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This is a "must read" for everone, please read

jpwolfjpwolf Member Posts: 9,164
Two hundred years ago, our ancestors signed a document that forever changed the course of history: the Declaration of Independence. It severed the bonds of Colonial America to a tyrannical king and parliament in England, and established for the first time a society based on the principle of the rule of law and limited government. The result was a nation that achieved the greatest of achievements, the highest standards of living, and the greatest levels of individual freedom in human history. But the principles that made this country great have gradually been forgotten - to the point where an out-of-control government is now implementing a police state system that will totally destroy our liberty and the remainder of our dwindling prosperity.
We continue to hold these truths to be self-evident: that all people are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To secure these rights, we instituted a government that was to derive its just powers only by the consent of the governed.
Our forefathers acknowledged that whenever government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and establish a new government; laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Liberty, safety and happiness.
Listed here are some grievances that, if our forefathers were around today, would include in a new Declaration of Independence. It is probable that like then, they would resort to force of arms today to right an insufferable evil; an evil that we have not yet vanquished for sheer lack of courage!
We have acknowledged that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes. Accordingly, our experience has been to endure a far greater degree of oppression than what is morally acceptable, instead of setting ourselves aright by abolishing that to which we have become accustomed...
Let's look at the grievances that a new generation of patriots have claimed:
Our Federal Government, and quisling state governments, have deprived the people of the security of our Lives, Liberty and Property; replacing it with terror. Citizens of the 50 states have been murdered, unjustly imprisoned, and tortured by agents of the government under the color of law, and with the protection of 'sovereign immunity' under the government.
They have imposed upon us, without our consent, multitudes of laws, taxes, and regulations that are most unnecessary and unwholesome for the public good, serving the venal interests of multinational corporations and international bankers, rather than in the honest representation of the people. These laws and regulations are multiplied beyond all reason or humanity, deliberately subverting both the words and intent of our Constitution and Bill of Rights to the point where there is not a single American who could not be arrested, imprisoned and impoverished for violating one of the millions of arbitrary and incomprehensible regulations, laws, and edicts now in force.They have "erected a Multitude of new Offices, and sent hither Swarms of Officers to harass our People, and eat our their Substance." The IRS, Justice Department, State and local revenue authorities and a multitude of other government agencies have engaged in an escalating orgy of legalized looting and wholesale seizure of private property to feed the appetite of arrogant and rapacious bureaucracies. The supreme Court has given these bureaucracies, as well as quisling state and local governments, its official blessing to seize the property of anyone - for any pretext, and without full market value of said property.
They have instituted oppressive and destructive taxes without our consent; stolen more than half of our incomes year after year; and compelled us to testify against ourselves byfilling out endless compulsory reports. They have also pressed business owners into unpaid service as government spies and tax collectors; destroyed our peace, security & freedom in order to finance their oppressive bureaucracies, failed social programs, and wars of aggression. This was accomplished by fraudulently claiming the consent of the people, and by substituting our incomes for tariffs and customs, as the source of the Treasury, obtained an unlimited power of the purse in order to control the people and further their other designs.
They have destroyed our financial security: They have debauched the currency, substituting worthless paper for gold and silver. They have clandestinely abdicated our banking system to a private cartel; inflating currency and credit and looting the real wealth of the people. They have centralized control of our economy into their hands and have dictated every aspect of how our businesses must be operated. They have issued edict upon edict, issued regulation on top of regulation, instituted fine after fine, treated us as if we were common criminals, seized our property, and destroyed our ability to make an honest living for ourselves and our families; They have destroyed our jobs by systematically dropping all trade barriers with foreign nations, creating a system of labor arbitrage with poorer nations with whom Americans cannot compete; and by flooding our markets with foreign foods and consumer goods that unfairly undercut domestic producers.They have burdened us with waste, corruption, and incomprehensibly massive government debt, which has brought our nation to bankruptcy at least once;
and to prevent future bankruptcy they mortgaged the lives, liberty, and property of this and every future generation of Americans. They have destroyed jobs and stifled private initiative with suffocating regulations and oppressive bureaucracies.They have subverted the electoral process through unjust and exclusionary ballot access and campaign finance laws. Vast sums of tax-extorted funds have been used to create a Congressional Monopoly and an Imperial Presidency which have crushed dissent and excluded any serious challenge to their power.They have disparaged the will of the people upon the electoral process by diluting our representation through uncontrolled illegal immigration, and then rewarding these illegal immigrants with opportunities to vote. Then they heap additional insult and injury upon us by allowing these non-citizens to obtain welfare benefits from the tax-extorted wages of American citizens.
They have deprived us of representation by pandering to the interests of the obscenely wealthy and to multinational corporations; through bribery, graft, influence-peddling, and ignoring conflicts of interest.They have hobbled and corrupted our system of justice by creating endless numbers of technical crimes against the State, and crimes without victims - making vices into crimes, dissent into treason, and sensuality into perversion. They have seized billions of dollars worth of property without due process of law, imprisoned countless thousands without indictment or trial, and have made equal justice under law impossible by manipulating courts and juries, terrorizing our attorneys and seizing their fees. They have made a complete mockery of our justice system by reversing jury decisions by fiat, and imprisoning jurors for resisting illegal judicial orders.
They have kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies of military and police. In direct violation of the Constitution, US troops have repeatedly invaded and reduced foreign countries to ruin without declaration of war by Congress. They have used force to compel our children to fight and die in foreign wars far removed from their homes. In the name of various crises, such as a "War on Drugs", a "War on Crime", and even perversely, "a War on Terrorism" they have engaged in open war upon the people of the United States, invading farm and field, village and home, and spreading terror across the land. They have used both uniformed and covert operatives to commit crimes against humanity, including but not limited to: police snipers murdering unarmed adults, women and children; police & military troops assaulting churches with massive firepower, even to the point of using combat vehicles and tanks; laying siege to families, congregations, and communities - then murdering them wholesale; and the mass murder of hundreds and thousands of Americans in putative terrorist attacks, that are in fact ordered by the highest officeholders in government.They have created and combined agencies for the express and specific purpose of engaging in espionage against the citizens of this nation, and have encouraged commercial interests to engage in similar acts of espionage for their own profit.They have abolished our covenants and subverted our form of government, replacing it with a form that is alien to us and entirely contrary to the form required by our Constitution, from the national and state levels all the way down to the lowliest local magistrate; For declaring themselves invested with the unlimited and general power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever, whether it be in the halls of Congress or from the court bench.They have subverted our educational, social, religious, commercial, and other institutions, for the purpose of re-educating the population with beliefs, values, behavior, and conduct that is perverse and contrary to the well-being of a free republic. They have perverted our relations with other nations, using their power to support foreign tyrants. They have bribed other nations with foreign aid, restricted foreign trade, and exported massive quantities of weapons of death and destruction - fomenting discord, repression and war throughout the world. They have used the extorted tax money of Americans to implement a design for global government, to promote and support communist governments throughout the world, and bail out financial institutions that engage in the same practices. They have combined with foreign nations to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving their assent to acts of pretended legislation under a framework for a global government.They have abolished our just and proper laws by substituting them with unconstitutional and fraudulent treaties, submerging our laws under the laws, regulations & conventions of supranational organizations.They have combined with organizations whose goals are the epitome of treason; whose stated goals are to betray the American people into the hands of a global government. They maintain membership in organizations such as the 'Club of Rome', 'Council on Foreign Relations', 'Trilateral Commission', 'Bilderbergers', and the 'United Nations Association of America'. Outside of government service, members of these organizations maintain control over commercial and nonprofit corporations by means of interlocking directorates, and through funding provided by foundations and banking institutions controlled by others who are similarly affiliated.In the name of "peacekeeping" and assisting other nations, they have illegally waged war on many nations and innocent peoples, committing democide in the name of peace, committing war crimes, engaging in other crimes against humanity abroad, making the United States of America the most hated nation in the world.They have encouraged Islamic terrorists to attack us, whose known rule of warfare is the indiscriminate murder of all ages, sexes and conditions. They also excite the domestic insurrectionists amongst us, for the pretext of further depriving us of our Liberties and freedoms.
The government of the United States of America has so abrogated its sacred covenants to the people of this nation that our own government is commonly recognized as the greatest menace to peace, freedom, and prosperity, both here and throughout the world.
In every stage of these oppressions, we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms: our repeated petitions have been answered either by repeated injury, or not at all. Any government, whose every act so markedly imitates the character of a tyrant, is unfit to govern a free people. Our government has failed to answer our petitions for redress because they do not intend to redress our injuries.
We, the people, have lost all control of our societal institutions to this criminal, terrorist combine and that government has ceased to be our servant, and has become instead a terrible and tyrannical master. To restore the freedom, peace and prosperity of the people, we have demanded:
That the protections of individual rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights be strictly enforced. That all laws and court decisions restricting freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly and enterprise; the right to keep and bear arms and the right to own and dispose of property be justly recognized as Null and Void, and thereby stricken from the law books.
That Citizen Grand Juries not under the control of government-appointed judges or prosecutors be convened in each State with the power to indict government officials and employees who violate the rights of any citizen, and that all officials and employees so indicted be promptly brought to trial.
That a "Citizen Veto" be created at federal, state and local levels, whereby all citizens can veto any new legislation - including revenue acts. Also, that the establishment of a national Citizen Power of Recall so that unscrupulous politicians may be removed from power by popular initiative. That the Income Tax and the IRS be forever abolished and that all persons jailed for tax evasion be freed.
That sufficient government property be sold to retire the national debt.
That all government agencies which are not clearly engaged in the protection of life, liberty and property of the individual be disbanded.
That the Federal Reserve, FDIC, FSLIC and currency laws be abolished, and that banking and insurance systems be left to the private sector in order to restore security to our economy.
That all laws creating government monopolies in education, medicine,
utilities, mail delivery and all other public services be abolished.
That State and Economy be separated, and that federal control of interstate commerce be confined to prohibition of tariffs and trade restrictions between States.
That freedom of association be restored to enterprise, including freedom to hire, fire, contract and negotiate; that all capitalist acts between consenting adults be legalized.
That foreign trade agreements be abolished, such as NAFTA, GATT & WTO; and the restoration of constitutional tariffs, import duties, and customs laws.
That all federal laws restricting gun ownership be abolished, and that a trained, well-armed citizenry be encouraged, as a defense against domestic criminals, foreign aggression and domestic tyranny.
That due process of law and the presumption of innocence be restored.
That RICO statutes, and other laws enabling the government to confiscate property without the owners being convicted of any crime, be abolished.
That the Seventh Amendment to the Constitution, preserving the right to trial by jury in civil disputes be strengthened to include disputes between Citizens and the State.
That all Civil Forfeiture laws, and other laws holding "property" hostage for crimes, shall be immediately and completely abolished, and that henceforth no citizen shall be deprived of any property (except as punishment for a real crime against persons or property) of which they have been convicted.
That all jury members be explicitly informed of their right to judge the law as well as the facts in every court case, and to acquit if they find the law improper or unjust.
That 'Sovereign Immunity', which makes government officers and agents immune from prosecution for their crimes, be abolished, and that presumption in trials in favor of government officials, police officers and other agents of the State be ended.
That government officials and agents, and citizens be treated as equal before the law in all cases, both criminal and civil.
That all victimless crime laws be abolished, and all persons imprisoned for victimless offenses be immediately freed and their records cleared.
That the federal government be enjoined from all police functions, and that State and local police executives be elected in the same manner as county sheriffs, so that they may be held directly accountable to the people.
That the function of the military be confined to defense of the territory of the United States, and that all US troops be removed from foreign countries.
That henceforth, the sole purpose of the military shall be protection of the lives and property of US citizens at home.
That the United States withdraw from membership in the United Nations and that the United Nations be asked to relocate its headquarters outside the United States.
That all American members of Bilderbergers, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and other globalist combinations be arrested, indicted, and tried for Treason.
That henceforth all executives, legislators or judges who violate their oaths to uphold and defend the Constitution and Bill of Rights be removed from office and tried for treason.
That all blatantly unconstitutional laws such as the Patriot Acts, be recognized as Null and Void, and stricken from the law books; and that every elected official responsible for these abominations being enacted be removed from office.
Nor have we been wanting in attention to our Congressional representatives. We have warned them from repeatedly from their attempts to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of their specific powers delineated in the 1789 Constitution, and that all powers not specifically granted are prohibited to them under the 10th Amendment. We have appealed to their native senses of justice, duty, patriotism, and morality, but to no avail. We have likewise availed ourselves of correspondences with the President and petitions before the Courts, only to
find they too are deaf to our pleas for Constitutional obedience.
In having War waged upon us by all branches of the federal government, their state-level quisling subsidiaries, various and sundry petty tyrants of unconstitutional regulatory agencies, and the agents and thugs of the multitudinous, unconstitutional standing armies, our forbearance has reached its limits.


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    HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    Well, JP, you are doing some good research.

    The problem for some of us...realizing this many years ago, there came to be seemingly only two courses of action.
    Go off like a shooting star..making a brief, if bright display for a short time...or wait patiently for more people to come to grips with their own fears and angst.

    I choose to wait. A course that some may call cowardice..but one containing the seeds of a possible victory..those seeds being to bring others out of the blind, unthinking darkness of obedience to tyranny..and into the light of free thought.
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    nyforesternyforester Member Posts: 2,575 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    It is going to get much worse before it gets any better. Like Highball said, we will need an army of our own to battle the beast. The people are just not mad enough yet.

    With all the restrictions and laws trying to govern us, the United States is still the best and safest place on earth to live and raise a family. When that "best and safest" is gone is when the rebellion will begin.
    Abort Cuomo
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    pickenuppickenup Member Posts: 22,844 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    jpwolf, did you write this?
    Can I copy and paste it elsewhere?
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    jpwolfjpwolf Member Posts: 9,164
    edited November -1
    No I did not write it. I wish I had. Found it one day surfing and saved it.
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    codenamepaulcodenamepaul Member Posts: 2,931
    edited November -1
    Good to see ya HB!
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    HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    Roger that,CNP; I dropped by now and again in my running and checked what was happening here...Just didn't expect there would be enough general interest in me posting 'won't be around as much'...
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    pickenuppickenup Member Posts: 22,844 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by jpwolf
    No I did not write it. I wish I had. Found it one day surfing and saved it.

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    pickenuppickenup Member Posts: 22,844 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Highball
    Just didn't expect there would be enough general interest in me posting 'won't be around as much'...

    You know if you posted that, there would be CHEERING from "some" of the members of the forums. [V]
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    HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    Originally posted by Highball

    Just didn't expect there would be enough general interest in me posting 'won't be around as much'...

    Pickenup posted;
    You know if you posted that, there would be CHEERING from "some" of the members of the forums.
    Oh, Yahhh..I think one could safely say that, allrighty !!!
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    n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    jpwolf, let me say thanks for the important post. This is a guide to which all patriots must follow. This post, my friend, is something all people should study, and come to realization, to just what our government has become. This should become a document of guidence for the future, and point to mistakes of the past that should never be repeated at all cost.

    Highball, realizing my silence, welcome back to the forum. Hope retirement treats you well friend. Glad to see you back chiming in time to time.
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    Mr. GunzMr. Gunz Member Posts: 1,621 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    God bless the man who wrote this
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    RockatanskyRockatansky Member Posts: 11,175
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Mr. Gunz
    God bless the man who wrote this

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    nomadictaonomadictao Member Posts: 1,310 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Very nich post jpwolf, its well writen and outlines some practical steps that would be needed to save the republic. Do you recall where you found the article? Is it a public site?
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    dlrjjdlrjj Member Posts: 5,528 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    This is a link for the people who probably wrote the vast majority of it.

    This is a link for a guy who...

    Well, you decide.
    Tax evasion is illegal, tax avoidance is an art form.
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    jpwolfjpwolf Member Posts: 9,164
    edited November -1
    Not sure where I came acrossed it but I did a search on the first sentence that brought up some hits, none looking familiar to me, but one did have the authors, and said it was from 1992!
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    dsmithdsmith Member Posts: 902 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Highball! Good seeing you around!
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    HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    And you also, Ds.
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    n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by dlrjj
    This is a link for the people who probably wrote the vast majority of it.

    This is a link for a guy who...

    Well, you decide.

    Yes Wil wrote the second one. I know him personally. Very good, intellegent guy, and a patriot to boot.
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    PennyPincherPennyPincher Member Posts: 126 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Let the Revolution begin!
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    HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    Well, Debra..a resounding first sound like a woman with fire. Just too bad there wern't a few more MEN with your guts...

    Woman like you had a rifle standing beside the door..defending the home while their men were out doing what they had to do. Strong women.
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    SGSG Member Posts: 7,548
    edited November -1
    Excellent post as sad and true as it is.Like the previous post stated,Let the Revolution begin! Iam with you!
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    MinutemanPatriotMinutemanPatriot Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I found this post quite by accident; somebody seems to think that I've "gone silent". On the contrary, I am anything BUT silent!! [:D] Thanks for the kind words and be sure to visit my website for the NEW new updates....

    On the page in question I also wrote:
    Yes, if the founding fathers were alive today - and Mr. Jefferson in particular - and assuming that the modern police state didn't round them up and put them in little cages at Guantanamo Bay; they would write something like this and rally freedom-lovers to the cause of separating themselves from an oppressive and evil government!

    Postscript: The bulk of inspiration for this list of grievances was published by ISIL as the 'New Declaration of Independence', written by Jarrett Wollstein and Vincent H. Miller. Others have written similar manifestos, but this text needed the least additions to it. The only major element missing is the globalist combine and reference to the specific organizations directly responsible for the dismantling of our freedoms and the Constitution. I also omitted some references to a proposed broad amnesty for criminals convicted of drug possession offenses; as a criminal justice professional I can state without equivocation that many individuals who have drug convictions have committed other, serious crimes where real victims are involved. To carelessly release people who are responsible for non-drug crimes, merely because their latest conviction is based on unconstitutional statutes, is unreasonable and not in the public interest. There is a vast difference between the pot user convicted for the first time and the habitual meth or heroin user. Releasing the wolves along with the lambs is not the answer, and one reason why more people haven't voted Libertarian in past elections. Aside from being wrong on that one issue, though, Libertarians have otherwise hit the nail on the head, as have the newer (and smaller) Constitution Party. Please examine the issues, and soon, because I believe that armed conflict is coming soon to this country. My grandfather predicted as much over 30 years ago, and so far - unfortunately - his predictions haven't been proven wrong.

    If any of you are curious about what I've blogged about that's not on my website, visit for more.
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    n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    Brothers, I would be VERY careful around this new poster MinutemanPatriot.

    I know him personally, and as such, take it for what you will.
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    n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by freemind
    Brothers, I would be VERY careful around this new poster MinutemanPatriot.

    I know him personally, and as such, take it for what you will.
    Freemind, Would you email me w/your assessment, please?
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    n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by lt496
    quote:Originally posted by freemind
    Brothers, I would be VERY careful around this new poster MinutemanPatriot.

    I know him personally, and as such, take it for what you will.
    Freemind, Would you email me w/your assessment, please?

    E-mail sent.
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    pickenuppickenup Member Posts: 22,844 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by freemind
    quote:Originally posted by lt496
    quote:Originally posted by freemind
    Brothers, I would be VERY careful around this new poster MinutemanPatriot.

    I know him personally, and as such, take it for what you will.
    Freemind, Would you email me w/your assessment, please?

    E-mail sent.

    Clue me in too please.
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    n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    E-mail sent Picken
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    buffalobobuffalobo Member Posts: 2,348 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Jeff, thanks for the read. Passing it around as wake up call.

    Too bad it is almost impossible to get youngsters to read anything other than CD case covers.
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    brickmaster1248brickmaster1248 Member Posts: 3,344
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by freemind
    Brothers, I would be VERY careful around this new poster MinutemanPatriot.

    I know him personally, and as such, take it for what you will.

    well, you have peaked my interest. would you fill me in?
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    jpwolfjpwolf Member Posts: 9,164
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by pickenup
    quote:Originally posted by freemind
    quote:Originally posted by lt496
    quote:Originally posted by freemind
    Brothers, I would be VERY careful around this new poster MinutemanPatriot.

    I know him personally, and as such, take it for what you will.
    Freemind, Would you email me w/your assessment, please?

    E-mail sent.

    Clue me in too please.

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    jpwolfjpwolf Member Posts: 9,164
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by buffalobo
    Jeff, thanks for the read. Passing it around as wake up call.

    Too bad it is almost impossible to get youngsters to read anything other than CD case covers.

    Kevin, wow, almost 2 years to the day. Good to have it brought up again. Hey, sent you an email a week or so ago, never got a reply???
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    zinkzink Member Posts: 6,456 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by brickmaster1248
    quote:Originally posted by freemind
    Brothers, I would be VERY careful around this new poster MinutemanPatriot.

    I know him personally, and as such, take it for what you will.

    well, you have peaked my interest. would you fill me in?

    ME TOO, please!
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    buffalobobuffalobo Member Posts: 2,348 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by jpwolf
    quote:Originally posted by buffalobo
    Jeff, thanks for the read. Passing it around as wake up call.

    Too bad it is almost impossible to get youngsters to read anything other than CD case covers.

    Kevin, wow, almost 2 years to the day. Good to have it brought up again. Hey, sent you an email a week or so ago, never got a reply???

    Jeff, sorry man been out of town working, my internet provider has had email server up and down for a week. Wife says should be back up by wed/thurs, will be home fri. She relayed email and I am really looking forward to getting something going on. Thanks to Darren L. for letting me abscond with his laptop for a couple days. He should be mamber here by now but I don't know his screen name.
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    steveaustinsteveaustin Member Posts: 852 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Great read. Thanks for posting. Copy and sharing as I type.
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    RocklobsterRocklobster Member Posts: 7,060
    edited November -1
    Great post. I too will pass it on. This new "Declaration of Independence" certainly flies in the face of FDR's new "Bill of Rights" that our President seems to be in the process of implementing.
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