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Critical research finding!

SoreShoulderSoreShoulder Member Posts: 3,133 ✭✭✭


Knives Made Of Poop Cannot Slice

Photo credit: Live Science

A well-known story tells of a stranded Inuit man who used his frozen feces to make a knife sharp enough to kill and butcher a dog and cut himself out of the ice and snow. While most people would write off this story as a folktale, the scientists at Kent State University wanted to see whether there was any truth to it.

To replicate the Inuit man’s supposed situation, one researcher went on an arctic diet of high protein for just over a week. Fecal samples from the researcher were collected every several days and were shaped, either by hand or using molds, into knives.

These implements were buried under dry ice to ensure they were as cold as possible. Then they were used to try to cut samples of animal hides and tendons. As expected, the knives simply began to melt, leaving streaks of fecal matter on the undamaged hides.

Just to be safe, the experiment was repeated using the feces of a researcher eating a more traditional Western diet. Unfortunately, the results were just as crappy as before.[8]


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