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Strangest thing you 'caught' fishing?



  • quickmajikquickmajik Member Posts: 15,576 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I snagged a musk rat once in one of the local lakes. got a hard jerk on the line and started reeling it in what I thought was big catfish or turtle. When it surfaced and started squalling. I shot it. hook was burried deep in the side on its head.

    I used to use a stringer to keep the fish I'd caught fresh in the water i was fishing in, but it got so that everytime I did they would be attacked by water snakes. They would sometimes hang on to the fish when I'd pull the fish out of the water. And I'm not just talking about one snake, sometimes two or three would get in on the action.

    Now I use a bucket until I am ready to go.
  • FWAdditFWAddit Member Posts: 918 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Just as I was casting a streamer fly on a trout stream, a kingfisher flew round the bend making that loud rattling call. It startled me so that I * the line back and accidentally snagged it at the base of the wing. Smaller than a pelican and less dangerous than the platypus Dan Kelly mentioned, but still it was pretty ticklish to unhook without hurting it or getting stabbed by its beak. It was seriously irked.
  • kimikimi Member Posts: 44,719 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by bull300wsm
    Nothing I caught but a friend caught a small shark in the Gulf and brought it back to San Saba , Texas where I lived. Put it on the trotline of another friend who liked to brag about his fishing prowess. Made the front page of the local paper and a lot of folks were afraid to go in the water to check their lines. My friend let the story go for a week before he spilled the beans...San Saba for those who don't know is in the central part of Texas..a long way for a shark to swim [;)]....bull

    What's next?
  • Ox190Ox190 Member Posts: 2,782 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    The back of my own head.
  • robbie pennyrobbie penny Member Posts: 179 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I have caught my eye lid and two birds.

    One time I was fishing off central california in about 250 ft of water off the bottom for bottom fish. i pulled up some long and skinny fish that was the scariest thing i have ever seen. it had crabs and stuff living in its mouth and some crazy lizard or leeches type stuff too. i was so scared i just threw it back. gave me mightmares for like a month.
  • BHAVINBHAVIN Member Posts: 3,490 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    When I was about 8 were fishing on the Columbia river in Oregon. We had caught several fish and they were on a stringer. My mom caught a large squaw fish so I put it on the stringer for her but as I was putting it back in the water I slipped on the rocks and let go of the stringer and the squaw fish swam away with all the other fish. I felt really bad as the fish were supposed to be dinner. We only had about an hour left to fish and I was feeling like I had let the family down. My mom hugged me and told me to throw my line out because you never know what you might catch. 5 minutes later I caught that squaw fish and our whole string of fish!
  • JamesRKJamesRK Member Posts: 25,670 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    My wife caught a Mallard on a salmon egg one time. When he figured out he was hooked he took off flying and she was trying to play him like a fish. I could see what was going to happen and tried to take her pole but before I could talk her into giving it up he broke the line and kept going. I wanted to get the hook out, but it didn't work out. I felt bad about that.

    I was fishing in Abbotts Creek when I was about fourteen of fifteen years old and caught a fairly nice string of bluegills. Every time I caught a fish I put it on a string and put the back into the creek. When I got ready to leave I pulled up the string and had a huge cottonmouth on the string. He had swallowed one of the fish. Scared the hell out of me. While I was stomping the snake, the string of fish went downstream.
    The road to hell is paved with COMPROMISE.
  • 35 Whelen35 Whelen Member Posts: 14,307 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Caught a bat with a Royal Coachman once, those little basturds fight!

    Was there a street light involved? Perhaps. Was I trying to catch a bat with a fly rod? Perhaps.

    Only seems to work at night though.[:D]

    Batfishing, coming to a boring front yard near you.
    An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it.
  • bigtirebigtire Member Posts: 24,800
    edited November -1
    Caught many a snapping turtle while cat fishing. Caught a ribbon fish once while in South Padre Island. Caught a baby largemouth bass on a lure that was bigger than he was! Caught a small dogfish while seining for bait.

    One day while fishing in a strip pit in Southeast Kansas I caught five different types of fish in the same exact spot using the same bait. I caught a Bullhead Catfish, Channel Catfish, Crappie, Bluegill, and Largemouth Bass on live minnows under a bobber.
  • Fly DoctorFly Doctor Member Posts: 5,053
    edited November -1
    I'm the king of catching winged varmints on the fly...

    - Caught a water ouzel (American dipper) on a huge dry fly during the salmonfly hatch. He dove for the dry, I yanked it back to keep from hooking him, and thus hooked him right in the keester. He flew in circles overhead until I reeled him in.

    - Caught a nighthawk on a dry caddisfly while fishing blind just after dark for big browns. I felt a tug, set the hook hard (they were big fish), and had the line strangely fly over my head and land behind me. Figured I broke the fish off. Digging into the brush with flashlight, I about crapped my pants when a squawkin' bird came at me. At least it was a good hook-up: right in the corner of the mouth.

    - The weirdest was while fishin' with Dad on Father's Day, after big 'bows where a river ran into a lake. Again flingin' dry caddisflies at dusk, I wound up hooking a brown bat that took the fly in mid-air and flew over the boat in circles. Needless to say, I cut the tippet and left him to the mercy of some large brown trout downstream.

    I'm goin' after pelicans next.
  • garand101garand101 Member Posts: 403 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Blue crab while fishing the Potomac.
  • machine gun moranmachine gun moran Member Posts: 5,198
    edited November -1
    Octopus. Thought it was seaweed when it broke the surface.
  • SGSG Member Posts: 7,548
    edited November -1
    An old Walther P-38 and a porpoise.Cut my line once I realized what it was.I think the Walther belonged to CGR.
  • Blade SlingerBlade Slinger Member Posts: 5,891
    edited November -1
    Muskrat trout fishing
  • gartmangartman Member Posts: 660 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Giant Squid. Well, a really big Humbolt. Trolling Sea of Cortez alone, two lines out, dorado hits one so I stop the boat to bring it in while the other sinks. Suddenly 2nd rod bends double and line starts peeling off. Get the fish in and grab the other pole. Feels like a big grouper; stays straight down, and like hauling up a 5 gallon bucket that keeps taking line. Finally get this monster along side and it starts hosing me with with big gushes from its water jet. Gaff it into the boat and it squirts me with "ink". Believe me, it ain't ink. Smells like rotten squid s---. Creature must have weighed 40-50 lbs. and left me soaking wet and stinking.
  • big truckerbig trucker Member Posts: 1,167 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    A rusty old .22 pistol. In the Kentucky river.Threw it back.
    And a goose.[:)]
  • scottm21166scottm21166 Member Posts: 20,723
    edited November -1
    we have caught some wierd stuff when the gear gets way off into the deep waters. Over 10,000 feet life gets strange, huge teeth, lanterns over their eyes, no pigment in their skin...we have caught all kinds of sharks, seals, sea lions and junk. lots of anchient fishing gear....


  • agloreaglore Member Posts: 6,012
    edited November -1
  • grumpygygrumpygy Member Posts: 48,464 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    1st time deep sea fishing between my chumming and a few others we drew in some sharks. Of course I hook one, Barely alive (Me) trying to reel it in. One of the crewman on the boat saw what I was doing. Came over cut my line and said "Hell no". Then told me to stop chumming.
  • haroldchrismeyerharoldchrismeyer Member Posts: 2,213
    edited November -1
    I was fishing from a small boat, and caught about a three or four pound catfish. The unusual part was he was hooked in the tail. I thought I had a whopper, and I am sure he was surprised too. He towed me around the lake for a little bit before he got tired. They are hard to reel in when you can't pull them in the direction they swim.
  • timcharptimcharp Member Posts: 11 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I caught a coleman lamp an it was still lite. We were cast netting an It fell over.
  • Sparty_76Sparty_76 Member Posts: 714 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Was fisihng for pike on Labor Day up in Green Bay near Green Bay, WI (in Door County). I had a big J-13 Jointed Rap and was retrieving it and got it close to the boat my buddy asked me a question, so I turned to talk to him leaving the lure about 6' from the boat. When I turned back around I saw what at first looked like a big log kind of pointing at the lure. I moved the lure slightly and I saw the "log" move forward. It just grabbed the lure (not stricking it) in its jaws and started to swim away from the boat on the surface. I could see the hooks just dangeling from each side of its mouth. It turned and I saw it was stripped "like a tiger". It was at least 50" long and maybe 8" high. It was a Tiger Muskie. It was absoletly the largest fresh water fish I have ever seen little lone on the end of my rod. But it was not hooked. As the casting reel was free wheeling line my knees were just shaking. I waited till he got out about 30 yards hoping the 12 pound mono would hold if I could set a hook. I sat the brake and when the line was coming tight yanked back down and the side hoping to get a hook set. AS he was swiming straight away he came right up out of the water and I saw his head jerk and the lure flew free. My buddy told me to reel in very slowly which I did. As the lure got about 10 feet out from the boat I could see the fish coming again. I stopped reeling and he stopped with his nose right behind the lure. Suddenly he flipped the lure up in the air. He must have gotten a look at me as his tail hit the water hard and he was gone in a flash.

    Two weeks after I did land his little brother about a 40" Tiger. I have never had anything hit a lure like that. It almost took the rod out of my hands when he hit. This time I had 20 braided line so I was more prepared. I admired him in the net and let him go. Only two muskies I have ever seen in the wild. Now I know why guys will cast 10,000 times just to get a strike. What a fish!
  • wlfmn323wlfmn323 Member Posts: 4,712
    edited November -1
    weirdest thing i ever caught was a pair of womens panties.
    my uncle brought up a coleman lantern, cleaned it, put fuel in it and a couple of new mantles and she fired right up, man ya got to love coleman. dont know if it is true or not, but supposedly when he was bringing the anchor up one time, he found a minn kota attached to it.
  • armilitearmilite Member Posts: 35,488 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I watched my brother catch an overhead power line once. I caught one my Rapala lures that I had lost the week before while fishing in the Rock River near Jefferson, WI.
  • SawzSawz Member Posts: 6,049
    edited November -1
    Ive caught two fishing outfits, one had a nice three pound trout on the end of it , though decaying. Then Off the west coast of Vancouver Island Bottom fishing I snagged a twenty armed starfish, and a wolf eel I have pictures of them just not scanned
    Oh yeah I forgot the Merganser that was swimming around us . I was messing around trying to come close to him with my bass lure and hit right as he went under , right on top of him. he was on line for a few seconds
  • SawzSawz Member Posts: 6,049
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by 44caliberkid

    Couldn't get the MRS. to pose for a pic.

  • 53hawkeye53hawkeye Member Posts: 4,673
    edited November -1
    trolling for northern in Minn, when a kid with my dad and a common egret dove on my lure. Reeled it up to boat then the real fun began. It was all wings, feet, and beak with treble hooks a flying. Finally under control removed lure and bird took off flying when released
    While running trap line one morning, saw something coming across river that looked strange.
    It was swimming right toward me, I hunkered down behind a downed tree trunk. What ever it was had a live fish in its' mouth as it swam. The closer it got I was sure it was a mink, so I got ready to club it with a stick when it got close enough. Hell, mink were worth about 20 bucks at the time. It kept coming and it turned out to be a muskrat with a 12 - 14" channel cat in it's jaws. I got him too, a nice big 'rat worth about 4 bucks and a nice little cat. Too bad I didn't let him catch me a few more before the coup-de-gras.
  • spnriskmgrspnriskmgr Member Posts: 12 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    My son and I were fishing in a local lake and i dropped my line in the water near what looked to be a stick in the mud. The darn thing took my line and ran. I fought it for several minutes then got it to the top of the water and realized it was an alligator snapping turtle the size of a cocker spaniel. Broke my net getting him out of the water. Had to get another man to hold him down so I could use my pliers to get the hook out of its mouth. Then thing then ran for the water and dove in. Scariest looking thing I ever did catch.
  • joshmb1982joshmb1982 Member Posts: 8,228 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Originally posted by CaptFun
    Wow, how big was the Hellbender? I've seen them in the creek, but never caught one.

    Stingray and alligator snapping turtle were my strangest.

    so a hell bender is a kind of newt or salamander?
  • JimmyJackJimmyJack Member Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    crabs, but it was worth it.
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