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Some days just don't work out

bpostbpost Member Posts: 32,669 ✭✭✭✭
When participating in your favorite sport.

Pitchers get hammered with home runs, quarter backs throw interceptions and bad passes, golfers hit the sand and water more than the freeways.

Competitive bullseye shooters; for them the 10 ring is safe landing for butterflies.

Went to a match today.
Rimfire was over 100 points below my average! [B)][B)]

Centerfire was not such a slaughter, it was ONLY 75 points low. [:0]

Thankfully I have more ammo and they will keep printing targets, so I'll just suck it up and try again next month. [:D][:p]

Gotta keep trying


  • jimbowbyjimbowby Member Posts: 3,496
    edited November -1
    [xx(] Rats, what do you think it was??

    Were they handloads/wind/breathing/squeeze--ya gotta pinpoint it, don't ya think ??

    Mirage ??

    [:o)] JIMBO
  • hdcolt51hdcolt51 Member Posts: 4,584 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Yep,some days you shouldn't even try and spell"gun"
  • perry shooterperry shooter Member Posts: 17,105 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Hello Bruce saw Your post . Like the saying goes some days are Diamonds and some are COAL. Maybe it was in the air I shot a 2700 Sat and it was NOT a good day . Could not blame it on guns or conditions. It was Just ME[:(]
  • bpostbpost Member Posts: 32,669 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I could not get in the "zone". This was my first 50 foot match in a long time but all the bad shots were mine and mine alone, I shot them there. I had a wonderful string of rimfire slow going, with all the shots tight in the 9-10 ring. how the hell I shot a clean miss, at 2:00 on the area you write your competitor number is beyond my understanding. Even with the miss the target scored a 85. I was sure it was a cross fire but there were nine hits in the 9-10 ring and one way out in the weeds, right where I shot it.

    I shot a 45 rapid string where the first five shots were all scoring shots, the problem was all five were in the white; not even close to the black. I started laughing at my stupidity and placed the next string all in the 10 and X ring! [:0]

    Jimbowby; I am pretty sure the mirage at fifty feet, indoors, was the problem......that's my story and I'm sticking to it! [:o)][:I]
  • JustCJustC Member Posts: 16,056 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    riiiiiiight, we'll go with mirage[;)]

    drink the night before?
    coffee that morning?
  • bpostbpost Member Posts: 32,669 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by JustC
    riiiiiiight, we'll go with mirage[;)]

    drink the night before?
    coffee that morning?

    Coffee in the morning, you bet, LOUSY restless sleep the night before, woke up every few minutes all night long. But; I am sticking with the mirage theory! [:D]
  • JustCJustC Member Posts: 16,056 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    coffee is an accuracy killer. Water or juice[;)]
  • 375H&H375H&H Member Posts: 1,544 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Reminds me of an afternoon shooting shooting at !!!
    Ground hogs [:o)] couldn't hit at 300 , 200 , or even at 100 yards ???

    Some days your the windshield , some days your the bug [:o)]

    By the way , when I checked zero at the range with the same rifle , all was well [:o)] go figure .
  • 375H&H375H&H Member Posts: 1,544 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:coffee is an accuracy killer. Water or juice

    Never knew about this , wonder if the same could be said for soda ?

    I'm assuming your refering to the caffine .
  • OdawgpOdawgp Member Posts: 5,380 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by bpost
    I could not get in the "zone". This was my first 50 foot match in a long time but all the bad shots were mine and mine alone, I shot them there.

    I shot a 45 rapid string where the first five shots were all scoring shots, the problem was all five were in the white; not even close to the black. I started laughing at my stupidity and placed the next string all in the 10 and X ring! [:0]

    you shoot CF indoor at 50ft!

    isn't that cheating ;-)

    we shoot 22 indoor every friday all winter long

    my problem is keeping that little red dot still long enough to pull a good shot

    that 10ring is only about the size of a nickel
  • bpostbpost Member Posts: 32,669 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Odawgp
    quote:Originally posted by bpost
    I could not get in the "zone". This was my first 50 foot match in a long time but all the bad shots were mine and mine alone, I shot them there.

    I shot a 45 rapid string where the first five shots were all scoring shots, the problem was all five were in the white; not even close to the black. I started laughing at my stupidity and placed the next string all in the 10 and X ring! [:0]

    you shoot CF indoor at 50ft!

    isn't that cheating ;-)

    we shoot 22 indoor every friday all winter long

    my problem is keeping that little red dot still long enough to pull a good shot

    that 10ring is only about the size of a nickel

    The 45 at 50 feet is very challenging! the B-2 target has a small black, the 10 ring is indeed about the size of a nickel. We were shooting five shots 45 cal per target so the shots could be scored accurately.
  • sandwarriorsandwarrior Member Posts: 5,453 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1

    HOLDOFF!!...on the margaritas[;)][:D]

    Coffee: only as much as you normally drink. Unless you drink it to excess. Limit coffee by how much water you can drink afterwards (coffee dehydrates you and makes your vision not so good. Same with any other caffeinated pop, i.e. Mountain Dew, Pepsi, Coca-Cola)

    Match each caffeine drink with equal amounts of water. Don't drink so much it makes you have to pee because that'll wreck your aim and your vision.

    -good luck on the next one![:D]
  • JustCJustC Member Posts: 16,056 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by 375H&H
    quote:coffee is an accuracy killer. Water or juice

    Never knew about this , wonder if the same could be said for soda ?

    I'm assuming your refering to the caffine .

    yep, caffeine or alcohol. I drink water or gatorade etc on my way to a benchrest match.
  • OdawgpOdawgp Member Posts: 5,380 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by bpost
    quote:Originally posted by Odawgp
    quote:Originally posted by bpost
    I could not get in the "zone". This was my first 50 foot match in a long time but all the bad shots were mine and mine alone, I shot them there.

    I shot a 45 rapid string where the first five shots were all scoring shots, the problem was all five were in the white; not even close to the black. I started laughing at my stupidity and placed the next string all in the 10 and X ring! [:0]

    you shoot CF indoor at 50ft!

    isn't that cheating ;-)

    we shoot 22 indoor every friday all winter long

    my problem is keeping that little red dot still long enough to pull a good shot

    that 10ring is only about the size of a nickel

    The 45 at 50 feet is very challenging! the B-2 target has a small black, the 10 ring is indeed about the size of a nickel. We were shooting five shots 45 cal per target so the shots could be scored accurately.

    I was going to say after about 5 or 6 shots you'd be hard pressed to find the other 4 or 5 unless you were shaking like a dog poopting razor blades

    last year for the state indoor i shot a 829 x18 as a SS with my Ruger 22/45

    didn't compete much this year but hope to shoot the indoor state and sectional this winter
  • OdawgpOdawgp Member Posts: 5,380 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by huntsman53
    Yep, coffee and sodas to me are a deal breaker when it comes to shooting tight groups! When I plan to go to the Range to sight in my' Rifle with a new Scope, I drink a couple of cups of coffee in the morning to wake up but stick to water or juice for an afternoon stint of shooting. The caffeine in coffee and/or sodas as well as some teas, raises the blood pressure and thus the jitter factor. Before leaving for the Range, hold out your arms and hands to see how jittery you are and if you show the nervouse jitters, drink some water before you leave and on the way (16 ounces or more) to flush as much of the caffeine from your system. Hopefully, by the time you get to the Range (if it takes 15 minutes or more) the water may have done it's job and after a good long pee, you should be good to go for shooting tighter groups.


    even 15 minutes doesn't sound like enough time, I remember the days it took more than 15 minutes to get to the range.(more like an hour) now it's less than 10mins.

    I notice if my day at the office was stressful I can forget about shooting more than a 802 on league night. If it was real stressful A shot of bourbon from the conference room will settle those nerves on the bus ride home, making 815 or higher a good possibility
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