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Coca Cola Confirms Training Employees To "Try To Be Less White"

serfserf Member Posts: 9,217 ✭✭✭✭
edited February 2021 in Politics

Whites are being reeducated by big business now. You are no longer privileged and must start acting according to the new normal. The Thought police have arrived! Sorry if I cannot get a Tan to be less white.I go from Lilly white to burned red😎.


In this course, Robin DiAngelo, the best-selling author of White Fragility, gives you the vocabulary and practices you need to start confronting racism and unconscious bias at the individual level and throughout your organization. There’s no magic recipe for building an inclusive workplace. It’s a process that needs to involve people of color, and that needs to go on for as long as your company’s in business.

The free into above does not show the ending slide "Try to be less white" but what you can see is galling enough.


  • Ricci.WrightRicci.Wright Member Posts: 5,128 ✭✭✭✭

    My God people are stupid. I bet a lot of them drive Fiats.

  • chiefrchiefr Member Posts: 14,028 ✭✭✭✭

    Any Company that reaps the profit and benefits associated with capitalism and freedom are downright stupid to appease the cancel culture, race baiters, and other DEMOCRAT partisan operatives.

    Despise how much these corps try to appease DEMOCRAT ideologues, they will always despise businesses and corporations. Anyone who makes a profit is evil. Government ownership is preferred over private enterprise.

    Conversely they have no problem with government taxing them at a rate eclipsing their profit margins.

  • bpostbpost Member Posts: 32,669 ✭✭✭✭

    I will add Coke products to Levi jeans on my DO NOT BUY list.

  • SW0320SW0320 Member Posts: 2,476 ✭✭✭✭

    I drink Pepsi don't blame me.😀

  • Butchdog2Butchdog2 Member Posts: 3,834 ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2021

    I prefer Pepsi.

  • jimdeerejimdeere Member, Moderator Posts: 25,996 ******

    I’d like to teach the world to sing

    in perfect harmony

    I’d like to buy the world a Coke

    but they won’t get my money.

  • mstrblastermstrblaster Member Posts: 249 ✭✭✭

    I read last week Amazon and Pepsi both gave BLM lots of cash.

    I guess I'll stick to Coors Light!!

    To my mind it is wholly irresponsible to go out into the world incapable of preventing violence, injury, crime, and death. How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness, how cheap, how cowardly, how pathetic. Ted Nugent.
  • BrookwoodBrookwood Member, Moderator Posts: 13,604 ******

    Does this mean they will put the cocaine back in Coke?

  • SoreShoulderSoreShoulder Member Posts: 3,148 ✭✭✭

    This sort of thinking may have been partially to blame for Elijah McClain's death. If the police caused his death, they definitely went much too far, but there might not have been a lengthy confrontation if people weren't being brainwashed with the notion that they deserve to be certain and correct some proportion of the time. As if being entitled to be certain and correct were something that devolved to one because of their race.

    That said, the cops could have just restrained him and let a judge explain to him why he wasn't right in his particular situation. If they needed to use as much force as they did, they should provide a reason.

    It may be a deliberate plan. The people in charge of black activism know some of their people are going to get jazzed up about not letting caucasians tell them nothin', and there will be confrontations that end in violence, and the resulting deaths can be turned into political ammunition.

    It sure sounds like McClain was being highly uncooperative, as if the police had no authority because it was his day to be right and certain. (That's not to say the cops didn't go too far. They probably did.)

  • serfserf Member Posts: 9,217 ✭✭✭✭

    How many ordinary whites kill black people illegally in our society? How many white cops do? Being white is not the problem. It's the cops using too much force and letting emotions get in the way instead. This is a NWO tactic by INTER National corporations to make white people feel guilty of their own color or ethnicity which is becoming legal racism for whites now.


  • Ruger4meRuger4me Member, Moderator Posts: 3,629 ******

    SoreShoulder not sure how this has anything to do with coca-cola training... I guess the racial context is there, but what amazes me is that I could actually pretty much understand what you wrote... and that's a first!

  • tomh.tomh. Member Posts: 3,833 ✭✭✭✭

    Well, that makes sense.

    Racism can only be overcome with more racism. And the best way to confront unconscious bias is with conscious bias.

  • chollagardenschollagardens Member Posts: 4,614 ✭✭✭

    If I remember correctly, people used to pour Coca Cola on driveways to remove oil stains. If that is true then Coca Cola made, at least driveways more white.

  • serfserf Member Posts: 9,217 ✭✭✭✭

    It's all Hive mind think to brainwash the gullible ignorant population to walk with The NWO with socialism and one world government under The United Nations. Multinationals corporations have much to gain under this with politically inclusive form of government that brings utopia euphoria hype to enslave us all.

    Give up (our) the Bill of Rights conceptions by white men and all will be perfect.


  • select-fireselect-fire Member Posts: 69,446 ✭✭✭✭

    New Product at Coke Diet White

  • Bottom GunBottom Gun Member Posts: 232 ✭✭
    edited March 2021



    Mechanical engineers have their moments.
  • bpostbpost Member Posts: 32,669 ✭✭✭✭

    I will send the Coke Company a letter stating I now identify as Black. I will move to Chicago's west side and start shooting at random people all weekend just like they do (sarc). That should make their PC minds soar with glee.

  • Don McManusDon McManus Member Posts: 23,625 ✭✭✭✭

    It is more important than just working both ways, Ken.

    it is a clear statement that having pride in your own culture is unimportant if you are white. It is enforced denial of the positive influence that white people have had on our society for at least the last 300 years. It is not just cancel culture.

    It is a deliberate and coordinated attempt to cancel an entire culture,

    Freedom and a submissive populace cannot co-exist.

    Brad Steele
  • Bottom GunBottom Gun Member Posts: 232 ✭✭

    Who changed my above post and why?

    Mechanical engineers have their moments.
  • serfserf Member Posts: 9,217 ✭✭✭✭

    Mods are very touchy now about any racial slurs and other political correct misgivings like abortion,equal rights etc.. I am not saying it was done by them.I just don't know.


  • serfserf Member Posts: 9,217 ✭✭✭✭

    Over tones of sensitive characterizations in that word can be visualized.It's the new normal and this forum is not a democracy. Re think the words you use to avoid the censor. Make your point without possible misunderstandings. Be grateful they did not ban you. Don't make a fuss about it and survive as a active poster.


  • Bottom GunBottom Gun Member Posts: 232 ✭✭

    If that's all it takes, then let "them" ban. There was nothing vulgar, racist or profane in my comment.

    If I have to carefully choose words so as not to trigger someone with an oversensitive imagination, then I would rather not bother with it.

    Mechanical engineers have their moments.
  • bpostbpost Member Posts: 32,669 ✭✭✭✭

    Dude, CHILL OUT. This forum is FREE, it is owned by someone that does not want that kind of stuff posted. It would be better to read the form rules and accept them. If you want banned I assure you they will be happy to lock you out forever and a day.

    Again, CHILL OUT. Relax, learn, have fun, share in conversations and follow the rules. One of those rules is that if a post is removed, don't post it again they do not want it there.

    Back in the day I was a Moderator her and in the reloading forum. We as mods make value judgement calls every day. We strive to be fair, even handed and reasonable. That does not mean you get to poke them in the eye and get away with it. My Moderator salary was just a bit less than I needed to live so I quit the job. I now sell tires wholesale to dealers and it is a easier life for sure.

  • Don McManusDon McManus Member Posts: 23,625 ✭✭✭✭

    To build upon the excellent advice advanced by bpost above:

    GB, by necessity is striving to achieve a calmer, more family friendly and generally positive message forum. While I thought your comment to be quite funny as posted, the current political environment, particularly concerning the primary source of income for the parent organization, is tenuous, and posts that will be deemed offensive by some, regardless of whether they are actively seeking to become offended or not, are being restricted.

    It is, sadly, the world in which we live. As bpost noted, we participate here only at the option of the parent organization, and to do so, we must conform to the rules set forth. The forum would be more fun absent some of the restrictions, but as that is not the case we have the choice of participating within the guidelines or not participating.

    Freedom and a submissive populace cannot co-exist.

    Brad Steele
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