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I am ticked off at Robin.....

Locust ForkLocust Fork Member Posts: 31,699 ✭✭✭✭
edited October 2007 in General Discussion
I usually leave the TV on while I get ready. The show doesn't really matter....none of them are wonderful and I never actually watch any of them. Robin and company is the one that is going this morning. She is just WAY too "into" this one story about a teen with an AK-47. She isn't saying at all what this boy has done to make the news.....just that there is a video of him shooting an AK-47.

The way she reports the story is rediculous. "Here is a video....of a teen.....with an AK-47!!" There is also a small video where the same teen is tazing a frined (morons.) Whatever this boy did to make the news is unknown. They have yet to say anything more than he shoots an AK...and that he shot a box.

This leads me to one of my pet peaves.....why give a "blurb" about a story and NOT give the entire story in the next segment??? If they advertise a story "coming up" why on earth do they think we will sit here for an entire program just hoping to catch the rest of the story? If I see a blurb about something and it isn't shown right away......I will turn the channel or turn it off.....rather than let them tick me off any longer. I used to leave it on The Today show...but they lost me for this reason alone. I once waited through three segments before they showed what they had "touched on" every five minutes.

"Coming up.....the story you want to hear about....comercial break....(whole 10 minutes of nothing you want to hear about)....comercial.....COMING UP....the story you want to hear about!!!" (over and over and over again.)
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