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resident arrested while mowing overgrown city park

drobsdrobs Member Posts: 22,549 ✭✭✭✭
edited June 2009 in General Discussion
Sandusky resident arrested while mowing overgrown city park grass
Friday, May 29, 2009 11:22 AM EDT


City police officers weeded out a local man at Central Park who just wanted to cut the grass.

Authorities arrested John Hamilton at 8:30 a.m. Thursday as the 48-year-old mowed the grass at the park.

Police charged the Sunset Drive resident with obstructing official business and persistent disorderly conduct.

Hamilton must appear in Sandusky Municipal Court at 9 a.m. today.

"The other day when I went by, I took a look at it and measured it. It (was) a foot tall," Hamilton said Thursday morning. "We have beautiful parks."

Hamilton said he simply wanted to be a good Samaritan and help keep the parks nice. "I didn't know it was illegal," he said. According to the police report, he was seen mowing the grass by Penny Randleman, a forestry department employee.

The employee said Hamilton was blowing grass onto the sidewalk and shredding trash in the park that had not been picked up prior to mowing, so she called the police.

Upon their arrival, Hamilton told police officers "he is sick of seeing the grass so long in parks, so he is fixing the problem" Police arrested him after he continued to mow when they told him to stop. Officers cited "liability reasons" in the police report.

At the scene, Sandusky police Officer John Powell measured the grass and it was indeed more than one foot high. Police also found the park littered with paper, bottles and children's underwear.

Hamilton said all of it is unacceptable. "They just hired somebody for $90,000," Hamilton said. "Couldn't they hire some kids to mow the yard in the summer?"

Grass cutting has become a major topic this spring. During the past six weeks, many residents have spoken at city commission meetings or called the Register to complain about uncut grass on city property. Scott Miller, director of the general services department, asked the city's fire department this week to help him out.

General services oversees the city's grass cutting. "(Miller) called (Wednesday) and said he's so far behind, he asked if we could help," said fire Chief Mike Meinzer. "So we closed station No. 3 near the causeway and went out to cut the grass at Farwell Park. ... I had told him that if he ever needed help, that's something we could do."

Neighbors helped pick up some litter before the firefighters mowed and he said an interruption of three emergency calls kept them from finishing.

"If it didn't rain, they were going to go back to Farwell (on Thursday) morning and finish it up," he said.

On Wednesday night, city manager Matt Kline said he was aware of the uncut grass problem, but his staff was shorthanded.

Through cuts and attrition, the general services department only has 20 employees. Those 20 employees handle streets and traffic, the cemetery, lands and buildings, horticulture, the greenhouse and forestry.

In better times, the city used to hire about 50 seasonal employees.

"We're having everyone (at general services) grab a lawn mower, regardless of their job," Kline said. "I don't care if a light bulb is out and needs fixing ... or a toilet's backed up and needs plumbing -- just grab a mower."

Late Thursday afternoon, the city sent out a statement about the arrest.

"Today a gentleman's frustration boiled over and he decided to mow Central Park on his own," the news release from Kline's office said, calling the situation unfortunate.

"Although he was asked repeatedly to stop, he persisted and ignored both our horticulture employees and the police officers who became involved." Hamilton said the three officers who arrested him were "quite pleasant and understanding," as well as "sympathetic" to his cause.

He still feels he had a right to cut the grass. "Why can't I?" he asked. "I am a citizen."

Staff writer Tom Jackson contributed to this story.


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    Hunter MagHunter Mag Member Posts: 6,611 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    A true police state is when we get arrested for doing good deeds.
    I've seen many stories like this before.
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    Cornflk1Cornflk1 Member Posts: 3,715 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    In our town they use chain gangs from the jail to pick up trash in public areas. Serves a dual purpose, gets the trash picked up and saves county workers time.
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    brier-49brier-49 Member Posts: 7,057 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    That randleman must be a great employee,she is to lazy to pitch in and help someone do her deptments job so she calls police. Hamilton should get a public service award.
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    dan kellydan kelly Member Posts: 9,799
    edited November -1
    he should send them the bill for his time and expense for cutting the damn stuff[}:)]
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    Tailgunner1954Tailgunner1954 Member Posts: 7,734 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    If a resident mows city properity, than some "poor union worker and his 3 assistants" won't have a job to do. Damn those do-gooder tax payers causing honest hardworking union members to be put out of their job.
    BTW, that's also the biggest objection to having jail "residents" do the work, it puts overpaid union "workers" out of a job
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    Spider7115Spider7115 Member, Moderator Posts: 29,714 ******
    edited November -1
    His sentence will probably be community service: Mowing the grass in the city park!
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    mateomasfeomateomasfeo Member Posts: 27,143
    edited November -1
    When the cops told him to stop, he should have stopped at that point. Got to choose your battles...or maybe he did!

    If it had been my yard I would have been cited for violation of a city ordinance and fined...
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    Hunter MagHunter Mag Member Posts: 6,611 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by mateomasfeo
    If it had been my yard I would have been cited for violation of a city ordinance and fined...
    Me too. But that's different. Laws are for the peasants to generate revenue not the lawmakers/elitists.[xx(]
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    trapguy2007trapguy2007 Member Posts: 8,959
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Tailgunner1954
    If a resident mows city properity, than some "poor union worker and his 3 assistants" won't have a job to do. Damn those do-gooder tax payers causing honest hardworking union members to be put out of their job.
    BTW, that's also the biggest objection to having jail "residents" do the work, it puts overpaid union "workers" out of a job

    +1000 !
    This is no more than a lazy bunch of sc$%* protecting their terf !
    Terf! --- Get it !?[;)]
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    FatstratFatstrat Member Posts: 9,147
    edited November -1
    You folks appearntly missed the finer points here. He was arrested for REFUSING TO STOP mowing when told to do so by Police.
    OK, Park needed mowed, he wanted to do a good deed. But when told to stop by police, he should have stopped. He got himself arrested by being stupid.
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    n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    Whats a TERF? cousin to a SMERF?
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    p3skykingp3skyking Member Posts: 25,750
    edited November -1
    Just another good deed that doesn't go unpunished......
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    drobsdrobs Member Posts: 22,549 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Fatstrat
    You folks appearntly missed the finer points here. He was arrested for REFUSING TO STOP mowing when told to do so by Police.
    OK, Park needed mowed, he wanted to do a good deed. But when told to stop by police, he should have stopped. He got himself arrested by being stupid.

    Bull hockey. This is another case of...

    "Respect my authoritay..."

    Cops should've offered him a cold beverage. Why did they feel the need to stop him?

    Guy probably played dumb when the told him to stop.

    "What's that you say? I can't hear you over this lawn mower engine."
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    Hunter MagHunter Mag Member Posts: 6,611 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Fatstrat
    You folks appearntly missed the finer points here. He was arrested for REFUSING TO STOP mowing when told to do so by Police.
    OK, Park needed mowed, he wanted to do a good deed. But when told to stop by police, he should have stopped. He got himself arrested by being stupid.

    NO! The police had no business telling him to stop. That's the mindset now a days. Do as your told by big brother/government/police and don't you dare question it. George Orwells 1984 comes to mind.
    The sheep have been brainwashed into blindly following the path.
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    FatstratFatstrat Member Posts: 9,147
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by drobs
    quote:Originally posted by Fatstrat
    You folks appearntly missed the finer points here. He was arrested for REFUSING TO STOP mowing when told to do so by Police.
    OK, Park needed mowed, he wanted to do a good deed. But when told to stop by police, he should have stopped. He got himself arrested by being stupid.

    Bull hockey. This is another case of...

    "Respect my authoritay..."

    Cops should've offered him a cold beverage. Why did they feel the need to stop him?

    Guy probably played dumb when the told him to stop.

    "What's that you say? I can't hear you over this lawn mower engine."

    You can say what you want, but the the Police ARE the "authorities". And if you defy them, you'll likely go to jail.
    When I was younger, I had all kinds of idea's about how things should and shouldn't be. And I how I had the "right" to do things my way. Regardless of the law.
    Took a few years and several nights in jail, but I eventually learned that it didn't really work that way.
    There's a great old song from the 60's that explains it well.
    I fought the law, and the law won".
    I suppose sometimes it's worth it. Maybe the old boy was bored and wanted to make new friends down at the jail house.
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    JamesRKJamesRK Member Posts: 25,670 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Hunter Mag
    NO! The police had no business telling him to stop. That's the mindset now a days. Do as your told by big brother/government/police and don't you dare question it. George Orwells 1984 comes to mind.
    The sheep have been brainwashed into blindly following the path.

    This is a good point. Did the police have the authority to tell him to stop? If there is no law or ordinance against cutting the grass it would appear they didn't.

    His best bet is to keep it in the newspaper. The more he makes the city look like a gaggle of fools, the quicker they will want to back off.
    The road to hell is paved with COMPROMISE.
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    drobsdrobs Member Posts: 22,549 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Fatstrat
    quote:Originally posted by drobs
    quote:Originally posted by Fatstrat
    You folks appearntly missed the finer points here. He was arrested for REFUSING TO STOP mowing when told to do so by Police.
    OK, Park needed mowed, he wanted to do a good deed. But when told to stop by police, he should have stopped. He got himself arrested by being stupid.

    Bull hockey. This is another case of...

    "Respect my authoritay..."

    Cops should've offered him a cold beverage. Why did they feel the need to stop him?

    Guy probably played dumb when the told him to stop.

    "What's that you say? I can't hear you over this lawn mower engine."

    You can say what you want, but the the Police ARE the "authorities". And if you defy them, you'll likely go to jail.
    When I was younger, I had all kinds of idea's about how things should and shouldn't be. And I how I had the "right" to do things my way. Regardless of the law.
    Took a few years and several nights in jail, but I eventually learned that it didn't really work that way.
    There's a great old song from the 60's that explains it well.
    I fought the law, and the law won".
    I suppose sometimes it's worth it. Maybe the old boy was bored and wanted to make new friends down at the jail house.

    Don't worry, I know all about it. But it's still asinine. At some point common sense needs to be brought back to law enforcement.
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    JamesRKJamesRK Member Posts: 25,670 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Yesterday on TV a Beach Patrol cop told a guy it is a serious offence to lie to a police officer. I'd like to see that one in writing.
    The road to hell is paved with COMPROMISE.
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    txlawdogtxlawdog Member Posts: 10,039 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Very foolish use of public service, the guy was hurting no one!
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    Beer BellyBeer Belly Member Posts: 183 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    What basis did the cops have to telling him to stop?

    Cop are there to enforce the laws, not to harrass good citizens. The cops should be fired. The lady that called the cops should be fired. The person that is responsible for mowing that park should be fired. Any so on....
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    Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    Drobs is dead right imho. Instead of calling the police because he was throwing litter, the employee should have started picking the litter up and thanking the man.

    I can understand government objection to a posse, but for a good deed service to a community that admits they cannot do it because they do not have the resources?

    A disgusting example of us v. them that only serves to further show how far above us they truly think they are.
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    wittynbearwittynbear Member Posts: 4,518
    edited November -1
    I think he should sue the city, he was helping out, and got arrested for it. He should sue to get his time, gas, maintainance costs, as well as bail, attorney fees, court costs, lost wages, and punitive damages for false arrest, malicious prosecution and defamation of character. I think a $3 million dollar lawsuit ought to set things right.
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    Hunter MagHunter Mag Member Posts: 6,611 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    And we can't figure out why everyone walks by when someone is lying in a puddle of blood or being robbed ect.
    What was moral has become immoral and vice versa.[xx(]
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    soopsoop Member Posts: 4,633
    edited November -1
    You can`t fire all those people without first obtaining a burning permit.
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    JamesRKJamesRK Member Posts: 25,670 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by wittynbear
    I think he should sue the city, he was helping out, and got arrested for it. He should sue to get his time, gas, maintainance costs, as well as bail, attorney fees, court costs, lost wages, and punitive damages for false arrest, malicious prosecution and defamation of character. I think a $3 million dollar lawsuit ought to set things right.

    If they can't come up with thirty bucks to get a kid to cut the grass, where they gonna get three millions? [:D]
    The road to hell is paved with COMPROMISE.
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    Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    Maybe he was flying an American Flag upside down from a pole on his mower and THAT is why the really arrested him [}:)]
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    Hunter MagHunter Mag Member Posts: 6,611 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Should have told the police he was an illegal alien. Then he would get a pat on the back. [xx(]
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    john550iwjohn550iw Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Tailgunner1954
    If a resident mows city properity, than some "poor union worker and his 3 assistants" won't have a job to do. Damn those do-gooder tax payers causing honest hardworking union members to be put out of their job.
    BTW, that's also the biggest objection to having jail "residents" do the work, it puts overpaid union "workers" out of a job
    There are good and bad union workers don't lump us all together like that. As for being overpaid, sure some are. But what every blue collar worker out there needs to remember is that without unions you would have little or no benefits, lower wages, and longer work weeks with no overtime. The day I see you walking on a beam, hundreds of feet in the air carrying 40lbs of tools and bolts, then you can call ME overpaid. Or then again, maybe you are just upset that you're underpaid.
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    crash2usafcrash2usaf Member Posts: 4,094
    edited November -1
    For crying out loud why didn't the cops help pick up the crap.... I just don't understand the constant need for escalation... HEY BUDDY pick up stuff first if you stop I'll help ya??? Better yet just leave him alone... You know a tree fell across the road once at my parents, we all cut it up and took it to a neighbors (they heat their home with it).. And we got it done before the road comish showed up... Illegal act? I don't think we were using environmentally friendly tofu powered chainsaws to cut up ol earth child, but at least we got the road opened up so the nice Police could drive through enroute to their favorite napping spot...
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    bhale187bhale187 Member Posts: 7,798
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by JamesRK
    Yesterday on TV a Beach Patrol cop told a guy it is a serious offence to lie to a police officer. I'd like to see that one in writing.

    It is in writing, Obstruction of Justice, depending on the state it may very limited in exactly what you can or can't lie about, but it's a crime to lie to police in order to hide a material fact in an investigation.
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    BeeramidBeeramid Member, Moderator Posts: 7,264 ******
    edited November -1
    The Park should fire the hag, for not keeping it clean and mowed.
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    1911a1-fan1911a1-fan Member Posts: 51,193 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    i would like to see the full story before i cry foul, although i agree about the athouratar getting out of control and citizens are to jump when told to

    if my roof neede patched it doesnt necessarily mean my next door neighbor can jump up there and fix it just because "he" feels it needs done
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    Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by 1911a1fan
    i would like to see the full story before i cry foul, although i agree about the athouratar getting out of control and citizens are to jump when told to

    if my roof neede patched it doesnt necessarily mean my next door neighbor can jump up there and fix it just because "he" feels it needs done
    yes, but your neighbor doesn't own your house, but citizens "do" own government property, right? [}:)]
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    Hunter MagHunter Mag Member Posts: 6,611 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by 1911a1fan
    i would like to see the full story before i cry foul, although i agree about the athouratar getting out of control and citizens are to jump when told to

    if my roof neede patched it doesnt necessarily mean my next door neighbor can jump up there and fix it just because "he" feels it needs done
    yes, but your neighbor doesn't own your house, but citizens "do" own government property, right? [}:)]

    But Tod the city can fine me then cut my grass and charge me for that too. But it's illegal to mow their grass for free. [:D]
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    Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Hunter Mag
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by 1911a1fan
    i would like to see the full story before i cry foul, although i agree about the athouratar getting out of control and citizens are to jump when told to

    if my roof neede patched it doesnt necessarily mean my next door neighbor can jump up there and fix it just because "he" feels it needs done
    yes, but your neighbor doesn't own your house, but citizens "do" own government property, right? [}:)]

    But Tod the city can fine me then cut my grass and charge me for that too. But it's illegal to mow their grass for free. [:D]
    the is called revenue my friend lol
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    RugerNinerRugerNiner Member Posts: 12,637 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    It's all part of Obama's Master Plan to be dependent on the Government for everything. [:(!]

    Seriously, he probably got arrested for doing work with out General Liability Insurance, hence "liability reasons" in the police report.
    Keep your Powder dry and your Musket well oiled.
    NRA Lifetime Benefactor Member.
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    1911a1-fan1911a1-fan Member Posts: 51,193 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by 1911a1fan
    i would like to see the full story before i cry foul, although i agree about the athouratar getting out of control and citizens are to jump when told to

    if my roof neede patched it doesnt necessarily mean my next door neighbor can jump up there and fix it just because "he" feels it needs done
    yes, but your neighbor doesn't own your house, but citizens "do" own government property, right? [}:)]

    theoretically you are correct, but thats like the old cliche telling a cop how to do his job because you pay his salary, it dont work that way in the real world
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    Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by 1911a1fan
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by 1911a1fan
    i would like to see the full story before i cry foul, although i agree about the athouratar getting out of control and citizens are to jump when told to

    if my roof neede patched it doesnt necessarily mean my next door neighbor can jump up there and fix it just because "he" feels it needs done
    yes, but your neighbor doesn't own your house, but citizens "do" own government property, right? [}:)]

    theoretically you are correct, but thats like the old cliche telling a cop how to do his job because you pay his salary, it dont work that way in the real world
    well actually this is a little different in my opinion (which is worthless I know). Parks are touted as "community refuges", where as a police officer, and most government buildings are not. If you are walking in the park and pick up litter and dispose of it will you be arressted? How about scrubbing graffiti off a wall? By the same reasoning they used to arrest this guy I suppose you could be arressted for walking through the park after a police officer tells you to leave.
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    Tailgunner1954Tailgunner1954 Member Posts: 7,734 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by john550iw
    quote:Originally posted by Tailgunner1954
    If a resident mows city properity, than some "poor union worker and his 3 assistants" won't have a job to do. Damn those do-gooder tax payers causing honest hardworking union members to be put out of their job.
    BTW, that's also the biggest objection to having jail "residents" do the work, it puts overpaid union "workers" out of a job
    There are good and bad union workers don't lump us all together like that. As for being overpaid, sure some are. But what every blue collar worker out there needs to remember is that without unions you would have little or no benefits, lower wages, and longer work weeks with no overtime. The day I see you walking on a beam, hundreds of feet in the air carrying 40lbs of tools and bolts, then you can call ME overpaid. Or then again, maybe you are just upset that you're underpaid.

    I grew up in a town called PONTIAC, ever heard of it? They make (OK, they made) cars there with the same name. So, ya I know what union "workers" are like (to dumb to tie their shoes and whining about "only" making $35/hour + bennies).
    BTW, I've walked steel (not as high however), climbed towers over water, drove heavy truck (330,000 gross on 6 tires), built power lines, designed and built electrical control systems, rigged and moved machinery, handle 480V on a regular basis and have NEVER seen the real need for a union. BTW, my father was a Union Teamster, and he had no use for unions either (and unlike today's "teamsters" he actually knew how to harness a team).
    Oh ya, nothing makes me "happier" (being sarcastic) than having to train a union electrician or plumber on HOW their job is supposed to be done.
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    wittynbearwittynbear Member Posts: 4,518
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by JamesRK
    quote:Originally posted by wittynbear
    I think he should sue the city, he was helping out, and got arrested for it. He should sue to get his time, gas, maintainance costs, as well as bail, attorney fees, court costs, lost wages, and punitive damages for false arrest, malicious prosecution and defamation of character. I think a $3 million dollar lawsuit ought to set things right.

    If they can't come up with thirty bucks to get a kid to cut the grass, where they gonna get three millions? [:D]

    They would have to find a way to get it, cut staff and programs, borrow money from the state, or sell property. A court order is not optional even for a city. If the city didn't comply with the court order, the court can and usually will fine the city for contempt of court and will start liquidating city assets to pay the fine, and this guy could request the same be done for his judgement.
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