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Where has that dollar bill been, where is it going

Little-AcornLittle-Acorn Member Posts: 103 ✭✭
edited September 2009 in General Discussion
Found a fun website. Well, I thought it was fun. .

Someone set this up so people could look at the currency in their wallet, type in the serial numbers here, then spend the bills and see if anyone else gets the same bill and types it in to the website later. Write the URL of the website on the bill - it's even legal, as long as you write it on a blank spot. I use a ballpoint pen with red ink.

You don't need to use your real name, or any actual data about yourself. You can type in your zip code if you want, so the site can tell people where the bill went; or use a fake zipcode or etc. No one worries about it, one way of the other.

It's interesting to see where a bill you had, shows up later.

If you type in an email address, the site will send you an automatic email when someone else types in a bill you previously typed in.

Took me four weeks to finally get a notice that someone else had typed in a bill I had typed in. They don't tell you who it was, of course, just what zipcode it was found in. YMMV, with some people it can take months... or only a day or two. Some people watch their bills drift all the way across country, and even overseas.

Important? No.

Cool? Yes.




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    PTHEIMPTHEIM Member Posts: 3,374
    edited November -1
    Hello my Little-Acorn,

    I'm a small time 'Georger' w/currently a little over 100 bills entered and floating about our nation.

    In fact I just had a bill turn up, after two years of floundering out there, in California. That was cool. [;)]

    I have a few bills floating around out there that I entered into WG and never marked before releasing them back out into the wild.[B)]

    I also have a few bills out there marked w/ with 'note: gun owner (none of these have turned up yet).[:I]

    If you join the forums side of WG you'll see all sorts of side catagories they play with, too.
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    MercuryMercury Member Posts: 7,812 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I was one of the first few thousand people to sign up on WG, way back in 1998? I think it was.

    Great site, I've entered about 20k bills. I had one bill get a hit after floating around out there for EIGHT YEARS! That was pretty cool!

    Wish I had time to stamp and enter more bills. Get a stamp! It is well worth the $5-6 they cost! And your hit rate will go WAY up! Search on google for "Where's George Stamp"

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    Little-AcornLittle-Acorn Member Posts: 103 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I've only entered around 50 bills, I'm a small-time Georger. But it's fun to look in on every few days.

    An eight-year-old bill is very rare. I heard a statistic (how's that for a reliable reference?) that a paper bill only lasts about 10 months (on average) after being printed, where coins can last years.

    Sounds like someone stuck that one in a piggy bank, and didn't break it for a long time.
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    garanchgaranch Member Posts: 3,681
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Mercury

    Great site, I've entered about 20k bills.

    20,000 entries? When do you find time to go to work, eat dinner, or even sleep as far as that goes?
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    spasmcreekspasmcreek Member Posts: 37,724 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    where have all the dollars gone long time passing...where have all the dollars gone long time ago ...gone to china every one when will the fed ever learn ...when will they ever learn....
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    MercuryMercury Member Posts: 7,812 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Doesn't take long. I can do a couple hundred bills in an hour while watching tv. There are people on there with 750k bills entered.........THAT is sick! :)


    quote:Originally posted by garanch
    quote:Originally posted by Mercury

    Great site, I've entered about 20k bills.

    20,000 entries? When do you find time to go to work, eat dinner, or even sleep as far as that goes?
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    tapwatertapwater Member Posts: 10,335 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    ...I've been Georging for several years. Sometimes, it
    takes a couple years for a bill to go 50 miles. I use
    a lot of bills at a gas station, near the interstate,
    hoping for travelers to get them.
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    sabb0007sabb0007 Member Posts: 755 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I registered, I was on here a few years ago and forgot my account info. Be interesting to get started again.
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    PTHEIMPTHEIM Member Posts: 3,374
    edited November -1
    Where they've been is fun to learn.[;)]

    Where are they goin'? [:o)] Well, BACK OUT INTO THE WILD!! THAT'S WHERE![:D]
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    pickenuppickenup Member Posts: 22,844 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    What is this........dollar bill.....currency, that you speak of??
    People still "have"
    Thought the big "O" had taken it all.

    j/k [;)] [:D][:D]

    I had/have an account there YEARS ago.
    Forgot my password, they were NOT helpful getting it (or another one) so I have not been able to access my account. [V]
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