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2016 Christmas gift sticky alert

mrmike08075mrmike08075 Member Posts: 10,998 ✭✭✭
edited December 2016 in General Discussion
2016 Christmas gift sticky alert

Please if you are able find the time - find it in your heart to offer up something in woodsheds Christmas Donation sticky

Anything - a cleaned up second hand or antique small - something homemade or handcrafted out of scraps or seconds by one of you skilled craftsmen - a gift card - a hand knitted cap or scarf - 12 little items from the dollar store - closeouts from Walmart - ANYTHING.

don't make me thread shame you.

Open up your hearts and wallets.

Pay it forward - no matter how insignificant.

And please nominate someone to recieve a gift - we all know someone in our social or proffesional circles who has a child in need or deserving of a special treat.

I would like to see the donors and recipients lists both break the 40 mark...

I don't care how small it is - it's the thought that counts - that shows someone cares.

Do it it memory of a recently lost loved one or pet - make it a dedication in their honor.

Dig deep - reach out.

Pay it forward.

Please post encouragements here - something inspirational.



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    mrmike08075mrmike08075 Member Posts: 10,998 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I know we have good people here with good hearts.

    I know we get jaded and busy and wrapped up in our own nonsense.

    Give - give - give...

    Nominate a child - nominate a child - nominate a child...

    No grinches - grumps - grousers - naysayers - ner do wells - negative nancies...

    I figure we have at least 400 hardcore regulars here...

    10% of you makes 40 donors and 40 recipients...

    I think we can double that - we - us - we - us...

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    Ditch-RunnerDitch-Runner Member Posts: 24,603 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    your a good man Mike
    a example of selflessness we all should follow
    for some reason it seems most wait a little late to donate.
    but normally come thru [^]
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    mrmike08075mrmike08075 Member Posts: 10,998 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I walk the wards at the hospital - the pediatric oncology ward - the seniors oncology ward - the transfusion / infusion rooms - the Chapel - the nurses stations...

    I see people who are dying - have a short term death sentence - who are in horrible pain - who are alone...

    But no one fights alone.

    Mrs Larson takes t-shirts and fabric scraps and makes crib blankets and warming quilts while waiting to be called home to god - double radical mastectomy - cancer spread though her lungs.

    Gunny bevelaqua makes small wooden toys from scrap wood and works with the girls with stage 4 leukemia and lymphoma to hand paint them - they have amputated both legs at the knee now.

    Mrs reathe knits it's hats and gloves and scarves for premies - teens - and adults - she is now blind and has arthritis.

    I buy and clean up small ceramic pieces - cut glass - crystal - depression glass - carnival glass - water coolers - coffee mugs - beer steins so anyone who must stay in the hospital away from home has something - one thing to personalize there bleak and bland space.

    There are others who bake cookies and cakes and pies and homemade protein bars...

    Books and magazines and papers and puzzles and art supples...

    It's makes a difference in people's lives

    We can all make a difference in one person's life - especially a childs.

    Give. That's all I ask. Give.

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    Dads3040Dads3040 Member Posts: 13,552 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Mike, is there anything the folks in the oncology wards need?
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    mrmike08075mrmike08075 Member Posts: 10,998 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Thankfully the manager of the local walmart and the local Michaels craft store donate loads of stuff on a regular basis...

    The nurses and some long term volunteers organize group activities like knitting or woodworking or quilting...

    There is a trio - a priest - a rabbi - and an imam who organize there faithful adherents and congregants into sponsoring and running activities and drives and bake sales...

    And somehow when someone passes there seems to be another good soul who steps into there place.

    I feel an overwhelming need to to something - to do anything I can.

    My suggestion is to actually stop by your local hospital and find the radiation oncology ward - or any of the pediatric wards - or the regular oncology - hematology wards - or chapels or infusion / transfusion areas...

    Ask them what they need - puzzles - coloring books - hats - knitting or quilting supplies - protein bars - magazines - books (organizing a small reading library with maybe a 100 used - library sale books and some goodwill - yardsale bookshelves is a great idea) some people send pizzas or takeout to the nurses stations...

    Find - ask for a senior nurse and inquire if there is any small thing you can do.

    Chop in Pennsylvania and Ronald McDonald house are worthy causes I think.

    Find a local barber or beautician who can give a few hairs cuts or style a few ladies hair - looking decent while sick or dying is imortant...

    The possibilities are endless - and we all have something to give.

    Thank you for thinking or others.

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    mrmike08075mrmike08075 Member Posts: 10,998 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1

    Let's see some demonstrable giving...

    Anonymous is fine.

    Give dammit.

    And let's see nome names put up as recipients...

    We all know someone - a child in need or deserving of reward.

    Nominate dammit.

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    mrmike08075mrmike08075 Member Posts: 10,998 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1


    Keep digging...

    Don't be a curmudgeon.

    Nominate - donate - suggest - give...

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    mrmike08075mrmike08075 Member Posts: 10,998 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I am not dead yet so back to the top...

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    mrmike08075mrmike08075 Member Posts: 10,998 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Can a few of you (like 10 to 12) nominate a child or some children today - tonight - tomorrow...

    Can a few of you (like 10 or 12) post up a donation for a worthy child today - tonight - tomorrow...

    For me or for woodshed or for the heck of it...

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