals from positions where they have power, and influence over young men is very clear. Thank you for noticing.
    By the way, me thinks you doth protest too much...

    Not really. Sadly most men remain silent on these issues, for fear of upsetting the homosexual crowd. As a husband, father, grandfather, and citizen , it is my duty to point out the depraved nature of society that seeks to normalize both male, and female homosexuality.

    As a True Believer that Jesus is Lord, it is my calling to do so. Moral men, and women respect my positions, however immoral men, and women scoff at them, because they themselves tend to be degenerated themselves.
  • Don McManusDon McManus Member Posts: 23,643 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    True Republicans do not accept any of these people, for they are not of the platform and are not of Reagan.

    Any man that lies with another man is not of the platform, is not of Reagan, and is thus not a True Republican.

    Any man that pursues legitimacy for his deviance is not of the platform, is not of Reagan, and is not a True Republican.

    Any man that preys on the young, whether male or female is not of the platform, is not of Reagan, and is not a True Republican.

    We True Republicans disassociate ourselves from these people as they are not of the platform, are not of Reagan and thus are not True Republicans.

    Only True Republicans know the Word of the platform, the Mind of Reagan and only True Republicans can comment on the worthiness and thus the legitimacy of any man's claim to be a Republican.

    The listed men have not accepted Reagan as their guiding light, have not accepted the Word of the Platform as true and infallible, and thus cannot be considered to be True Republicans.

    The party is pure, as we decree that any man who transgresses from the platform, from Reagan, to be a charlatan, a pretender.

    Though we hope and pray that all men will eventually petition to join our party, it is only we, the True Republicans who can bestow membership and inclusion.
    Freedom and a submissive populace cannot co-exist.

    Brad Steele
  • The PilgrimThe Pilgrim Member Posts: 103 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Bravo Don!!!!!!!!!

    but be careful, cause ole Classic will be questioning your sexuallity, and trying to get you to admit to being a homosexual..........[:D]

    Seriously.......Your sense of humor is awesome.......You make me smile!
  • fishermanbenfishermanben Member Posts: 15,370
    edited November -1
    who in the hell moved this here?

    nunn? saxon? You playing tricks?

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