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Scientists warn of SHTF - so to speak!

BikerBobBikerBob Member Posts: 2,748 ✭✭✭
edited March 2012 in General Discussion
The earth is supporting human activities that some estimate to be about 1.5 times what the planet can sustain over the longer term. While there is no timing predicted for SHTF, here is a large group of scientists calling for an upcoming summit to take on the task of working on the issue before the S and the F come in direct contact...


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    shootuadealshootuadeal Member Posts: 5,250 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    How do they "know" what the earth can support? Did the earth call them on the phone or what?

    I see alot of rampant speculation and hidden agendas(government funding) coming out of the "scientific" community alot lately so I am pretty skeptical of anything they have to say now days.
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    CaptplaidCaptplaid Member Posts: 20,296 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Agenda 21 is their plan.
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    Sav99Sav99 Member Posts: 16,037 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Captplaid
    Agenda 21 is their plan.

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    fordsixfordsix Member Posts: 8,722
    edited November -1
    humans need to stop breeding like flies?
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    skicatskicat Member Posts: 14,431
    edited November -1
    Scientists can be bought and sold like pork bellies. These happen to be working for some eugenicists.
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    sharpshooter039sharpshooter039 Member Posts: 5,897 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Why do you think we dont have a cure for cancer,,it makes more money to treat it and let the people die than to cure it,, AIDS is another example of population control. I am not one of the tin foil hat crowd but just look at the millions they let die in coutries like Africa from drought and war,, It is all population control of some sort. Governments have been practicing it for years
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    KSUmarksmanKSUmarksman Member Posts: 10,705 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by shootuadeal
    How do they "know" what the earth can support? Did the earth call them on the phone or what?

    I see alot of rampant speculation and hidden agendas(government funding) coming out of the "scientific" community alot lately so I am pretty skeptical of anything they have to say now days.

    every biological system has a "carrying capacity", that is a well known fact. the question is what will be the weak link that limits the Earth's carrying capacity for humans: oil dependence? fresh water? arable land? and how we can use tech to make up for natural limitations.

    But I suppose we can just dismiss science and subscribe to Michelle Duggar's theory that "all the people of the world can fit in one city if placed shoulder-to-shoulder so there is no population issue" [:o)]
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    KSUmarksmanKSUmarksman Member Posts: 10,705 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by sharpshooter039
    Why do you think we dont have a cure for cancer,,it makes more money to treat it and let the people die than to cure it,, AIDS is another example of population control. I am not one of the tin foil hat crowd but just look at the millions they let die in coutries like Africa from drought and war,, It is all population control of some sort. Governments have been practicing it for years

    The notion that we'd rather treat cancer than cure it is absurd. As soon as there was sufficient evidence that some cancers can be caused by viruses (Cervical cancer link to HPV) they started to push the vaccine, although there would be more money in selling chemo and radiation after-the-fact.

    The inherent problem with trying to stop cancer before it starts is the stochastic (random) nature of mutations that cause cancer. So far we know that for some reason healthy cells can mutate and every so often the cell's own repair mechanisms and "self destruct mechanism" do not work, instead of dying the damaged cell replicates and produces more damaged cells. However we don't know how to stop these random changes on a cellular level.

    The difficulty of TREATING cancer is because even though replicating out of control and no longer performing their true functions, cancer cells are too much like normal cells from a medical standpoint.
    They will often identify as "self" to the immune system, so it can't kill them. And unlike a bacterium and to a lesser degree a fungus, the same thing that will kill the cancer cells kills healthy cells also. Treatments we have now are based largely on the fact that cancer cells, having damaged repair mechanisms, can't take the same pounding from chemo drugs and radiation that healthy cells can. (Also radiation is preferentially targeted to give larger doses to the tumor than healthy tissue.

    As far as the millions in Africa. What are we supposed to do? Bring them all here and put them on welfare and food stamps?
    From what I've read I have gathered that some African nations were quite capable of feeding themselves in the colonial days, then upon getting independence the black majority kicked the white minority off their farms, did not know jack poop about farming themselves, and now they are constantly hungry and constantly fighting. Sounds to me that they brought population control upon themselves, the US and/or UN did not force them to kick out the folks who knew how to make the land produce.
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    COLTCOLT Member Posts: 12,637 ******
    edited November -1
    Group of these Big Brains got together a few years ago and screeched from the mountain top their liberal agenda on the bogus Global Warming too.

    Then finally last year the so called "science" started to unravel once the truth got out about the "Hockey Stick" graph & the other twisted "science" they had used, kinda nuked their agenda driven theory....this is just another greenie whack cause celeb...[;)]
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    COLTCOLT Member Posts: 12,637 ******
    edited November -1
    quote:Why do you think we dont have a cure for cancer,,it makes more money to treat it and let the people die than to cure it



    Think the big greedy capitalist pig drug companies wouldn't KILL to be the one to come up with a cure, a Trillion dollar plus CURE would sure make any company bottom line look pretty good.

    ...The drug companies aren't concerned what the others in the "curing
    community" think or do, not with a Trillion dollar Golden Goose like a cure for cancer at play.

    The same thing has been said about a cure for the common cold and about all ills, sure.

    Just like the "2,000 mpg" carburetor that Big Oil susposedly bought the plans to so it wouldnt hurt their business..RIGHT!!

    The big 3 auto manufacturers would have run each other down, or shot the other 2 to be the first one to have the right to use the carburetor on their vehicles, would have been history making PROFITS for a VERY long time for the Auto Company that had been able to...IF it had only really exsisted...[;)]
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    LesWVaLesWVa Member Posts: 10,490 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by COLT
    Just like the "2,000 mpg" carburetor that Big Oil susposedly bought the plans to so it wouldnt hurt their business..RIGHT!!

    The big 3 auto manufacturers would have run each other down, or shot the other 2 to be the first one to have the right to use the carburetor on their vehicles, would have been history making PROFITS for a VERY long time for the Auto Company that had been able to...IF it had only really exsisted...[;)]

    Do you know how easy it is for anyone with 10 cents worth of common knowledge to convert an internal combustion engine to run no plain tap water?

    The guy that developed the technology fell down a set of steps, broke his neck and died a few days after the CIA paid him a visit after he filed for a patent (he was turned down) and told him to stop what he was doing. Corners report stated that he fell due to being over intoxicated on both alcohol and drugs. Problem with that is He never drank a drop or did any kind of drugs in his life.
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    KSUmarksmanKSUmarksman Member Posts: 10,705 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by LesWVa
    quote:Originally posted by COLT
    Just like the "2,000 mpg" carburetor that Big Oil susposedly bought the plans to so it wouldnt hurt their business..RIGHT!!

    The big 3 auto manufacturers would have run each other down, or shot the other 2 to be the first one to have the right to use the carburetor on their vehicles, would have been history making PROFITS for a VERY long time for the Auto Company that had been able to...IF it had only really exsisted...[;)]

    Do you know how easy it is for anyone with 10 cents worth of common knowledge to convert an internal combustion engine to run no plain tap water?

    The guy that developed the technology fell down a set of steps, broke his neck and died a few days after the CIA paid him a visit after he filed for a patent (he was turned down) and told him to stop what he was doing. Corners report stated that he fell due to being over intoxicated on both alcohol and drugs. Problem with that is He never drank a drop or did any kind of drugs in his life.

    cow cookies! you can't just break the laws of physics. The "water engines" I've heard of all use water as a source for hydrogen gas...but the trick is that you need to input electricity to break water up into hydrogen and oxygen. In the end, due to energy losses due to non-zero efficiency, the process cannot possibly give you a net release of energy.

    no one can beat Stephen Hyde when it comes to this tin foil hat stuff
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