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Ted Nugent-Hunters Friend or Hunters Foe?

smokey1smokey1 Member Posts: 76 ✭✭
edited April 2002 in General Discussion
Ted is an outspoken hunter that gets his share of the lime-light. Do you feel that the in-your-face style that he seems to thrive on does more good or more harm for the sport?

I feel that fence-sitters are more often than not repulsed by the "gut-piles" and "raping the hills" terminology.

Hunters understand those terms and do not require as members of the choir, to be preached to.

I agree with most of WHAT Ted has to say, but HOW he says it bothers me.

I understand that antis use this same method to drive their point home. Does that mean that we should resort to the same?


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    RembrandtRembrandt Member Posts: 4,486 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    People either love or hate his "in your face style"....the question should be..."do his liabilities out weigh his assets?"....I don't think so, I have no problem with him.

    Edited by - Rembrandt on 04/15/2002 22:58:04
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    stanmanstanman Member Posts: 3,052
    edited November -1
    Whack Em & Stack Em??
    That kind of terminology only fits if you're talking rodents or the enemy.
    I think most true sportsmen would be at least a little offended by it's relation to big game hunting.
    Ted needs to be more aware of how he is portraying the hunting and shooting community, yes.
    But Hey!! The guy can still ROCK!

    Edited by - stanman on 04/15/2002 23:05:45
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    salzosalzo Member Posts: 6,396 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I do not care whether or not his lingo furthers the "cause" or not. All I know is I do not like his "you gotta kill it to grill it" lingo, and I just assume not watch him doing his hunting videos.
    And on top of his borish hunting lingo, his music stinks! "OINGO BOINGO?? What nonsense.

    Happiness is a warm gun
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    smokey1smokey1 Member Posts: 76 ✭✭
    edited November -1

    I used to think along the same lines. I felt that same sense of "tell it like it is" and than I realized it didn't matter how I felt because I'm already a hunter and no mattter what, I always wiil be.

    It doesn't matter if how he delivers his message bothers ME. It does matter if it bothers those that are either sitting on the fence or anti. If he claims to represent sportsman, than "catering" to HUNTERS in terms that those outside our community can appreciate, is what he should be concerned with.

    Thumping your chest may get you like minded individuals to join you, but in the end ...all that you have is a bunch of chest thumpers.
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    ElbestaElbesta Member Posts: 334 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Ted is not just a hunter. He has started hunting programs for kids and the disabled so they can enjoy hunting also. When you have done all that he has to further the cause then you can criticize the way he does it.

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    mcneely77mcneely77 Member Posts: 411 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I will come clean, I would vote the man into office. I have been to his shop, only 2 hours east of me, and half of what he does for kids, and the disabled isn't even publicized. He probably helps 25 for every one you hear about. In these parts, and even up north by his hunting grounds, Nugent Lake, the man is a god.

    IALEFI, ASLET, NRA, and proud owner of a pair of S&W revolvers.
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    agloreaglore Member Posts: 6,012
    edited November -1
    Had pizza with Ted in 1996 and then breakfast with him when I picked him up to take him and his crew out to the airport for the trip to Nunivak Island for his Musk Ox hunt. I used to work for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and part of my job was giving the indoctrination class for Musk Ox as required for all Musk Ox hunters in GMU18. This man is a real down to earth kind of person. He is a marketing genius. If the Gov. of MI was ever to be elected to the office of President of the United States, I believe Ted would have a cabinet position. The game biologist I worked with was killed in an airplane accident doing a moose survey 8 months after Ted's visit here. Ted sent the man's family a condolence card.


    How would you rather die, 10,000 foot pounds of muzzle energy in the BUTT or a sharp knife in the HEART?
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    mcneely77mcneely77 Member Posts: 411 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Did you ever know Bobby Hanson? He was a chopper pilot for the Fish and Wildlife Service, before becoming a State Police Search and Rescue chopper pilot. He died in his chopper a few months back just outside anchorage I believe.

    IALEFI, ASLET, NRA, and proud owner of a pair of S&W revolvers.
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    smokey1smokey1 Member Posts: 76 ✭✭
    edited November -1

    So are you saying that since Ted Nugent is a so-called CHARITABLE celebrity, he should be given free-reign to represent you and I in any way that he sees fit? If that is the case, your reasoning is flawed. I'm sure that Al Gore has some pet charity projects, but you won't see me voting for HIM to represent ME.

    I'm not in the public-eye, so what I have done to further the sport of hunting is way off topic. The question was about TED.

    I own many firearms. Does that give me the right to speak for firearm owners in general? No. I'll leave that to people that have the voice and the vote to represent me. Ted has a voice with a rather large audience and should be held accountable by sportsman when he crosses the line by allowing his PERSONAL tastes to conflict with what is significantly more important, that being the sportsman's interest at large.


    He definitely rocks. Fred Bear still sends a shiver up my spine.
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    .280 freak.280 freak Member Posts: 1,942 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Salzo -

    I got quite a chuckle when I read your comment on not liking Ted's admonition that "Ya gotta kill it to grill it".

    Well, I always figured that it's really best if what you're going to cook is, indeed, dead!

    You would prefer that we toss LIVE critters on the grill?
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    concealedG36concealedG36 Member Posts: 3,566 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I think Ted is right on. He is a sportsman and does a lot to promote the sportsman's agenda. Some people may not like his style, but I can tell you he's done a lot for hunters in Michigan.

    Rock on Ted!


    Gun Control Disarms Victims, NOT Criminals
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    He DogHe Dog Member Posts: 51,010 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Well, I am with Salzo on his music. Not much impressed. As far as his position on hunting and "in your face" style. He is not in my face. It seems to me that we hunters/shooters are a spectrum of people, attitudes, beliefs and values. There is probably room in the public forum to represent a good bit of that spectrum. I represent me, and to non shooters, perhaps those with similar values and attidtudes. Nugent represents himself and others like him.
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    OLD SF-EROLD SF-ER Member Posts: 57 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Met the man a few years back, and he's OK.

    No star airs; very down to earth - and a damn good shot as well.

    While I'm not into his music, I can appreciate the work he puts into it and agree that he helps a lot of people that we never hear about.

    Why blast the man ? He's doing his thing, not hurting anyone and helping others in the process.

    It seems that successful people always have a target painted on their a**, and people think they have the right to take pot shots at them.
    If you were successful as he is, how would you respond to those pot shots? He just lets them pass --- I wouldn't! He's a bigger man than me.

    "If you can do it, it ain't braggin'".
    JR Ewing - "Dallas"
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    mbrookmbrook Member Posts: 128 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I do not know of another individual who has done more to recruit members for the shooting sports, the NRA and hunting! My two sons and I bumped into him at his shop a few years back and he spent a good 20 minutes with my sons watching them and instructing them on their bow shooting.
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