Cat update
Well I managed to get all four kittens
Wife has them in her bath room making friends with them gong well so far
The feral mom's next up. But she is very wise to live trap
So i will have set up a bit different to get her the vet is going to love us again
Sad news one of our older cats Jojo is a bid moody as she has gotten older .
I went to pick her up and must have scared her she locked on to my right hand and was trying to tear it off normally a cat will bite and let go been there done that many times
Not this girl she was chewing up my hand with a vengeance I got her loose thank goodness with no harm to her and a least amount to me
my hand is swelled up and has at least 6 or 8 puncture from her teeth and assorted claw marks where she locked on and would not let go had to stay calm and just watch my hand in a food processor lol
Ouch ouch dang cat
So much for karma and helping them out
The swelling has went down a little today it does not seem to be infected and I regained most of the use
Some years back Jojo would have made a one way trip behind the barn but I known now they are still animinals
next day she was back to. Being my buddy
Reminds me of a few old girlfriends lol
I'd have a hard time loving something that tried to chew my hand off. Sorry to say but there would be a "cat vacancy" then and there if I was on the receiving end of that.
Took about a year for my feral cat, mama, to let me pet her. Now she climbs all over me, whenever I go outside to do something. Crazy cat. My biggest worry though, is trying to get all three of them in cages when we move. They will not go in a cage and I don't want them roaming the truck for a 13 hour ride. Vet said he will give them downers when we move. When I have to take them to the vet, I give them some catnip. They become very subtle after that , enough to get them in a cage for a two mile trip.
A little downer will take care of it... When we had Martha fixed, she about went crazy being stuck inside for almost 2 weeks. When she got really wild and would work me over when I got near her a quarter of what the vet gave us mellowed her out for about 10 hours.
Good luck catching Mom......
You're a good guy.... Take care of yourself
"Independence Now, Independence Forever."
John Adams
Yep, DR and his wife are pretty special to care for critters as they do.
Thanks all
Many years ago the cat would have been DRT
I just accept they have bad days just like us
We have several feral cats wife would set food outdoors then start going out and feeding them slowly gaining their trust now there all big baby's love attention. My wife has a heart as big as all out doors for animinals
The kittens are the same first night scared and hiding with in a couple days they are now playing and wanting attention
The mom cat will come running to me and my wife to eat and when we call her
She will take food from my wifes hands but for the most part she keep about two or three feet safety zone between me and her
Not the wife her safety zone is much larger
Funny when I get torn up and bit by a house cat
I think about the old African movies the guys fighting with a lion or big cat even the westerns and big cats or bears
And the guy just has a few scratches for his trouble
I must be a sissy to have a house cat tear me up worse than a 500 pound lion does Tarzan
I rember seeing in in a news clip some years back but on my phone I can't do much to find or link it I am sure it's out there
Funny heck yes
mani i felt bad for the poor guy Had to hurt big time
Ken its on youtube under painful cat testuclar attack
And looks wosrse than I remember wow Right in the family jewels
Ditch-Runner you may be in trouble. A few years ago my pet cat chomped down on my left hand, right on the thumb. Had about 5 good fang marks, drew a little blood.
As usual, I ignored it I don't like going to the doc.
Three days later it was red around the bite with some swelling. I went to Doc in the Box and he said I was damn lucky, that I got in when I did. He said, a cat bite is the nastiest, followed by human bite, dogs are third nastiest on the list. He loaded me up with antibiotics, and said that if I had waited one more day, he would have sent me downtown for some serious surgery to clean up the nasty infection. Had I waited 2 more days I might have gotten the thumb amputated.
Cat Scratch Fever
Well I don't know where they come from
But they sure do come
I hope they're comin' for me
And I don't know how they do it
But they sure do it good
I hope they're doin' it for free
They give me Cat Scratch Fever
Cat Scratch Fever
Well the first time that I got it
I was just 10 years old
I got it from some kitty next door
Well I went and seen the doctor
And he gave me the cure
I think I got it some more
Good old Ted
I remember playing the heck out of the 8 track
Allen thank you
I am keeping close watch i cleaned it with alcohol several times and evey day and took some antibiotics probably as old as I am lol
All the swelling and pain has went away . I can use my hand again just the bite marks left
Like some of you I am a stubborn old fool sorry i mean man
Some years back I broke up a dog fight the Shepard sank his fangs deep into the muscle under my thumb it took forever To heal
I should have went to the doc on that one .
but i hated to report a dog bite and have every agency calling
Well at least your doing the right thing in helping those cats out. ☺️