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public storage auctions.......

mjgcarpentermjgcarpenter Member Posts: 245 ✭✭✭
edited April 2006 in General Discussion
Anyone ever gone to one?... I'm going tomorrow to one. Bad part is it is a silent auction. Good part is I put most of the stuff in it. It is my older brothers, lots of baseball cards and collectibles. He suffers from depression and is manic depressive and doesn't pay his bills. Can't alway bail him out. Just wondering if people bid high or any kind of info.(high being more than $1000) thanks.......


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    zipperzapzipperzap Member Posts: 25,057
    edited November -1
    I have in the past - they are County Auctions.

    USUALLY, there are some great deals to be had
    ... around here, anyway!

    My WORST mistake was not to get my dollar (and
    refundable) number ... and later could have bought
    CONTINENTAL V12 for $10K - I was RUINED for weeks!

    So ... always get your number!

    PS ... came home, went to the net ... one was
    snatched up for $47K a few weeks before! ARRRUG![:(!][:(!][:(!]
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    texdottexdot Member Posts: 2,315 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I live and work at a storage facility and we have auctions every 2 months. A lot varies by state laws. 1st I wouldn't mention you are related to anyone who has a unit up for auction. 2nd don't mention what is in it because even the manager of the property doesn't know that because no one can enter the unit to look,even the manager. Stand around and look goofy until the auction.When the open the unit you want the auctioneer will start out a price and each bidder will signal or reply. Good luck.
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    pickenuppickenup Member Posts: 22,844 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by mjgcarpenter
    Just wondering if people bid high or any kind of info.(high being more than $1000)
    I have been to hundreds of these over the years. Paid as little as $1, seen some go for thousands. Largely depends on what is in it, how they conduct the auction, and who shows up.

    Some just open the door and let you look from there, while others let you scrounge through the contents of the unit. Looking in boxes, drawers, etc. The first kind would be more to your advantage, since you know what is in there.

    As for who shows up, this is where I call them Californicators. (This is NOT a slam against people who LIVE in California, it is a slam against those who have moved here. Bringing their bleened up ways, that they were running away from, with them. Trying to force us to accept what they were not willing to live with.)

    Anyway, they took some kind of "seminar" (costing hundreds of $$$, wish I had thought of that) about buying and selling storage units. Since they spent so much money on the seminar, they feel that they have to get their money back, so they buy every unit that comes along, no matter the price. Then they are surprised, when they end up taking almost everything in the unit that they paid $800 for, straight to the dumpster. Hey, it was, at MOST, a $10-20 unit. After buying a certain number of units, loosing money on most every one of them, these dummies don't last long, but there seems to be a never ending supply of them.

    While "most" of the storage unit places are honest, there are some who go through the stuff first, then sell the junk left over. Hope yours is an honest one. Good luck getting your brother's stuff back.
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    nunnnunn Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 36,028 ******
    edited November -1
    I have been to a few. Some days chicken, some days feathers.

    Usually, you only get to walk past the open door and look inside before bidding. Smart bidders bring a flashlight. Rarely, the stuff will be set outside and divided into smaller lots. I would rather buy the whole building.

    I have passed on some big bargains just because I had no way to move or store that much stuff. My last one I bought for a buck and found a few small valuables to sell on Fleabay. I made a couple hundred on the deal.
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    texdottexdot Member Posts: 2,315 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Nunn is correct,in Texas you can only look inside the door,you can't enter the unit. I know a one person who sells his purchases on E-Bay and has a weekly garage sale as well.And do bring a flashlight. We sold a unit here a couple months ago and it was furniture,clothes and stuff like that but back in the corner were 3 or 4 long guns,about $300 for the unit. I'll be cutting locks here next week for an auction June 11th or 12th.
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    steeltoe1978steeltoe1978 Member Posts: 3,248
    edited November -1
    I have been to many. Make sure you have a lot of room in your attic, basement, or garage for the stuff, as you have to clear it out that day! Bring a flashlight and locks and keys, as it doesn't hurt to lock it up after you win the auction. GOOD LUCK!
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    mjgcarpentermjgcarpenter Member Posts: 245 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Thanks guys ....bad part about this auction is it is a silent auction....can't know how high to go......
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    nunnnunn Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 36,028 ******
    edited November -1
    How does a silent auction work on a storage building sale?

    The silent auctions I have seen are at fundraising events indoors, such as the Friends of NRA, and you go by and write down your name and bid on a form. There is a time limit, and the high bidder when time runs out gets the item.
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    pickenuppickenup Member Posts: 22,844 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    You write a number on a piece of paper, and hand it in.
    Only get ONE shot at it.
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    nunnnunn Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 36,028 ******
    edited November -1
    I don't think I would like that at all. That is not really a "silent auction." More like a "sealed bid" auction.
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    mjgcarpentermjgcarpenter Member Posts: 245 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I was at it today. You looked in and wrote your bid on paper then after seeing all units the compare and announce the winners. My brother came up with a little cash and was able to keep his stuff...
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