Good trade off!!!
An old friend of mine, needs a new ac. His took a dump last night. He called and asked me how much to install a new one. I told him, "Nothing", we are lifelong friends. He made me a proposal. I do the labor for free, and he will give me an Enfield MK 1 303 British rifle, he never shoots. Sounds great to me. He also is giving me a few boxes of ammo for it and half a case of 9mm ammo, since he sold his and has no use for the ammo. He is a farmer that I met when I was around 20, and he lets me fish his bass ponds and hunt rabbits on his farm. He has 580 acres, with seven bass/ irrigation ponds. I have caught some monster bass in there, since I am the only one that fishes it. I even keep a small plastic bass boat at his one pond. I finally am getting a gun I always wanted, and it will just cost me a few hours of labor. It also come with free service for the rest of his life!!!. Oakie
You are both lucky to have such a good friend. Bob
Shoulda told him to read your other thread about everyone wanting freebies, then send me the gun. Geez, the nerve.
Great deal for both parties. Enjoy the new gun.
A nice deal for both of you. You both got something of value to you.
You got burned. I paid $69 for my Lee Enfield.
That's a win-win !
The old barter system, in my trading days it was all we did almost. Good deal for both.
Great deal for both of you !!! The thought of rabbit hunting brings back good memories !
Actually, my cousin does garage doors. I wouldn't know where to start. I can hag a sheet up over the opening for ya all
Wish I still had mine.----------Ray