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Buckey & His Bro: Illinois '04

fishermanbenfishermanben Member Posts: 15,370
I'll let him do the explainin'!




Cub's preseason is on!!!


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    gagirlgagirl Member Posts: 5,408
    edited November -1
    so which one is Buckey and which one is the "bro"?

    its all about pucks and bucks
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    buckeyboybuckeyboy Member Posts: 5,833
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by fishermanben
    I'll let him do the explainin'!




    Cub's preseason is on!!!
    This was the deer my brother got in Illinois this yeat 10 pt 290 lbs. The other deer will be in Rack magizine this year it is the farmer who's land I hunted on
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    buckeyboybuckeyboy Member Posts: 5,833
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by gagirl
    so which one is Buckey and which one is the "bro"?

    its all about pucks and bucks
    actually I am in the truck with the deer looks like all the pix didddent make it.
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    fishermanbenfishermanben Member Posts: 15,370
    edited November -1
    nope buckey--only got those 3. Feel free to resend.


    Cub's preseason is on!!!
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    SuspensionSuspension Member Posts: 4,783
    edited November -1
    Weren't these also from Illinois last year Buckey? I still had them in my photobucket account from when you got back.







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    SuspensionSuspension Member Posts: 4,783
    edited November -1
    Why isn't anyone smiling? Your hunting and you have a deer...[:)]

    NRA Life Member ---"A pocket knife, a clean hankey, and a pistol... things I can use." - Ted Nugent
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    fishermanbenfishermanben Member Posts: 15,370
    edited November -1
    [:0][:0]MAN!!![:0][:0] That is one big boy!!!

    Cub's preseason is on!!!
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    SuspensionSuspension Member Posts: 4,783
    edited November -1
    Buckey or his brother? [:D]

    NRA Life Member ---"A pocket knife, a clean hankey, and a pistol... things I can use." - Ted Nugent
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    fishermanbenfishermanben Member Posts: 15,370
    edited November -1
    the last pic, smartass


    Cub's preseason is on!!!
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    SuspensionSuspension Member Posts: 4,783
    edited November -1
    [:D] Take it easy on me since we are the only ones here, if not I'll kick your *. [}:)][:D][;)]

    NRA Life Member ---"A pocket knife, a clean hankey, and a pistol... things I can use." - Ted Nugent
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    fishermanbenfishermanben Member Posts: 15,370
    edited November -1
    alright, alright, don't cry, I'll be nice.[;)]
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    SuspensionSuspension Member Posts: 4,783
    edited November -1

    NRA Life Member ---"A pocket knife, a clean hankey, and a pistol... things I can use." - Ted Nugent
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    buckeyboybuckeyboy Member Posts: 5,833
    edited November -1
    Hey Fellas, thanks for the help with the posting. Susp I did not realize that I sent you these pix. They are from 2004 in Illinois. last season. My bro is the one in the green toke with the deer in the field the other guy with the green Jacket is the farmer who's land we hunted on I'm the one with the deer in the truck. Although I did not get a deer theis season this is my Brothers first real nice buck with a bow and ya know what[:0] when I saw his face and how happy he was I really didden't care at that point, that I didden't get one. It was so great to see how proud and happy he was that I just enjoyed it with him, My opinion that;s what hunting is all about.[;)] OK Susp Don't get to thinking ol Buckeyboy's going soft that deer is just damn luckey he didden't come in front of me first,[B)] because I probley would have missed him. Thanks to Ben and Susp once again you guy's are good people. feel like I kinda know everybody on the forum, and they are my friends. "They Are"[:)] especially you gagirl.[}:)]
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    SuspensionSuspension Member Posts: 4,783
    edited November -1
    Easy there buckey, don't get to mushy here. [;)]
    Bet your brother was happy, you to, I know when my brother and I hunt together it's nice, doesn't even matter if we get anything or not.

    Forum is pretty nice, we're lucky to have good folks around here.

    NRA Life Member ---"A pocket knife, a clean hankey, and a pistol... things I can use." - Ted Nugent
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    buckeyboybuckeyboy Member Posts: 5,833
    edited November -1
    You bet man. can't wait to meet some of you.[;)]
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    buckeyboybuckeyboy Member Posts: 5,833
    edited November -1
    Gonna sign off Susp wife went out with girl friend . I he\ave a date with this hot 12 pack called Budweiser[;)][:o)]
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    SuspensionSuspension Member Posts: 4,783
    edited November -1
    See ya.

    NRA Life Member ---"A pocket knife, a clean hankey, and a pistol... things I can use." - Ted Nugent
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    bang250bang250 Member Posts: 8,021
    edited November -1
    Hey buckey, how the date go[?] [:D]

    Why do they make it taste so good and put it in them little bitty cans- Dad

    Gun bans have never accomplished anything, other than to create a safe working environment for criminals.
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    fishermanbenfishermanben Member Posts: 15,370
    edited November -1
    yeah, buckey. You get any action?


    Cub's preseason is on!!!
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    gagirlgagirl Member Posts: 5,408
    edited November -1
    great pics. Thanks for shareing them it makes the lack of hunting right now a bit easier.

    its all about pucks and bucks
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    buckeyboybuckeyboy Member Posts: 5,833
    edited November -1
    The date went well, all 12, Little "cans"[:0] were very cooperative.
    I usually feel a little slow the neaxt day. It was weird up at 5:30am, felt great. My wife wasan't too happy I let the dogs in and they jumped into bed with her. Cold wet feet.[}:)][B)][B)][B)] Needless to say I didden't get any action last night either.[:(]
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