Photo comparison of buck necks: Unicorn and 8-pointer
Continuing the saga of the one eyed unicorn buck and him shedding his antlers, I have pics from this week of an 8-pointer. The difference in the neck size of the two is unreal. Its almost as if the 8 is still in rut. I'm still finding fresh scrapes in the woods. As I was leaving the woods this evening after pulling the SD card from the camera, I'm fairly sure I spooked him or another big one because of the blow I heard. For sure it wasn't a doe and whatever it was, it sounded po'd.
I have dubbed the first one "Unicorn" because i'm not sure the remaining antler is really an antler or a bony protrusion he grew to protect his one good eye (which is on the left). It hasn't shed yet so it may remain. If he survives the winter it will be interesting to log the development of next year's rack.
8 pointer:
That 8 pointer is a big boy.
What is the possibility, that extra horn on the blind buck is a broken off antler from another buck, sticking in his skull?
None, here he is in velvet:
So, its an outie not an innie.
Had one running around here last year, Small 6 point but had one sticking out of his belly. Picked a fight with the wrong fellow I would guess. He was very sickly looking. Buzzards (and worms) got eat to.