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Mobile homes for Katrina victems?

scottm21166scottm21166 Member Posts: 20,723
edited February 2006 in General Discussion
This is without a doubt the stupidest thing I have ever heard....They're gonna put mobile homes in an area known for hurricanes?
do they think there will never be another hurricane in this region?
I saw on TV there were like 40,000 of these mobile death traps lined up in some cow pasture....sinking in the mud. now theyre worried they might not be able to get them out without ruining them...."holy trailer trash" batman. who's in charge of this F'up?


  • zipperzapzipperzap Member Posts: 25,057
    edited November -1

    "They're gonna put mobile homes in an area known for hurricanes - BELOW SEA LEVEL, TO BOOT!

    ... only in America, as the saying goes![:0][:0][:0]
  • RamtinxxlRamtinxxl Member Posts: 9,480
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by scottm21166
    This is without a doubt the stupidest thing I have ever heard....They're gonna put mobile homes in an area known for hurricanes?
    do they think there will never be another hurricane in this region?
    I saw on TV there were like 40,000 of these mobile death traps lined up in some cow pasture....sinking in the mud. now theyre worried they might not be able to get them out without ruining them...."holy trailer trash" batman. who's in charge of this F'up?

    SSSSHHHHHH! That was part of the plan. [;)]

    Actually, congratulations on waking up from your coma [:0]--"they've" been doing this for years. Ever hear of Florida? Half-vast cities of little white FEMA trailers. Now they're all over south Louisiana, too. I think it's the feds way of population control.
  • dlrjjdlrjj Member Posts: 5,529 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Most of the pictures I have seen show camping type trailers, not the standard mobile home. We have quite a few places that make those in northern Indiana and they have been turning them out as fast as they can for government contracts. They are plain Jane units about 25 feet long and have just standard, minimal amenities

    You can see them being hauled south on the Interstate highways just about anytime, day or night. They are not destined for permanent housing, just temporary units to get people back to their area and out of hotels, etc. FEMA says they will stockpile what is usuable after this is over for the next round of disasters where they might be needed. The problem they have right now is that the areas hit by Katrina cannot clean up and prepare sites (water/sewage/gas/electric) for these units as fast as they can be built and delivered. It's going to take years to replace all of the permanent housing lost in many of these areas.
    Tax evasion is illegal, tax avoidance is an art form.
  • RamtinxxlRamtinxxl Member Posts: 9,480
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by dlrjj
    Most of the pictures I have seen show camping type trailers, not the standard mobile home. We have quite a few places that make those in northern Indiana and they have been turning them out as fast as they can for government contracts. They are plain Jane units about 25 feet long and have just standard, minimal amenities

    You can see them being hauled south on the Interstate highways just about anytime, day or night. They are not destined for permanent housing, just temporary units to get people back to their area and out of hotels, etc. FEMA says they will stockpile what is usuable after this is over for the next round of disasters where they might be needed. The problem they have right now is that the areas hit by Katrina cannot clean up and prepare sites (water/sewage/gas/electric) for these units as fast as they can be built and delivered. It's going to take years to replace all of the permanent housing lost in many of these areas.

    Make that "NEVER" for replacing all the permanent housing--that's not even the goal. We're really hoping MANY, if not most, of those evacuated to distant lands, will take "roots" and draw welfare from wherever they settle. One can NOT WORK in Baltimore and Bismarck as well as they can NOT WORK in St. Bernard Parish. Besides, what this country really needs is more cultural diversity. We've had it all for so long, we're willing to share now. Enjoy.
  • medic07medic07 Member Posts: 5,222 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The ones they are talking about here are the singlewide manufactured (read mobile) homes. These are not the high end units that you see in the dealerships around the country...these are the bare basics.

    They are currently sitting in Hope, AR on the airport grounds and FEMA is paying a nice monthly fee to the city for storing them...and they are starting to sink in the fields now.

    While I understand the need for immediate shelter for families, it needs to be stipulated that these are TEMPORARY and that you must rebuild your house or find new housing within a certain timeframe. Too many times these become permanent quarters that get destroyed in the next hurricane or tornado.
  • jbw1776jbw1776 Member Posts: 3,056
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by medic07

    . Too many times these become permanent quarters that get destroyed in the next hurricane or tornado.

    They WILL get destroyed, but not by any hurricane or tornado. I give them a month tops and these fine folks will have them completely trashed.....just like they would any other place we GIVE them.

  • DocDoc Member Posts: 13,898 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    These are not actually "mobile homes" but manufactured homes, not meant to be moved around too much. Here's a photo that appeared in the newspaper.


    FEMA bought about 11,000 of these in the past 5 months and has been parking them at Hope paying the city $600,000 in rent. There they sat until a few days ago when some local politicians started raising hell about these things setting there while Katrina victims remained homeless. I have no idea what the hell FEMA was doing or planned to do but due to the vocal criticism they have shipped out about 300 them for parts unknown. I saw them heading south and that's all I know.

    These were intended from the start to be temporary housing, not long-term homes in flood and storm areas. But the whole this has turned into a real boondoggle and further demonstrates how the feds are bungling everything they touch. All those portable homes purchased at full price+ with gov't contracts and they will be wasted, thrown away as trash in short order. The federal response to a problem: throw money at it as wastefully as possible. This is OUR money being wasted, here.
    Too old to live...too young to die...
  • select-fireselect-fire Member Posts: 69,446 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Bush's work program finally came together. Look at the jobs Katrina created to build all them homes.
  • Flyin_PaulieFlyin_Paulie Member Posts: 857 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Great work program!! They can employ everybody all over again to clean these homes up and build new ones when they get blown down(or flooded)again. Sort of a self-perpetuating no-brainer.. Let's all blame Cheney, he's had no press for a couple of days..[:D][:D][:D]
  • stanmanstanman Member Posts: 3,052
    edited November -1
    quote:Actually, congratulations on waking up from your coma --"they've" been doing this for years. Ever hear of Florida? Half-vast cities of little white FEMA trailers. Now they're all over south Louisiana, too. I think it's the feds way of population control.
    It's actually a conspiracy hatched by the pro-abortion lobby.
    Generate enough trailer trash and the resulting data will show how terribly necessary abortions are in this country.[}:)]
  • rovrmanrovrman Member Posts: 1,000 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I must remind you that all of the katrina survivors are not the kind of people are refering to. Where would you want the trailers put? How about in your backyard or neighborhood? I didn't think so. There are some people who are in real need. I am a working white male with a wife and 4 kids. I lost EVERYTHING. My home was at least 11 feet above sea level. I didn't get the levee break. I got saltwater storm surge. Was I wrong for living there, absolutely not. Its where I was born, and lived.
    I would love to see some of you if your family lost everything you owned and your job. Would you be man enough to pull it together and keep them fed and clothed? The people you have seen on T.V. are not the kind of man I refer to. These people are the scum of the earth and they live in every city. You may not know it but in a crisis, they come out like roaches.
    Sorry to be firm here but where else do you want me to bring my 4 brats to? I did have a fema trailor and I have moved out and purchased another home. I guess I should move because they have tornado's here. I could go to Kalifornia but they have earthquakes. Your rationalization makes no sense. We all live somewhere where something can happen. do we live in fear? Hell no.
    The real fight with the trailors is that nobody wants them in their neighborhood. So fema has no place to put them for people to live.
    Instead of mocking the Pres or the blacks,because we all know that you are refering to them, just afraid to say it, you should be thanking God you are not faced with that situation. Really, what would you do?? Think about it, where would you go, where would you live, how would you feed your family, where would you get the money to survive? Until this actually happens to you, you don't really know what you would do or resort to. I was blessed to have total strangers help me. But, I can tell you this one thing, if I had to I would do ANYTHING to keep my family safe, and fed.
    Again, not all of us are the scum you see. There were alot more good people out there who were effected.
    One was my father, an 83 year old WWII veteran who I lost contact with for over a week. I found out he was safe by watching CNN and seeing him go up a helicopter line. Guess what? he is back in his home and won't leave if it happens again.Its all about home and your birthplace.
  • TwoDogsTwoDogs Member Posts: 2,011 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Was your home insurance and/or flood isurance any help
    at all ??
    How about the insurance for your vehicle(s)..??
  • Flyin_PaulieFlyin_Paulie Member Posts: 857 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by rovrman
    I must remind you that all of the katrina survivors are not the kind of people are refering to. Where would you want the trailers put? How about in your backyard or neighborhood? I didn't think so. There are some people who are in real need. I am a working white male with a wife and 4 kids. I lost EVERYTHING. My home was at least 11 feet above sea level. I didn't get the levee break. I got saltwater storm surge. Was I wrong for living there, absolutely not. Its where I was born, and lived.
    I would love to see some of you if your family lost everything you owned and your job. Would you be man enough to pull it together and keep them fed and clothed? The people you have seen on T.V. are not the kind of man I refer to. These people are the scum of the earth and they live in every city. You may not know it but in a crisis, they come out like roaches.
    Sorry to be firm here but where else do you want me to bring my 4 brats to? I did have a fema trailor and I have moved out and purchased another home. I guess I should move because they have tornado's here. I could go to Kalifornia but they have earthquakes. Your rationalization makes no sense. We all live somewhere where something can happen. do we live in fear? Hell no.
    The real fight with the trailors is that nobody wants them in their neighborhood. So fema has no place to put them for people to live.
    Instead of mocking the Pres or the blacks,because we all know that you are refering to them, just afraid to say it, you should be thanking God you are not faced with that situation. Really, what would you do?? Think about it, where would you go, where would you live, how would you feed your family, where would you get the money to survive? Until this actually happens to you, you don't really know what you would do or resort to. I was blessed to have total strangers help me. But, I can tell you this one thing, if I had to I would do ANYTHING to keep my family safe, and fed.
    Again, not all of us are the scum you see. There were alot more good people out there who were effected.
    One was my father, an 83 year old WWII veteran who I lost contact with for over a week. I found out he was safe by watching CNN and seeing him go up a helicopter line. Guess what? he is back in his home and won't leave if it happens again.Its all about home and your birthplace.

    I don't think anybody was making light of your situation or the situation there. The way I see it is FEMA did a crappy job of dealing with the situation. (1 An example is the trailers still sitting instead of being where they were needed. (2 As a second note: A point can be made that traiers historically cannot handle rough weather (hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes). Those two things are probably what most people are the most upset about.
    You certainly have my best wishes [^][^]
  • rovrmanrovrman Member Posts: 1,000 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    because of the democrapic media, you only see the bad. Fema is actually doing a good job. I am satisfied by their help I recieved. Now, Allsnake and the rest of the insurance companies, thats the real problem we continue to face. Tomorrow makes the 6 month mark and most everyone is still fighting with their insurance companies. For instance, Allsnake told me that we needed to sit down and negotiate a settlement with them. I told them that I didn't remember negotiating my premiums. I paid what they said I needed to pay. I am really surprised that no one has gone crazy and shot up a bunch of them. Fema can't install the trailors untill your water/power company has restored power to your area. Yes, can you believe that there are STILL areas that don't have power and water.
    Thats the real mass problems. Its the local/state government breaking down along with the private companies refusal to provide quality service in a timely fashion. They look at you like "where are you going to go"
    I do appriciate everyones good thoughts and prayers. They are working for all of us. I can honestly say that God Bless America. I have recieved so much help and understanding from the people we have come across. From cash, to clothes, to free perscriptions, free groceries, diapers, a free place to stay, you name it, we got it. i am forever greatful!!
  • rovrmanrovrman Member Posts: 1,000 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Thats what we had for about a month. I am greatful I had it!!!
  • scottm21166scottm21166 Member Posts: 20,723
    edited November -1
    I wasnt refering to blacks or even trailer trash (as in people)in the normal sense. just that the trilers will be trash from sitting in this field...going to waste. we all know these are a quick fix for this catastrophy but the trailers in those picures don't look temporary to me and if they are what makes that any better? Its a huge waste of money and valuable resourses. I can't blame the president, he doesn't control the weather. I can point an I told you so at people who live in areas where there are earthquakes, tornados floods or hurricanes. Every time a flood comes or a tornado it wipes out a huge mobile home park cant we all just get a clue?
  • nunnnunn Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 36,057 ******
    edited November -1
    FEMA simply should not exist. It is a waste of tax dollars and unconstitutional. Ditto for the whole gang of alphabet agencies.
  • hissinggoosehissinggoose Member Posts: 763 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Ditto Nun's post.

    In E. NC where I'm from, there are still over a hundred FEMA single-wides left over from hurricane Isabel that people are living in. It's been over two and a half years since the storm. Now, what's whacky is these trailers are in a flood did FEMA do??? They had the intelligence to set these dilapidated crap-boxes up on 8 feet worth of CINDER BLOCK foundation!!! Hi-rise wobbly boxes!! Whaddaya know.....

    Your tax $$$ at work....[V]

    Roverman, God bless you and yours....and good luck with the insurance companies!!

    Mike (veteran of MANY hurricanes)
  • bpostbpost Member Posts: 32,669 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by nunn
    FEMA simply should not exist. It is a waste of tax dollars and unconstitutional. Ditto for the whole gang of alphabet agencies.


    If my home burns down in Southern Ohio will FEMA provide free lodging to me for ever and a day? If not, WHY NOT?
  • zr700zr700 Member Posts: 2,430 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Looks like a fire hazard. Imagine if one of these lights up[:0]
  • Bolivers WifeBolivers Wife Member Posts: 1,972 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Ramtinxxl
    quote:Originally posted by scottm21166
    This is without a doubt the stupidest thing I have ever heard....They're gonna put mobile homes in an area known for hurricanes?
    do they think there will never be another hurricane in this region?
    I saw on TV there were like 40,000 of these mobile death traps lined up in some cow pasture....sinking in the mud. now theyre worried they might not be able to get them out without ruining them...."holy trailer trash" batman. who's in charge of this F'up?

    SSSSHHHHHH! That was part of the plan. [;)]

    Actually, congratulations on waking up from your coma [:0]--"they've" been doing this for years. Ever hear of Florida? Half-vast cities of little white FEMA trailers. Now they're all over south Louisiana, too. I think it's the feds way of population control.

    ROFLMAO [:D][:0][:D][:0]
  • rovrmanrovrman Member Posts: 1,000 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The trailors we were geting were the travel type. As far as safety, fire hazards, falling apart, when you are without a place to stay, it really doesn't matter what kind of help you get, as long as you get some help. Most of us real people have good insurance but 6 months later we are still fighting with the s.o.b.'s to get paid. How manyof you could could to afford to keep your family going for months with no real income. By the way, I paid into this system for over 25 years. Its my money I'm getting back. I will never break even with the amount I put in over the years. Again, what would you do, take what you can get or say "its not good enough"
    Most of you don't have ANY clue what has happened to the people down there and you are believing the liberal media. I have an elderly aunt and uncle that have been living in a travel trailor in their driveway while the fix their home, for over six months now.
    Most of us aren't asking for hand outs. We want to settle and move on. The closed mindedness here is incredable. You got it too good to know it. Try buying gas around the clock to run a generator for weeks or in most cases, months. Try eating MRE's at every meal for 1 month. Try to actually use the toilet paper in a MRE. Try to explain to your children what happened and make them understand it. Try to skip meals so your kids can eat.
    Walk a mile in my shoes or someone who is worse off that me. I'll bet that most people here can't even imagine what its like.
    By the way, six months ago, I couldn't imagine it either!!
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