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NRA (yeah, I know, not again)

GatoGordoGatoGordo Member Posts: 1,221 ✭✭✭✭✭
For the NRA bashers a question that may have already been addressed and if so, my apologies for the duplication.

Many companies (MidwayUSA being a notable example) participate in the NRA Roundup program and some firearms manufacturers have included NRA membership information in their packets with new firearms. Many gun stores and gun related enterprises (gunsmiths, periodicals, etc.) also support the NRA.

Under the principle that " the ally of my enemy is my enemy" do you people that disparage the NRA avoid all dealings with the supporters of the NRA?


  • buffalobobuffalobo Member Posts: 2,348 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    NRA has several programs which have been complimented by those you would label as bashers. Thier safety, competition, and kids programs have many redeeming qualities and benefits. If they would stick to these areas and stop compromising Constitutional principals, there would little to complain about.

    You would find that if you spoke with the individuals of these companies you find some who have issues w/ NRA stance on RKBA. They too support many of NRA programs and denounce thier compromise of RKBA. Many will avoid disparaging remarks about NRA in relation to business so as not to risk alienating potential customers.

    Most members and NRA supporters do not take the time or effort to study the issue of RKBA and will therefore just accept whatever stance NRA spouts.

    I do not avoid dealing with those who support NRA unless they try to restrict my rights directly. Instead I try to engage them in discussion and educate them about NRA shenanigans concerning RKBA.
  • HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    I avoid gunstores. I rarely buy from FFLs. On the rare occasion I MUST buy from brownells or midway, I refuse to round up..thereby registering my protest against that organization.

    That is the best I can do against the disciples of the Beast..and make no mistake..those that support government policies are disciples.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    buffalobo wrote

    "NRA has several programs which have been complimented by those you would label as bashers. Thier safety, competition, and kids programs have many redeeming qualities and benefits. If they would stick to these areas and stop compromising Constitutional principals, there would little to complain about."

    a big +1 on that.
  • pickenuppickenup Member Posts: 22,844 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Just an FYI. Rather than "bashers" I prefer to call these people "exposers" to the truth.

    The NRA has ingrained itself into the firearms community, to the point that it would be almost impossible to completely boycott EVERY institution/business/company that has ANY dealings with them, and still be involved with firearms.

    Many gun clubs REQUIRE membership in the NRA. (because the NRA provides their insurance?) Some states REQUIRE that ONLY an NRA certified instructor is able to teach classes for the UNconstitutional concealed carry "permits" (government sanctioned permits, sponsored by the NRA, wonder why? It couldn't be the $$$, could it?) As well as other organizations REQUIRING that same certification to teach ANY kind of firearms classes. Why doesn't the NRA fight for "Vermont" style CCW? No $$$ in that for them?

    As has been said, they do have some redeeming programs, if they would just stick to that aspect. It is the NRA-ILA that fault can be found with. Their "claim" to be staunch supporters of our RKBA comes up sorely lacking when their proven path/history is exposed.

    A "classic" example of one of their good programs comes to mind. Someone who, just a few short years ago, said that the NRA was pretty much worthless. Even agreeing, at times, with those who expose the NRA. He told stories about how he and his associates were the ONLY ones who were changing laws locally, NOT the NRA. Then the NRA donated $5.000.00 to the local kids shooting program. (which was a GOOD thing) but NOW he attacks those same people that he agreed with, before he was....bought off.

    Don't get me wrong, kids being able to shoot touches a soft spot in my heart and mind. KIDS ARE OUR FUTURE. I believe this enough to have given away quite a few 22 rifles to kids, and will accept every nickel to further the cause. (of course, to date, I have not had the NRA offer to donate any funds to anyone I am working directly with, so I couldn't say if I would accept those funds or not. But I would definitely NOT change my mind about the ILA part of them)

    But I digress. Back closer to topic, about those who support the NRA. A question I would ask is this. Before the NRA-ILA was "exposed" here, how many people had a problem with them? Other than their unrelenting pleading for $$$ of course. I would venture to say, not many.

    Since the NRA-ILA has been exposed, how many NOW can make an "informed" decision about them. The numbers are growing. After reading the information presented, and doing a bit of research on their own, they CAN make an "informed" decision. Whereas before, they were only being presented with ONE SIDE of the equation.

    These companies you speak of are the same way. Until they are "informed" they will continue to follow the "precedent" established over time. Which is, of course, to support an organization that they "THOUGHT" supports their RKBA.

    One person at a time, the word is getting out. The NRA-ILA is being exposed. Is there even time, to change it from within. I do not believe so, but who knows. If enough members/companies become "informed"..........
  • dsmithdsmith Member Posts: 902 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I have left the NRA many years ago when I heard about their anti-machine gun laws. I have been invited by my relatives a few times to go to a "Friends of NRA" banquet. I always refuse to go.

    However, the gun shops in my area all have NRA stickers on their door. I know the owners personally, and they are not gun kontrol supporters, but they don't know any better about the NRA. I still support their businesses, but have explained on a few occasions about the NRA's anti-gun policies.

    If it weren't for the internet, I would have thought they were a pro-gun group, as I had only been exposed to their rhetoric, not their actual actions.
  • wpagewpage Member Posts: 10,201 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Most of the companys have the support NRA as a optional check off at the check out. So its easy to opt out if you do not support them.
  • Hunter MagHunter Mag Member Posts: 6,610 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Many support the NRA without doing their homework. They let the NRA do it for them.
    Much like the media doing their homework for them, then voting for Obama.[xx(]

    Need I say more......
  • Hunter MagHunter Mag Member Posts: 6,610 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    GatoGordo, gunbroker "supports" the NRA also.
    Scroll all the way down on the far right.
  • GatoGordoGatoGordo Member Posts: 1,221 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Thanks for the input. I apologize for not mentioning it earlier but I did take this question over to the General Discussion forum. There has been a few more responses over there if interested. It's listed as "Another NRA question"
  • WerwolfWerwolf Member Posts: 475 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by pickenup
    The NRA has ingrained itself into the firearms community, to the point that it would be almost impossible to completely boycott EVERY institution/business/company that has ANY dealings with them, and still be involved with firearms.

    Maybe that was the plan all along...NRA pfft, just another government controlled and funded puppet!
    The GOA(GUN OWNERS OF AMERICA) is a NO COMPROMISE organization by individuals like ourselves that upholds our 2nd Amendment RIGHTS under the 2nd Amendment of our beloved Constitution from our Republic and not privileges from the corrupt compromised and broken federal government, as we don't want any federal government privileges.
  • pickenuppickenup Member Posts: 22,844 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by GatoGordo
    No sense in entering the conversation. The cowardly, biased moderator will lock or poof what he doesn't like.
    Who are you calling a cowardly, biased moderator?

    quote:Originally posted by GatoGordo
    Not referring to you or anyone in particular except for the one whos' foot fits the shoe. Sorry to be so general in my comment but I tend to think one of the definitions of cowardice is to not take responsibility for your action and the person that locked the post surely didn't. Again, sorry if I painted with too broad a brush.
    If you are referring to your thread about the NRA that was in General Discussion that was locked. Maybe YOU should take another look. The mod that locked it DID take responsibility AND EXPLAINED WHY in the last post on that thread before HE locked it.

    Some people. [V]
  • GatoGordoGatoGordo Member Posts: 1,221 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by pickenup
    quote:Originally posted by GatoGordo
    No sense in entering the conversation. The cowardly, biased moderator will lock or poof what he doesn't like.
    Who are you calling a cowardly, biased moderator?

    quote:Originally posted by GatoGordo
    Not referring to you or anyone in particular except for the one whos' foot fits the shoe. Sorry to be so general in my comment but I tend to think one of the definitions of cowardice is to not take responsibility for your action and the person that locked the post surely didn't. Again, sorry if I painted with too broad a brush.
    If you are referring to your thread about the NRA that was in General Discussion that was locked. Maybe YOU should take another look. The mod that locked it DID take responsibility AND EXPLAINED WHY in the last post on that thread before HE locked it.

    Some people. [V]

    The last poster (Colt) only complained about the redundancy of the thread and 'petty jabs'. If that's grounds for locking you can almost just shut down the forums and never did Colt come out and say he was locking the post. Since you're quoting from that thread how do you react to Moderator ECC saying:

    "Your topic was locked and I can see no good reason for it being so...but be careful where you place the blame. I almost reposted part of it to continue the debate."



    My question in the thread was barely addressed and in my opinion was simply too uncomfortable for some. I stand by my characterization and welcome Colt or you, his surrogate, to comment.
  • pickenuppickenup Member Posts: 22,844 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    First, I am NOBODY'S surrogate.

    Next, since you did not answer my question, I will not answer yours.

    Now, since you obviously have not figured it out yet,
    I'll clue you in about how some things work around here.

    nunn (you know, admin in GD) posted the following thread for moderators.

    Starting to get the picture yet?

    Colt posted the LAST post in the thread, explaining why HE was locking the thread.
    Whether YOU agree with his reasoning or not.

    They are basically locking most every thread about the NRA lately.
    Or hadn't you noticed?

    To further your edification.....
    Moderators are assigned a forum(s).
    That moderator has administrative controls in THAT forum ONLY.
    For instance, I am the moderator in "this" forum.
    I CAN NOT lock, poof, etc. in ANY other forum.
    Admin, CAN lock, poof, et. in ANY forum
    Most posts that are locked in "this" forum, were locked by one of the admins.
    When I lock one, mine will be the last post. (barring an admin post)

    I hope it is obvious, but in case it is not.
    The questions in this post are rhetorical.
    No answer is expected or required.

    You and tr fox make a good pair.
    He has been trying these "end around" type posts for years.
    Hasn't worked out well for him.

    Now, just so there is NO question.
    "I" am locking this thread.
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