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Of all the idiocy going on over the last year, what surprises you the most??
To me this is a list that could almost be endless. Trying to picking out the one thing to be the number one example of this insanity might in it self be insanity.
I think I will have to go with how well the average American is accepting marxist/communist rule. The America of my youth would never, as in, never, no way in Hell, ever, ever have put up with what is happening to our great country. 😥 😫😪
The number of sheep that live in this country these days astounds me.... oh and Lets go Brandon!
To me, it is absolutely astonishing that these clowns in office are not all in prison. 😡🤬
The latest NBC poll (liberal msm) says 71% of the people surveyed think the country is going in the wrong direction. What surprises me is that must mean 29% think it is going in the right direction. Remember, ya can't fix stupid. Bob
Hey at least we fixed those mean tweets!
I'm not sure if Brandon even deserves a participation award.
Actually I think it’s only 22% that think it’s ok and 7% had no opinion or didn’t respond. So closing in on 3:1!
I lived through the riots of the mid 60s and thought I wouldn't see widespread violent unrest like that again. I was wrong, we saw it again last year. Perhaps the violence wasn't as concentrated and didn't destroy whole cities but add up all the locations and it was just as bad. Strangely, Detroit had very little violence compared to a lot of cities. Part of that can be attributed to a no B.S. chief of police and also perhaps they remembered 1967-68 when rioting destroyed a great percentage of the city. After 67 they learned exactly who it was they were hurting and it was mostly themselves. I hope Chief Craig is elected governor because he doesn't appear to care about what race someone is, he'll bust them all if they get out of line. Bob
Nothing can surprise me of any actions from the white house. Biden just well appoint an illegal immigrant to head border security .
That this forum is still here.
Nothing now days surprises me.
and that is the disgusting part.
Really a Xamn shame that politics has caused the no surprise to me now days.
I'm not saying this is even in the top ten of the lunacy going on right now but how did 0.2 to 0.3% of the population end up controlling such a large part of America's so called social consousness(sp)?? I am speaking of the transgender insanity.
To me what happened to me on Saturday see the active thread here.
Don't give Brandon any ideas, S-F.
I have stated that many times . what burns my butt
yet ball park 50 to 80 million ( most likely more ) gun owners and try and get them to pick a day a week and hit the streets . pull together shut down roads ,businesses, even refuse to go to work for a week until the anti gun politician's wave the white flag and revoke every gun law in every state town and village . take a few lessons from the small % of who are now running every aspect of our life's they did not just sit and home and write stern letters you bet your farm on that . riots looting ,burning ,protest, sit ins, roads closed down, violence how they got the attention and have there way as the old saying the squeaky wheel gets the grease and add in and gun owners get the shaft
People driving alone in their car WITH A MASK ON.
Too bad there isn't a law forbidding scaring old folks and idiots.
Sorry guys, but it is only going to get worse.
That Joe Biden someway made it to the Whitehouse.
The biggest surprise to me is the lack of violent backlash.
And fiery auto crashes
Some will die in hot pursuit
While sifting through my ashes
Some will fall in love with life
And drink it from a fountain
That is pouring like an avalanche
Coming down the mountain
Yes, it is incredibly surprising anyone would believe that.
And fiery auto crashes
Some will die in hot pursuit
While sifting through my ashes
Some will fall in love with life
And drink it from a fountain
That is pouring like an avalanche
Coming down the mountain
Well the 5-12 yr olds are getting ready to get the vaccine , the rest is at appox 79%... which is going higher ..
5 Million around the world have died.
Of what? Numbers CAN'T be tainted at all cause the govment said so and I read it on the "internet."
Is that a "big" number? I mean how many die around the world in a year anyway?
Combat Vet VN
D.A.V Life Member
JMHO, laimstream media is the biggest contributor to the mess we have now. How can they fail to grasp the concept that the Second Amendment is the reason the First Amendment, until recently, has remained unmolested for so long.
The media, at this point, exists to pave the way to a Marxist society. The Second Amendment would be a HUGE bump in that road to a Communistic society so the Second Amendment and every gun owner in America must vilified in an attempt to take our guns away.
The simple fact is all the commies have to do is wait 10 to 20 years. At that point all us old farts will be dead or in nursing homes and those that are younger will simply turn in the guns they inherited. They will have been indoctrinated to accept the fact that the Second Amendment is outdated and needs to be done away with. That's it folks. Game, set, match.
Our only hope is that the commies have gotten greedy and want it all right now. I hope and pray they push to hard and the real Americans standup!!
The leaders of the left must be manipulating people to create agitation. If they'd been serious about CHOP for example, they would not have taken prime retail land. They just wanted there to be rioting and a government response.
We know how Giggles Kamalapalooser made it to the Whitehouse.
That Joe Biden someway made it to the Whitehouse.
Therein lies the problem. Most folk's 'single bit of research' means they listened to the talking head on the television.
The intelligent folks are taking a second, third, and even a fourth look at things and deciding against having an experimental quasi-vaccine placed in their body.
"If people did a single bit of research, they would understand the value of the vaccines, get vaccinated, and we wouldn't need vaccine mandates and the COVID pandemic would very likely be under control by now."
That some are still so ill informed as to post something like this, and expect to be taken seriously. More Americans now have taken the jab than ever, but twice as many have died in the dimented lil' dictator's first nine months than under DJT.
Research?? LMAO!
then maybe you should stay off the internet.........
I am most surprised (actually most disappointed) that 38% of the people approve of the job Biden is doing. Where do all these dumb idiots come from. Oh yes, they all have their hands out for that next government check.
What surprises me is that the world went from flat, to round, then back to flat in just the past year.
I hope they all fall of the edge. And by "they" I mean all who disagree with me. [/green]
If they are intelligent, why would they be be doing that? Your post makes exactly zero sense.
And fiery auto crashes
Some will die in hot pursuit
While sifting through my ashes
Some will fall in love with life
And drink it from a fountain
That is pouring like an avalanche
Coming down the mountain
that owles got elected president...................
I decided to make this into a different topic. Sorry.
Who is more reliable, Johns Hopkins or the CDC? This week they released contradictory evaluations of immunity post-vaccination, examining the relative protection of acquired or injected immunity.
They can't both be right, but they're both online.
I will note that neither are conspiracy theorists in the traditional sense. ;)
And fiery auto crashes
Some will die in hot pursuit
While sifting through my ashes
Some will fall in love with life
And drink it from a fountain
That is pouring like an avalanche
Coming down the mountain