Wife Dawnie Got The Chinese Flu
Persistent headache, body aches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cough, sore throat, drippy nose. She has it, or maybe she HAD it. She seems to be better now. She'll be able to return to work after the Thanksgiving break.
Dawn's doctor said something I suspected for a long time, and which no one else is stating publicly. He said that getting the flu shot may prevent COVID infection, and/or it may reduce the severity of symptoms. I have to agree. Dawn's symptoms were tough, but minor in comparison to those experienced by many others, and I remain healthy, despite "close contact."
She got the flu shot for the first time in several years. I got the "old man" shot with 4 times the vaccine in it. We both spend a lot of time in public schools. She got a mild case of the Covid, and I got it not at all.
So, if you haven't done so already, GET THE FLU SHOT!
PS: Her doctor says she for sure had the Coronavirus, despite having two tests with negative results. It seems the tests are not 100% reliable.
Geez David, glad she's better and you've escaped it apparently. Give me a call...dummy at phone store deleted ALL my saved numbers...stay well buddy! RAR
glad your both doing ok
you can me a a tin foil hat user in thinking it was intentionally released by China
last Dec /Jan my wife got sick worst ever , she could ever remember told me she was afraid she might die it was so bad we had her to the hospital twice in a week , she did come out of it after a couple weeks of meds and rest we really think she had it but at that time it was not being tested by they way she refuses to go to a doc 99.% of the time just before they announced the china bug . she has never been tested to see if she had it in fear of the repercussions of being PC
I was sick for about a week just a few days after her but nothing like what she went thru
Get better soon Dawnie.
My daughter and 2 grandkids got it.
I wouldn't ever go to that doctor again. The flu virus and covid are completely different and being vaccinated for one would have no effect on the other.
And fiery auto crashes
Some will die in hot pursuit
While sifting through my ashes
Some will fall in love with life
And drink it from a fountain
That is pouring like an avalanche
Coming down the mountain
You can’t keep a good Texas woman down. Hope she recovers quickly and fully.
David, I hope your better half makes a speedy recovery. Not to change the subject, but what is going on with your two sons?
Mark still lives in Los Angeles and I never hear from him.
Travis lives about 17 miles from here in Greenville, and he works for an IT company. His work station is his living room. He has one son, and one ex-wife, but they get along and co-parent well.
One of our medical experts wrote:
"I wouldn't ever go to that doctor again. The flu virus and covid are completely different and being vaccinated for one would have no effect on the other."
That may or may not be true, but the flu vaccine fortifies the immune system and that helps fight off the plandemic flu.
David, good to hear you all have recovered. As you well know, some people react differently and some will never have symptoms and total immunity. Immune systems vary.
Have been getting the flue shots for over 40 years and see no reason not to stop. In my years have known a number who refused to get vaccinated and of those who chose not to, several died. Having been a student of biology/microbiology, I know the mechanisms of how vaccines work.
Two of the people I mentioned in the other thread that were miserably ill from Covid also were diagnosed with the flu. The combination of the two can kick the trap out of you. This must be a sort of common occurrence and why the docs have been strongly recommending flu shots for the last few months. Glad I got my old farts version of the flu shot a month ago. Bob
Took the flu shot again this year . So far so good . I am also on plaquenil for arthritis. No China flu so far ! Woo hoo ! At my age I am Leary of the stuff . No living as a hermit but carefull of crowds and such and take precautions. Hope the vaccines all prove out for all our sakes .
I should have mentioned also that, when Dawnie felt heaviness and congestion in her lungs, the doctor put her on a strong steroid and a Z-Pack. Yes, I know a Z-Pack is an antibiotic, but steroids and antibiotics do seem to ward off the deadly pneumonia that so often accompanies this deleterious gift from the Chinese.
Ummm... while this study hasn't been reproduced, the notion that it helps boost immunity to other viruses is, well, laughable.
And fiery auto crashes
Some will die in hot pursuit
While sifting through my ashes
Some will fall in love with life
And drink it from a fountain
That is pouring like an avalanche
Coming down the mountain
My Prayers that she recovers fully and you stay "clean"
My best bud has just gotten over it and hopefully he doesn't have any lingering issues or symptoms as well.
Happy, healthy, virus free days ahead.
Well independent of a ‘regular’ flu shot warding off the WuFlu directly or not, it would reduce the likelihood of a 1,2 punch combo of WuFlu and the flu you were vaccinated for as well as the reverse.
If medicine were like math we would all live forever!
If you are taking prescription medications for any other health concerns, check the list of possible side effects.
"REDUCED IMMUNE SYSTEM"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Step away from the Quacks!
Best wishes to you both Nunn, look forward to seeing you in Tulsa again someday. Any vaccine boosts the immune system, so it can indeed help with covid resistance, board medical experts not withstanding. This year we have gotten malaria, high dose flu and Zoster vaccines.
Thanks to all for your good wishes.
We are doing well. Dawnie goes off quarantine in two days, not that she has let the quarantine bother her much.
I understand the Tulsa show is canceled again. I fear this virus will have a long term chilling effect on gun shows all over.
Right now, I am really interested in seeing how the 2020 general election ends up.
Good info. I just finished a round of antibiotics and DR said I could not get flu shot for 8 days after I finished the antibiotics.
The Humira I take increases the chances serious of infection by suppressing the immune system. Most of the new super duper biologic medications do this. It was strongly recommended that I get a flu vaccine, both because of covid and the flu, since modern medicine has increased the likelihood of having a severe case if I get the virus. Bob
Just be cautious of any lingering side effects especially if your older. To many stories out there for complete recovery in all cases.
"2020 general election ends up."
It is over except in the delusions of a few.
Very happy to hear that Dawnie's going back to work after Thanksgiving.
I think her doctor might be on to something. When COVID was first hammering folks here in the Seattle metro, I was diagnosed with Type A flu. These symptoms, perhaps, not as severe as Dawnie's, are similar to those she had. I had gotten the flu shot but it was a single dose instead of the double that seniors should get. My symptoms also caused three asthma like attacks...I thought that I might not make it through two of them, and I might not have were it not for a humidifier that I had going to put in my face, and two of theses visits ended in hospital visits and like COVID tests that came back negative. This condition drug on for several months, before it got better.
Again, glad to hear that Dawnie's better!
nunn, sorry to hear the Dawnie came down with COVID, but glad to hear that she is on the road to recovery and doing well!
If you can't feel the music; it's only pink noise!
James, wow, sounds like you went through some tough times as well! Glad to hear that you are doing better now!!!!
If you can't feel the music; it's only pink noise!