Mushrooms, Turkey, and Good Karma
Tuesday, I went mushroom hunting.
I hit a nice little patch of about 20 of small to medium sized yellow Morels.
Knowing that my wife and I couldn't eat all 20, I texted one of my best friends parents and told them that, I didn't have a lot, but I'd share what I had with them.
My buddy texted me before I even got home that his mom had texted him and told him that I'd dropped of some shrooms.
He told me that by splitting my meager haul, that I'd earned some "woods Karma".
Today, on my second sit, after 2 1/2 hours of calling, I finally got my Tom!
I took today off for the last day of my season.
He had 1" spurs, full fan, and a double beard!
Only problem was that both beards had beard rot and they were only 4" long.
Very happy though with the bird on the last day of the season.
Benelli H&K Super 90. 6 shot Remington 3" Turkey loads.
I've been looking but haven't found any morels yet..
Been more/ less into mushrooms for almost 20 yrs and never saw a Morel.
What woods/country do you live in? (it is strange how re-locating just a few 100 miles and not finding any morels in what looks like should be good morel woods))
I really like the Hen of the Woods mushroom. I have a recipe and can also freeze it like fish flays and it lasts forever in the freezer and tastes fresh when removed and fried, even after 5 years.
The Bearded musroom is ok also.
Lots of the Big Oak trees dying in this area and the bearded and the Hen of the Woods are not as common now days.
Joe says he is going to change the environment. Maybe when he gets through we can expect that next year the mushrooms will be more readily available due to all the trees being greener.
A well prepared Morel is a treat well worth the hunt..