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obama gun control already starting

fullautogunnerfullautogunner Member Posts: 681 ✭✭✭✭

Address Gun Violence in Cities: Obama and Biden would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent.


  • pipe7pipe7 Member Posts: 911 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent.

    This needs to be taken out, but the rest is fine
  • Spider7115Spider7115 Member, Moderator Posts: 29,702 ******
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by pipe7
    They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent.

    This needs to be taken out, but the rest is fine

    It's already permanent in New York State [:(!]
  • chappsynychappsyny Member Posts: 3,381 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Gun show loophole? No such thing. Personal property should be freely traded without governmental interference.
  • 17tobyracing17tobyracing Member Posts: 3,429 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by pipe7
    They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent.

    This needs to be taken out, but the rest is fine

    [:0] The rest is fine?

    How exactly will more laws restricting the 2nd Amendment Rights of Law Abiding Citizens keep guns away from "children"? The Liberal's statistics for gun related deaths involving "children" includes gang killings and drug related murders; the majority of which are committed by minority males. Back these numbers out of the statistics and what are you left with?

    Closing the so-called "Gun Show Loophole" is Liberal speak for eliminating gun shows.
  • HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    quote:The rest is fine?
    Are people ever going to understand that a gun controller is a gun controller is a GUN CONTROLLER ?

    Like child molesters, I see no difference at all.
  • BeeramidBeeramid Member, Moderator Posts: 7,264 ******
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by pipe7
    They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent.

    This needs to be taken out, but the rest is fine

    No form of gun control is 'fine'. Maybe you would like child proof guns, I don't.[V][:(!]
  • JamesRKJamesRK Member Posts: 25,670 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I don't even like child proof aspirin bottles.
    The road to hell is paved with COMPROMISE.
  • TooBigTooBig Member Posts: 28,559 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Where are the board liberal on this, voted for the man did they so they expected this[:(]
  • 1911a1-fan1911a1-fan Member Posts: 51,193 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by fshfndr
    Where are the board liberal on this, voted for the man did they so they expected this[:(]

    obomo wants it so it is ok, it's all for our own good really
  • COLTCOLT Member Posts: 12,637 ******
    edited November -1
    ..."The rest is FINE"??? Hell, YOU, are one of "them" if you think ANY gun law is ok...go read the 2nd, it's short, simple, and you can probably even read it's obvious you sure don't understand it...[;)]

  • HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    The answer is quite simple ;

    Pipe7 is a LEO.

    There is the Alpha and Omega of it.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Highball
    The answer is quite simple ;

    Pipe7 is a LEO.

    There is the Alpha and Omega of it.

    Agreed. That mantle speaks volumes about his outlook and philosophy, I think.
  • pipe7pipe7 Member Posts: 911 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by lt496
    quote:Originally posted by Highball
    The answer is quite simple ;

    Pipe7 is a LEO.

    There is the Alpha and Omega of it.

    Agreed. That mantle speaks volumes about his outlook and philosophy, I think.

    Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals.

    Wow, did you guys read this part?? The key word is common sense, can you understand that, or does it not fit your mantle of philosophy? Yes I am a Law Enforcement Officer, Peace Officer COP, Police Man, what ever it is you want to call it. I am NOT for more restrictions against law abiding people from owning as many firearms as they can have. I am NOT against the 2nd Ammendment as it would restrict me and my ownership of firearms. What I am against is criminals having guns, I am against irresponsible gun owners who dont know how to safely own and use firearms. I am against gun owners who feel it is their right to leave a loaded firearm lying around the house so a child could get it and have a fatal accident. I have been to the calls of a child who has killed themselves or been seriously hurt by their irresponsible parent who felt it was his/her right to leave a loaded gun unsecured in their house. Now their child is dead. Have either of you dealt with that??? Put a child in a plastic bag just once, or go to the autopsy just once, and maybe you will understand reality!!! I have done both!!! Too many people want to hide behind the 2nd Ammendment and not take into coinsideration that a gun owner needs common sense.
  • HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    You are a gun controller, Pipe7...pure and simple.

    You demand that the awesome power of the government be used to crush EVERYBODY...because we have an irresponsible few in this country.

    Are you able to understand simple English ?

    Allow me to give you a test ;
    Explain the meaning of these four words, in their entirety ;

    " Shall Not Be Infringed ".

    Please tell me what they mean to you.
  • rkba4everrkba4ever Member Posts: 815 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Pipe7 believes the rhetoric. What he fails to understand is that none of the "common sense" measures would actually impact crime or accidents (which are at historic lows, btw) and would only be an INFRINGEMENT on excersize of constitutional rights. He believes these lies because of his emotional response to the tradgedies he has seen. He thinks that these INFRINGEMENTS will somehow make these things magically go away.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by pipe7
    quote:Originally posted by lt496
    quote:Originally posted by Highball
    The answer is quite simple ;

    Pipe7 is a LEO.

    There is the Alpha and Omega of it.

    Agreed. That mantle speaks volumes about his outlook and philosophy, I think.

    Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals.

    Wow, did you guys read this part?? The key word is common sense, can you understand that, or does it not fit your mantle of philosophy? Yes I am a Law Enforcement Officer, Peace Officer COP, Police Man, what ever it is you want to call it. I am NOT for more restrictions against law abiding people from owning as many firearms as they can have. I am NOT against the 2nd Ammendment as it would restrict me and my ownership of firearms. What I am against is criminals having guns, I am against irresponsible gun owners who dont know how to safely own and use firearms. I am against gun owners who feel it is their right to leave a loaded firearm lying around the house so a child could get it and have a fatal accident. I have been to the calls of a child who has killed themselves or been seriously hurt by their irresponsible parent who felt it was his/her right to leave a loaded gun unsecured in their house. Now their child is dead. Have either of you dealt with that??? Put a child in a plastic bag just once, or go to the autopsy just once, and maybe you will understand reality!!! I have done both!!! Too many people want to hide behind the 2nd Ammendment and not take into coinsideration that a gun owner needs common sense.

    YES, common sense, not legislation to take the place of common snese.

    I knew where my Dad's guns were, but I also knew that playing with them would result in a well deserved whipping. And he kept them where I could not get to them as a smaller kid.

    Responsibility is everything.

    I don't need Big Brother to tell me what to do because of other's stupidity.

    You ARE a gun controller.
  • IAMAHUSKERIAMAHUSKER Member Posts: 2,479 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Looks like a duck to me.
  • jpwolfjpwolf Member Posts: 9,164
    edited November -1
    You can't legislate common sense, just as you can't legislate morality.
    Criminals lack morals, therefore they make criminal choices and so on. Laws?...they don't care about laws, thus making them criminals.
    A * lacks common sense, therefore they make * choices and so on. Laws?...They are too stupid to comprehend them, thus making them *.

    So, those of us who are intelligent, and moral are the only one's who suffer from these laws, because an emotional majority wishes to suffer criminals and * who these laws never effect. Who are the *?
  • WerwolfWerwolf Member Posts: 475 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by pipe7
    They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent.
    This needs to be taken out, but the rest is fine

    NO, the rest is NOT fine, gun control is a tyrannical and collective way to attempt to disarm the populace that would otherwise have the ability to fight any enemies domestic or foreign and in this case being that the united states government fully participates in the united nations I see no reason why the united states government wouldn't use u.n. foreign troops entirely or to assist loyal u.s. troops against an armed insurgent populace that has revolted against the government for repeated violations of the Constitution, some of which to include;
    Depriving its citizens of their Constitutional rights and doing away with certain provisions designed to protect the people against injustice, making laws contrary to the Constitution that make it illegal for citizens to have firearms or certain types of firearms, embezzling billions of dollars from unsuspecting citizens under the guise of "pay your taxes or else!", swearing an oath to protect and uphold the Constitution and never staying true to the same, manipulating crop prices then setting high taxes for their own benefit and then telling farmers to sell their properties since they cant afford to pay for them or we will confiscate them, interfering in the foreign affairs of other countries strictly for their own selfish and monetary benefit, murdering millions of innocent people in the name of "whatever they decide to call it at that time" and using loyal members of the military to commit their crimes against humanity so that they are "not involved", damaging the environment or allowing corporations to do he same while doing absolutely nothing to stop it, lying to its citizens about absolutely everything either for benefit or to protect themselves from prosecution, these are just a few of the crimes that this government is guilty of, but never has been held accountable for, just imagine what would happen if we were completely disarmed...
  • Deadred707Deadred707 Member Posts: 168 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by pipe7
    quote:Originally posted by lt496
    quote:Originally posted by Highball
    The answer is quite simple ;

    Pipe7 is a LEO.

    There is the Alpha and Omega of it.

    Agreed. That mantle speaks volumes about his outlook and philosophy, I think.

    Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals.

    Wow, did you guys read this part?? The key word is common sense, can you understand that, or does it not fit your mantle of philosophy? Yes I am a Law Enforcement Officer, Peace Officer COP, Police Man, what ever it is you want to call it.

    I am NOT for more restrictions against law abiding people from owning as many firearms as they can have.
    You are saying you like the ones that are all ready on the books???

    I am NOT against the 2nd Ammendment as it would restrict me and my ownership of firearms.
    You all ready stated that you were.

    What I am against is criminals having guns, I am against irresponsible gun owners who dont know how to safely own and use firearms. I am against gun owners who feel it is their right to leave a loaded firearm lying around the house so a child could get it and have a fatal accident.
    Accidents are just that no law will change that.

    I have been to the calls of a child who has killed themselves or been seriously hurt by their irresponsible parent who felt it was his/her right to leave a loaded gun unsecured in their house.
    It is there right to be a moron.

    Now their child is dead.
    They sound like they should of not breed in the first place.

    Have either of you dealt with that??? Put a child in a plastic bag just once, or go to the autopsy just once, and maybe you will understand reality!!! I have done both!!! Too many people want to hide behind the 2nd Ammendment and not take into coinsideration that a gun owner needs common sense.

    Just my .02
  • chaoslodgechaoslodge Member Posts: 790 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by pipe7

    Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals.

    Wow, did you guys read this part?? The key word is common sense, can you understand that, or does it not fit your mantle of philosophy? Yes I am a Law Enforcement Officer, Peace Officer COP, Police Man, what ever it is you want to call it. I am NOT for more restrictions against law abiding people from owning as many firearms as they can have. I am NOT against the 2nd Ammendment as it would restrict me and my ownership of firearms. What I am against is criminals having guns, I am against irresponsible gun owners who dont know how to safely own and use firearms. I am against gun owners who feel it is their right to leave a loaded firearm lying around the house so a child could get it and have a fatal accident. I have been to the calls of a child who has killed themselves or been seriously hurt by their irresponsible parent who felt it was his/her right to leave a loaded gun unsecured in their house. Now their child is dead. Have either of you dealt with that??? Put a child in a plastic bag just once, or go to the autopsy just once, and maybe you will understand reality!!! I have done both!!! Too many people want to hide behind the 2nd Ammendment and not take into coinsideration that a gun owner needs common sense.

    So the parents should be prosecuted for negligent homicide. I really could care less in the big picture how many kids die because their parents are idiots. It is probably better for the species over all. Freedom ain't free. Our legal system with its innocent until proven guilty policy means lots of criminals go free. I would rather have that than the alternative. If more resources were put into educating people about responsible ownership instead of restricting ownership it would be a lot harder to find a kid in a bag.
  • wsfiredudewsfiredude Member Posts: 7,769 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    What I am against is criminals having guns,

    As am I. I am unaware of any penal institution at the local, state, or federal level that allows inmates to possess firearms.

    I am against irresponsible gun owners who dont know how to safely own and use firearms.

    Who gets to determine/define level of responsibility? The gubmint? That's a slippery slope, pipe7, a slippery slope.

    I am against gun owners who feel it is their right to leave a loaded firearm lying around the house so a child could get it and have a fatal accident.

    You can't legislate responsibility.

    I have been to the calls of a child who has killed themselves or been seriously hurt by their irresponsible parent who felt it was his/her right to leave a loaded gun unsecured in their house. Now their child is dead. Have either of you dealt with that??? Put a child in a plastic bag just once, or go to the autopsy just once, and maybe you will understand reality!!! I have done both!!!

    I have been to a call where children and adults have been killed in a home invasion because they had no firearm present with which to repel the attack? Wanna know why they had no firearm present? Because the adult in the house had been charged with possession of marijuana in an amount sufficient to convict them of a felony. No history of violence, no criminal history other than the pot, but 'no guns for them' because of the felony. Child in a bag, two adults in bags. Why?

    Too many people want to hide behind the 2nd Ammendment and not take into coinsideration that a gun owner needs common sense.

    Too many people want to destroy the RTKBA of others via bogus 'felony' convictions.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1

    There is a simple concept relating to the punishment/sanction for the commission of a specific "bad act", as opposed to the collectivist and gun-controller method of "prohibition/restriction/control" of the object, in lieu of said punishment for the "bad act".

    Ponder on the difference between the two approaches. One fits our Constitutional Republic perfectly and also compliments the individual liberty, limited government, "Individualism" philosophy perfect.

    The other, well, it meshes perfectly with the "Collectivism" philosophy and the concept of a predatory all-powerful government. It categorizes people into "groups" and other general designators.

    After this comparison, which pretty well delineates the distinction in philosophy and mindset, you may consider the basic, clear text of Amendment II, which was put in place as a prohibition on government from infringing on an "individuals" fundamental and absolute right to keep and bear arms.

    Can you see where it is that you fall on the spectrum, when using these simple and true principals as a yardstick to measure your actions and beliefs?

    You are a collectivist and whether admitted, or not, you are a gun-controller.

    None of the situations and crimes scenes that you have responded to and investigated and/or that you simply experienced in the course of your police service, are cause for government infringements into an area that they are expressly prohibited from infringing upon, period. I've arguably been to just as many such scenes, or mayhap more. So what?

    "LEO" mindset vs. "Peace Officer" mindset.

    "Collectivist" mindset/philosophy vs. "Individualist" mindset/philosophy.

    There IS a distinct parallel and a distinct difference between them.
  • jpwolfjpwolf Member Posts: 9,164
    edited November -1
    I think you guys already whipped him, appears he tucked tail...
  • RocklobsterRocklobster Member Posts: 7,060
    edited November -1
    Now for my two cents. The only common-sense measure that respects the Second-Amendment rights of gun owners is respecting the Second Amendment.

    There are already over 20,000 "reasonable, common-sense laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals" that have not had any effect whatever on the ability of criminals to get their hands on guns. Only one law is needed - hang the pukes (the ones who are not killed by armed citizens defending themselves). Thin out their ranks. Make them stay inside the walls like the rest of the cockroaches.

    A million more idiotic infringements will not take the place of proper parentage to keep guns away from children.
  • pipe7pipe7 Member Posts: 911 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by jpwolf
    I think you guys already whipped him, appears he tucked tail...

    No JP I havent tucked tail and ran anywhere. I run from no one especially anyone on this site. I just dont have the opportunity to sit on a computer 24/7 like some of you do on this site. Whats good is that while we might not agree on this, we all have an opinion. While you dislike mine, believe me I dislike yours. I agree with wsfiredude who says you cant legislate responsibility, I totally agree, but until people start using more common sense, the government will continue to regulate. Dont cry and complain, because the same people you voted for whether local,state or federal are making these rules. How many of you are actually involved in trying to make a difference??? From the responses I see on this site, almost all of you do nothing but cry on your keyboard about how you gun rights are being infringed. Grow up and if you dont like my opinion than thats too bad. You see thats the great thing about America, everyone has a voice, and YES everyone has a Right to Keep and Bear Arms. However from my perspective of some of the idiot responses, some of you shouldnt be allowed to own a watergun.

    Im done with this topic, it's like talking to a wall[;)]
  • wsfiredudewsfiredude Member Posts: 7,769 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    it's like talking to a wall

    Welcome to our world.
  • jpwolfjpwolf Member Posts: 9,164
    edited November -1
    I figured their was a good chance my comment would get him back, just didn't think he turn right around tucked again and run off a 2nd time. Oh well, as Ron White says, you can't fix stupid. And liberals who want the government to wipe their * for them, and everything else, are the definition.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:and YES everyone has a Right to Keep and Bear Arms. However from my perspective of some of the idiot responses, some of you shouldnt be allowed to own a watergun.If everyone has a "right" to keep and bear arms, how then do YOU, or the gov't deign to decide that some of us "shouldn't be allowed" to even own a water-gun, given that you see it as a "right" after all (sure you do[;)]).

    The anti-liberty thought process and anti-liberty mentality just can't help but bleed through, nor can such a one even contemplate advocating, or even recognizing Amendment II for what is was designed.

    Sad thing is, such people usually believe that they are pro-gun. In that self analysis they may be correct, but they are only "pro-gun" in the "NRA sense" of the words, ala they want themselves and other "select" people to be "allowed" to have guns for select purposes and with selected and limited methods of use and carry. All with the gov't making sure that certain "bad" people, children, mentally unbalanced, radicals and various and sundry other "selected groups", do not access firearms. It's for the "public safety, don't you know.....

    Collectivism at work, in all its stark reality. Collectivism = the enemy of liberty.

    Know thine enemy, because your future and the shaky future of the Republic depends upon that knowledge.
  • Jim RauJim Rau Member Posts: 3,550
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by pipe7
    quote:Originally posted by lt496
    quote:Originally posted by Highball
    The answer is quite simple ;

    Pipe7 is a LEO.

    There is the Alpha and Omega of it.

    Agreed. That mantle speaks volumes about his outlook and philosophy, I think.

    Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals.

    Wow, did you guys read this part?? The key word is common sense, can you understand that, or does it not fit your mantle of philosophy? Yes I am a Law Enforcement Officer, Peace Officer COP, Police Man, what ever it is you want to call it. I am NOT for more restrictions against law abiding people from owning as many firearms as they can have. I am NOT against the 2nd Ammendment as it would restrict me and my ownership of firearms. What I am against is criminals having guns, I am against irresponsible gun owners who dont know how to safely own and use firearms. I am against gun owners who feel it is their right to leave a loaded firearm lying around the house so a child could get it and have a fatal accident. I have been to the calls of a child who has killed themselves or been seriously hurt by their irresponsible parent who felt it was his/her right to leave a loaded gun unsecured in their house. Now their child is dead. Have either of you dealt with that??? Put a child in a plastic bag just once, or go to the autopsy just once, and maybe you will understand reality!!! I have done both!!! Too many people want to hide behind the 2nd Ammendment and not take into coinsideration that a gun owner needs common sense.

    The problem is liberals have no common sense. They use this lie to make some people who are not smart enough to see what they are doing support them.[V]
    We need to gun proof children, not child proof guns. And yes I have handled many calls where guns were misused and unauthorized access was allowed with bad results. THIS IS NOT A PERFECT WORLD, and our RIGHTS trump the fact some people should not be parents. Punish the individuals not all of the rest of us!
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