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A beautiful evening to be in the woods

CubsloverCubslover Member Posts: 18,601 ✭✭
I got a late start this evening. Not even time to don the Camo. I had a pair of Khaki's and a gree hooded sweatshirt on tonight when I hit the woods.

No calls, no scents, nothing.

I sat down behind my blind which overlooks a small creek about 8yds away. Squirrels making all kinds of racket, being as this was my first trip out I kept thinking I was hearing deer. Finally I get settled down and relax a little bit. (Keep in mind this is my first EVER bow season)

Through my blind off to my left, I see some movement. I can just lightly hear footsteps. Instantly my heart starts racing, vision and hearing are crisp, almost on another level. I nock an arrow and clip on my release.

I barely poke my head over the blind. REAL nice doe, probably 4-5yrs, big body, nice shooter. She comes in within 15yds. Straight ahead, just on the other side of the creek. As she walks behind a pretty large tree with a nice shooting lane on the other side, I drew back. Boy, holding 70lbs with a 60% let off for a minute really brings on the burn. I see her head appear on the other side of this walnut tree. Then a neck. Then she stops, not alerted to anything or scared at all. A mosquito lands on the inside of my right wrist (I'm a lefty, so the hand I'm holding the bow with), and buries in. Ohhhh, it stings and I want to smack that sucker. She's looking in my direction, not at me but towards me. I don't move. The mosquito fills up and takes off.

Then she just slowly starts walking straight away from me. The tree still exactly between us. I'm still drawn back, holding as long as I can. I give her a (Bruuuup, mouth grunt), she stops and looks back. All I can see still is her head. She slowly walks out of range and over the hill. [V]

All in all, first time out and I've seen a deer. Hopefully a better hunt tomorrow evening.

I'm hooked on this bow hunting thing already!
Half of the lives they tell about me aren't true.


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