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I remember Katrina...

DocDoc Member Posts: 13,899 ✭✭✭
edited August 2015 in General Discussion
For at least 5 days the TV, the radio and the newspaper warned it was a huge storm, there would be great damage, and people should evacuate low-lying areas. But the people did nothing to save themselves. They made no preparations whatsoever to survive after the storm hit. This is the result of decades of people relying on government, the welfare mentality. They are incapable of fending for themselves in any way. Or they are unwilling to see to their own needs out of sheer laziness.

The mayor of New Orleans and city government did nothing in preparation. They had an emergency plan, but it was not implemented. The governor and state government of Louisiana did nothing. Local government froze every bit as much as did the people in New Orleans.

So the storm hits after days of warning. More than 900 people too stupid to leave when told to do so are killed. City and state government fails miserably. And who do all these welfare mentality people blame for their problems? Bush. Somehow they expected the federal government to protect them and see to their needs. They did NOTHING to help themselves, and local government did NOTHING, and they blame the federal system for failing them.

Those people failed themselves. They are so accustomed to being fed, housed, and looked after in every way by government that they have lost the ability to care for themselves. These helpless and hopeless people wandering aimlessly through life are the new Americans. They are America in all its failed, doomed, ineffective and subservient-to-government glory.

I have no sympathy for the people in New Orleans. They reaped what they sowed. I grieve for the loss of the American spirit of independence and initiative. I mourn our loss of greatness as a people.

Two added thoughts...

1. After the storm the only action taken by state and local officials was to go door to door and confiscate privately owned firearms. Police ignored the hundreds of looters and instead went after legally owned guns (many of which were NEVER returned to the owners).

2. George Bush has been savaged for not going to New Orleans. He tried to go. But local rescue officials begged him not to because the arrival of Air Force One would disrupt rescue efforts. So he bowed to their wishes and stayed away...only to be ripped to shreds for it.
Too old to live...too young to die...


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    reload999reload999 Member Posts: 3,080 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Yup, that's pretty much how I remember Katrina too.
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    wiplashwiplash Member Posts: 7,146 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    And they're still on TV begging for money!
    There is no such thing as Liberal Men, only Liberal Women with Penises.'
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    OakieOakie Member Posts: 40,519 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Donna and I went there to see NO last year. What a chit hole with nothing but a bunch of dirty people and high crime. We stayed all of 6 hours and left. I feared for our safety, even carrying a gun. I know it is illegal, but I was not leaving our hotel without it. We walked down Bourbon street and saw nothing but porn stores and t shirt stores and the smell could gag a maggot. Went back to the hotel, checked out and headed to Texas.[;)] That place needs to fall into the ocean.[;)]
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    Smitty500magSmitty500mag Member Posts: 13,603 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    People were said to have no way out of town. I'd be willing to bet if they offered them free booze and drugs 500 miles out of town they would have all gotten there with days to spare even if they had to walk.
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    randomnutrandomnut Member Posts: 942 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    And many of the city's residents came here into the Ft Smith area, and have stayed. I was living in an apartment at the time, and all empty apartments filled with NO residents. They are STILL there! Still not working, still not paying taxes, still getting a free ride.
    How do they do it? It's been ten freaking years.
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    Ford 23Ford 23 Member Posts: 3,129
    edited November -1
    I saw a news clip on one of the news channels yesterday, wasn't Fox haven't watched them since the debates think they are still upset ole Jebbie is on his face. Brand new small house built for the Katrina survivors one male one female all sheets and grins walking into their brand new house they have been waiting for. Sure have been living good for those years, really didn't walk more like a waddle. Thought right off these people haven't lifted a finger to help themselves all these years, what a waste of resources

    Right after Katrina I recall a LA native said the government should go North of NO plenty of high ground should be trucked to NO and fill the rat hole to a grade above the saltwater level, would do two things cover the cesspool of a city and overall be a great savings for the taxpayers
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    TxsTxs Member Posts: 18,801
    edited November -1
    Google up the Hurricane Pam exercise of 2004.

    This was the largest hurricane disaster exercise ever conducted and involved a computer simulated hurricane strike on NOLA that was even stronger than Katrina.

    It was a highly accurate predictor of what was to come, from the number requiring transportation out of the city to the fact that the Superdome would not be a viable shelter for residents.

    All of it's lessons were then incorporated in NOLA's very comprehensive hurricane disaster plan that was in effect August of 2005, with detailed procedures for dealing with all these issues. The wheels came of the wagon when that city's leaders failed to implement even the beginnings of their stated response plan.

    Instead they chose to abandon those people, then in the aftermath yell loudly enough about slow rescue response of others that no one would notice how their negligence had bordered on criminal.
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    GuvamintCheeseGuvamintCheese Member Posts: 38,932
    edited November -1
    The chocolate city.
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    grumpygygrumpygy Member Posts: 53,466
    edited November -1
    What sticks in my mind was folks saying they had no way out and the Gov Officials said they had no way to transport that many people.

    The a lot of hundreds of school buses in a flooded lot would flash by.
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    Sam06Sam06 Member Posts: 21,254 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I was in Iraq at the time so I did not really care about it but when I got back and saw what had happened I was not surprised knowing the area like I do.

    Here is what sticks in my mind:


    Some NO finest get some free stuff

    Free stuff!!!


    The Super Dome destroyed

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    JnRockwallJnRockwall Member Posts: 16,350 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Ray Nagan failed to request help from the Gov. The Gov could not appeal to the fed level for help because she had not been notified by the mayor. George Bush took the fall and had nothing to do with any of the failures.

    The govt was unable to jump in action because no one used protocol for them to do so. Most in NO when Katrina landed refused to leave. Only to play victim afterwards.

    I feel no sorry for any of them. They let that black ego get in the way of doing the right thing and it cost them. They suffered at their own hands. The people they voted for failed them. And they failed themselves.
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    1911a1-fan1911a1-fan Member Posts: 51,193 ✭✭
    edited November -1
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    Sam06Sam06 Member Posts: 21,254 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Good old Ray Nagin! Mr, fricking Chocolate city himself! He sure showed his true colors. What an Incompetent POS.

    But he is Bl*ck so he is not going to get blamed for the goat screw that was NO response to Katrina.

    That moon cricket is doing 10 years in club fed for bribery and that just where he belongs.

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    JnRockwallJnRockwall Member Posts: 16,350 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by 1911a1-fan
    Bush Doesn't Care About Black People


    I wonder if Mike Myers had one of his famous melt downs when they cut away?
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    TxsTxs Member Posts: 18,801
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by grumpygy
    What sticks in my mind was folks saying they had no way out and the Gov Officials said they had no way to transport that many people.

    The a lot of hundreds of school buses in a flooded lot would flash by.
    Those buses, along with public transportation buses, were an integral part of NOLA's published response plan for evacuation. The number of people requiring transportation out of the city stated in this plan turned out to be highly accurate and the designated vehicles required to accomplish this were ready/available for use.

    The much criticized delay in assistance from state and federal agencies was in large part due to the logical expectation that the city's leaders would insure the plan they'd assisted them in developing was at least partially implemented.

    Again, NOLA's leader's actions surrounding this event rose to the criminal level, but in the aftermath it was more PC to ignore the inept, corrupt local leaders and blame the state and federal governments for those thousands of deaths.
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    tapwatertapwater Member Posts: 10,335 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    ..The aftermath showed the true story of the residents. At the time, I had fond memories of NOLA. I loaded my truck full of needed supplies and did an all day & night run down there. I hooked up with a church through a GB member, offloaded and drove home, feeling I'd done a good thing.
    ..As the news pics and stories continued, I'm almost sorry I wasted my own money and time helping the "poor folks". The things I bought and brought were items that others may not have diapers, toothbrushes, etc. I wonder how much got into the hands that truly needed them.
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    shilowarshilowar Member Posts: 38,815 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I remember that * Shep Smith standing on the bridge, in a tizzy exaggerating and manufacturing stories to get the rest of country in an uproar.
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    Smitty500magSmitty500mag Member Posts: 13,603 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The citizens that had their guns confiscated never got them back the last I heard even though the court ordered them to be returned more than once. I'm sure they couldn't return them because that corrupt bunch kept them and sold them.

    This has to be the sorriest bunch to ever be in charge of a large city government.

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    nunnnunn Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 36,029 ******
    edited November -1
    No way out? How far can you walk in 5 days? Or even 2 days? In 2 days, I can walk far enough to escape the high water.

    A bunch of the "evacuees" ended up here, at a shelter we set up in some buildings on the fairgrounds. I was privileged to babysit the people for a few days. These folk were totally unaccustomed to doing anything for themselves. Their way of thinking was totally foreign to me.

    Eventually, the people left the shelter. Some went back home, but most stayed in donated housing. Many are still here.

    A while after the Katrina people left the shelter, after being there for weeks, another hurricane, Rita, hit the coast of Texas. Some of the Rita people came and stayed in our shelter, since it was still set up. I stayed with these folks too. Only they weren't here long. They spent one or two nights, got back in their cars, and were gone.
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    kannoneerkannoneer Member Posts: 3,373 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Some of the Katrina refugees drifted clear up here to the Midwest and many are still present. Crime took a definite uptick as well as that modern malady: 'shots fired'. If you complain about it you are racist and unfeeling. Of course, most residents are not, they just don't want to be robbed or stop a stray bullet.
    To be fair, one must admit that Chicago is exporting some of their problems our way, too.
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    JgreenJgreen Member Posts: 2,579 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    It was poverty. The reaction was poverty. The leadership's currency is poverty. They need an underclass to keep them in power, and the big money needs an underclass to exploit. Skin color has nothing to do with the reaction. Poverty is poverty.

    I will also say that it's always the guys who started on third base who will tell you that they hit a home run.

    For every 1 guy who actually picked himself up by his bootstraps are 1000 others who for any number of reasons can't. If it was so easy, everyone would do it....
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    tapwatertapwater Member Posts: 10,335 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by tapwater
    ..The aftermath showed the true story of the residents. At the time, I had fond memories of NOLA. I loaded my truck full of needed supplies and did an all day & night run down there. I hooked up with a church through a GB member, offloaded and drove home, feeling I'd done a good thing.
    ..As the news pics and stories continued, I'm almost sorry I wasted my own money and time helping the "poor folks". The things I bought and brought were items that others may not have diapers, toothbrushes, etc. I wonder how much got into the hands that truly needed them.

    ..This was the thread after my trip south. Does anyone know what became of Ramtinxxl ? Despite my later misgivings about the trip, Martin steered me to a place that I hope distributed them to those who needed them.

    ..EDIT..Oops, forgot the thread...
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    TheBrassManTheBrassMan Member Posts: 3,808 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    All the carp about New Orleans, when Katrina made landfall in Mississippi, 90 miles from New Orleans.
    What about the towns there that were wiped off the face of the map.
    You do not hear anything about them. Why? Because they were predominately Caucasian.
    I don't give a rats butt about New Orleans. We were recovering here from a direct hit
    from Hurricane Charlie. Charlie was a stronger storm. Katrina was only a Cat. 3.
    Charlie was a strong Cat.4, almost Cat. 5. It was actually a Cat.5, but they will never admit it.
    Most of the local wind speed indicators last recordings were at 175+ mph.
    I can not stand all this carp on TV about Katrina[:(!]
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    pwilliepwillie Member Posts: 20,253 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by JnRockwall
    Ray Nagan failed to request help from the Gov. The Gov could not appeal to the fed level for help because she had not been notified by the mayor. George Bush took the fall and had nothing to do with any of the failures.

    The govt was unable to jump in action because no one used protocol for them to do so. Most in NO when Katrina landed refused to leave. Only to play victim afterwards.

    I feel no sorry for any of them. They let that black ego get in the way of doing the right thing and it cost them. They suffered at their own hands. The people they voted for failed them. And they failed themselves.
    XXXXXX Black stupidity got in the way....
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    proappproapp Member Posts: 3,264
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by TheBrassMan
    All the carp about New Orleans, when Katrina made landfall in Mississippi, 90 miles from New Orleans.
    What about the towns there that were wiped off the face of the map.
    You do not hear anything about them. Why? Because they were predominately Caucasian.
    I don't give a rats butt about New Orleans. We were recovering here from a direct hit
    from Hurricane Charlie. Charlie was a stronger storm. Katrina was only a Cat. 3.
    Charlie was a strong Cat.4, almost Cat. 5. It was actually a Cat.5, but they will never admit it.
    Most of the local wind speed indicators last recordings were at 175+ mph.
    I can not stand all this carp on TV about Katrina[:(!]

    Me and a partner were in Hattiesburg 2 days after it hit. Wierd to
    see the trees down pointing north. We were doing clean up and insurance jobs. There was still looting and occasional gunfire.

    There were so many contractors showing up for bids at the same time,
    the homeowners would watch the bidding go down, down, down. Kinda funny. We couldn't compete and got back to DFW.

    He had some inroads with HUD. We started make readies on foreclosures all over Dallas/ FT. Worth. Just simple stuff, fix leaks, light bulbs,air filters, check water heaters. A house sits for a year empty a lot just needs to be done.

    We did about 300 or so at around $600 a piece. Then the NOLA peeps got to move in for a dollar for 18 months. I heard many extensions were given too. These were average 1500-3000sqft homes for a dollar and they still *. They got a house full of furniture too.

    I'd be fixing a faucet and they would roll up with 24s and Say" awl hell no, I can't be livin' up in here." Sad.
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    JunkballerJunkballer Member Posts: 9,194 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    It's too bad ole Earl can't post his 1st hand experience of Katrina on here [:(]. As Randy Travis sings, I'm digging up bones..........[:D]

    "Never do wrong to make a friend----or to keep one".....Robert E. Lee

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    Smitty500magSmitty500mag Member Posts: 13,603 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by TheBrassMan
    What about the towns there that were wiped off the face of the map.
    You do not hear anything about them. Why? Because they were predominately Caucasian.

    You're right. New Orleans didn't get anything like the Mississippi coast. Looks like only one guy was doing something right.

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    Don McManusDon McManus Member Posts: 23,516 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    When the city of Houston appealed for volunteers to help distribute food and clothing to the 1,000s that were transferred to the Astrodome confirmed that charity for these people was a waste of time.

    There were 1,000s of able bodied people inside the Astrodome and volunteers were needed to help distribute food and aid?

    The celebration of the partial rebirth of New Orleans is bringing back more 'why bother' memories than anything else.
    Freedom and a submissive populace cannot co-exist.

    Brad Steele
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    MG1890MG1890 Member Posts: 4,649
    edited November -1
    I remember a certain "Katrina" that was like a, umm, hurricane![:D]
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    rhythm_guyrhythm_guy Member Posts: 1,512 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Anybody remember Rita 1 month after Katrina? We were in SW LA for that one (and 4 others, but I digress). Not so much flooding, but just as much devistation. The difference? The folks in SW LA went to work, cleaned up & didn't stand on rooftops begging.
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    cpermdcpermd Member Posts: 5,273 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by randomnut
    And many of the city's residents came here into the Ft Smith area, and have stayed. I was living in an apartment at the time, and all empty apartments filled with NO residents. They are STILL there! Still not working, still not paying taxes, still getting a free ride.
    How do they do it? It's been ten freaking years.

    I worked in the medical unit at Chaffee along with many other faculty, interns and residents from our residency. Over 9,000 refugees and only one death. Amazing statistic.
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