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pwilliepwillie Member Posts: 20,253 ✭✭✭
edited May 2013 in General Discussion
....are every where...all over my property! Anyone have a recipe for "Ticks"? how is the best way to rid your body from them? I tried nail polish,fire,and hot water....nothing seems to make them turn loose..[:(]


  • LaidbackDanLaidbackDan Member Posts: 13,142 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I haven't lived with ticks since I was a kid, but we used to smother them with Vaseline till they backed out
  • fishkiller41fishkiller41 Member Posts: 50,608
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by LaidbackDan
    I haven't lived with ticks since I was a kid, but we used to smother them with Vaseline till they backed out
    Vicks works about 1/3 faster but,Vasoline will do the trick..
  • montanajoemontanajoe Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 59,053 ******
    edited November -1
    I do not envy you right now,,,good luck.
  • Toolman286Toolman286 Member Posts: 3,146 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    20 years ago there was Lyme-Rx(?) which was a "preventative vaccine". Unfortunately, some people allegedly had side affects & they dropped it. It worked great for me & I would have kept up the yearly booster shots if available.
  • JnRockwallJnRockwall Member Posts: 16,350 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    couple table spoons of bleach in the bath water.

    You can use 7 dust on your pants leg to help thwart them.
  • fideaufideau Member Posts: 11,895 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Grandpa kept his watch in a sock to keep the ticks out of his pocket.
  • 11BravoCrunchie11BravoCrunchie Member Posts: 33,423 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I've heard that covering them with Dawn dish detergent will also make them release.
  • BikerBobBikerBob Member Posts: 2,745 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    To prevent them from getting to you take a look at this...

    Sawyerr Duranon Permethrin Insect Repellent

    It has some pretty good reviews.
  • p3skykingp3skyking Member Posts: 23,916 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Paul, get some chickens. They eat the hell outta ticks.
  • torosapotorosapo Member Posts: 4,946
    edited November -1
    Guinea Hens will get rid of ticks fast. They will roost in the trees at night so ground critters won't get them.
  • MobuckMobuck Member Posts: 13,991 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I had one tick attached after Sunday's turkey hunt and saw several on warm surfaces today. Didn't find any attached tonight. I don't know af any good way to keep them off other than treating pants with insecticide but you'll still get some that drop off the brush onto your clothes. I have a fatalistic view-you're going to have tick bites, it's just how many and whether any are Lyme infected.
  • Joes Custom GunsJoes Custom Guns Member Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    If You have any Dogs, Cats or any Live stock that You Want to keep
    the Ticks, Fleas, Worms, Lice, USE IVOMAC-pig wormer, 1/4cc per 4-lbs. Body wt.
    I give it to ALL FARM Aminals.2-or-4leged.
    My Vet. gave Me a swrenge. Just pinch the back of their neck and give it to them.
  • JustCJustC Member Posts: 16,056 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    DURANON on your clothes. Everything else is only partially effective, if at all. If they get on your clothes and touch the Duranon, they DIE[}:)]

    We wore it on our clothes when we were shooting crop damage permits in the summer. Each deer would have 10's of thousands of them on their bodies in the summer months.[xx(]
  • bambambambambambam Member Posts: 4,817 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Joes Custom Guns
    If You have any Dogs, Cats or any Live stock that You Want to keep
    the Ticks, Fleas, Worms, Lice, USE IVOMAC-pig wormer, 1/4cc per 4-lbs. Body wt.
    I give it to ALL FARM Aminals.2-or-4leged.
    My Vet. gave Me a swrenge. Just pinch the back of their neck and give it to them.

    Most Ivomec is a drench (oral). You can buy the injectable & pour on as well.
  • KEVD18KEVD18 Member Posts: 15,037
    edited November -1
    WTH is a swrenge?
  • nunnnunn Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 36,057 ******
    edited November -1
    I haven't lived in tick country in a long time, but I just pulled them out.

    Someone told me to strike a match, blow it out, and hold the hot tip on the tick and it will back out. It didn't work. All that happened was the heat killed the tick, and I still had to pull it out.

    Fingers for normal ticks, tweezers for seed ticks.
  • mogley98mogley98 Member Posts: 18,291 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    +! I spray my shoes and socks and the bottom half of my pants with this stuff and it claims to even stay on after washing a few times, ever since I started spraying pre woods I don't get ticks.
    quote:Originally posted by BikerBob
    To prevent them from getting to you take a look at this...

    Sawyerr Duranon Permethrin Insect Repellent

    It has some pretty good reviews.
    Why don't we go to school and work on the weekends and take the week off!
  • 11BravoCrunchie11BravoCrunchie Member Posts: 33,423 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by nunn
    I haven't lived in tick country in a long time, but I just pulled them out.

    Someone told me to strike a match, blow it out, and hold the hot tip on the tick and it will back out. It didn't work. All that happened was the heat killed the tick, and I still had to pull it out.

    Fingers for normal ticks, tweezers for seed ticks.

    That's actually a very bad idea. Before the tick dies, it will vomit, injecting whatever it's carrying into your blood stream.
  • 11b6r11b6r Member Posts: 16,584 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    If you use heat, gasoline, Vicks Vap-o-rub, or anything like that, it results in tick puking contents of stomach back in to you, raising the odds of infection a great deal.

    Use tweezers, as close to head as possible. Do not squeeze body of tick for same reason as above. No tweezers? Make an overhand knot in a piece of monofiliament line or thread, slip the open knot down over tick, close knot as close to head as possible, pull.

    DEET is decent repellent- Permethrin can be used to treat clothes before wearing- works very well, but do NOT apply directly to skin- it is an insecticide.

    Itching from bite? Over the counter called Campho-Phenique. Antiseptic, contains phenol, destroys the protein in the saliva from ticks and chiggers that makes you itch. Usually stops itch in about 30-60 seconds.

    Disease transmission takes several hours with tick dug in and feeding. Do a freckle count every few hours when in tick country. Long pants, tucked into top of socks, or taped down over boots.

    My company does enviro and soils engineering studies in remote, heavily infested areas. Major exposure for us.
  • Tech141Tech141 Member Posts: 3,787 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by nunn
    I haven't lived in tick country in a long time, but I just pulled them out.

    Someone told me to strike a match, blow it out, and hold the hot tip on the tick and it will back out. It didn't work. All that happened was the heat killed the tick, and I still had to pull it out.

    Fingers for normal ticks, tweezers for seed ticks.

    Heard the "hot matchhead" trick years ago. Always thought it was silly. What creature is going to back out INTO the heat...?

    We use Sawyer's Permethrine (sp?). Get it at Cabelas, and saw it recently at Wally World.
  • sgm hagsgm hag Member Posts: 1,028 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by KEVD18
    WTH is a swrenge?

    That would be the Fon-Et-TICK spelling![^]
  • He DogHe Dog Member Posts: 51,412 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I always just put powdered sulfur in my socks. Never found Champho-Phenique very helpful. Benedryl cream helps some.
  • JamesRKJamesRK Member Posts: 25,670 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I'm not schooled in the `right' way to do it, but I know what works for me.

    When a tick bites, he lays his body flat against the skin as tight as he can. That makes him hard to get hold of to pull him out. When I have a fingernail I slide it under his butt and flip him up, then grab him as close to the head as I can and pull him out. Don't squeeze the tick any more than you have to. it's going to itch no matter how you do it, but the more you squeeze the tick the more and longer it will itch. When I don't have a fingernail I use a 3x5 card or knife blade or whatever is handy.

    When you catch him before he's been in very long, sometimes he will flip out when you flip his butt up. I've heard tell of a tick's head coming off and staying under the skin, but I've never seen it and I've pulled out thousands of ticks. If that ever happens, it won't take major surgery to scratch his head out.

    After I get him out I kill him with a cigarette lighter or cut him in half with a pocket knife. They have a tough exoskeleton so you can't kill him with your fingers and they are hard to crush with anything else.

    I used to worry about the dreaded diseases ticks carry, but not since my doctor told me they almost never happen from a tick that bit less than twenty-four hours ago. I usually don't let them stay in more than a day.
    The road to hell is paved with COMPROMISE.
  • spasmcreekspasmcreek Member Posts: 37,717 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    neighbor at the lake had industrial strength pantyhose..two piece like long johns...fine mesh stuff called gorilla gear...spray around neck & hands and he cleaned off when he came bck from turkey hunting...there they had little tiny tics not like the big ones here
  • Mr. PerfectMr. Perfect Member, Moderator Posts: 66,371 ******
    edited November -1
    Deet to repel them, and just man up and dig them out.[;)]
    Some will die in hot pursuit
    And fiery auto crashes
    Some will die in hot pursuit
    While sifting through my ashes
    Some will fall in love with life
    And drink it from a fountain
    That is pouring like an avalanche
    Coming down the mountain
  • bang250bang250 Member Posts: 8,021
    edited November -1
    fine tip tweezers close to the surface and pull. NEVER stress a tick, (ie, burn, cover, etc..)they vomit, everything they have is now in your skin, any disease they could be carrying. Been doing parasitology for years, not saying Im a pro but I work with one of the best
  • MobuckMobuck Member Posts: 13,991 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Just use a fingernail to scrape them(and a little skin)off. Then scratch the area until it bleeds followed by a splash of alcohol. When you have as many as I do on a regular basis, all that fiddling around at the end of a long day is too much trouble.
  • Mr. PerfectMr. Perfect Member, Moderator Posts: 66,371 ******
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by bang250
    fine tip tweezers close to the surface and pull. NEVER stress a tick, (ie, burn, cover, etc..)they vomit, everything they have is now in your skin, any disease they could be carrying. Been doing parasitology for years, not saying Im a pro but I work with one of the best
    This is a valid removal technique for members of congress too.
    Some will die in hot pursuit
    And fiery auto crashes
    Some will die in hot pursuit
    While sifting through my ashes
    Some will fall in love with life
    And drink it from a fountain
    That is pouring like an avalanche
    Coming down the mountain
  • ForkliftkingForkliftking Member Posts: 4,907 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Nothing worse than getting one off your *. It will itch for weeks.
  • nunnnunn Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 36,057 ******
    edited November -1
    Agreed. I have had to remove a couple dozen seed ticks (tiny!) from that very sensitive area!

    When I lived on my parents' place, in tick country, we used a product called Heptachlor. It was a granulated product, sold in 5 pound sacks, and was applied to the soil using a fertilizer spreader. Heptachlor WORKED! And then, some government pogue decided it was too dangerous and it was banned.

    Another product that was banned is Dursban. It is about the best liquid insecticide ever made. Fortunately, I snagged a few bottles right after the ban. Dursban kicks butt!
  • torosapotorosapo Member Posts: 4,946
    edited November -1
    I guess I've been lucky, never had a tick on me. That's satying alot considering when I was a teenager we used to party in the woods and I've passed out and slept on the ground. I've spent hours in the woods hunting from Sept-Feb also.
  • grdad45grdad45 Member Posts: 5,361 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by nunn

    Another product that was banned is Dursban. It is about the best liquid insecticide ever made. Fortunately, I snagged a few bottles right after the ban. Dursban kicks butt!

    I finally used the last of my Dursban a couple of years ago. Haven't found a good replacement yet. The best so far is Spectracide "Once and Done", but to do the job, I have to mix it double strength.
  • bambambambambambam Member Posts: 4,817 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by forkliftking
    Nothing worse than getting one off your *. It will itch for weeks.

    LOL, I know from second hand.

    My cousin lives a block from me. He went camping down in The Oak Bottoms and came home with one on his sack & one on the back of his leg a few inches below his cheeks.

    He calls me one night about midnight flipping out about it. He got the tick out on his sack(I was helping if he hadn't[xx(]), but he couldn't get the one on his leg because he couldn't reach.

    He came over and we proceeded with surgery. They had been on for a few days and I had a heck of a time getting the one out of his leg. Took me about an hour to get the body & head out. He kept the tick in a pill bottle in case he started showing signs of lime disease. Don't know what good it would have done him?
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