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Salsa has been made

yoshmysteryoshmyster Member Posts: 21,116 ✭✭✭✭

Should've made it on Wednesday but I was being lazy so I made it on Thursday. It's basically a spin on Pico de Gallo. It has Serrano for extra heat and Garlic because I like Garlic. now after work I need to pick up oysters. I'll hit up Whole Foods since they seem to carry other varieties of Oysters. Last time I found Nirvana Oysters that was new to me. They were fat and filled out the shell nicely. So with luck I'll get three or four variety of oysters.

Maybe I'll get some shrimps for coctel de camarones (Mexican shrimp coccktail). I'll need to pick up a thing of Clamato for that. Then I can have Red Beer. Mmmmmm... Red Beer. Haven't had that in a while and it just so happens I just put Tecate in the fridge. looks like I'm having a Red banner Friday (and maybe Saturday, too).


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