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Computer question

paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
When you are doing nothing at all with the computer but you see the processor and hard drive are getting a workout, how can you find out what is running and who is running it?


  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    Before I take an action I was wondering if one of the more 'puter savy gents here could give me a straight answer.

    Last weekend I updated/-graded my 'puter's security software.
    This computer had/has Norton 2006 installed but is expired.
    I bought and downloaded Norton 360.

    Now, can I uninstall Norton '06 or does the Norton 360 need it to run??

    Thanks for all the help.
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    Do they make a repeater for a wireless system? Signal is not strong enough because of walls and distance.
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    My old Dell is acting up! I try to run microsoft word, works , my photo software etc, and it locks up! Some time I get a message that memory is low. I check my memory on the system settings icon and it says It's around 72 percent, which isn't bad!!

    I did a disc check, I ran defrag, I cleaned up old files and removed them, any ideas or is it time for a trip to the shop!!




    To Ride, shoot straight,and speak the truth
    This was the Ancient law of Youth
    Old times are past, old times are done:
    But the Law runs true, O little son!
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    My ancient IBM Aptiva started running slower and slower, so I decided to reboot to clear all the garbage. I've done this many times without problems over the years. Admittedly, it is an old computer and I still use Windows 98. My problem is that it takes 30 minutes or so for the computer to run the System Memory Test and it never boots over to Windows no matter how long I leave it on. Cutting it off and restarting with the reboot disk doesn't work. I've pulled the memory chips and reinstalled them with no improvement. Any ideas?
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    First off, I am using Internet Explorer.

    I have my homepage set to Yahoo.

    In the yahoo search box, if I start to type it brings up a box of recent searches that are similar in spelling.

    How do I reset or delete these recent searches? I have misspelled alot of what I search for, and it is more of a nuisance than a help to me.

    Or even better, how do I turn off this feature?


    "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Ben Franklin
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    Has anyone used Acer, i been wanting a laptop and i know there a new company. so does anyone have one, if so how are they (any problems, do you like it), customer service good? Anyone have any experience with them or know someone?
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    Internet Antivirus 2011 is trying to get into my computer. My AVG antivirus didnt stop it. How do I get rid of It.
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    How do you tell what your CPU is doing and why?

    My hard drive light is on SOLID for a LONG time, the computer is running SLOW. I don't have anything running that I am aware of that would slow this down that much.

    How do I delete temporary files and windows trash that keeps slowing it down. I am running VISTA home premium.
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    Where the Ethernet Cord From the Modem Plugs into the PC it Lights up Green inside the Plug And Flickers orange??????
    And My Stuff Downloads Slow
    is this Normal to Get the Orange Flicker?????
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    I got my daughters new laptop going on the internet via wireless router. But for some reason my home computer and her laptop cannot be on the same internet page at the same time.

    If you try to do this it pops up a conflict warning on both computers.

    Why is this?
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    What is better
    2.66 GHZ pentium 4 processor
    Celeron 2.6 GHZ processor
    The two systems I am looking at are basically the same except for this. Is one better than the other?

    I am not a number I am a free man


  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    Every word and every image looks like it shifted to the left real fast leaving a slight diminishing trail about 1/2 inch long. What the heck happened? My grand son was on here playing games and when I turned the computer back on thats the way it is.
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    When one of you post a link in blue i can click on it and bring it up but all my e-mail links are black and i cannot bring them up. Any help out there for sweet little old me? Rosie
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    How do I update my video card drivers?
    I did it before and now cant figure it out.
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    What is a good, small, program for seeing what IP addresses your computer is attempting to touch at any given time?

    The reason for asking is after being on-line for a while my service gets R E A L L Y S L O W, but if I shut down and restart it seems normal (slow) again. I've checked for viruses, but can't find any. I'd like to see if some of my bandwidth is getting hijacked somehow into doing double duty.
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    Does the fan on the inside that is mounted over the processor blow onto the processor and cooling fins or away from the processor?
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    Alright, I've got a quick question for yall. My laptop, well, it's being a PITA. First off, the keyboard is ignoring many of the keys I hit. Here, let me type a sentence without goin back and fixing it. My keyboad is being gay nd it realy pisses me off I'm ired of it and i is eally annoying. I spelled that perfectly, taking my time, yet my keyboard ignored some letters. Also, when I use the touch pad, the cursor goes berserk. I can just touch the thing, and the cursor goes flying around the screen. So, right now, I'm stuck using a regular mouse in the USB drive, and spending more time fixing errors than I am typing.
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    I have McAfee Antivirus Plus on my computer. Starting today I got popups popping up what seems like continuously, bout driving me nuts. The popups are titled Vista Antispyware 2012- unregistered version. If I click on McAfee it says "computer is secure, no action required". So whats going on. Speak slowly with small words as I am not real computer literate. Thanks.
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    What is "tera term pro?"
    I am cleaning stuff off of my computer to make it work faster. Will it hurt to delete tera term pro?
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    How do I shrink my screen back down. I have to scroll sideways to see the whole picture. Kids were messing with the computer.
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    Have the strangest computer problem. This is not one I've ever run into before. Input appreciated...

    My wife bought this refurbed HP computer. Works great and fantastic price from tigerdirect. However, every now and then (like maybe once every 2-3 weeks) all of a sudden all of the USB ports go dead. Both the keyboard and mouse are USB, so it basically paralyzes the computer. No amount of switching them around will fix it.

    If you reboot the computer it will still be locked up.

    However, if you completely power down the computer (i.e. unplug it totally) and leave it off for about 15 minutes, then power it back up everything works fine. It will then work fine for a few more weeks.

    Now ordinarily I'd think the computer was just hung, but here's the weird part. If you touch the keyboard the monitor will wake up, but you can't do anything. So, it's definitely seeing something. It looks like Windows is still running, but without a keyboard or mouse it's hard to tell.

    It's almost like the motherboard loses the USB buss and then won't recognize it on a reboot, only on a cold, cold, start.


    edit: Windows OS dropping the USB drivers maybe?
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    wth i shut down the desk top when i left for vacation and it wont come back up what in the hell do i do now ( yes i pushed the on button )and im on the laptop the desk top wont do crapoala
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    Is this worth a $200 set of tires?

    Custom Gaming Computer in perfect condition with extras.
    Intel Pentium 4
    3.20 GHz
    2.0 GB RAM
    80 GB Primary Hard Drive
    1TB HDD Hard Drive
    DVD Burner
    Windows XP Pro SP2
    Adobe Photoshop CS & Image Ready
    Cool Gaming case with transparent side panel with blue lights.
    Extras are software and a wireless keyboard/mouse set.
    This is a perfect computer for anything and everything. Stock up on photos, music and accomplish tasks at blazing speeds. Whatever you need to do this computer can handle it.
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    Usually I can troubleshoot by myself, but I can't figure out what the hey is wrong here.

    Last night, pictures/graphics were loading fine. Today, almost half the websites that I'm surfing are not showing photos/graphics. I'm talking, websites like Amazon, GunBroker, Fleabay, etc.

    Anyone have any ideas? I'm running WinXP and using IE7. I've also tried it with Nutscrape and I'm getting the same results.
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    computer question.

    I have windows 7 pro and was wondering if you can repair a windows installition without loseing all of your data? Is it possible or do I have no choice but loseing all my data?
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    how do i completely wipe my computer clean, as if it were brand new.
    do i need a program or what
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    ...what causing "buffering"..looking at UTUBE...It just started doing it...???
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    My server catches 99.99% of anything bad but I have a pop up in the center of my screen that say "theres a newer version availible you must down load to continue. Then at the bottom it says yes on the left and whats new on the right. It does not stop me from using the computer but when I go home it pops right back up. Thinking my 44 mag would stop it! Getting more pissed every time I turn the computer on.

  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    I have a computer at work that has a screensaver I like, is there a way to save the screensaver to a disc and load it on to my home computer?
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    Ive always wondered this. Is it better to shut your computer down at night when your not using it or just put it into standby mode. Im talking when you go to bed not just walking away for a couple hours and going back. Whats best for the computer or what do you guys do ?

    God gave us all a gift. Have you found yours yet ?
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    Okay, heres the deal. The wife "fixed" something on our computer and now I can't access Gunbroker because my computer says something along these lines:

    "Content Advisor will not allow you to see this website.

    This page may contain some or all of the following.

    ICRA3 Depiction of weapon use. Limited.

    This rating was obtained from the webpage."

    Now what do I do? The only way I can access this site is thru "" Once their and on the forums when I click "Home" at the top it brings up the message.[:(!][}:)][:(!][xx(][:(][V]
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    My computer is about to go down for the count. What's a GOOD computer I can replace it with?

    Can new computers run Windows VISTA or Windows 7?
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    Does anyone here have Firefox and IE both loaded on their computer and can switch back and forth?

    I tried Firefox and liked it, but my primary financial site demands IE. Need to find some way to switch between them.

    All help appreciated.
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    If I leave my browser running for a while and I come back the page I was looking at turns into a porn sight. is there any way to keep this from happening cuz its really starting to annoy me.

    I yearn for the simpiler times when a man could crawl out of his cave , club a woman over the head and drag her back "
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    to show how inept I am. I am trying to download Adobe Flash Player as I started getting messages I need it to view videos. The computer goes thru all the steps then at the end I get a screen station "retrieving download". After a few minutes I get an error message stating ACTIONLIST NOT FOUND. I did have an old version of flash player and I did remove it and it shows to not be there anymore. Any help appreciated.
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    I want to sell this computer, but I need to wipe it clean of everything I've got on it now. Addresses, numbers, etc. Will system restore from the month I bought it do it or not ? Any Ideas ? Don, I know you have the answer.
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    I've installed a new 19" widescreen monitor on my 'puter (Win XP, Home Edition, 2ghz, 512mb RAM, 40 gig hard drive), having a problem with the display of certain media.

    Windows open up and look OK, but when I try to play a game, everything is skewed to the right about one inch. Any suggestions on how to slide it over, center it up?

    Thank yew.
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    The ol puter here wasn't acting right, so I took it to the shop. They removed some "rogue items" and defrag hard drive.
    Anyway, now everything's BIG!
    I can only see a few threads. Everything is like all stretched.
    Page size at the bottomis 100%. Text size is medium. Appearence and themes font size is normal.
    What gives?
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    computer question.

    I'm looking to create a RAID 1 mirror array in my desktop; but when do I load the operating system into the hard drive, before or after I create they array?

    Do both hard drives have to be the same size?
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    I use my lcd tv as a monitor when watching movies on the computer. For some reason it quit working. I have here sound but not video. what would cause this to happen. also the built in mouse pad quit working i had to switch over to a usb mouse but the tv still worked as a monitor after the mouse quit woring. Just stopped today when i tried putting a movie on for my wife.
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