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My stand and Game wardens

OakieOakie Member Posts: 40,511 ✭✭✭✭
edited December 2015 in General Discussion
Went back to mark my stand this afternoon after sighting in my muzzle loader. As I was putting a reflective thumb tack in a tree at my stand, I hear, What are you doing out here. It was two game wardens. He then asked, before I could answer, Got any guns on you?? No and i am just getting my stand set up for tomorrow. I think I soiled my britches when he startled me.[:0] He then said, It looks good back here with all the scrapes and rubs. Yup, Been hunting here for 42 years at the same spot. He then asked if i heard any shots or seen anyone. No, just a squirrel and a dead deer that got hit by a car near the road. We all laughed. I took him to see the dead deer. He had to practically step over it to get in his truck. As we were standing there, two more wardens went flying by in their trucks. One went down a dirt road and one went straight. I guess they were looking for someone. Lots of poachers back there before ML season, every year. Guess they will be up my butt tomorrow patrolling back there. [xx(] One good thing though, lots of rubs and scrapes around my stand and a bunch more walking in. Looks like it will be an okay day if the deer come through. Oakie


  • fishkiller41fishkiller41 Member Posts: 50,608
    edited November -1
    Hey, they might just drive a big'ol ANTLER MULE right to you!!![:D]
  • diver-rigdiver-rig Member Posts: 6,338 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Maybe they'll get a bunch of wardens together and walk the woods, looking for bad guys tomorrow morning.

    Do a big "drive" for you.[:p][:p][:D]
  • bullshotbullshot Member Posts: 14,606 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Good hunting.
    "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you"
  • craigroopcraigroop Member Posts: 317 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Probably somebody will leave a cleaned,dressed,head mounted trophy on his desk!! And some more damn .22 rounds!![:D][:D][:D][:D]
  • pwilliepwillie Member Posts: 20,253 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I do not like Game Wardens.[xx(]
  • Okie743Okie743 Member Posts: 2,676 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Oakie
    Went back to mark my stand this afternoon after sighting in my muzzle loader. As I was putting a reflective thumb tack in a tree at my stand, I hear, What are you doing out here. It was two game wardens. He then asked, before I could answer, Got any guns on you?? No and i am just getting my stand set up for tomorrow. I think I soiled my britches when he startled me.[:0] He then said, It looks good back here with all the scrapes and rubs. Yup, Been hunting here for 42 years at the same spot. He then asked if i heard any shots or seen anyone. No, just a squirrel and a dead deer that got hit by a car near the road. We all laughed. I took him to see the dead deer. He had to practically step over it to get in his truck. As we were standing there, two more wardens went flying by in their trucks. One went down a dirt road and one went straight. I guess they were looking for someone. Lots of poachers back there before ML season, every year. Guess they will be up my butt tomorrow patrolling back there. [xx(] One good thing though, lots of rubs and scrapes around my stand and a bunch more walking in. Looks like it will be an okay day if the deer come through. Oakie

    Most likely they (the wardens) will tell very AH they see and their hunting buddies where there are lots of scrapes and rubs in your area.

    Ever warden I've ever seen always think their XXit don't stink and it would make good pies.
  • Big Sky RedneckBig Sky Redneck Member Posts: 19,752 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I like the game warden here in this valley. He arrests trespassers, enforces the private roads where I live, arrests road hunters, people using rifles in restricted areas, people shooting before/after legal shooting hours and just plain cheating. There are a lot of "hunters" out here that get full stupid when they see elk and if it wasn't for our warden this valley would be total mayhem. Elk season in this valley is sorta like Black Friday when they see elk, it's unreal.
  • kimikimi Member Posts: 44,719 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Good luck, Oakie!
    What's next?
  • lksmith03lksmith03 Member Posts: 1,742 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by fishkiller41
    Hey, they might just drive a big'ol ANTLER MULE right to you!!![:D]

    Or away from you

    Never been too fond of Game Warden (or most LEO's) Most seem to get a little power and it goes to their heads.
    Also, they seem to always try to find something on you or entrap you in something.

    Granted there are some good ones out there though
  • TrinityScrimshawTrinityScrimshaw Member Posts: 9,350 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    If you don't like Game Wardens then don't buy a Hunting or Fishing license.

    Almost all State Fish & Game Wardens are fully funded by self-imposed taxes that Sportsmen have put into effect to help the future of wild game resources.

    Such taxes like those from the Pittman Robinson Act have been paying for the Wardens, biologist, game studies, wild game restocking, and Sportsman Education courses since the days of Teddy Roosevelt.

    These funds by law cannot be used for other resources. If a State try's to use them to pay for something else they may forfeit their future share of the funds due them.

    Before there were Game Wardens, poaching was rampant, as was commercial hunting practices.

    If you want them to go away just stop hunting & fishing "legally".

    Trinity +++
  • Dads3040Dads3040 Member Posts: 13,552 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by TrinityScrimshaw
    If you don't like Game Wardens then don't buy a Hunting or Fishing license.

    Almost all State Fish & Game Wardens are fully funded by self-imposed taxes that Sportsmen have put into effect to help the future of wild game resources.

    Such taxes like those from the Pittman Robinson Act have been paying for the Wardens, biologist, game studies, wild game restocking, and Sportsman Education courses since the days of Teddy Roosevelt.

    These funds by law cannot be used for other resources. If a State try's to use them to pay for something else they may forfeit their future share of the funds due them.

    Before there were Game Wardens, poaching was rampant, as was commercial hunting practices.

    If you want them to go away just stop hunting & fishing "legally".

    Trinity +++

    You are applying facts, logic, and common sense.

    Not sure it will get through.
  • montanajoemontanajoe Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 59,053 ******
    edited November -1
    Good luck,Oakie,,,,[^][^][^]
  • woodhogwoodhog Member Posts: 13,115 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I've known two Game Wardens in my life. Both were very dedicated and real straight shooters, just sayin...Both volunteered tons of time to the young hunter program, little league coaches and High Sierra Rescue. Like everything else, probably some good and some bad.
  • nordnord Member Posts: 6,106
    edited November -1
    This goes back a few years...

    PA trout season. My older son who was about three at the time, Jennifer (our lady labrador), and yours truly had camped overnight in a fairly remote location. Now we all know that one cannot really seriously fish while keeping tabs on a three year old, but we were fishing... Sort of anyway.

    Long about noon we retreated to my truck to have lunch and soak up some welcome sunshine. By that time we were in company of a number of other fishermen who were on the stream bank not too far away. Everyone was quiet and polite. I think we all noticed the Game Commission truck pull in and figured it was probably the warden. He spoke to several folks as he wandered down toward us. Whether he checked them I don't know.

    When he got to us he very politely asked if he could join us and remarked how impressed he was with both my son and Jennifer. There was never a need for a leash and Jenny always placed herself between my son and the water. Evidently he had observed us somewhat earlier. I can't remember whether I was asked about our luck but I can remember that no mention or request was made to see my license. Just small talk and a smile.

    After our visit he headed on down the stream and I saw him speaking to several others. You could tell by smiles and body language that the warden wasn't on a "fishing" trip. I'm sure he had a sense of who and what to look for as he appraised the different fishermen but I saw nothing other than a decent man doing his job in a very positive manner.

    Pretty much the same for another warden during deer season. Two of us were walking down a remote dirt road when along comes the warden. He rolled down his window and asked if we had had any luck. No third degree about possibly loaded guns and no checks for paperwork. He wished us luck and on down the road he went.

    There are good guys out there! The few bad ones are those who give the others a bad rap.
  • discusdaddiscusdad Member Posts: 11,421 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    i've nothing but good dealings with the GWs. even the ones who primarily deal with waterfowlers.[state and federal] so many laws and so many crooks. boat inspections , keep harvest bags separate, shell limits, plugs, shot size limits, baiting, natural vegetation disturbance, normal farming practices, high water marks, navigable waterways, proper equipment, shooting times, bird identification and limits..... the big game hunters have it easy compared to a waterfowler...and to the men in green, i respect the job they have to do, and tip my hat to them.
  • FEENIXFEENIX Member Posts: 10,559 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Big Sky Redneck
    I like the game warden here in this valley. He arrests trespassers, enforces the private roads where I live, arrests road hunters, people using rifles in restricted areas, people shooting before/after legal shooting hours and just plain cheating. There are a lot of "hunters" out here that get full stupid when they see elk and if it wasn't for our warden this valley would be total mayhem. Elk season in this valley is sorta like Black Friday when they see elk, it's unreal.

    Same here! It keeps honest people honest ... sure would like to see more of them around.
  • FEENIXFEENIX Member Posts: 10,559 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by TrinityScrimshaw
    If you don't like Game Wardens then don't buy a Hunting or Fishing license.

    Almost all State Fish & Game Wardens are fully funded by self-imposed taxes that Sportsmen have put into effect to help the future of wild game resources.

    Such taxes like those from the Pittman Robinson Act have been paying for the Wardens, biologist, game studies, wild game restocking, and Sportsman Education courses since the days of Teddy Roosevelt.

    These funds by law cannot be used for other resources. If a State try's to use them to pay for something else they may forfeit their future share of the funds due them.

    Before there were Game Wardens, poaching was rampant, as was commercial hunting practices.

    If you want them to go away just stop hunting & fishing "legally".

    It don't get no simpler than that!

    Trinity +++
  • OakieOakie Member Posts: 40,511 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I like the wardens, because I never break the laws. We have only one warden for three counties. The rest are deputies, Unpaid, that patrol during the seasons. Most are off duty police officer and volunteer their time. To see four, they were definitely looking for someone. Many years ago, our democratic governor, sold all of our game commissions trucks, closed most of their headquarters, down scaled them to almost nothing, took the money and bought himself a private helicopter. This is a fact. When Christine Whittman came into office, she sold the helicopter and gave the money back to Fish and wildlife. We still have a very much depleted fish and wildlife agency. Very sad. Most are volunteers and most of the wardens are very nice here. The worst part about the situation is, the poachers know this and use it to their advantage. That really sucks for us hunters. Couple of years ago, three guys killed over 100 deer and left them lying in a field and woods where I hunt. They got caught and paid a hefty price and jail time, but it ruined our hunting for many years. Oakie
  • Rocky RaabRocky Raab Member Posts: 14,339 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I deeply appreciate COs. They often work alone, miles from backup, and ALL the miscreants they face are armed. It's no wonder most of them are a bit on edge when they first contact us.

    As with any kind of cop, their behavior will pretty much mirror yours. If you start out being a Richard, so will they. But be friendly, cooperative, and non-threatening and so will they.

    My final trip out in my kayak this year I was loading up at the ramp to go home when a truck pulling an out-of-state boat prepares to launch. Up pulled a state CO and wanted to check their papers and mussel certificate (a Utah program against invasive mussels). They were fine, and when the CO was done with them, I asked if he needed to check me. He smiled, and said "Nah, you look good."

    When I got home, I discovered not only had I left my fishing license home, but it had expired! I rectified that immediately, of course.
    I may be a bit crazy - but I didn't drive myself.
  • MBKMBK Member Posts: 2,918 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    We had a hard * Warden here in Delta County, CO.

    Once he stopped my buddy atop Grand Mesa. Verified license and unloaded rifle.

    Hour later, he stoped same guys vehicle. Same routine...license check, etc.

    Two hours and 10 miles down the gravel road, he makes the same stop and check.

    My buddy threatened the GW with a harassment report that time. The warden has retired.
  • JunkballerJunkballer Member Posts: 9,235 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Wardens are great people, last year while fishing with my 12 yr. old grandson a Warden came by and spent a few minutes chit-chatting about different things and the fact that he was a new Warden came out, after a few minutes I asked him if he wanted to see my license (he seemed too embarrassed to ask [:)]), I removed my license from my wallet and handed them over, he checked them out and handed them back, later that afternoon I noticed I had given him 4 yr. old license (different color) instead of my new current ones [:0], he never said a word about expired license but I'm sure he noticed, only more small talk..........That young man will have a great future and make many friends in life [;)]

    "Never do wrong to make a friend----or to keep one".....Robert E. Lee

  • He DogHe Dog Member Posts: 51,412 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    When does Game Warden season open?[:p]

    I am always glad to see then out working, though they never seem to catch all the guys hunting from trucks.
  • lksmith03lksmith03 Member Posts: 1,742 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Like I said not all are bad. But even though I follow the laws, the way most wardens act make me nervous.
    Had one stop me as I was coming out of moving a stand. Had an AR with me, and he made me start unloading my mag to see my bullets, about the 15th ,in there was A fmj that I had grabbed by mistake, he started making a big deal about it and I informed him that it was a simple mistake and the other 29 in the mag as well as the one in the chamber were jsp. By this time I recognised him from a party where he was intoxicated and had drove off, I asked him about it and the whole mood changed. Since then he's been as friendly as can be to me even since he retired.
  • dakotashooter2dakotashooter2 Member Posts: 6,186
    edited November -1
    I've never had an issue with a warden. I've had one or two get a bit snotty but just accepted they were probably having a bad day. Most I have developed a relationship with to the point I have gained their trust and they rarely check me.....
  • chollagardenschollagardens Member Posts: 4,614 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I do not fish commercial anymore so I have not had much dealings with game wardens lately. When I did I would classify them into two categories. I classified them either as conservation game wardens or ecology game wardens. I mostly got along with the conservation game wardens and mostly did not get along with the ecology game wardens.
  • gearheaddadgearheaddad Member Posts: 15,091 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I've never had a problem with Wardens. I follow the laws and they have a job to do. I appreciate them busting poachers.
  • mogley98mogley98 Member Posts: 18,291 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I was stopped by the * Wardens a few times in the water, I've never run into any on my private land.

    The first time in the water they were very cordial and just wanted to see the life vests and whistle Etc.

    The second time while I was on a Jet Ski they pulled up with AR-15 clearly visible and gave me a hard time about having an open beer. (Completely legal to drink a beer on the water in SC but no drunk driving like a car) I laughed and told them the Ski wouldn't hold enough beer for me to get drunk. They were both stick in the mud's but couldn't do anything so I offered them a joint (JK)
    Why don't we go to school and work on the weekends and take the week off!
  • OakieOakie Member Posts: 40,511 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by mogley98
    I was stopped by the * Wardens a few times in the water, I've never run into any on my private land.

    The first time in the water they were very cordial and just wanted to see the life vests and whistle Etc.

    The second time while I was on a Jet Ski they pulled up with AR-15 clearly visible and gave me a hard time about having an open beer. (Completely legal to drink a beer on the water in SC but no drunk driving like a car) I laughed and told them the Ski wouldn't hold enough beer for me to get drunk. They were both stick in the mud's but couldn't do anything so I offered them a joint (JK)

    Never offered me one[}:)][:D]
  • lksmith03lksmith03 Member Posts: 1,742 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by gearheaddad
    I've never had a problem with Wardens. I follow the laws and they have a job to do. I appreciate them busting poachers.

    Problem is that there are so many obscure regs and gray areas that you can are probably unintentionally breaking at least one law despite your efforts to be legal
  • buddybbuddyb Member Posts: 5,327 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Local game wardens caught the ambulance chasing TV lawyer running his boat drunk on a nearby lake.Tried to threaten,bribe or whatever to get out of spent a night in jail,and around here you have to really screw up for the game wardens to take you in.
  • gearheaddadgearheaddad Member Posts: 15,091 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by lksmith03
    quote:Originally posted by gearheaddad
    I've never had a problem with Wardens. I follow the laws and they have a job to do. I appreciate them busting poachers.

    Problem is that there are so many obscure regs and gray areas that you can are probably unintentionally breaking at least one law despite your efforts to be legal

    I'm certainly aware of that.
    Most Wardens are good guys with a difficult job to do.
  • Colonel PlinkColonel Plink Member Posts: 16,460
    edited November -1
    I grew up knowing most of them personally. Here in Rural Colorado, if your dad is a cop (mine was), you knew these guys' first names.

    Now days, I don't know a one of 'em.

    I haven't actually even seen one the last three deer seasons.
  • MobuckMobuck Member Posts: 13,991 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    "Problem is that there are so many obscure regs and gray areas that you can are probably unintentionally breaking at least one law despite your efforts to be legal"

    We had a face to face with the chief district enforcement agent over his use of the term "field agent's discretion". So, if I encounter said agent after he's had a bad night at home(or in the bar), how does that change the regulations? We finally got an e-mailed clarification which we printed and carry when doing what we questioned as being legal/illegal. Hopefully, the PITA noobie bunny cop won't have a chance to use his "discretion" and we won't have to pull out our little printed note.
  • lksmith03lksmith03 Member Posts: 1,742 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by gearheaddad
    quote:Originally posted by lksmith03
    quote:Originally posted by gearheaddad
    I've never had a problem with Wardens. I follow the laws and they have a job to do. I appreciate them busting poachers.

    Problem is that there are so many obscure regs and gray areas that you can are probably unintentionally breaking at least one law despite your efforts to be legal

    I'm certainly aware of that.
    Most Wardens are good guys with a difficult job to do.

    I agree tough job, and some are good guys.
    Ever since that incident/encounter, that warden and I have gotten along very well. The only time he's stopped me since then was when I had gotten a new different vehicle and was coming out of my lease, and as soon as he saw it was me he said "heck if I'd known it was you I wouldn't have bothered you, I just saw a vehicle I didn't recognize coming out of your lease" and then we just BS'ed in the road for a few minutes.

    However about 10years ago one gave my dad a ticket and harassed my family for several weeks afterwards., including my little cousin (10-11 at the time) that was with him. The ticket(s) were "baiting turkeys and contributing to the delinquency of a minor" the problem with that was my dad had just stopped at a feed bunk in his pasture to make sure the cows had feed (cows present in the pasture at the time) on their way home from hunting even though the gun was not in his hand but sitting on the side-by-side with my cousin keeping it from sliding/falling over. His license was revoked and over the next several weeks, the warden pulled my cousin out of class multiple times without parent/guardian consent or present trying to intimidate him into saying something that would get another charge. Also that same warden called my parent's house several times threatening in the same timeframe. They eventually recorded him threatening and other evidence, the officer was transferred and reprimanded, however the charges weren't dropped, the record wasn't righted, the suspension wasn't shorted and the fines weren't returned.
  • Missouri Mule K30Missouri Mule K30 Member Posts: 2,092 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Game Wardens have a thankless but very necessary occupation. If you are abiding all regulations then you have no worries. I would have to say that over 45 years of hunting and fishing, I never had a bad encounter, always courteous to them, and them towards me.
    Was in my stand one year, rifle deer, and I was not wearing my orange hat or vest while in my stand, although I wear it when walking through woods. The Warden had walked up to my stand on private land, and we talked for a couple minutes as I was putting on my orange, and the Man never said a word or verified my license. I always see him in area, comes by cabin talks to us, haves coffee, but his pet peeve is road hunting, day or night.
    My only real gripe is that they can "trespass" where ever they want, when they want. But if you are not doing bad illegal things, then no worries.
  • lksmith03lksmith03 Member Posts: 1,742 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Missouri Mule K30
    Game Wardens have a thankless but very necessary occupation. If you are abiding all regulations then you have no worries. I would have to say that over 45 years of hunting and fishing, I never had a bad encounter, always courteous to them, and them towards me.
    Was in my stand one year, rifle deer, and I was not wearing my orange hat or vest while in my stand, although I wear it when walking through woods. The Warden had walked up to my stand on private land, and we talked for a couple minutes as I was putting on my orange, and the Man never said a word or verified my license. I always see him in area, comes by cabin talks to us, haves coffee, but his pet peeve is road hunting, day or night.
    My only real gripe is that they can "trespass" where ever they want, when they want. But if you are not doing bad illegal things, then no worries.

    My Dad wasn't breaking the law but "officer discretion" cost him but the ones across the fence breaking the law got nothing
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