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Lady Rae Lady Rae Member Posts: 2,274 ✭✭✭✭
edited September 2023 in General Discussion

Lest We Forgot ... Let's Roll

"Independence Now, Independence Forever."

John Adams


  • Ditch-RunnerDitch-Runner Member Posts: 25,062 ✭✭✭✭

    I was working 3rd shift

    I Had come home and just fell asleep when wife woke me

    Needless to day I could not sleep the rest of the day

    I t seemed like a movie no way it could have happened

    I was thinking OMG how many thousands of people were in the towers at work .

    I still think of the desperation of so many people who chose to jump or know they were about to die and nothing they could do

    And the poor souls who stopped the other plane from its mission by giving up their life's I know it was not how they hoped it would end but who knows how many they saved by scraficing them self trying to stop it and just save them self

    I have since seen interviews with people who were on the phone to their friends and family being told good by and last words of love as they knew it was over for them

    So many brave people charging in to the buildings hoping to save life's and lost their own

    So much more comes to mind

    the people who are suffering or died from the exposure to all the bad toxins in the air that day

    But it also changed the world that day in so many ways

    My heart still goes out to so many victims

    May they all the dead RIP

    And the surviving find peace in their life's journey

  • MobuckMobuck Member Posts: 14,007 ✭✭✭✭

    I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing.

  • NeoBlackdogNeoBlackdog Member Posts: 17,046 ✭✭✭✭

    It's hard to believe that it's been 22 years since that evil befell us. The memory for me is still as bright and vivid as the day it happened.

  • austin20austin20 Member Posts: 35,646 ✭✭✭✭

    Ground zero is a very moving place to visit.

  • austin20austin20 Member Posts: 35,646 ✭✭✭✭
  • William81William81 Member Posts: 25,194 ✭✭✭✭

    I was at a training session where I was a presenter concerning juvenile justice issues. I was presenting a section on Juvenile Detention standards and procedures for detaining delinquents in our jurisdiction. In attendance that day were most of the local law enforcement officers, school administrators, mental health workers and other agencies that worked with youths.

    There were several of us presenting that day and just as we were starting, the first reports came that a plane had hit the first tower. When news of the second tower strike happened, the Judge in charge of the training called us together and we made an announcement of what had occurred and cancelled the training.

    Right about that point, all the cell phones started to was really eerie....

  • Toolman286Toolman286 Member Posts: 3,154 ✭✭✭✭

    After receiving a phone call, I drove to a hill crest I passed over each day on my way to work. On seeing the NYC skyline & black smoke I continued to a county park with an overlook 9 miles from the site. People were there in dead silence, watching the black smoke billowing from ground zero.

    All PD, Fire/Rescue & medical personnel wanted to go & help but we were told to standby as they were already overwhelmed with agencies helping. Often overlooked was the "Boat Lift of 9/11" where 500,000 people were evacuated from NYC on every craft available.

  • WarbirdsWarbirds Member Posts: 16,904 ✭✭✭✭

    9/11 absolutely changed the trajectory of my entire life. I am grateful that the timing of events gave me the ability to hit back, courtesy of the USS John C Stennis battle group.

  • hoosierhoosier Member Posts: 1,575 ✭✭✭✭

    I had Sent my Kids off to school when the First Plane hit. I got to a a Dentist appointment for a filling when the Second one hit. Sat and watched for a while with he medical staff, and immediately went and picked up my kids from School. I'll never for get.

    The 911 Flag

    Much has been written about the flag shown in the photograph. Here are some of the more common questions asked about the flag:

    The flag came off a near-by yacht docked behind the World Trade Center. Firefighter Dan McWilliams from Ladder 157 spotted the flag and flagpole and became inspired to move the flag and flagpole to West Street where rescue crews were desperately working. By September 13, the photo had already received so much attention that the public started asking about the both the flag and firefighters

     Is the flag American made?

    Yes. It was originally manufactured by Eder Flag Manufacturing located in Oakcreek, Wisconsin.

    Who owned the flag?

    The flag came off of a 130-ft. yacht named " Star of America, " owned by Shirley Dreifus of the Majestic Star company in New York. According to an article that appeared in USA Today on January 10, 2002, Ms. Dreifus noticed her flag was missing when she came to inspect the boat after the attack. People at the marina witnessed the firefighters taking the flag and were able to inform Ms. Dreifus that it was her flag that had apparently been raised in the now-famous photo.

    Were they the original owners of the flag?

    No. The flag and yacht were sold to Majestic Star in 1997. Previously, both were owned by Mr. Dudley Webb, owner of the Jamestown Resort and Marina in Jamestown, KY. According to a story by Gina Kinslow, printed in the Glasgow Daily Times (Kenutcky) on January 20, 2002: Mr. Webb kept a box of flags on the yacht from the Eder Flag Manufacturing.

    Who sold the Flag?

     Mr. Webb purchased the flag from Paul Edwards, a Park City, KY, resident, who is a manufacturer's representative for Eder Flag Manufacturing. 

    This Is Now Our Current Business Location in Park City , KY .(Hoosier Gun Works). We still sell Eder Flags..

    Where did the flag go afterwards?

    Because of the photograph, the flag immediately became a symbol of the indomitable American spirit. Still smelling of smoke, the flag was immediately transported to the crew of the USS Theodore Roosevelt en route to Afghanistan. It was then shared with six other military ships before returning to New York City. On Monday, April 1, 2002, the flag was raised formally in front of New York's City Hall. All three of the firefighters who had originally raised the flag at the World Trade on September 11 were in attendance in places of honor. After flying over City Hall for a week, the flag is rotating among various city police and firehouses. It is transported in a case crafted by the Navy.

    Was Lost ?? in 2002. Recovered in 2016 is currently on display at the Museum.

    Magazines, Gun Parts and More. US Army Veteran, VFW, NRA Patron
  • jimdeerejimdeere Member, Moderator Posts: 26,026 ******

    Unfortunately, the terrorists have realized their goal:

    A severely weakened America.

  • jimdeerejimdeere Member, Moderator Posts: 26,026 ******

    And it brought us the Patriot Act.

  • chiefrchiefr Member Posts: 14,042 ✭✭✭✭

    Yep, calling it "Patriot" act is as great an oxymoron as Joe Biden's "Inflation Reduction" act of 2022.

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