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I am bowless

gagirlgagirl Member Posts: 5,408
I am now bowless. Our detached garage/shop was broken into and the Bast&^d robbed us blind. He got a arm load of David's tools and every last piece of archery equipment I had. Friggin crack addict was picked up for stealing bikes 2 houses down but there is nothing we can do to prove he is the one who stole our stuff. He walks around the neighborhood and talks to stop signs and trees. He is lucky David didnt see him and shoot him. Personally I would love to beat him within an inch of his life. The one lucky thing is that he did not get to David's guns. The locker was even unlocked but thank God he didnt get to that part of the shop. Oh well it is now time for me to go cry again so I will get off my box.

its all about pucks and bucks


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    gogolengogolen Member Posts: 1,619 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Don't look at this as a bad thing but merely the perfect opportunity to get a new bow [:D]
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    gagirlgagirl Member Posts: 5,408
    edited November -1
    I had a new bow that I really liked. [:(]

    UPDATE: the amount of loss is $2600 the deduct on policy is $2500. I aint getting crap back.

    its all about pucks and bucks
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    SuspensionSuspension Member Posts: 4,783
    edited November -1
    Sucks. Only ever run into that one time before luckly. Somebody tried to break in, but woke up our dog in the process. 145lbs went through the screen door and tore that poor boy up. We were worried about getting sued over it cause our dog really did a number on him, but nothing happened besides him going to the hosiptal. That was back in the late 80's when not everyone was sue happy.
    The guy didn't have much on his side though, he had parked along the highway and walked a couple miles to get to our back door so he was an obvious criminal in the judges eyes.

    NRA Life Member ---"A pocket knife, a clean hankey, and a pistol... things I can use." - Ted Nugent
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    gogolengogolen Member Posts: 1,619 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I am sorry to hear about your loss. Was anything stolen that cannot be replaced? I hope not. I know this may be a silly question but are you going to be changing your home owners policy to one with a lower deductible?
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    fishermanbenfishermanben Member Posts: 15,370
    edited November -1
    Call all of the pawnshops in the area. Theifs are usually really dumb.


    Cub's preseason is on!!!
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    headzilla97headzilla97 Member Posts: 6,445
    edited November -1
    sorry to hear about that that sucks

    My old man's backhand used to land,
    Hard on the side of my head.
    I just learned to stay out of his way.
    There's been streetfights, blue lights,
    Long nights with the world sittin' on my chest:
    It just showed me how much I could take.
    Hard times, bad luck.
    Sometimes, life sucks.
    That's all right, I'm ok.
    It ain't nothin' but another day.
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    taco413taco413 Member Posts: 2,504 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Sorry to hear about the loss of all your stuff. Like Ben said try the pawn shops, crooks are not as bright as they seem.

    Better to be dead and cool than alive and uncool!!
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    bang250bang250 Member Posts: 8,021
    edited November -1
    Sorry to hear of the losses,,but the bright is all material stuff. None of your family was hurt. I do feel for you though. Wish I still had a spare bow I would send it to you. Keep you chin up!!

    PS I might know some people that might come beat the s#@t out of this person for you. I mean you know maybe..[;)]

    Why do they make it taste so good and put it in them little bitty cans- Dad

    Gun bans have never accomplished anything, other than to create a safe working environment for criminals.
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    DIRTYRATDIRTYRAT Member Posts: 2,167 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Sorry to hear about your loss. Think Positive and be thankfull he did'nt get more and that none of you were hurt...He'll get his in the end,{rear-end hopefully} "What Goes Around, Comes Around"[;)]

    Ruric, NE OHIO,
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    buckeyboybuckeyboy Member Posts: 5,833
    edited November -1
    So sorry to hear about you being robbed. I have an older darton Impulse if you want't it it's yours.[:(!][:(!]
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    gagirlgagirl Member Posts: 5,408
    edited November -1
    Buckey that is really sweet of you. I realized last night that my eotech is also gone [V][:(] Now that really PISSED me off. This has been one heck of a week. I need a weekend off. Thanks for letting me vent guys. It's good to have friends like you guys.

    its all about pucks and bucks
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    fishermanbenfishermanben Member Posts: 15,370
    edited November -1
    I have a TM Hunter rest w/ teflon forks, and an arrow keeper. It's yours if you need it.


    Cub's preseason is on!!!
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    buckeyboybuckeyboy Member Posts: 5,833
    edited November -1
    The longer I sit here today and think about some crack-head ripping off gagirl and her husband the madder I get.[:(!] I know they just want their next fix of drugs but tough poop. gagirl send em' out here to the east coast I'll take em out fishing. Only they will be the bait lots of sharks a couple hours out.[}:)][;)]
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    gagirlgagirl Member Posts: 5,408
    edited November -1
    Thanks Buckey but I am also on the east coast and would love to take him to Butler Island with some rope and a cut or two. Those 21 gators fresh out of their dens would be happy to see him. You know I am really happy that he didnt get to David's guns. Everything I lost can be replaced but some of those were his dads (actual granddad but thats a long story) He died when David was about 8-9 and was not in a place to leave David very much. So all in all I guess we didnt come out too bad. It pisses me off but worse things have happened this week so life goes on.

    its all about pucks and bucks
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    buckeyboybuckeyboy Member Posts: 5,833
    edited November -1
    Gagirl, Maybe this will be an expensive lesson. hopefully you guy's can lock this stuff up in the house once you replace. A lot of these knuckle -heads[:o)] come back for seconds. "Can you say bait the Rat"
    I had some workers put a heating system in my Dads house, the people they hired, Stole a gold chain that a priest from Italy gave to My dad. He was so upset. I called the contractor up told him if I don't get that chain back your not getting a dime. Sure enough the contractor pryed it out of one of the workers that he pawned it . They went to the pawn shop recovered the chain and returned it. You may want to check the pawn shops as the rest of the guys suggested you may get your stuff back.[?]
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    taco413taco413 Member Posts: 2,504 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Let's have a roadtrip to gagirls and have a come to jesus meetin with these morons[:D]

    Better to be dead and cool than alive and uncool!!
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    gagirlgagirl Member Posts: 5,408
    edited November -1
    Just come visit... it would give me a reason to have a few too many beers and I sure could use that right now.

    its all about pucks and bucks
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