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American Kids Suffer Due to Illegals

AlbertLumAlbertLum Member Posts: 1,343 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited April 2006 in General Discussion
schools in heavily populated hispanic areas are lowering their standards now to meet the needs of spanish speaking students while they learn english. The result ? English speaking American citizens kids have to go at their pace and the result is horribly low scores and students achieving at a rate 2 grades below normal. Is this what you want for your kids ?


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    spanielsellsspanielsells Member Posts: 12,498
    edited November -1
    What, can't blame this on the Jews?
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    mondmond Member Posts: 6,458
    edited November -1
    meeting at high noon i think ,guys??[:D]
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    nunnnunn Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 36,028 ******
    edited November -1
    With nearly no Hispanic population, the public schools in New Orleans were so crappy that only the very poorest of the poor sent their children to them. Private schools abounded and anyone who could afford them, and/or who wanted their kids to get an education, used them.

    I would like to see no public schools at all. There is no Constitutional guarantee to a free public education. No public schools would mean lower taxes, and private schools would be supported by those who use them, not all taxpayers. Private schools have proven that they can educate students for about half the cost of public schools, so why not let them take over the job?

    For me, I couldn't afford to pay school taxes and private school tuition, so I moved to a small rural school district where my kids got a good education without a lot of PC nonsense.
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    spanielsellsspanielsells Member Posts: 12,498
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by nunn
    I would like to see no public schools at all. There is no Constitutional guarantee to a free public education. No public schools would mean lower taxes, and private schools would be supported by those who use them, not all taxpayers. Private schools have proven that they can educate students for about half the cost of public schools, so why not let them take over the job?

    I can't begin to agree with you more.

    Not only do private schools do it for less money, but typically the education is much better. Most of your better colleges and universities are filled with students who have had a private school education OR have been homeschooled.
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    AlbertLumAlbertLum Member Posts: 1,343 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by spanielsells
    What, can't blame this on the Jews?

    no need to. jews are usually pretty smart and do well in class. it would be a shame to have illegal aliens in schools with smart jews and make the jews who have potential learn at the illegals pace.
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    He DogHe Dog Member Posts: 51,012 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    One problem with private schools is that the quality of education correlats directly with tuition and therefore income. Not that I think most of our public schoos are anything to be proud of, but I think it is in the best interests of society to see that everyone and particularly lower income kids gets a decent education. That is the key to better, higher paying jobs, and that in turn raises people out of poverty. A large illiterate underclass is in no ones best interest.
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    AlbertLumAlbertLum Member Posts: 1,343 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    average cost per student per year in los angeles unified school district in $8,200 and the average private school is $4,000. if parents in bad neighboorhoods didnt have the waste all of their money on taxes to pay for bad schools then they could afford to send their kids to good private schools where they actually recieve an education in topics other than transgender studies and Caesar Chavez grape picking
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    texdottexdot Member Posts: 2,315 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    "Waste their money on bad schools"? What kind of tax base is there on a 2 room shack with a tin roof. The only reason most of them go is to screw around and sell drugs anyway.
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    KSUmarksmanKSUmarksman Member Posts: 10,705 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1

    My family didn't have problems with Kansas public schools.
    We had excellent AP programs in various subjects.
    I went a little overboard with math and science which led to several results:
    1. went straight into Calculus 3 in college, got an A.
    2. went straight into Ornagic 1 and Chem * (got '5' on the AP chem and skipped chem I and II)
    3. didn't get to skip engineering physics, but I went to about 2 lectures in each semester and got an A in each semester.

    I will be the first to testify that I am not another Einstein or anything, just that the teachers were good in HS and gave me excellent preparation for college.
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    AlbertLumAlbertLum Member Posts: 1,343 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    KS - you are partly right, the public schools outside of major cities are usually pretty good. Parents are involved and students learn in a good environment. Its the inner cities where the public schools are terrible. They need to be fixed.
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    KSUmarksmanKSUmarksman Member Posts: 10,705 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by AlbertLum
    KS - you are partly right, the public schools outside of major cities are usually pretty good. Parents are involved and students learn in a good environment. Its the inner cities where the public schools are terrible. They need to be fixed.

    I concur, but what can we do about rampant apathy on the part of the parents, students, and administration?

    The most important factor IMO is the students and parents, if the students don't want to learn and the parents can't drill the importance of an education into their fool heads; what can anyone do?
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    nunnnunn Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 36,028 ******
    edited November -1
    quote:A large illiterate underclass is in no ones best interest.

    Maybe, but a large illiterate underclass graduates or drops out of big city high schools every year.
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    AlbertLumAlbertLum Member Posts: 1,343 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    KS - I am not sure what you do about the apathy. I do know however that many inner city children only have one parent, a mother. I believe one of the most important thing to improve inner cities is to make sure every child has a mother and a father who is there everyday. A mother working a job and raising 3 kids all alone just doesnt have the time and energy to run a household and dedicate enough time to their childrens school work as well. It takes TWO parents.

    Apathy is usually removed when there is hope. Hope comes with prospects.
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    prangleprangle Member Posts: 1,462 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Sometimes,you just can't speak the truth.
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