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Cat question



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    n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    Oklahoma, relax, I am on your side. Just remember those same people bashing you would scream from the rooftop if this was a pitbull incident OR a pack of dogs running deer, KILL THOSE DIRTY MUTTS.

    Personally, animals are just that, animals, NOT PEOPLE. They don't have rights, and some people keep forgetting that. If a cat/dog/bird/whatever is a nusance, then deal with it in a matter you deem fit, so long as it isn't torture.

    People upset about shooting "poor kitty"? Then keep your cats on YOUR property. Feral cats WILL be shot, without remorse, around most places.
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    davealddaveald Member Posts: 2,078 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    for sure around my house, bet Iv'e got more then 50 over the past few years, Iv'e got a neighbor that feed and breeds ther were so many that we had no rabbits, squirles or chipmunks, the only thing the cats didn't go after was the groundhogs so I shot them too.
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    lee_danlee_dan Member Posts: 1,394 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
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    iluvgunsiluvguns Member Posts: 5,351
    edited November -1
    quote:You know, you could just contact your neighbor and tell him to come get his cats...they would probably go to him as they know him...then board up under the house...

    Won't work. They are his barn cats. They don't come for anyone or anybody! They have been over here fighting with my daughters cat when I let him out in the morning to do his thing and eat breakfast. They haven't been a real big problem until this morning. LIke I said, wind got under or around the door and somehow blew it just enough open for a cat to get in. WHen I came out today, two of them ran in there. I tried the food trick and a few other things, but these cats are skitish as all heck! Will get a live trap tomorrow and see what happens. Right now, I have the door shut. Hoping that after a night under there they will be more than happy to come out tomorrow on their own. Only one extra problem with that. They are tom cats and are MAD as heck! WHole dang house smells like cat piss! [xx(]
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    n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by iluvguns
    WHole dang house smells like cat piss! [xx(]

    I feel for ya. I "had" a problem with cat whizz on a $50,000 skidsteer.

    Notice I said "had". Now when I get in the skidder, it doesn't smell.
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    n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by freemind
    Oklahoma, relax, I am on your side. Just remember those same people bashing you would scream from the rooftop if this was a pitbull incident OR a pack of dogs running deer, KILL THOSE DIRTY MUTTS.

    Personally, animals are just that, animals, NOT PEOPLE. They don't have rights, and some people keep forgetting that. If a cat/dog/bird/whatever is a nusance, then deal with it in a matter you deem fit, so long as it isn't torture.

    People upset about shooting "poor kitty"? Then keep your cats on YOUR property. Feral cats WILL be shot, without remorse, around most places.

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    n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    KEEP YOUR CATS INSIDE YOUR HOUSE, they do not below to outdoors, unless they are declawed, so natural prey can get away.
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    iluvgunsiluvguns Member Posts: 5,351
    edited November -1
    My cat stays in the house. He is almost like a dog. Won't eat unless I put his food on the back porch. I do that before I get dressed in the morning. He eats, then lays down on the porch where the sun can hit him. Stays there about 30 minutes, gets up and does his business, and then comes back in. Lazy as crap!
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    KSUmarksmanKSUmarksman Member Posts: 10,705 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by NUTFINN
    KEEP YOUR CATS INSIDE YOUR HOUSE, they do not below to outdoors, unless they are declawed, so natural prey can get away.

    but then you have to kill the annoying outdoor critters yourself [xx(]

    I for one hate bunnies...annoying big-eared garden/flower-eating machines
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    catpealer111catpealer111 Member Posts: 10,695
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by get_involved
    quote:Originally posted by catpealer111
    22 pistol and a flashlight. Go Vietnam on their *.

    What a idiot you are. You probably are afraid of cats and cry when they get close to you.

    Damn dude, it's just a joke, just like my screen name. I like animals and I do frown on the senseless killing of them. My parents have a cat and it couldn't be a friendlier animal if it tried. A shop I worked in in high school and college had a cat as it's "mascot" and it's name was Beercan. I have no problem with barn cats or pet cats, it's the mangy strays I have a problem with.
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    grumpygygrumpygy Member Posts: 53,466
    edited November -1
    Have to agree, keep mine indoors only. But then I do have either a cougar or Bobcat in the area.
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    n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    Once I was told by a refugee that there is more than one way to skin a cat, I swear. He must have eaten some.
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    n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by KSUmarksman
    quote:Originally posted by NUTFINN
    KEEP YOUR CATS INSIDE YOUR HOUSE, they do not below to outdoors, unless they are declawed, so natural prey can get away.

    but then you have to kill the annoying outdoor critters yourself [xx(]

    I for one hate bunnies...annoying big-eared garden/flower-eating machines
    Yep, but they belong to our outdoors, your cat does not[:0]
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    nunnnunn Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 36,038 ******
    edited November -1

    De-clawed cats must remain indoors, since they have no way to defend themselves. We de-claw cats to protect our furniture, not to protect mice and rats.

    We have an outdoor cat that is a terrific hunter. He catches mice, rats, and shrews. I know this because he leaves little trophies by the back door.

    My friend who lives a few miles away, also in a rural setting, has no outdoor cat. Her vehicles are forever being damaged by mice and rats chewing on the wiring. I have no such trouble, thanks to my cat.

    Back to the question: If I had unwelcome cats under the house, I think I would use a smoke bomb or two to get them out.
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    Oklahoma223Oklahoma223 Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Despite the judging, name calling, threats and accusations, I have learned one thing from this thread....
    I now know why they make these.[:)]

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    GuvamintCheeseGuvamintCheese Member Posts: 38,932
    edited November -1
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