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Drinking and Driving Age

niklasalniklasal Member Posts: 776 ✭✭✭✭
edited April 2002 in General Discussion
I was curous, what do you all think about this...

I hear on the news all the time stories about teenagers getting killed in drunk driving accidents. I'm sure everyone here knew at LEAST one person in high school who had a memorial for them.

Got me thinking... What if the law was changed so that you can buy alcohol at 16, but cannot drive until 21?

I figure, that way, teenagers will get it out of their system BEFORE they start driving.

Any thoughts?


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    pikeal1pikeal1 Member Posts: 2,707
    edited November -1
    I think that everyone who has a drivers license now gets to keep it, and anyone not old enough to drive right now take the bus. Lord knows our streets are crowded enough.
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    RembrandtRembrandt Member Posts: 4,486 ✭✭
    edited November -1 a parent of two former teen agers, I couldn't imagine transporting kids around to all their events until they were 21...
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    turboturbo Member Posts: 820 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Alcohol among all teen use is on the up-swing according to recent news reports, and the age of each teen is not the a factor which can be manipulated by making more acceptable the social use of alcohol.

    I heard a statical report yesterday, and I quote: "there, is an alcohol related death in this country every 15 minutes of every day"

    Just two days ago, tow 18 year old teens who were passengers, in a small sports car were killed, while racing with friends, down a blvd. in the middle of the day in our area, 6 persons were sent to the hospital, with varying degree of injuries. The driver of the samll car, was in critical care with a torn spleen, and multiple other injuries. Authorities believe alcohol, may have been a contributing factor. Even if it isn't, the fact that young people today are not taught abstinence of any kind, drink, smoke, drive and do drugs contrary to any laws. The same laws which are passed for the protection the citizenry and society at large, are flaunted and disregarded by them.

    What we need is enforcement of the laws that are in existence now.

    So, what makes anyone think another law is the answer.

    This idea that drinking or doing drugs is essential to enjoy oneself is a lie brought on by peer presuure and irresponsible parents and other adults that foster these ideas themselves and are unable to control themselves within site of their own children or youngsters, it's no wonder these kids grow up thinking that in order for "me" to have a good time I need to be high and, whats worse, they grow up to be like alot of adults today, that believe drinking to get drunk is socially acceptable.

    What bunk!!

    "The great object is that every man.... everyone who is able may have a gun." Patrick Henry
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    MercuryMercury Member Posts: 7,812 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Making stuff illegal is good......but doesn't slow them down much.

    One of the kids who works for me is 16, and he told me that he can get alcohol, but it will take him a few hours to find someone to get it. He also said he can get pot in under 15 minutes.

    Guess "prohibition" is really working well again, eh?


    NO! You may not have my guns! Now go crawl back into your hole!
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    pikeal1pikeal1 Member Posts: 2,707
    edited November -1
    I agree that drinking and driving is completely out of control, but aside from that, i think that drag racing and all the kids with their souped up cars are causing a lot of problems as well. Down here in Miami, any kid that has a car has some sort of work done to it. I think combining that with alcohol makes for a very bad situation.

    look at it this way

    Kid has a few drinks...starts to feel invulnerable
    gets behind the wheel of a small racing machine that mom and dad financed and hears the roar (put-put) of the engine
    pulls up to someone at a light and decides to floor it and prove his manhood by losing control of the car and killing himself and everyone involved.

    Unfortunately, down here we hear more of deadly accidents that occur when kids are drag racing, than of people driving drunk. I simply think we need to have harsher penalties for people who drag race on the street, rather than come up with more laws to prohibit drinking or whatever else.

    They are in the process of building two race tracks down here for that sole purpose. One of them is in the beautiful city of Hialeah (hispanic part of Miami right in the center of the county), and another down in Homestead near the Motorsports complex.

    Hopefully, this will curb the number of accidents that shut down our highways almost on a daily basis.
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