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Prayer request

dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
Being around on this planet for some 58 years or so I have met many people. Of all these people I can only claim to have 3 friends over the years who I could count on through thick and thin. The guy to bail you out of jail or give you his last beer or cigarette without even flinching. The friend who would loan you $100 and not ask why. The friend who tells your wife yah he was at my house last night. A friend that every time he'd come over would bring beer and when you went to his house he handed you one before even saying hi. If your car broke down and you called him he'd ask where can I pick you up. These friends are few and far between. One I buried 15 years ago, the second I will bury tomorrow. If any of you have ever had a friend like this please say a prayer for them and for mine. Bob, you'll be sorrowfully missed by me but even more so by your family.

I want to thank all of you that offered their thoughts and prayers.
Bob hired me at the auto parts store that he managed back in June of 1969. I was fresh out of high school and had been sworn into the Army. Because I wouldn't be 18 for a few more months and the fact that my AIT didn't have an opening until early the following year I had some time to kill. Bob was buried this morning witch included a beautiful service and a an amazing eulogy from his 3 children.
The one thing though that I will probably never know or understand was how did he ever get the Budweiser truck to deliver to his house.

Thanks again to all.


  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    My family has of late been plagued by physical misfortunes. My father was released from the hospital Sunday recovering from pneumonia, my grandmother lost feeling in her left foot and while settling into a chair at the doctor's office fell and broke it. My sister is still in the hospital after having surgery to remove scar tissue from her intestines. She was diagnosed with endometriosis in her late 20's and had a full hysterectomy. The endometriosis had spread to her lower intestines and they had to remove some of this while performing the surgery. She has been plagued with scar tissue growth ever since. She is now at the point where no solid food will pass through her and is being tube fed. In her last surgery they removed approximately 50% of the blockage, but had to stop as they were losing her vital signs.

    They want to send her to St. Louis once she has regained some strength to see if the surgeons there will attempt more surgery. At this point she is on morphine drip with a pump that she controls to ease the pain. They do not promise a cure, maybe some partial relief. She is only 38. If you would please send up a prayer for Tiffany I would be ever so grateful.

    ***There's a difference between living and living well!***
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    For those of you who pray, please send up one for my wife and her two brothers. Their mother passed away this morning at 3:30 AM, and they are having a rough time with it. She died with cancer, and it got pretty ugly there at the end. They all gathered at the nursing home yesterday to say goodbye. She was unconscious and struggling for every breath. It would have been better if they had not seen what she was going through. I spent most of the time sitting in the room with her while they drifted in and out. They couldn't stay more than a few minutes at a time. I wish they hadn't watched it, but I guess they thought they had to.

    I guess I'm pretty hardened up to death having watched so many in my family pass away. I would suggest if you ever have to deal with these things, and the person is in a coma, stay home and remember them they way they were. The process of watching a human body shut down and die is hard to watch and if you don't have to, then don't.

    Measure twice, cut once.
    Empty the clip!
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    Our family is not having a good run right now and could use a few prayers. #2 just left the doctor's office where she was diagnosed with the H1N1. She is in Fayetteville going to school so she is over 200 miles away from home. She suffers from asthma so I am very worried. Told her to keep a very close eye on it. The doc told her to use her inhaler at least once every six hours whether she needs it or not.

    My husband's uncle passed away Saturday and services will be this Saturday coming up. Hubbie will be driving over ten hours one way to attend his funeral after working all day Friday. He has another uncle who has terminal cancer with no firm projection as to how much time is left as the uncle will not share this information with the family. We did get a chance to visit him last month in St. Louis.

    My mom-in-law was able to be with her brother when he passed, but I fear for her health because she was the oldest. Her other brother and her mother passed away within the last year. She suffered a massive coronary a couple years ago and this stress will add up.

    My uncle has heart health issues (he is 58) and has had over five heart surgeries. He is like a big brother to me and I fear his health is on a steady decline.

    Please keep us all in your prayers.
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    I don't do this often, so when I ask for prayers, it truly is a dire situation.

    One of Mrs. Zulu's coworker's young teenage daughter is currently fighting a very rare auto-immune disease, and is on a medication that will basically destroy what's left of her immune system for the better part of a year.

    I ask for prayers that this young woman recovers from her ailment.
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    Please pray for my dear friends Greg and Tammy. They lost their daughter to cancer two years ago, and it has taken over their lives. They separated a week ago, but still love each other very much. They are both lost in grief and need to get back together. They have agreed to see a marriage counselor, but they need prayers that it will work. As one who knows what the loss of a child can do to a marriage, my heart goes out to both of them.

    How you doin'!wolf_evil_smile_md_wht.gif
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    My wife is having her right knee replaced at 1:30 this afternoon. She had the left one done in Feb.and got along great. I truly believe the prayers and good thought had a lot to do with that. Thanks Jay
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    My mom was hospitalized on 31 January for a hysterectomy and bladder tightening surgery. Three days later she was rushed into emergency surgery for a ruptured intestine. Her gallbladder and appendix were removed and a portion of her small intestine. The surgeon said that due to the thin walls of the intestine he placed a colostomy bag so that the intestine could strenghthen and he would remove it in about six months. She was in ICU afterward for about five weeks. She was then transfered out to a regular room and has been in rehabilitation to rebuild her strength.

    Yesterday they sent her back to ICU. Her heart rate was extremely elevated and white blood count had dropped drastically. She is now on dialysis and they are trying to determine where she is harboring an infection. She has gone from 230lbs to 190 (lost 40 pounds) in the seven weeks that she has been hospitalized due to her inability to hold any food down. She has been throwing up anything she consumes.

    My father passed away in December and she may not be fighting back like she should.

    Please pray for her.

  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    was going to ask all of you to pray for a friend who a couple of years ago went thru treatment and surgery for colon cancer made it thru just fine then went to his Dr a few weeks ago for a hernia, they told him he had lung cancer and had about 18 mos. to live without treatment and app 36-60 with, he had decided to do the treatments and had a port installed when he had the hernia repaired, well I just got a call from his wife saying that he had passed away from an apparent clot to his lungs as she said the Lord decided for him not to have to go thru the suffering of the cancer, they are very religious people and have a lot of faith, I ask all who will to remember this fine man's family and friends in your prayers and thoughts, he will be sadly missed
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    I went to get a mammogram ended up three doctor's, 2 mammograms, 3 ultrasounds, now after all that i have to go have surgery on april, 2nd to have it removed then will find out if it is cancer. My mother had breast cancer and my aunt, worried.
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    I have a friend going through a rough time right now, both with family stuff and business stuff. He is a wonderful person and I am asking for prayers for him. I cant really elaborate but God knows the reasons. Thanks all!
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    My Dad called me yesterday and told me he is diagnosed with Leukemia of some sort. Not sure yet if it is virulent, or a more slow variety and we are awaiting more testing.

    Dad is the best man I ever met and the best Dad anyone could hope to have. Wish I lived closer so I could be with him.[V]

    Any prayers would be appreciated. We believe in the power.
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    If you can spare a moment, please pray for my family. My grandmother passed away last night. It was not wholly unexpected. She would have been 92 next month and she had been admitted to hospice care a couple weeks ago.

    She was, if not the biggest influence on my life, one of the biggest influences in all things.

    She held all the very desirable qualities one looks for in a person:
    Devout Christian
    Hard working
    Smart as a whip even with minimal education
    Writer of long letters
    A wonderful story teller
    Self deprecating
    A great cook
    A great baker
    An accomplished seamstress
    A farmer
    A fisher
    A gardener
    Dutiful wife
    Doting mother of 4
    and if you think there is some other quality that should be on a list of greatness, she is that too, most assuredly.
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    My wife's grandmother passed away yesterday. Dear sweet lady, full of spirit. Ended her battle with cancer after 6 long years. Lived to the ripe old age of 98.

    My wife's mother had been her care giver the last six years. It's been really hard on her to do that, and now to not have that in her life is going to be a big switch.
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    Been a ghost for a bit. But i could really use some prayers tonight. Have my first hearing in my divorce tomorrow and me and my boys (and even The Wife) need all the help we can get.

    Thanks in advance
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    I don't usually ask for prayers from this group, but I am now. My youngest daughter is adopted and we just got word that her birth mother passed away a couple of days ago. This alone is bad enough, but she just lost her birth father about six weeks ago. She was blessed by having four parents, by being adopted, but now she has lost three of them and is having a hard time. Your prayers for her would be appreciated.

  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    Hey guys keep my Secretary, Barbara, in your thoughts and prayers please. Her husband, Gary, died yesterday at 49 years old. Thanks!
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    Got word last night at work that Jeff's father, Dean, is in the hospital with gangrene in his foot and he might lose part of his leg.

    Dean's a good egg and need all the help he can get at this time.

  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    My friends daughter was in a car wreck, and broke both legs, badly. Now, she has an infection set in. She sure could use all the prayers that she can get. Thank you.


  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    Gotta call today that my dad had a massive heart attack. He's in intensive care and doing ok but too early to tell how much damage was done to his heart. Maybe this will be his wake-up call to drop the 3 pack-a-day habit.
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    A good friend's 18month old nephew was shot through the heart with a pnuematic finish nailer. The nail was removed through surgery, and he is recovering in ICU listed as stable but critical condition.

    I will explain the story later, but for now please pray for him, or at least keep a good thought for those who don't pray.
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    This is not meant to be funny or take away from those that are ill or dying but my 26 year old daughter moved back home today. I'll need some prayers said on my behalf.
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    Hello,my name is Kenneth,,My dad who you may know from this foram is aka rotten. Some of you may have read his post on 10-12-06 under Little buddy gone.Friday of last week he entered a hospital and is listed in critical condetion today..The rest of his children and myself all attribute his illness with the loss of his dog oscar!.He hasnt ate or drank very litle since the dog died.If i can tell ya,ll a bit about him dad is a very hard somewhat stubbern mam,large in frame 6ft-4 in tall 2 weeks ago dr,s tell me he weighed 133 lbs ,he now weighs approxmantly 96 lbs.He is a veteran of ww-2 in which he served in the 101st infintry,and would never talk to use of what he saw.I believe he served in 43 thru 46, not quiet sure if years are exact,was shot twice in stomach which resulted in two liver transplantss.Thru all this he was married twice had 5 children and both wifes died ,he raised us all single handed and as far as i can remember he worked every day of his life,he could still work me into ground as of 3 weeks ago.I find this amazing that a 10 lb. dog will unless a mircale happens will put my dad in his grave.If yall have a few min.say a prayer for my dad please,you folks who dont pray,just think about him a min .or two.I intend to take a copy of answers to show him in hospital if he,s able to read them,just might make a difference.I will let you folks know outcome. Thanks,KENNETH, AKA ROTTENS SON.
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    I am not usually one to ask for prayers here but I could really use them right now. I can't go into details but I'm sick to my stomach right now with frustration. It is hard when you do the right thing and you're honest and the powers that be think otherwise.
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    My grandma is going in for a total knee replacement in the morning. At 87 surgery and recovery are going to be a challenge. Please keep Mildred in your thoughts and prayers. This woman means more to me than i could ever express. She has had a huge impact on me being the man I am today.
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    As some people on the board know, my wife is a stomach cancer patient and we decided a while back that she should split her remaining time between NH with me and OH, where her entire family lives. Well she has run into problems with some of the many meds she takes and is not doing well at all. She's at her parents home right now, but is facing being put into an inpatient care facility very soon. I would be very greateful to the members here if you would remember my family in your prayers for both Nora's health and recovery, as well as the stress, sadness and fear that covers the whole situation and all of us involved.

    Thank you.

    New Hampshire, USA - "Live Free or Die!!!"
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    We lost an Uncle and fellow LEO today. I ask that you pray for his family and fellow LEO's. He will be greatly missed.
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    Yesterday, (01-10-2011), at about 1800 hours my 17 year old daughter and a friend had a bad wreck just outside of Commerce, Texas. They were going to eat and hit a slick bridge. There was a Txdot truck and a sanding truck stopped on the bridge with the right lane open. She hit the bridge and started sliding. Like most inexperienced drivers she hit the brakes because she was headed toward the bridge rail. The car spun around and hit the back of the Txdot truck right in the passenger door. The girls were lucky. My daughter ended up with a couple stitches in her forehead and the other girl ended up with a chip on each side of her hip. Not a serious injury requiring surgery but said to be a very painful injury with a long painful recovery and rehab. My last words to her before she left were, "Drive slow and watch the bridges especially after it gets dark".

    Both girls will spend the night in hospital tonight. My daughter was transferred to Parkland in Dallas with a subdural hematoma. They wanted a Neurosurgeon to look at her just as a precaution.

    We had such high hopes for 2011 especially after loosing my son in March of 2010 and now already ten days into 2011 and this. I don't know how much more we can endure. Please pray for us and for Ally, (my daughter), and Jeanette, (Ally's friend).

    The car is totalled and with only liability insurance we are perty much screwed. Oh well. Life goes on.

    Thanks for any and all prayers.
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    Say some prayers for my wife. She slipped and fell on our back deck last night and broke two bones in here leg. She is 5 months pregnant and surgery is in a few hours.
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    All, I would like to request your prayer for my wife and myself. I won't go into details on the board but we are going through some rough times with our relationship right now and on top of that, we're expecting a baby next April.
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    Don't normally do this sort of thing, but think its neccesary. If you guys have seen this already

    Keep those players and families in your prayers. I played against several of these players through out high school.
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    all who will I ask that you pray for the family and freinds of a co-worker/freind of about 4 years he was 25 yrs old and was killed in a motorcycle accident yesterday going home from work, we are all saddened but not shocked as he was a daredevil of sorts but had a heart of gold, if anyone missed work he would head up alot of drives of some sort to help with money. he had crashed his first Hyabusa a year or so and when he recovered from that people would say " man I hope that taught you a lesson " his reply alot of the time was " but the speed is such a rush, besides something's gonna kill us all or you gotta go some way some time " His favorite tag line on text messages was "fly low" According to the stories I have heard the authorities estimated he was traveling 143 mph slid some 329 feet before impacting a car, he leaves behind a fiance and a 1 month old baby, he will be missed. R.I.P. Eric
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    My wife is having a knee replaced this afternoon. A kind word would be appreciated. Thanks Jay

    Every thing went fine had her up this morning walking. 2 or 3 days in the hospital then home. PT 3 times a week looks like I get to use some of my sick leave. Thanks guys Jay
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    Some close family friends lost there daughter today less than a mile from my home. Rebecca was with her church youth group along the Washougal river Sunday afternoon when she told her Friends she was going to inter-tube by herself a little ways down the seemingly calm river and would return in 45 minutes. After a hour her Friends became concerned and started searching and then called 911 for assistance. The sheriffs departments search and rescue unit searched into the early morning and then resumed searching after the sunrise this morning (I joined the search after learning about the missing girl unaware who she was until I saw her mother at the rivers bank)We searched all along the banks while divers searched under rocks and in the deep eddies that are prevalent along that portion of the river. We prayed that she was safe and possibly only lost. Her body was found almost 24 hours after disappearing less then a hundred yards from where she was last seen.

    Rebecca who was only 17, was involved in auto accident just a year ago and was in a coma for two weeks and was hospitalized for months during her recovery.
    The last words I had with her a few weeks past were how fragile life was and how I felt her life had been spared for great things in her future. She was a very sweet Innocent young lady and now she is gone.

    If you could please say a prayer for her, and her family.
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    My grandma whom I currently live with has just been diagnosed with bone cancer and she is very scared as am I.

    I honestly dont know what else to say.
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    I ask all of you who believe tonight to say a prayer for our soldiers and their family. As the battle of Fallujah continues, perhaps winds down, can we unite and put politics and personal grudges aside for just a few minutes to offer a prayer for those who fight and those that wait.

    "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
    ~Abraham Lincoln
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    Not something I would usually ask for. My wife's little sister is going in for open heart surgery on the 23rd. She is six years old and a precious little girl.
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    The wife of a good man is loosing her fight to survive. While I'm not at liberty to say any more, please pray for God's mercy in her life and peace for he and his son.
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    Times have been tough, and it looks like we might have to sell our family business. The bank on our business loan is going under, and they will be recalling the loan. We have to sell before they do, or we could lose even more. I'm just beside myself with fear for my family right now.

  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    I think we should all pray for the safe and happy return of p3skyking.[}:)]
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    i went to check on mom as i always do every morning and found her in bed crying. she has had the shingles for almost a year now. the pain had eased for a while, but now has returned in full force
    i ask that those of you who believe will say a prayer for mom that the pain will leave her
    thank you
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