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AARP and Auto Insurance

s.guns.gun Member Posts: 3,245
edited December 2005 in General Discussion
Any of you have comments about AARP Auto Insurance with Hartford Insurance Company.Their quote they just sent me is unbelievably a large savings compared with what I'm paying now at Allstate.I think Allstate has ripped me off big time.I guess I should have shopped around a whole lot sooner.

It's 45% less.Is this a "come on" scheme where they will soon jack my rates right back up there or what?

4-Remove the Rod
5-Do Not Forget the Cap.


  • ATFATF Member Posts: 11,683 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I pay AARP less than half of what Geico wants for exactly the same coverage.I've been with them for over 10 years without any complaints.[^] [8D]


    When a worm wants to relax,does he go fishing?  "And remember a wet dog doesn't fly at night"  "My memory's not as sharp as it used to be. Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be."   ATF,Eagle Guns
  • morsecodemorsecode Member Posts: 1,116 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I worked for an AARP insurance program a few years's legit. The center you probably called is right down the street from me. They can't raise your rates, unless you have a claim for something more than a broken windshield, or get a moving violation, or they raise the rate for everyone in your state across the board, which they don't do often. AARP has some clout here and it's a profitable cross sell for The "geezers" have all that money to invest in their annuities. Mucho solicitations coming to a mailbox near you [}:)]

    If you insure your home with them too, they'll knock off a little more from the auto coverage. Depends on where you live.
  • johalljohall Member Posts: 1,085 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    any age limit to join
  • gruntledgruntled Member Posts: 8,218 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Just bear in mind that AARP is one of our worst enemies. The money they make on your insurance will be used against us.
    That said, Allstate is one of the worst insurance companies. Try any of the others.
  • select-fireselect-fire Member Posts: 69,446 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    johall, you have to be at least 50
  • AdironduckAdironduck Member Posts: 314 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Gruntled is absolutely right!AARP is a LEFT WING ANTI-SECOND AMMENDMENT organization.Fox News has profiled an alternative organization on the O'reily Factor that is not left wing.Unfortunatly, I can't remember the name of it right now (I need a second cup of coffee).Does anyone know the name of that group?
  • blugillblugill Member Posts: 525 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I bought a package from AARP including insurance on 3 cars and my homeowners.I had the ins. about 6 months when I received a notice on Fri. morning that they had canceled my car ins. for non payment.I argued with them even giving them the canceled check number of the check they cashed.I had to find a company to insure my cars before they closed on Fri. I had to pay one hell of a price for them to take me on short notice.The folowing Monday I get a call from AARP that they had made a mistake and they wanted to re-instate me.I told them no way.Six months later I find out They had canceled my homeowners leaving me with no insurance for three months because they had taken away the discount of the package and my bill hadnt been paid in full.It took me 6 months to get back all the money they scammed me out of.
  • adminadmin Member, Administrator Posts: 1,079 admin
    edited November -1
    re: "Fox News has profiled an alternative organization" - I do not know the name but I have heard Neal Boortz talk about them. You can probably find info on
  • PinheadPinhead Member Posts: 1,485 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Yes, aarp are very ati-gun and they have shafted the older people by lobbying agaist their best interest on capitol hill before also. I quit them many years ago because of their ati-gun stance. They are for the outright banning of all firearms possessin by civilians. That is enough to keep me from giving them a penny of my money.
  • john wjohn w Member Posts: 4,104
    edited November -1
    I checked with arp on a lark and geico and progressive and another one i can not remember. I have state farm and they beat everyone. The only reason my state farm went up was i sold my truck (thanks friggin arabs) and i lost the multi car discount.Keep in mind every time you shop for ins they pull a credit rating on you and it shows on your credit report!.

    It's All Crapola!!!
  • AdironduckAdironduck Member Posts: 314 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Thanks Admin.The email adress for NASCON or National Association for Senior Concerns is below:

    If you are a senior citizen who is fed-up with the left-wing AARP, then take a look at NASCON.
  • 8yellowfintuna8yellowfintuna Member Posts: 787 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Funny you mentioned AARP insurance, they wanted around $300 more than my current carrier, I don't have any tickets or claims and haven't had any. When I called they said that in time my rates would drop. HMMM, my rates are dropping now with my current carrier.

    "Beam me up Scottie"
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    AARP is not an insurance provider,, they are in cahoots with an independent Insurance company.. they make deals with insurance carriers, to give their members a break on price.. No different than any other competitive company..

    Those who can make you believe absurdities
    can make you commit atrocities.

    Do I give my friends advice? NO, . They wouldn't take advice from me. Nobody should take advice from me. I haven't got a clue about anything..

  • adminadmin Member, Administrator Posts: 1,079 admin
    edited November -1
    Classic095 is right but there is a little more to the story. While negotiated rates are part of the stated benefit of joining an organization, you have to keep in mind that the organization may receive compensation for any good or service you buy thru the organization. I am sure AARP receives $millions per year from whomever the insurance carrier is. This means that the AARP may not have your best interest at heart when picking a carrier or offering a plan.

    As with anything, shop around and review the program carefully before dropping your hard earned money.

    As a side note I have seen many of you complain about upper management greed in regards to large companies like GM. Some non-profits are even worse offenders. Being a non-profit only means that the stated purpose of the organization is to not make a profit. Non-profits can, and often do, pay their founders or executives huge salaries. Some so-called 'charities' eat up 85% or more on salaries, operational expenses, and fundraising costs.

    I do not know what the salaries and perks are for AARP's upper management but considering their size and political motivations I would guess it to be exhorbitant. They should have a 990 on file listing the pay of their top officers.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    Let me clarify my statement.. when I said in "Cahoots" (a word my grandpappy used) meant in "Partnership" with an independent company..Im sure AARP gets big kickbacks for supplying customers..[;)]

    Those who can make you believe absurdities
    can make you commit atrocities.

    Do I give my friends advice? NO, . They wouldn't take advice from me. Nobody should take advice from me. I haven't got a clue about anything..

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