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shipping rates increase accrosse the board

mac10mac10 Member Posts: 2,646 ✭✭✭✭

jan 1 2023 all ship rates up 5% accross the board😕


  • buddybbuddyb Member Posts: 5,331 ✭✭✭✭

    The price of diesel fuel will affect the price of most goods and services. Inflation also drives up the cost of labor.Its anybodys guess where this will end.Hopefully the next election will put someone else in office.

  • elubsmeelubsme Member Posts: 2,125 ✭✭✭✭

    Received a notice with my bill today. C.& S. Waste pickup will increase 22%-40% depending on my location starting next billing cycle. But, I got an 8.7% increase in my social security so everything should be O.K. Right? I can see it now, My pristine forest will be covered in garbage from those who cannot afford pickup. But, I rummage through the trash and occasionally find evidence of who dumped it and turn it into our forester who in turn goes after them. Ed life member VFW & NRA

  • GrasshopperGrasshopper Member Posts: 16,920 ✭✭✭✭

    My as above, postage up, electric up, garbage up, taxes up, water up, gas going back up, groceries up, oil change up, car wash up, can't name one thing even or lower since Brandon and his handlers took over EXCEPT 401K and it's down! .

  • chiefrchiefr Member Posts: 14,040 ✭✭✭✭


    Diesel prices are still around $5 per g and Joe Biden is still POTUS. Prices were half that when "mean tweets" was in charge.

  • wolfpackwolfpack Member Posts: 1,207 ✭✭✭✭

    Shipping rates have affected my purchases on line. With rates often 50.00-75.00 or more, and not blaming the sellers because of the increased prices, then the added cost of a transfer it often is cheaper to buy from a LGS.

  • claysclays Member Posts: 1,923 ✭✭✭✭

    Yesterday I got a call from a buddy that was in my local Walmart. He said they had a Henry .410 Lever action for $746 + tax. I went right over and bought it. No shipping or transfer fees. Hard for online sellers to compete with that.

  • Ditch-RunnerDitch-Runner Member Posts: 25,049 ✭✭✭✭

    its already crazy

    buying a small or inexpensie item or part it cost way more to ship it than the cost of the part

    one reason I joined the amazon free shipping on just about every item

    walmart and sams club do it also . if a member

    but it has did in the little guys and small shops like me selling a few item on the auction side who wants to pay 5.00 or 20.00 even 50,00 and double that for shipping cost for a item just for shipping

    and add on the new any think over 600.00 big brother watching tax on every one

    lets go Braden yaaa team leading us to poverty one law and regulation at a time

  • BpbreloadingBpbreloading Member Posts: 35

    My shipping cost from 2022 were Appx $4,000.00 & I'm not done with my sales gross/cost/net taxes yet-

    If I have a part that is under 16oz it will go first class. Now the padded envelope is a cost-so far I have been fortunate to

    re-use envelopes. Even a T shirt in 2xx smaller can go for under 5$.

    Rifle shipping is still a mystery to me. One will go a state away 55$ , another one same sales price 1000 mi travels 50$.


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