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Who wants help with this forum's features? (BTT)

competentonecompetentone Member Posts: 4,696 ✭✭✭
edited April 2002 in General Discussion
4/19/02 Edit: Reading through the threads, I see some people "struggling" with the Forum's new features. Brought this back to the top for help.


While I recover from the flu here, I'll take a minute and try to explain how one can make big letters and write in pretty colors

It will help if you print out the instructions and follow along. You'll find the instructions (which actually require that you learn a little about a "computer language") if you hit one of the reply options to this post--either at the bottom or top of the page, or the little "curved arrow" at the top of this individual post; which one you "click on" can make a difference for your response. If you click on the one at the top of an individual post, you get that post "quoted" in your message reply field--this is helpful if you want to comment specifically on something someone said.

For our purposes right now, you just want to get to the response screen. When you get there, you'll see, under the word "Message" both the phrases "HTML is ON" and "Forum Code is ON". If you click on the "Forum Code" you will get a page--that is the one you want to print out!

You're half done already! The rest of the instructions are simple; you can play around with the specifics to see what results you get. The important thing to remember is that whatever you write enclosed between the "computer instructions", designated by the "[something]" opening instruction and the "[/something]" closing instructions, happens!

You can use the "buttons" listed after the "Format:" heading on the reply page to avoid having to type the individual bracket-enclosed instructions--but you have to remember to place the text you want modified BETWEEN the openning and closing bracketed instructions.

Start playing and you'll soon get the hang-of-it.

If you also want to make all those little fun "smiley" faces, I'd suggest clicking on the yellow smiley face on the reply page and printing a copy of the instructions. It is different than the old forum--you NEED TO REMEMBER to put the "smiley face instructions" inside of "[ ]" inorder for it to work.

Now, go have some fun.

Edited by - competentone on 04/19/2002 19:42:32


  • Guns & GlassGuns & Glass Member Posts: 864 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Thanks for the info.
    Com phew ter is my way of spelling, but I think my lack of both experience, and knownledge add fuel to the fire.
    Recently tried to quicly edit my post, using the symbol on the right like the last format. Only succeded in posting it twice, as a quote.
    Do you have a solution, "O compententone".
    Administration fix it questions in the past take to long for a response.
    Hope you recover soon!

    Happy Bullet Holes!
  • competentonecompetentone Member Posts: 4,696 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Recently tried to quicly edit my post, using the symbol on the right like the last format. Only succeded in posting it twice, as a quote.

    G & G, you have to be "Logged in" before you get the symbol to edit your post. The "login" is at the upper right hand corner of the page. You get a symbol of a page with a little "pen" as the edit symbol, once you're logged in.

    You also need to be sure your browser (that is the software you're using to connect to the internet and is most likely some version of either Microsoft's "Explorer" or Netscape's "Navigator") is "accepting cookies" inorder for features like the "logging in" and "previewing a message before your post it" to work. You do not get a "cookies error" if your browser is set to reject cookies--some of the features just don't work. Your settings to accept or reject cookies is usually under the "Edit/Preferences" buttons for your browser--your settings are normally "on" unless you, or someone has turned them off.

    It is possible too, if you're using an older version of Explorer of Navigator, that all the features might not work. You can download the latest versions for free from Microsoft's or Netscape's site.

    And re-reading my first post, I see I never really explained anything--other than telling you where the directions are! But it's pretty much "self-explanatory" once you get to the instructions.
  • wundudneewundudnee Member Posts: 6,104 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I could make it Big

    And I could make it Red

    Now I can make it big and Red

    Now tell me how to print the instruction window?


    To the stars through difficulty
  • badboybobbadboybob Member Posts: 1,658 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Just push ctrl p at the same time and your printer program will pop up.

  • Guns & GlassGuns & Glass Member Posts: 864 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Sorry, but lil' pen symbol does not show.
    Versions all the latest.
    As usual SNAFU.

    Happy Bullet Holes!
  • wundudneewundudnee Member Posts: 6,104 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1

    badboybob& competentone


    To the stars through difficulty

    Edited by - wundudnee on 04/15/2002 15:18:43
  • beachmaster73beachmaster73 Member Posts: 3,011 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Competentone.....thank you for the information. It does seem a little clearer as you explained it. Beach
  • competentonecompetentone Member Posts: 4,696 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    G & G,

    If you've logged-in AND your browser is accepting cookies you should be seeing 5 little symbols along the top of your posts--all are infront of a little "sheet of paper" symbol; there should be a "head" (for the member's profile), an "envelope", the "pen/pencil" (for editting), the "curved arrow" (for a quoted reply), and a "trash can" (to delete your post if you so desire).

    I'm suspecting that your computer is not accepting cookies if you login and still don't see the 5 symbols next to/along the top of your post.

    After you enter your user name and password at the upper right hand corner of this page and click the "blurry" "login", do you continue to see the "You are logged in as Guns & Glass" and the "logout" in big letters even as you continue to look at different threads on this forum?

    If you don't; you are probably rejecting cookies.

    If you don't, what browser are you using?
  • Guns & GlassGuns & Glass Member Posts: 864 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Just ran discs clean up, and a defrag.
    Lowered my security level to default (get tons of junk at MSN default)
    Symbols now on.
    Will raise security back up to see if it shuts out too many cookies.
    I did have the 'head', 'envelope', and 'arrow".
    Three of the five.
    Why only three, then but(t) five now?

    Happy Bullet Holes!
  • competentonecompetentone Member Posts: 4,696 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Ahh...yes...your problem could be MSN--they want to control your life completely.

    I haven't tried it, but it would make sense that too high of a "security setting" could end up blocking features.
  • competentonecompetentone Member Posts: 4,696 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
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