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The people under the stairs...

thesupermonkeythesupermonkey Member Posts: 3,905 ✭✭
edited July 2010 in General Discussion
Something interesting came up so I thought I'd share.
A while back, my alarm didn't go off and I was nearly an hour late. I LOATHE being late and as a result I started using two alarms and at times, wake up early worrying that I've overslept. A couple of times I've woken early to find the clock is off but I was pretty sure I set it. In particular, one night I get in bed at 12:45 to be exact, set both alarms (one on the clock and one on my phone) and went to sleep. Open my eyes at 3:30 and right away I notice the alarm clock is off. Not just that, my phone alarm is turned off too! I wasn't groggy a bit and I remembered, very distinctly, flipping the switch on the clock and setting the phone alarm, so I was a pissed! I was about to wake the wife and tell her to quit messing with my alarms but I thought better of it [B)]. So the next day, I call her from work and she completely denies messing with the clock or the phone. I was like "um ok" but in the back of my head I was thinking she probably did it when she was half asleep.

So this past weekend, for the first time since buying our house, I decided to give the crawl space a thorough examination. We have a split level home and the crawl space is approximately 4 feet below ground level. It's accessed via a closet door across from our bed and right next to the stairs. It's a large rectangle, surrounded on all sides by concrete with a gravel floor with about 3 & 1/2 feet of clearance. The place felt like an untouched tomb and I was surprised to find I didn't see a single creepy crawly the entire time I was down there. The only connection the space has with the outside is a 2" drain pipe for the sump pump. It felt kind of creepy under there. There is a large mound of rocks in the corner, which somewhat resemble a grave and I could just imagine a former owner burying a body there.

Last night at 2 in the morning, my wife is shaking me awake. She was panicked and whispering something about the closet door being open. I stumbled over, half asleep and peeked in. Couldn't see anything. The wife is really freaked out so I tell her it was probably just the cat messing around and I'm back asleep in no time. When I wake up this morning there's a barricade of furniture in front of the door and the wife is giving me the stink eye. She goes on to explain how she was awake and diddling with her iphone when she started hearing loud, scratching noises. At first she thought it was the cat playing upstairs but then the closet door popped open.

There are a few reasons this is disturbing.
The closet door, is kind of sticky and takes a good 30 or so pounds of force to pull open without turning the handle. I know the door was closed because, to be honest it creeps us both out a bit. The only way in (other than the door) is through the 2" submerged pipe and I have serious doubts that a rat could generate the force necessary to get that door open. Honestly, I don't believe my big fat cat can do it either. If the cat had done it, the wife would have seen her running up the stairs, she knows she's not allowed in our room. The wife was next to me on the bed, about 10 feet from the door so she had an almost full view of the door(except maybe the lower quarter blocked by the bed). There's nothing in there that would generate air currents of fluctuations of pressure (that I can think of).

So today at work I was telling my boss about it when she reminded me about the clocks.

I avoid experimenting with the supernatural. I figure if I pretend they don't exist they'll do me the same favor. So if it's not a ghost what could it be? And if it is a ghost, why in the hell is it trying to make me late for work!? [:(!]


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    trapguy2007trapguy2007 Member Posts: 8,959
    edited November -1
    Rent the movie !!---you might find the answer ![:D][:D][:D]
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    SawzSawz Member Posts: 6,049
    edited November -1
    somebody is buried in your crawl space and wants you to either find him or at least let him sleep in, in the mornings
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    COLTCOLT Member Posts: 12,637 ******
    edited November -1
    ...I wouldn't worry, probably just a simple haunting, on the other hand...IF it is more than just a simple haunting, the worst that might happen is that you or your wife may become possessed by a demon from hell......[;)]
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    trapguy2007trapguy2007 Member Posts: 8,959
    edited November -1
    Is your wifes name Rosemary by any chance ?[;)]
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    dan kellydan kelly Member Posts: 9,799
    edited November -1
    [:0] spooky.

    buy another house![B)]
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    reloader44magreloader44mag Member Posts: 18,783 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    thesupermonkey....spend one night in a different bedroom by yourself and with the alarm clocks...with the alarms being at a distance that you need to get out of bed to shut them off....lock the door and see what happens to the clocks....personally if I was you, I would never sleep again[:D]
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    ruger41ruger41 Member Posts: 14,661 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Neighbor down the street died and was a large fellow. Almost every night the lady would feel his side of the bed creak and sag as if he were sitting there taking off his shoes like he did when he was alive. Said it didn't scare her though.
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    Alan RushingAlan Rushing Member Posts: 9,002 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    thesupermonkey I would encourage you to put some credence to what your lady is telling you. Ignoring the information, I'd not believe to be a matter of demonstrating courage, bravery, resolve, calming influence or anything of the sort, some might believe maybe more than a little bit foolish or foolhardy or whatever.

    Could give you stories all day long about this but, here is just one:

    Years ago my "X" and I took our kids to Disney Land, stayed at one of those Disney area motel/hotel when we cam back to the room, my kids and my "X" entered the room first as I brought stuff from our vehicle to the room. Had this sensation that someone was in the room at that moment. Looked about and found a number of items had been moved about ... a couple of things missing.

    I made some BS excuse to the family about going to get a snack or something and we left.

    I contacted the Hotel management and the local POD and was assured that 1) impossible, 2) never happened before, 3) my imagination, 4) if nothing VALUABLE could be proven to be missing they would not write a report of my claims, thoughts, or feelings, 5) all were too busy to come out to check things out!

    I figured if they wouldn't write such calls up, how would they have any idea how many reports had been called in?

    When we got back to the room afterwards found insulation on top of the closet self and in some shoes that we had thrown in the closet earlier.

    Got no action from the hotel nor the POD.

    Later that night, in the dark of our room, heard some movement ... an "individual" runs out through the previously locked door of that room!

    Many, many months later a guy was finally busted there ... he'd been working that place (and probably others) for an extended period of time ... had some cronies that were employed there that ran interference for him and such.

    The guy would wear clothing like staff ... he could and would use his own personal crawl space in the ceiling area, and enter any of the rooms via the access panels in the ceilings of the closets of each and every room in that place.

    If you were being a sweetheart, you might load rat traps at each and every spot around the closet.

    If it were at my place ... I'd be inclined to load my A5 for rats.

    I would suggest that one might want to leave a "paper trail" in reporting the fact that someone has been in your home several times and that items are moved and items have disappeared, if that be the case.

    I'm sure that you are aware of the fact the a 12 gauge is less likely to harm an innocent outside of one's home.
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    KSUmarksmanKSUmarksman Member Posts: 10,705 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    could it be some sort of atmospheric pressure differential deal???
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    allen griggsallen griggs Member Posts: 35,311 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Your place is haunted.

    I used to live in a haunted house, the spirits were benign and I wasn't afraid of them.

    So far your ghost hasn't done anything malicious, hopefully it is just letting you know that "I am here."
    Ghosts love to do that.
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    brier-49brier-49 Member Posts: 7,054 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I live in a haunted house, have for 61 years. If my resident ghost stops in later I will ask her what she thinks.
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    whiteclouderwhiteclouder Member Posts: 10,574 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by dennisnielsen
    I had a bad spirit/ghost/whatever in a garage built in the 1940's.

    When I sold it I told the guy about it...he laughed.

    Some months later his whole church was there casting the sucker out.

    Years ago if a woman would use the ladies room some of them came out of there acting as if they wanted a poke.

    I could smell the SOB and see him sometimes in my perpheral vision.

    You could pray the bass turd away for a time but he would return after a while.

    I need to ask him about "it" again.

    I do not claim to know much about this kind of thing, just
    aint' skeered' of whatever it may be.

    As is a "Lonesome Dove" poke? If so, what do they look like in that state; maybe I've been missing something all these years.[:D]

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    cce1302cce1302 Member Posts: 9,555 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    One of the guys who used to post here was into that kind of stuff. Aramis something or other was his handle. He was here a month or two ago. I think he said something about an internet radio show about spirits/etc.
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    Rack OpsRack Ops Member Posts: 18,597 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I'm sure someone will be along shortly to tell you that you either you imagined the furniture being barricaded around the door, or that you're simply lying about the whole thing.

    I don't believe every "ghost story" I hear.....but not believing requires that I can't believe ANY of them....and there's just too many out there for them all to be fake.
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    CaptplaidCaptplaid Member Posts: 20,296 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Rent the movie "Paranormal".

    Tell us what your wife thinks of the movie.
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    thesupermonkeythesupermonkey Member Posts: 3,905 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Rack Ops
    I'm sure someone will be along shortly to tell you that you either you imagined the furniture being barricaded around the door, or that you're simply lying about the whole thing.

    No reason I can think of to lie about it. My apologies though. I never meant to infer that the furniture moved itself, the wife did that. I went down there again this evening for a look-see. For some reason it didn't feel as creepy as it did the first time. I'm all for the simple explanations. Maybe I'm the one turning off the clocks without realizing it (sleep walking?) and the cat managed to pop open the door without being noticed? It just seems those explanations are very unlikely. If it happens again I'll purchase a game cam and set it up on the other side of the door. The scary part is going to be looking through the pictures [:0]
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    drobsdrobs Member Posts: 22,549 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    When I was home, I checked out the crawl space of our new home. Felt like a tunnel rat with my 45 and flash light. [;)]

    Wish I had inside access to it. Have to go outside to get in there.

    Could be you have a squirel in the attic or crawl space and the house is settling. Or a draft is coming into the house from down there.

    Squirels make an aweful scratching sound when they walk around inside a house.

    Had one in the attic of my rental appartment two places ago. This was an old 1920's house that we rented the top floor of. Sounded like a monster with claws scaping against the floor.

    Might want to look into setting some traps. Penut butter works well.
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    ltcdotyltcdoty Member Posts: 4,173 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I owned a haunted house. A ghost of an old lady would appear. The two young sons of a friend saw her and told me they saw an angel. She has awoken me two times in the middle of the night by pushing on my chest.

    The first time a neighbor's dog's collar was caught on my old iron fence and was strangling. I went and got the dog loose. The second time, a water pipe had broke in my basement. She was a helpful old girl[:)]
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    jonkjonk Member Posts: 10,121
    edited November -1
    Get the game cam and let it run to see if you are turning off the alarm in your sleep (or your wife) first. Or if it is a ghost.

    If a ghost, you have a few options. First, buy a new alarm that's a bit harder to manipulate to see if you can bypass the problem. Doesn't sound like a harmful ghost. If that doesn't work, some smudge pots should calm it down.

    Finally, hiring a professional to get it to move on might be in order. If it is stuck here, it's here for a reason and it won't be able to move on until it feels that issue is resolved.
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    wipalawipala Member Posts: 11,068
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by COLT
    ...I wouldn't worry, probably just a simple haunting, on the other hand...IF it is more than just a simple haunting, the worst that might happen is that you or your wife may become possessed by a demon from hell......[;)]
    once a month for a few days at least
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    Sav99Sav99 Member Posts: 16,037 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Set the alarm clock and put a candle wax seal on the botton to see if they are being turned off.
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    allen griggsallen griggs Member Posts: 35,311 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by ltcdoty
    I owned a haunted house. A ghost of an old lady would appear. The two young sons of a friend saw her and told me they saw an angel. She has awoken me two times in the middle of the night by pushing on my chest.

    The first time a neighbor's dog's collar was caught on my old iron fence and was strangling. I went and got the dog loose. The second time, a water pipe had broke in my basement. She was a helpful old girl[:)]

    That is a great story.
    Your ghost was an angel, indeed.
    She was protecting the house that she loved.

    I would love to hear more stories of your ghost.

    As I said, we had a ghost in our house in Atlanta, I always felt that it was benign.
    One night, we were out for dinner, somebody tried to break in.
    They sawed through one of the bars on the basement window, and then they left so fast they left the hacksaw behind.
    I always thought that our ghost ran them off.
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    nemesisenforcernemesisenforcer Member Posts: 10,513 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    My advice? random applications of terrifying violence.

    Next time your closet door opens, light it up with your SKS.

    alarm clocks turned off? make an example with a machete and a flamethrower.

    The crawl space? going in with a chainsaw, swinging wildly in all directions should do the trick.
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    aw3olaw3ol Member Posts: 583 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I can say this and that for some unknown reason the TV's ceases check the mail and everyone then trys to download someone's it???

    Psycho Dad!
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    wittynbearwittynbear Member Posts: 4,518
    edited November -1
    I think you are turning off your alarm clock(s) in the morning while you are still somewhat asleep then going back to sleep. As far as the closet door I have no idea, maybe its a ghost that lives there and figured since you come down to look around their place they might come up to look around yours. Maybe its the cat, maybe pressure/wind or that you didn't get the door shut as good as you thought you did.
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    thesupermonkeythesupermonkey Member Posts: 3,905 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by aw3ol
    I can say this and that for some unknown reason the TV's ceases check the mail and everyone then trys to download someone's it???
    Psycho Dad!

    Um... ok [:)] For some odd reason I just had a flashback to a 90's drug commercial with an egg in a frying pan.
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    thesupermonkeythesupermonkey Member Posts: 3,905 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by jonk
    First, buy a new alarm that's a bit harder to manipulate to see if you can bypass the problem.

    I'm already ahead of you on this one. The clock I currently have looks to be a like a relic from the 70's. The switch is particularly heavy. So heavy, in fact, that the switch requires more force to move than does the clock itself. Also, after being late the one time, I moved the clock and phone so I can't even reach them from the bed. This was all well before the night I distinctly remember setting the alarms and then waking a few hours later to find them changed. I suppose it's possible that I'm turning them off unconsciously but it just doesn't seem to fit due to the effort and coordination involved (the heavy, out of reach, switch and manipulating the phone, all while asleep) to the goal of performing an action which is distinctly against my nature. I mean, I wake up two or three times every night just to double check that the alarms will sound.

    I'm not saying the clocks and the door are related but I never found a reasonable explanation for the former, which is far less disturbing than the later. Until I can devise a better explanation I'll continue to assume they might have a common factor.
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    NiccoHelNiccoHel Member Posts: 1,519 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
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    walliewallie Member Posts: 12,171
    edited November -1
    Ur mind is playing with u
    The mind is a complex unanswerable and powerful source of energy

    3 years ago I was bitten by a spider in Madagascar and have been hallucinating ever since

    I wake up and I see this huge spider on the ceiling like 10"in dia. I watch it crawl down the wall behind a picture. But I could never find it.

    Lights are on but I don't remember putting them on
    I found a baseball bat, flyswatters, flashlights and even a 4' stick in bed with me.

    I wake up and my feet and sheets are dirty, I guess looking for stuff in the basement

    It got to the point I look forward to going to bed and trying to chase this spider

    No one will sleep with me except for sex, so I have my own bedroom

    U would think I would be a long sound sleeper but I'm not. I sleep in spurts, never slept 3hr straight in my life
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    Marc1301Marc1301 Member Posts: 31,897 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    There are no people under the stairs,.....both you and your wife have active imaginations, and are open to this type of thing.

    I have been in a couple homes that were supposedly haunted, and amazingly I did not see or hear anything weird that could not be explained quite easily.

    Old homes do weird things due to settling, drafts and all that.
    Quit hitting the snooze button you lazy bum.[:0]
    "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here." - William Shatner
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    thesupermonkeythesupermonkey Member Posts: 3,905 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Personally, I think all this huffpuffery is just a mask for some concealed mutual attraction. I bet if you guys went "fishing" you'd comeback all tuckered out but in a much better mood [;)]
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    quickmajikquickmajik Member Posts: 16,324
    edited November -1

    seriously though supmonk check out the rock pile and see if there is a mummy in it.. If there is, you will have a hellofa story to tell your grankids..[:D][:D]

    It might be Jimmy Hoffa//
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    thesupermonkeythesupermonkey Member Posts: 3,905 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Thanks for provoking my curiosity about it, now I'm going to HAVE too [:(!] If the intrigue holds until I get home, I'll post the results tonight.
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    thesupermonkeythesupermonkey Member Posts: 3,905 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by dennisnielsen
    Grow some and get under there.

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    quickmajikquickmajik Member Posts: 16,324
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by thesupermonkey
    quote:Originally posted by dennisnielsen
    Grow some and get under there.

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    Queen of SwordsQueen of Swords Member Posts: 14,355
    edited November -1
    I live in a haunted house. I've posted on it ad nausium. It
    was freaky at first. Been her 4 years, no issues.

    I think it is cool...
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    HandLoadHandLoad Member Posts: 15,998
    edited November -1
    I haunt my house[:D][:D]
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    DieHard4DieHard4 Member Posts: 2,373 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    If you find remains under the rocks make sure to salt and burn them. Should solve the problem. Unless there is another ghost. Then you may want to research the house history and see if there may have been several murders or something.
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    River RatRiver Rat Member Posts: 9,022
    edited November -1
    These posts irritate me, even though I know all of you have good intentions. Monkey, and several others here, accept "haunting" as a plausible explanation for what is happening in his house. Others mention that they too have haunted houses.

    Truth is, there's no such thing as ghosts. But demons are very, very real. Do NOT play with the spirit world! You will get burned. If you think ghosts are cool, they will pretend to be ghosts. If you think you can reach old Aunt Mabel through a seance, they will pretend to be Aunt Mabel. You wouldn't play with rattlesnakes in the natural world, so don't play with demons in the spirit world.

    That should generate a comment or two. [:o)]
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    thesupermonkeythesupermonkey Member Posts: 3,905 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by dennisnielsen

    quote:Originally posted by thesupermonkey
    ...If the intrigue holds until I get home

    It didn't. [:o)] I'll get to it this weekend though.
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