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Do you REALLY think a Conservative can win?

Kevin_LKevin_L Member Posts: 1,995 ✭✭✭✭
edited May 9 in Politics

America is so polarized and so ignorant, do you really, REALLY, think that a Conservative can win in 2024?

If the numbers in that article are the least bit correct, I think Dems win again by virtue of mail-in ballots and millions of brainwashed dimwits believing the soy flavored propaganda fed to them by the Libs.

What do you think?

🇺🇲 "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson 🇺🇲


  • chiefrchiefr Member Posts: 14,040 ✭✭✭✭

    Trump is no conservative, but he is not a Marxist like JRB.

  • waltermoewaltermoe Member Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭✭

    I think it’s possible, if maybe elections are changed to be fair. No mail in ballots for a start.

  • mike55mike55 Member Posts: 2,996 ✭✭✭✭

    IF, such a small little word with HUGE implications! IF, what you suggested had already happened......we wouldnt have ole Joe to start with!

    Unfortunately, the IF will not take affect and I'm afraid any chance of a "fair" election are gone forever. Buckle up and get ready, I think this is gonna be a rough ride after the election! Praying I'm wrong, but the left has proven they will lie, cheat, steal, imprison, or do ANYTHING to secure their power!

  • mike55mike55 Member Posts: 2,996 ✭✭✭✭

    To @Kevin_L 's point, the average American is extremely ignorant! I will go so far as to say a lot are just plain ole dumb. Jump on your favorite viewing channel and watch the interviews on college campuses. Not even political questions, skip those because those are the brainwashed. Watch the one that asks what is 3x3x3 or what is 77+33. It is simply depressing how dumb we have become(we is used as we Americans, not us here!) Common sense is gone forever.

  • jimdeerejimdeere Member, Moderator Posts: 26,016 ******

    Conservatives, real Conservatives, would have to win the House and Senate for anything to change.

  • Kevin_LKevin_L Member Posts: 1,995 ✭✭✭✭

    I agree Jim. But where are these people? Why are they not stepping up when America needs them most? That's the problem I have with government today: no one wants to stand up for the Constitution and no one wants to put their neck in the line for what is best for America.

    If we don't stop this bleeding of America's founding values, we're done for. I really believe that.

    🇺🇲 "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson 🇺🇲

  • waltermoewaltermoe Member Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭✭

    I’ve been thinking maybe we need to change the way we vote.

    Why do we have to have an Election Day? Let’s say the polls open up at 7am on the first Tuesday of November and runs until 7am Friday, 72 hours, call it election week. This would give everyone a chance to make arrangements to get to the polls. Also do away with mail in ballots, but still leave in place absentee ballots for those that will be gone or not able to get to their assigned polling place.

    Also require voter to show and ID to prove they are who they say they are at their polling place, or court house if voting absentee.
    When you think about it, why do we have to do all are voting in one day. The winner of the presidential election isn’t going to be sworn in until January 20 th. There are other country’s that allow 3 days for elections.

  • mike55mike55 Member Posts: 2,996 ✭✭✭✭

    The one day of voting is NOT the problem, 99.9% of people have no issue voting on that day.

    The problems are the others you mentioned, mail in vote, no ID to vote, etc etc. Too much soace for fraud but the Dems will fight to the death to keep all those things, wonder why?! SMDH

  • mac10mac10 Member Posts: 2,645 ✭✭✭✭

    4 more years of fjb we will be referred as subjects and the illegals as the elite

  • jimdeerejimdeere Member, Moderator Posts: 26,016 ******

    The vote is all we have left.

  • Lady Rae Lady Rae Member Posts: 2,267 ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 13

    All I can personally do is Vote and Pray. I can't believe what I have seen in my life time...

    This song came to mind:

    My country 'tis

    Thee sweet land of liberty

    Of thee I sing

    Land where my fathers died

    Land of the pilgrim's pride

    From every mountainside

    Let freedom ring

    My native country, thee

    Land of the noble free

    Thy name I love

    I love thy rocks and rills

    Thy woods and templed hills

    My heart will rapture fills like that above

    … Let music swell the breeze

    And ring from all the trees

    Sweet freedom's song

    Let mortal tongues awake

    Let all that breathe partake

    Let rocks their silence break

    The sound prolong

    … Our Father God to Thee Author of liberty

    To Thee I sing

    My country 'tis of Thee

    Sweet land of liberty

    For all eternity

    Let freedom ring

    Let freedom ring

    My country 'tis, my country 'tis of Thee

    "Independence Now, Independence Forever."

    John Adams

  • austin20austin20 Member Posts: 35,630 ✭✭✭✭

    Not to be morbid but, I don’t think Joe has four more years left in him.

  • truthfultruthful Member Posts: 2,075 ✭✭✭✭

    In a fair and honest election, a Conservative would win easily. Unfortunately, it has been clearly shown that there are numerous ways to manipulate the results of an election regardless of how the votes were actually cast. The latest manipulation for 2024, is to import millions of illegals, and make sure they vote.

  • slingerslinger Member Posts: 1,402 ✭✭✭

    Don't want to give you a disagree, but If this herd of kangaroos keeps up their crap, we may find out there is something else left.😉

  • jimdeerejimdeere Member, Moderator Posts: 26,016 ******
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