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Would you go along with this?

KhegglieKhegglie Member Posts: 330 ✭✭✭
edited December 2001 in General Discussion
i went to cash a check today drawn on the wife's account. i dont have an account with that particular bank. The little college student teller told me i had to come INTO the bank, instead of the drive up, because i wasnt a "customer". ok i was told i needed two forms of id ok i showed my drivers and state boomer licence ok i was told i also needed to place a right thumb print on the check in order to cash it....NFW.i went to another branch,and heard a respectablelooking(not like me!) lady joke about knowing she needed to give her print(no prob for her)i discussed the policy with the top flunky, wished her happy holidays , and went to my own bank. QEUSTION: would any of you have just given the print? Am i just getting even more paranoid...???


  • Evil ATFEvil ATF Member Posts: 1,195 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Absolutely not. If two forms of government-issued ID are not good enough: Take your business elsewhere.
  • Gordian BladeGordian Blade Member Posts: 1,202 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    No way would I give any private business my prints unless I was applying for a job that required a high level of security check. Even for my application for a pistol permit, I'm not happy about it but I have no choice. The only other time I had to do it was getting a Dept. of Def. security clearance. I had to think about that one a long time and I put it off until absolutely required for my job.
  • KhegglieKhegglie Member Posts: 330 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    right now i feel like just cashing in and going "underground". we get pushed back a little more each day.
  • IconoclastIconoclast Member Posts: 10,515 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I'm with you on that NFW! Nor will I donate DNA for some ID so I can ride a plane w/o being checked in. Like that stupid piece of plastic is going to provide any enhanced security when they have illegal immigrants manning the security checks. Just one more sound bite to make the moronic masses feel good as 'they' ready the concentration camps. No, I don't actually believe that, but it sure seems our dedicated public servants are setting things up so that can be accomplished easily.
  • 218Beekeep218Beekeep Member Posts: 3,033
    edited November -1
    It`s when they want to charge 8 bucks at the 5/3rd Bank to cach a check for a non account holder that gets me fired up!They tri`ed this with me when I went in to cash a $50. check.Then BANKAMERICA has a non account holder line,and several account holder lines,but if they are buisy they will call account holders from the other lines into the non account holder line in front of you!I could care less about another fingerprint after that..218
  • 218Beekeep218Beekeep Member Posts: 3,033
    edited November -1
    I went into a bank the other day ,to cash a check for several hundred bucks,expecting all the above."No sir,..we only need one form of I.D.!""No sir,..we don`t fingerprint here""No Sir,..we would never charge you 8 dollars."Guess I was afraid to ask how much their monthly charge would be for a checking account ,..maybe I should!.218
  • KhegglieKhegglie Member Posts: 330 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    i'm slowly beginnig to understand Beekeeper.....i'm scared!!! :-)
  • simonbssimonbs Member Posts: 994
    edited November -1
    Credit Union. 'Nuff said.
  • mudgemudge Member Posts: 4,225 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Iconoclast.....Don't get me wrong, I'm not going the fingerprint route either. The little plastic ID ain't gonna' work and they know it. The card is merely a prelude to the implanted microchip which will probably be done at birth. Microchips are for dogs, not for people!They wanna' plant a chip in me, they'd better bring some large bore firearms!I will not go quietly!!!It was nice meeting you Saturday.Mudge the distrustful
    I can't come to work today. The voices said, STAY HOME AND CLEAN THE GUNS![This message has been edited by mudge (edited 12-10-2001).]
  • Mom MomMom Mom Member Posts: 169 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I understand your frustration with being asked for fingerprints. However, as a formor employee of a business that cashed checks, there is a legitimate basis for the request. Color copiers, printers, computers, word processors, and paper stock are readily available to anyone, with a minimal investment. With the proper tools, and a little creativeness, anyone can replicate realistic looking "checks": business, personal, forgeries of actual accounts, made up accounts and banks. It doesn't matter the from, what matters is that the bank/business is out the money for bogus checks. If you happen to be the unfortunate person whose account was forged, you could lose both your money, you reputation, you credit rating, and be flagged as a deadbeat by the hoodwinked businesses. the fingerprinting is an attempt to eliminate, or at least control such forgeries by providing both a deterrant to potential forgors, and by providing a means of identifying the casher of such checks.Given a flaot period of 2-3 days before the bogus check is discovered, and industrious individual can make multiple stops over those 2-3 days and make out quite nicely. When one account and name is worn out, they move on to another. Beleive, there are people who make their livings-literally- by creating and cashing fake checks, often under multiple aliases using forged ID's. The biggest "bust" i saw was a women who had cashed checks under 17 differant names. The total damages to one business alone was $23,000 and some change. Multiply that by a dozen or so businesses, sure beats working for a living.Long story short- the fingerprinting may not neccessarily be some vast conspiracy to track your banking habits. Anyone who wants to and has a computer can do that. Maybe it really is just what it says it is: an attempt to protect both the bank and its' customers from criminals.
  • arthur wellingarthur welling Member Posts: 66 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Only happened to me once.Went to cash a paycheck at the bank it was drawn on. The teller told me my Driver's license wasn't good enough for ID.I told them fine, thanks for your time.I returned to work, gave them back the paycheck, told them the bank wouldn't cash it and it was no good to me. From now on it was cash or get themselves a new boy.They had cash in my hand before I could make it back to my car. My next trip into that bank the manager called me over and apologized.I asked him for ID.
  • imadorkimadork Member Posts: 147 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I had to give up my prints to get a Notary Public commission. That kind of sucks but it's necessary. About the check thing, there are two solutions that I've found:- my bank provides me with business reply envelopes to mail in deposits of checks. Combined with online banking and the local ATM that charges $0.50 per transaction, this works very well.- the local Breadstiks grocery store has a check-cashing service that requires only a driver's license. Fingerprints today aren't necessary on checks because there are advanced microprinting and heat-sensitive ink techniques that prevent forgery. I wouldn't put a print on a check out of principle, since it's not necessary.To be honest I'm more worried about the California government having my prints and associating those prints with my firearm purchases rather than a private bank having the print.
  • Gordian BladeGordian Blade Member Posts: 1,202 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Mom Mom, I understand that the bank is trying to protect itself from losing money. I'm trying to protect myself from losing freedom. Money is more easily replaced than freedom. My grandfather came to this country for freedom, not money. No prints from me, sorry.And PS -- Since the bank doesn't do an instant fingerprint check, it's only useful after the fact. The bank already has a security picture in that case anyway. Why not verify the microprinting on the check (using a microscope) which is not so easily duplicated by "anyone with a color printer"? That would catch crooks immediately.
  • Judge DreadJudge Dread Member Posts: 2,372 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    That is why i went "Undergrownd" years ago ,cash,trade ,UBO, Community Foundation and cooperatives. Capitalism is good until it converts to Technocratic Feudalism of big corporations against the small farmer,the small Hardware store,the small GUNMAKER ,the small manufacturer and the small "us" ,with big goverment aproval and US contitution in the trash can. (We deserve what we vote for) NEXT TIME Choose NONE ! ....
    Good , Bad ? Who cares? as long I am the one with the GUN... and the brains !
  • Evil ATFEvil ATF Member Posts: 1,195 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    dano:It's not THEIR fault! You were probably getting ready to rob the place!Auntie Sarah says that guns turn level-headed people into killing machines, so why wouldn't it apply to the boys in blue as well? Or, maybe you should have written the girl a "Stupid Ticket".
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