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roswellnativeroswellnative Member Posts: 10,141 ✭✭✭✭
edited October 2017 in General Discussion
What gun is with in your reach right now?
Me a stainless steel ruger blackhawk in 357 mag.
Although always described as a cowboy, Roswellnative generally acts as a righter of wrongs or bodyguard of some sort, where he excels thanks to his resourcefulness and incredible gun prowesses.


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    roswellnativeroswellnative Member Posts: 10,141 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Although always described as a cowboy, Roswellnative generally acts as a righter of wrongs or bodyguard of some sort, where he excels thanks to his resourcefulness and incredible gun prowesses.
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    roswellnativeroswellnative Member Posts: 10,141 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Here is a poll that RoadRunner had on it this morning...Are you going to Vote for Obama in 2014?


    8492 Votes


    22316 Votes

    Depends on his opponent

    2674 Votes
    Total Votes: 33482
    Although always described as a cowboy, Roswellnative generally acts as a righter of wrongs or bodyguard of some sort, where he excels thanks to his resourcefulness and incredible gun prowesses.
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    roswellnativeroswellnative Member Posts: 10,141 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Ok I need to make a decision in about a week.

    I have a small home that has been rented for about 5 years and the tenant is moving out. It's near the city center and there are many air bob homes now where ppl rent the home for the weekend for weddings or tourism.

    Question is this. I could get x for rent.

    I figure I could get about 2 x for the air bnb.

    I would have to pay utilities and also a cleaning /set up fee... this would make the bnb pay about 1.5 of x. Also there will be an upfront fee to furnish the place that would take months to recoup.

    Want would you vote. I also consider this would take up some time but the flip side is I'm a Realtor and would make some new contacts ... maybe even sell a home or two?

    Would you vote the steady x or stretch to get 1.5 x.?
    Although always described as a cowboy, Roswellnative generally acts as a righter of wrongs or bodyguard of some sort, where he excels thanks to his resourcefulness and incredible gun prowesses.
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    roswellnativeroswellnative Member Posts: 10,141 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Bailey Quarters
    Jennifer Marlowe?
    Although always described as a cowboy, Roswellnative generally acts as a righter of wrongs or bodyguard of some sort, where he excels thanks to his resourcefulness and incredible gun prowesses.
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    roswellnativeroswellnative Member Posts: 10,141 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    which of the pistols that you own and shoot are you the most accurate with?
    Although always described as a cowboy, Roswellnative generally acts as a righter of wrongs or bodyguard of some sort, where he excels thanks to his resourcefulness and incredible gun prowesses.
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    roswellnativeroswellnative Member Posts: 10,141 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I just heard on the evening news that 6 out of 10 people want to pull the troops out of iraq.I would like a poll on this forum and see what you think.just a yes pull out or no pull out.

    I say no
    Although always described as a cowboy, Roswellnative generally acts as a righter of wrongs or bodyguard of some sort, where he excels thanks to his resourcefulness and incredible gun prowesses.
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    roswellnativeroswellnative Member Posts: 10,141 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    How many of the following statements are true? (Aside from the fact that it is human nature to discuss everything from why the sun comes up to you name it, please read the following and post your score such as 1 out of 5, 2 out of 5, etc. GOOD LUCK! [:D])

    Abe Lincoln was killed by John Wilkes Booth.

    John F. Kennedy was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald.

    Sirhan Sirhan killed Robert Kennedy.

    Robert Ford killed Jesse James.

    Osama Bin Laden was killed in a raid as is being currently reported?
    Although always described as a cowboy, Roswellnative generally acts as a righter of wrongs or bodyguard of some sort, where he excels thanks to his resourcefulness and incredible gun prowesses.
  • Options
    roswellnativeroswellnative Member Posts: 10,141 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Do you support the U.S. military's policy to shoot down a commercial airliner if there is no other option to prevent a Sept. 11-style attack?


    "If I can't keep an open mind, learn to think out of the box, What good is it being here?"

    California state Motto: By 30, Our Women Have More Plastic Than Your Honda
    Although always described as a cowboy, Roswellnative generally acts as a righter of wrongs or bodyguard of some sort, where he excels thanks to his resourcefulness and incredible gun prowesses.
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    roswellnativeroswellnative Member Posts: 10,141 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Please answer the following question with only the options provided:

    (I will be neither personally offended nor complimented by the outcome of this poll.)

    Which Gunbroker Forum member do you respect more?



    Although always described as a cowboy, Roswellnative generally acts as a righter of wrongs or bodyguard of some sort, where he excels thanks to his resourcefulness and incredible gun prowesses.
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    roswellnativeroswellnative Member Posts: 10,141 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    what is your favorite fragrance on a woman?

    quote:What did Marilyn Monroe wear to bed? Once, when someone asked Marilyn Monroe that question, she famously replied, "Two drops of Chanel No. 5."
    Although always described as a cowboy, Roswellnative generally acts as a righter of wrongs or bodyguard of some sort, where he excels thanks to his resourcefulness and incredible gun prowesses.
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    roswellnativeroswellnative Member Posts: 10,141 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    .308 Winchester (7.62x51mm NATO) or .30-06 Springfield
    Although always described as a cowboy, Roswellnative generally acts as a righter of wrongs or bodyguard of some sort, where he excels thanks to his resourcefulness and incredible gun prowesses.
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    roswellnativeroswellnative Member Posts: 10,141 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Since obamer took office are you :

    A: In better financial shape.

    B: Worse financial shape.

    C: Same financial shape.

    D: Barely hanging on to make ends meet.

    F: Robbing a 7/11 to feed the family.
    Although always described as a cowboy, Roswellnative generally acts as a righter of wrongs or bodyguard of some sort, where he excels thanks to his resourcefulness and incredible gun prowesses.
  • Options
    roswellnativeroswellnative Member Posts: 10,141 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Does snickers really satisfy?

    It's a mediocre tasting candy bar, but I'm on the fence as to whether it takes the edge off of my hunger if I'm in a pinch for something fast to gobble.

    What say you?
    Although always described as a cowboy, Roswellnative generally acts as a righter of wrongs or bodyguard of some sort, where he excels thanks to his resourcefulness and incredible gun prowesses.
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    roswellnativeroswellnative Member Posts: 10,141 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Found and took this poll. Amazing..

    Here are the results!

    The Total Number of people who voted in this poll: 54,723

    1) Do you believe stricter gun laws could have prevented the shooting tragedy in Arizona?

    1% voted: Yes, absolutely.
    1% voted: Maybe.
    97% voted: No, outlaws will always find a way to get guns.
    0% voted: Undecided.

    2) Do you believe high-capacity ammunition clips like the gunman used should be available for sale to the general public?
    78% voted: Yes.
    13% voted: No.
    9% voted: Undecided.

    3) Should people with a history of mental instability be able to buy a gun?
    3% voted: Yes.
    86% voted: No.
    11% voted: Undecided.

    4) Would stricter gun laws make society safer?
    2% voted: Yes. Stricter laws are needed to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.
    97% voted: No. If guns were outlawed only outlaws would have guns.
    0% voted: Undecided.

    5) Do you own a gun?
    67% voted: Yes.
    14% voted: No.
    19% voted: Prefer not to answer.

    6) Which political party do you most closely align with philosophically?
    2% voted: Democrat.
    62% voted: Republican.
    19% voted: Libertarian.
    16% voted: Other.

    Thank you for your participation
    Although always described as a cowboy, Roswellnative generally acts as a righter of wrongs or bodyguard of some sort, where he excels thanks to his resourcefulness and incredible gun prowesses.
  • Options
    roswellnativeroswellnative Member Posts: 10,141 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Which forum holds more knowledge,
    Ask the experts or
    General discussions?
    Although always described as a cowboy, Roswellnative generally acts as a righter of wrongs or bodyguard of some sort, where he excels thanks to his resourcefulness and incredible gun prowesses.
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    roswellnativeroswellnative Member Posts: 10,141 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    It's been a while since I've conducted any sort of poll on this board.

    Q) Are you in favor of private, unregistered ownership of fully automatic small arms, without restriction?
    Although always described as a cowboy, Roswellnative generally acts as a righter of wrongs or bodyguard of some sort, where he excels thanks to his resourcefulness and incredible gun prowesses.
  • Options
    roswellnativeroswellnative Member Posts: 10,141 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    What kind of cool are you?

    a) Det. Riggs cool
    b) John Wayne cool
    c) Fonzi cool
    d) John Travolta cool
    e) George Paton cool
    f) Lee Marvin cool
    g) Clint Eastwood cool
    h) Charles Bronson cool
    i) Chuck Norris cool
    Although always described as a cowboy, Roswellnative generally acts as a righter of wrongs or bodyguard of some sort, where he excels thanks to his resourcefulness and incredible gun prowesses.
  • Options
    roswellnativeroswellnative Member Posts: 10,141 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Sexy women in cheerleader outfits, or librarian outfits? You decide.
    Although always described as a cowboy, Roswellnative generally acts as a righter of wrongs or bodyguard of some sort, where he excels thanks to his resourcefulness and incredible gun prowesses.
  • Options
    roswellnativeroswellnative Member Posts: 10,141 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Which cartridge do you like better .223 or 7.62x39 and why. Whatever you use as criterion to formulate your answer please state it/them (e.g. hunting, wound channel, ballistics, versatility, availability, price, reloading, etc./whatever)
    Although always described as a cowboy, Roswellnative generally acts as a righter of wrongs or bodyguard of some sort, where he excels thanks to his resourcefulness and incredible gun prowesses.
  • Options
    roswellnativeroswellnative Member Posts: 10,141 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Wanted everyone to check their mailbox and see if a sticker is present. Red, blue, or yellow. Thanks.
    Although always described as a cowboy, Roswellnative generally acts as a righter of wrongs or bodyguard of some sort, where he excels thanks to his resourcefulness and incredible gun prowesses.
  • Options
    roswellnativeroswellnative Member Posts: 10,141 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Yes or no

    Should the miserable SOB who dreamed up the 'holiday' of Valentines Day, have his/her * kicked?

    I vote yes.
    Although always described as a cowboy, Roswellnative generally acts as a righter of wrongs or bodyguard of some sort, where he excels thanks to his resourcefulness and incredible gun prowesses.
  • Options
    roswellnativeroswellnative Member Posts: 10,141 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Although always described as a cowboy, Roswellnative generally acts as a righter of wrongs or bodyguard of some sort, where he excels thanks to his resourcefulness and incredible gun prowesses.
  • Options
    roswellnativeroswellnative Member Posts: 10,141 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    how old do you think
    lastest identity LAST POST EVER really is?

    me- 15
    Although always described as a cowboy, Roswellnative generally acts as a righter of wrongs or bodyguard of some sort, where he excels thanks to his resourcefulness and incredible gun prowesses.
  • Options
    mogley98mogley98 Member Posts: 18,297 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Personally I think I would prefer a steady reliable tenant over the occasional party animals.
    Why don't we go to school and work on the weekends and take the week off!
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    CaptFunCaptFun Member Posts: 16,678 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Stories like this are mostly what I hear about air BNB.
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    MercuryMercury Member Posts: 7,812 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I've researched this extensively, because a friend of mine turned one of his rentals into an Air BnB place. I was thinking of doing the same. He did it for a year, and then stopped.

    The reason? People tear the HELL out of stuff! Even if you get a deposit, it often isn't even close enough to cover the damages.

    If you like cleaning up a mess constantly, go for it. Unless I was making at least 3-4x the regular rent, it wouldn't be worth it to me.

    Too much hassle, and I have other stuff to do.

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    duckhunterduckhunter Member Posts: 7,686 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Sell the place and buy guns.[:)][:)][:)]
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    Mr. PerfectMr. Perfect Member, Moderator Posts: 66,372 ******
    edited November -1
    I wouldn't go the Air BnB route, were it me. Too much hassle for not enough return.
    Some will die in hot pursuit
    And fiery auto crashes
    Some will die in hot pursuit
    While sifting through my ashes
    Some will fall in love with life
    And drink it from a fountain
    That is pouring like an avalanche
    Coming down the mountain
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    SCOUT5SCOUT5 Member Posts: 16,182 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    3rd option. If that business is profitable someone should be willing to buy the house as an investment. Sell the house for the value reflected by the potential returns.

    You should show a good profit. Now take the money and buy two rental houses in good rent markets but out of this area. Stable rent income x 2 homes even if you have to add investment money is better than 1.5x with the risk involved.
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    droptopdroptop Member Posts: 8,367 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    50% more money not worth the potential aggravation. Plus, there's no guarantee you won't get 50% less money.

    My guess, spend more time looking for clients. Try being a "buyers" broker, it's just another type contract.
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    redneckandyredneckandy Member Posts: 9,690 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Regular renters can be bad enough, I can't see how day to day renters could be any better. Unless they put down a massive deposit I wouldn't even consider it.
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    BrookwoodBrookwood Member, Moderator Posts: 13,480 ******
    edited November -1
    You could also just raise the rent a tad on the long term rental as the location of the place is in a high end neighborhood? (tourist spot or close to sporting events or even a major hospital?)
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    mjrfd99mjrfd99 Member Posts: 4,556 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    We rent out our Fla place. By week or month only. We take a large deposit to cover any damages. So far so good.
    Rental homes in the north - all gone- too many scumbags ruined where they were.
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    reload999reload999 Member Posts: 3,080 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Who the heck is air bob?quote:Originally posted by roswellnative
    air bob
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    neacpaneacpa Member Posts: 2,706 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Possibly have different tax issues also. Would probably be required to collect sales tax on the short-term rental and send to the state and local authorities. Also some states and cities have a tourism/lodging tax that if the property is rented for 30 days or less applies. For sure, you would be liable for the self-employment tax on the net income from it whereas as a standard rental you do not pay the self-employment tax. If you can get good renters, I wouldn't think about a B&B. Always take into account a "headache" factor.
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    khornetkhornet Member Posts: 117 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    In AZ airbnb collects the sales tax. A guy I meet says his expenses for an airbnb are 50% of the rental charge. Do you have a cleaning person to take care of the place?
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    Sam06Sam06 Member Posts: 21,254 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by mogley98
    Personally I think I would prefer a steady reliable tenant over the occasional party animals.


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    remingtonoaksremingtonoaks Member Posts: 26,251 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I would think part of your initial cost would be the lack of rent to start with. Until it becomes known that you have one

    But in the long run I think you would recoup that plus make more money temporarily renting it out
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    andrewsw16andrewsw16 Member Posts: 10,728 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I have to agree with the conservative position. I had a short term rental place for many years. They cause a continuous stream of headaches. Stick with long term high quality renters. [:)]
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    gunnut505gunnut505 Member Posts: 10,290
    edited November -1
    Depends on the potential universe of clients.
    I've rented my entire house (that I normally live in) to movie crew, Balloonists, British tourists (that wanted to see the balloons), and one heiress that wanted to "experience Mexico" without actually going there.
    Made HEAPS of cash each time.
    I made enough to stay down the street at the Hilton every time, and only had a teensy problem with the heiress (which she fixed with a bag of money).
    If I lived in Belen, nobody would want to rent it.
    Movie folks LIVE to be gouged, LOVE to be gouged, and sometimes leave cool knickknacks when they split (like the script from No Country for Old Men, or the pair of gas masks from Breaking Bad, etc)!
    Never had anything stolen,mostly due to the numerous safes & sheds; but the folks that rent MY place aren't the thieving sort.

    Balloon Fiesta starts in a week, and I'll be at the Hilton while the Brazilians hang out at Joe's Place.
    I'm sure I'll find some way to feel better about having taken $3k for a 2-week rental.
    Maybe as I'm cleaning and oiling my new BM59.....
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