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Member Posts: 8,982 ✭✭✭✭
What in the world is going with their political leaning _hit?
Disney.................👎️👎️👎️. They are 🌈🌈🌈....
old walt would be so proud I mean Happy now 😁
I would make a guess that we have a couple Disney employee/forum members that may not be terribly happy with their employer right now. Bob
Yet some folks still visit....
In the mid-80's, I remember Disney in Anaheim drawing fire for their policy prohibiting members of the same sex dancing together. They also had a very strict policy about male employees having beards.
When did all of this change? and why?
They've been that way for a long time
Corporations are alltrying to out virture signal each other . They are all striving to be the wokest of the woke. Problem is that 90% of the country is fed up and ain't buying that crap any longer. Tired of the tail wagging the dog . When their stance starts to cost them profits look how fast they backpeddle .
I liked it better when all of the deviants were in the closet.
Exactly, now the folks are proud to experience the nonsense ..even with their kids or grand children .
Text among the employees