Don't make the same mistake I did...
“I recently purchased a toilet brush. Long story short, I’m going back to toilet paper!”😊
I hope you guys are having a good day. I've been away having one surgery after another on my mouth lately. I should have had it sewed up years ago but hindsight is 20:20. 😀
Actually I had to put off all my dentist and doctor appointments while I was caring for June during her battle with cancer and now I'm paying for it. I take so much blood thinner where my heart decided to explode when June died that they can only work on one tooth at a time since I can't quit taking the blood thinner that I take 2 different types of 3 time a day. I can get a scratch and bleed to death before I know what's going on. I'm sitting here with a mouth full of gauze now from my visit to the butcher yesterday. One more operation to go and I should have my dashing good looks back. 🙄
You all take it easy and don't forget to give that woman of yours a hug every time you see her today. She'll probably slap you after a couple or three times but it'll be worth it someday if she leaves this world before you do. Believe me I think back and if I had it to do over I would have been hugging on June so much she'd have had me committed to the nut house. It's going on a year now that she's been gone and I still think of her every minute of the day.
Hey Smitty, none of that sounds too fun, but I am definitely going to hug on my wife when I see her tonight, like you suggest. I appreciate that insight. My prayers for quick recovery are with you and I hope all your memories of June bring a smile to your face.
And fiery auto crashes
Some will die in hot pursuit
While sifting through my ashes
Some will fall in love with life
And drink it from a fountain
That is pouring like an avalanche
Coming down the mountain
I just spent most of the day in the emergency room with my wife. Just got her home and she is resting. Have to run out for some prescriptions in a while.
Everyday I am thankful for her.
I can say a little bit I fell your pain.
Just finished having a cracked tooth pulled. Then insertion of a post for an implant. All of that was not too bad with a lot of novocaine.
What really hurt was when the dentist was screwing in the screw that holds the new tooth to the post. No numbing and I thought I was going to come out of the chair.
Judy and I think you and your wife are good folks. Not sure what the reason is for the hospital visit but we will include both of you in our prayers for a fast recovery. Bob
I'm happy to hear you have her home. I hope she continues to recover what ever the problem is.
I know about going for prescriptions. The guys and ladies at the pharmacy where I went to became some good friends of mine over the couple of years that I was there every few days picking up my wife's medicine. They hurried me though as fast as they could when they saw me come in. They knew June was home alone and I had to get back as quick as I could. There were a couple of the ladies crying when they heard June had died.
They are good people that take a lot of abuse because doctors don't call in the prescriptions correctly or the insurance companies don't do their job and people take their frustrations out on them.
You didn't make any mistakes, smitty.
A friend of mine lost his wife yesterday. Connie had a stroke and never regained consienceness. She was 66.
Mrs. deere is the same age. She has some medical issues, including the aftermath of cancer treatments, but keeps soldiering on. So many of us depend on her, we'd dry up and blow away if anything happened.
I hope the good Lord takes me first.
Wish all of you the best, getting old sucks.
Thank you to all of you.
It turned out to be not too serious. She had a UTI the last couple of days so she was taken some medication for it. She has HPB and Diabetes so she has to watch what she takes for over the counter pain killers.
She just got some new stronger BP meds recently because her BP was up. One of the pain killers caused a problem and her BP was way high.
Was afraid of stroke or heart attack so went to ER at direction of PC doc.
They got her BP down and gave her some antibiotics for UTI.
Jim I used to hope I would be the one that went first but now that I've experienced this grieving pain which is almost unbearable I wouldn't want June to have to experience one minute of it. If she loved me even half as much as I loved her it's a fate worst than death.
I have thousands or more likely millions of fond memories but I'm afraid they bring tears instead of smiles. I was raised during a time and a place in the hills of Tennessee where guys made fun of guys that cried and men were looked upon as being weak. I went all though grammar school and high school and never cried a single time no matter how bad I was hurt even with broken bones. It was something kids would make fun of you forever for. These days in my old age I don't really care what anyone thinks about me and it happens to me at any given minute.
I can be driving down the road and happen to look at that empty seat beside me sometimes and I'll have to pull over until it passes or go back home. Just about every song on the radio brings back memories that overwhelm me. Even going to the grocery store can bring on an attack so I still have my groceries delivered like I did when she was sick and I couldn't leave her alone by herself. You see we went every where together for a half century and no matter where I go or what I do I've been there before with her. Fishing or hunting she was my partner she was my best friend and we protected each other. She even saved me from getting hit in the head from behind by a guy with a tire iron one time. She had him up against the wall with her gun up his nose daring him to move while I was having it out with his brother. She was scared of no one and she was as pretty as any movie star today and smarter than anyone I know. Why she gave up everything and married me is a mystery to me but we had 4 of the best looking and smartest kids that ever walked the planet proving that a jacka$$ and a thoroughbred can breed championship race horses.
Who ever said "time heals all wounds" has never been really wounded. It's been over 10 months now and I've never experienced anything to compare it to and we lost 2 daughters during our lives which I thought nothing could ever be any worse than that but we had each other to lean on when that happened and we survived and now it's like all of them have died at the same time and it's all come down at once and well I can't explain it. There is no relief. I'm afraid to go to a doctor or they'll report me and I'm sure they'd love to come and take my guns and put my picture on the news as a nut with an arsenal.
I would love to go back home and visit my 92 year old mom. We talk on the phone every night and every morning because she wants to make sure I've survived the night. I tell her I doing great and the only reason I can't come back home right now is due to all the surgery I'm having done on my teeth etc. I think she believes that but I'm running out of excuses and I've got to go back but if she sees me now it just might kill her. She's in perfect health but if she saw how much weight I've lost and if I had one of my attacks in her presents she just might have a heart attack. She's battling her own ghost Dad just died 6 years ago and she spends hours sitting at his grave site 2 or 3 times a week. She was there all afternoon today. They were married back in 1947 and spent their whole life's together she can't take anymore sorrow. She and June were probably one of the very few in-laws that never had a cross word ever mom loved her I believe more than me which I couldn't blame her for that.
I still have not had a memorial for June. Her ashes are still sitting on the end table by my recliner as I type. I can not stand the thoughts of putting her ashes in the ground and driving away from the cemetery leaving her there all alone. I know it sounds stupid but we are being buried together with out ashes mixed as June requested I've instructed both sons, my sister and Mom to make sure it happens and place us near Dad in the old family cemetery plot that great great grandpa bought back in the 1800s. He planned ahead even today there's still 9 plots left after burying nearly all of the family for the past couple hundred years. He wanted us all together and he's got his wish.
Smitty500mag, I wish there was something I could say to take your pain away, but I know there isn’t. You were blessed in that God let you be with her and be as one with her. Some day you will be with her again, and the two of you, while in the presents of God can look back and say, thank you lord for a wonderful journey together, and all your tears and pain will become that of joy.
Again I’m so sorry for your loss and the pain that your having to go through at this time.
Lost my "Sunshine" in January after 5 year fight with Lymphoma (two bouts of chemo) broken hip (3 replacements, 4 follow-up operations) and two skin cancer "Mohs" procedures. Sometime in late December she got covid and fungal pneumonia was last straw.
Back in '18 we bought a Pacifica in the new "Copper" color she loved. Intended to hold down the mileage on it (trips from KY to see my family in Texas add up!). Sold it after I lost her with 58K miles on it; 98% of it was trips to Louisville doctors. (100 miles per trip)
46 years together. Lots of good stories.
But lots of empty spaces in this house she designed.
I'm facing life without her the same way she attacked her fight with cancer. She said it's like the old joke, "How do you eat an elephant?"
So I'm living one day at a time, just like she fought cancer.
Hang in there.
Prayers from here for her and you