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Rabid NRA Haters - Come Get It!

tr foxtr fox Member Posts: 13,856
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
Here is a quote from a news agency (not associated with the NRA in any way) regarding the passage of Obama's new credit card bill. Attached to that bill was restoring the right of CCW holders to CCW in federal parks and wild life areas.

One part of the bill Obama did not publicly celebrate at the signing, a gun amendment. The measure by Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., allows people to bring loaded guns into national parks and wildlife refuges.
The addition of the amendment to the bill - and Obama's acceptance of it - was viewed as a bitter disappointment for gun-control advocates.
They watched gun-rights supporters gain a victory from a Democratic-controlled Congress and a Democratic president that they couldn't achieve under a Republican Congress and president. Many blamed the National Rifle Association, which pushed hard for the gun law.

You "do nothing but complain guys" go ahead and find someway to turn this victory into defeat. As you usually do.


  • Horse Plains DrifterHorse Plains Drifter Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 39,859 ***** Forums Admin
    edited November -1
    CCW....The PERMIT that requires kneepads....What's that gurgling sound?
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by MT357
    CCW....The PERMIT that requires kneepads....What's that gurgling sound?

    This is true...but I am glad the bill passed. To the best of my knowledge the NRA had nothing to do with writing this amendment...
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    It is neither a defeat, nor a victory. All that it is, is the modest expansion of the "privilege" to carry certain guns, in certain locations, by certain people, all under government control/regulation.

    Guns in the hands of citizens is a good thing.

    The downside, is that it will merely reinforce the belief/understanding among our citizens, that government has the lawful, constitutional authority to regulate that which Amendment II prohibits them from regulating and/or infringing upon.

    One would think that this would be obvious, but then one would have to recognize what Amendment II actually states and what principles are behind it.

    A swing and a miss.
  • wsfiredudewsfiredude Member Posts: 7,769 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by tr fox
    Here is a quote from a news agency (not associated with the NRA in any way) regarding the passage of Obama's new credit card bill. Attached to that bill was restoring the right of CCW holders to CCW in federal parks and wild life areas.

    One part of the bill Obama did not publicly celebrate at the signing, a gun amendment. The measure by Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., allows people to bring loaded guns into national parks and wildlife refuges.
    The addition of the amendment to the bill - and Obama's acceptance of it - was viewed as a bitter disappointment for gun-control advocates.
    They watched gun-rights supporters gain a victory from a Democratic-controlled Congress and a Democratic president that they couldn't achieve under a Republican Congress and president. Many blamed the National Rifle Association, which pushed hard for the gun law.

    You "do nothing but complain guys" go ahead and find someway to turn this victory into defeat. As you usually do.

    Well, well, well; look what the cat dragged in. I wondered where you were at.

    Looky here; only folks like you would see a 'victory' in this:

    "Attached to that bill was restoring the right of CCW holders to CCW in federal parks and wild life areas."

    As stated on here many, many times before,

    "...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

    Now, let's break that down:

    'the right' - not a privilege one has to obtain permission to exercise.

    'the people' - not only 'CCW holders', not only a select group that has passed a test, but the citizens.

    'keep and bear' - to own, possess, and carry in any manner the citizen sees fit. Period.

    'arms' - Pretty unambiguous, and I see no clauses with 'legitimate sporting purpose' in there at all.

    'shall not be infringed' - Key phrase. It means Samuel shall keep his damn snout where it belongs, and keep his hands off. It gives him no authority, not now, not ever, to regulate, restrict, or prohibit the citizens from exercising the RTKBA.
  • Hunter MagHunter Mag Member Posts: 6,610 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    tr I thought you were gone for good......[:(]
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:allows people to bring loaded guns into national parks and wildlife refuges.

    How special. Samuel "allows" people to do something.

    You would think that this stuff would be obvious and rather than trumpet "victory", we should be jamming it up Samuel's * and breaking it off, jagged.

    "We the people" and "shall not be infringed". Both should be contemplated in their original intent.

    Instead, we get giddy when we are blessed with government's most gracious and benevolent "permission" to do something that they have zero constitutional authority to be involved with.

    Go figure....
  • AnonymouseAnonymouse Member Posts: 4,050
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by lt496
    It is neither a defeat, nor a victory. All that it is, is the modest expansion of the "privilege" to carry certain guns, in certain locations, by certain people, all under government control/regulation.

    Guns in the hands of citizens is a good thing.

    The downside, is that it will merely reinforce the belief/understanding among our citizens, that government has the lawful, constitutional authority to regulate that which Amendment II prohibits them from regulating and/or infringing upon.

    One would think that this would be obvious, but then one would have to recognize what Amendment II actually states and what principles are behind it.

    A swing and a miss.

    Is the general public allowed to carry a gun into your sheriff's dept? How about into your jail? How about your county court house? If not, why not? Under your take on things, they should be allowed to. I know we sure can't carry in those places here in Virginia.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    See tr, I don't even need to mention the NRA to shred this giddy, leg-tingling government blessing.[:)]
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by P228
    quote:Originally posted by lt496
    It is neither a defeat, nor a victory. All that it is, is the modest expansion of the "privilege" to carry certain guns, in certain locations, by certain people, all under government control/regulation.

    Guns in the hands of citizens is a good thing.

    The downside, is that it will merely reinforce the belief/understanding among our citizens, that government has the lawful, constitutional authority to regulate that which Amendment II prohibits them from regulating and/or infringing upon.

    One would think that this would be obvious, but then one would have to recognize what Amendment II actually states and what principles are behind it.

    A swing and a miss.

    Is the general public allowed to carry a gun into your sheriff's dept? How about into your jail? How about your county court house? If not, why not? Under your take on things, they should be allowed to. I know we sure can't carry in those places here in Virginia.
    Just so you and I are crystal-clear. You are naught but a slithering weasel IMO, so don't expect more from me than this comment.

    I am sure that you know why.

    Got it?
  • wsfiredudewsfiredude Member Posts: 7,769 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by P228
    quote:Originally posted by lt496
    It is neither a defeat, nor a victory. All that it is, is the modest expansion of the "privilege" to carry certain guns, in certain locations, by certain people, all under government control/regulation.

    Guns in the hands of citizens is a good thing.

    The downside, is that it will merely reinforce the belief/understanding among our citizens, that government has the lawful, constitutional authority to regulate that which Amendment II prohibits them from regulating and/or infringing upon.

    One would think that this would be obvious, but then one would have to recognize what Amendment II actually states and what principles are behind it.

    A swing and a miss.

    Is the general public allowed to carry a gun into your sheriff's dept? How about into your jail? How about your county court house? If not, why not? Under your take on things, they should be allowed to. I know we sure can't carry in those places here in Virginia.

    I'll tell you why;

    The government does not trust the citizens, and a government that does not trust the people should not be trusted by the people.
  • Hunter MagHunter Mag Member Posts: 6,610 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by wsfiredude
    quote:Originally posted by P228
    quote:Originally posted by lt496
    It is neither a defeat, nor a victory. All that it is, is the modest expansion of the "privilege" to carry certain guns, in certain locations, by certain people, all under government control/regulation.

    Guns in the hands of citizens is a good thing.

    The downside, is that it will merely reinforce the belief/understanding among our citizens, that government has the lawful, constitutional authority to regulate that which Amendment II prohibits them from regulating and/or infringing upon.

    One would think that this would be obvious, but then one would have to recognize what Amendment II actually states and what principles are behind it.

    A swing and a miss.

    Is the general public allowed to carry a gun into your sheriff's dept? How about into your jail? How about your county court house? If not, why not? Under your take on things, they should be allowed to. I know we sure can't carry in those places here in Virginia.

    I'll tell you why;

    The government does not trust the citizens, and a government that does not trust the peoplesheeple should not be trusted by the peoplesheeple.

    Fixed it for ya. [;)]
  • AnonymouseAnonymouse Member Posts: 4,050
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by lt496
    quote:Originally posted by P228
    quote:Originally posted by lt496
    It is neither a defeat, nor a victory. All that it is, is the modest expansion of the "privilege" to carry certain guns, in certain locations, by certain people, all under government control/regulation.

    Guns in the hands of citizens is a good thing.

    The downside, is that it will merely reinforce the belief/understanding among our citizens, that government has the lawful, constitutional authority to regulate that which Amendment II prohibits them from regulating and/or infringing upon.

    One would think that this would be obvious, but then one would have to recognize what Amendment II actually states and what principles are behind it.

    A swing and a miss.

    Is the general public allowed to carry a gun into your sheriff's dept? How about into your jail? How about your county court house? If not, why not? Under your take on things, they should be allowed to. I know we sure can't carry in those places here in Virginia.
    Just so you and I are crystal-clear. You are naught but a slithering weasel IMO, so don't expect more from me than this comment.

    I am sure that you know why.

    Got it?

    Let me be clear: Your a hypocrite. I am sure you know why. Got it?
  • wsfiredudewsfiredude Member Posts: 7,769 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I see you are staying true to form, tr.

    You start a post. That post now has 138 reads and 12 replies, yet you have no rebuttal/refutation, only the OP.

    In the words of a very wise man I know,

    Go figure...
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    How about they turn around and spend some of the money they typically use for big salaries and recreation to flooding the court system with lawsuits to repeal the unconstitutional laws already on the books, instead of backing "permission laws"? Feel good legislation is no better than no legislation imho. Go after the big fish and quit scooping up plankton
  • wsfiredudewsfiredude Member Posts: 7,769 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Well, tr? Response?

    It's been over an hour now since you posted the OP. You have anything else?

    If you're gonna stick it out, do not be afraid to get it cut off.


  • Hunter MagHunter Mag Member Posts: 6,610 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    ws just let tr crawl back into his hole. [;)]
  • IdahoRedneckIdahoRedneck Member Posts: 2,699
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    How about they turn around and spend some of the money they typically use for big salaries and recreation to flooding the court system with lawsuits to repeal the unconstitutional laws already on the books, instead of backing "permission laws"? Feel good legislation is no better than no legislation imho. Go after the big fish and quit scooping up plankton

    Um excuse me ill jump in here, To the best of my Knowledge they are the only ones engaged in lawsuits concerning our gun rights, what has anyone else done? anyone that has done any thing who are they again... To be clear what has anyone else done that it so significant yall can hate on the NRA so Bad?
  • Wehrmacht_45Wehrmacht_45 Member Posts: 3,377
    edited November -1
    The Second Amendment Foundation often pushes for legislation or files lawsuits. I am an NRA member, but all my spare money for contributions goes to the SAF and GOA.

    The NRA does do some good things such as offer shooting classes and promote shooting sports.
  • wsfiredudewsfiredude Member Posts: 7,769 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by idahordnk
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    How about they turn around and spend some of the money they typically use for big salaries and recreation to flooding the court system with lawsuits to repeal the unconstitutional laws already on the books, instead of backing "permission laws"? Feel good legislation is no better than no legislation imho. Go after the big fish and quit scooping up plankton

    Um excuse me ill jump in here, To the best of my Knowledge they are the only ones engaged in lawsuits concerning our gun rights, what has anyone else done? anyone that has done any thing who are they again... To be clear what has anyone else done that it so significant yall can hate on the NRA so Bad?


    Do a search of these forums for the NRA. You may find some interesting info on what this organization has done to promote gun control.
  • zinkzink Member Posts: 6,456 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by idahordnk
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    How about they turn around and spend some of the money they typically use for big salaries and recreation to flooding the court system with lawsuits to repeal the unconstitutional laws already on the books, instead of backing "permission laws"? Feel good legislation is no better than no legislation imho. Go after the big fish and quit scooping up plankton

    Um excuse me ill jump in here, To the best of my Knowledge they are the only ones engaged in lawsuits concerning our gun rights, what has anyone else done? anyone that has done any thing who are they again... To be clear what has anyone else done that it so significant yall can hate on the NRA so Bad?

    Well excuuse me! The GOA has been involved in lawsuits including the Heller Case. What the other organizations haven't done that the NRA has is to help write gun control legislation nor have they robbed Peter to save Paul (bargained away our rights), nor have they supported reasonable, enforceable gun control since 1871 (by their own admission). The simple omission of these acts are more than the NRA has EVER done to protect our gun rights.

  • IdahoRedneckIdahoRedneck Member Posts: 2,699
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by wsfiredude
    quote:Originally posted by idahordnk
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    How about they turn around and spend some of the money they typically use for big salaries and recreation to flooding the court system with lawsuits to repeal the unconstitutional laws already on the books, instead of backing "permission laws"? Feel good legislation is no better than no legislation imho. Go after the big fish and quit scooping up plankton

    Um excuse me ill jump in here, To the best of my Knowledge they are the only ones engaged in lawsuits concerning our gun rights, what has anyone else done? anyone that has done any thing who are they again... To be clear what has anyone else done that it so significant yall can hate on the NRA so Bad?


    Do a search of these forums for the NRA. You may find some interesting info on what this organization has done to promote gun control.

    wsfiredude.... I know, and I have, this is not our first rodeo concerning the NRA. My question is simple, What has any one else Done...... that because of "them" we can still do "this".
  • slumlord44slumlord44 Member Posts: 3,702 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The NRA promoted gun control? News to me. Been getting all their materials for over 30 years and never saw that. I would rather be part of the solution than part of the problem.
  • IdahoRedneckIdahoRedneck Member Posts: 2,699
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by zink
    quote:Originally posted by idahordnk
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    How about they turn around and spend some of the money they typically use for big salaries and recreation to flooding the court system with lawsuits to repeal the unconstitutional laws already on the books, instead of backing "permission laws"? Feel good legislation is no better than no legislation imho. Go after the big fish and quit scooping up plankton

    Um excuse me ill jump in here, To the best of my Knowledge they are the only ones engaged in lawsuits concerning our gun rights, what has anyone else done? anyone that has done any thing who are they again... To be clear what has anyone else done that it so significant yall can hate on the NRA so Bad?

    Well excuuse me! The GOA has been involved in lawsuits including the Heller Case. What the other organizations haven't done that the NRA has is to help write gun control legislation nor have they robbed Peter to save Paul (bargained away our rights), nor have they supported reasonable, enforceable gun control since 1871 (by their own admission).


    Define Bargained away our rights I just dont see it. If a convicted felon cant go down and Buy a gun so what.... He f'd up..... this aint dodge city anymore!
  • zinkzink Member Posts: 6,456 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by idahordnk
    quote:Originally posted by zink
    quote:Originally posted by idahordnk
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    How about they turn around and spend some of the money they typically use for big salaries and recreation to flooding the court system with lawsuits to repeal the unconstitutional laws already on the books, instead of backing "permission laws"? Feel good legislation is no better than no legislation imho. Go after the big fish and quit scooping up plankton

    Um excuse me ill jump in here, To the best of my Knowledge they are the only ones engaged in lawsuits concerning our gun rights, what has anyone else done? anyone that has done any thing who are they again... To be clear what has anyone else done that it so significant yall can hate on the NRA so Bad?

    Well excuuse me! The GOA has been involved in lawsuits including the Heller Case. What the other organizations haven't done that the NRA has is to help write gun control legislation nor have they robbed Peter to save Paul (bargained away our rights), nor have they supported reasonable, enforceable gun control since 1871 (by their own admission).


    Define Bargained away our rights I just dont see it. If a convicted felon cant go down and Buy a gun so what.... He f'd up..... this aint dodge city anymore!

    They have conceeded certain parts of measures to save others without fighting. You can do the research if you are really interested (it is all out there for you to find), or you can rely on their propoganda. I learned along time ago that EVERYBODY has done something to go to prison for. Some got caught, some didn't. I knew a guy who spent 2 1/2 years in prison for a $52 bad check. Are you saying he shouldn't have the right (or permission) to own a gun. So if you can cross the creek without getting your ankles wet, neither you nor I should have this right.


  • Hunter MagHunter Mag Member Posts: 6,610 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Recently a CC bill failed in Illinois. Then many counties wanted to have their own CC. The NRA was in favor of the statewide CC bill but PUBLICLY announced they were against county by county CC, stating it would be too confusing to keep track which counties allowed CC and which ones didn't.

    That is clearly siding with the antis.
  • IdahoRedneckIdahoRedneck Member Posts: 2,699
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by zink
    quote:Originally posted by idahordnk
    quote:Originally posted by zink
    quote:Originally posted by idahordnk
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    How about they turn around and spend some of the money they typically use for big salaries and recreation to flooding the court system with lawsuits to repeal the unconstitutional laws already on the books, instead of backing "permission laws"? Feel good legislation is no better than no legislation imho. Go after the big fish and quit scooping up plankton

    Um excuse me ill jump in here, To the best of my Knowledge they are the only ones engaged in lawsuits concerning our gun rights, what has anyone else done? anyone that has done any thing who are they again... To be clear what has anyone else done that it so significant yall can hate on the NRA so Bad?

    Well excuuse me! The GOA has been involved in lawsuits including the Heller Case. What the other organizations haven't done that the NRA has is to help write gun control legislation nor have they robbed Peter to save Paul (bargained away our rights), nor have they supported reasonable, enforceable gun control since 1871 (by their own admission).


    Define Bargained away our rights I just dont see it. If a convicted felon cant go down and Buy a gun so what.... He f'd up..... this aint dodge city anymore!

    They have conceeded certain parts of measures to save others without fighting. You can do the research if you are really interested (it is all out there for you to find), or you can rely on their propoganda. I learned along time ago that EVERYBODY has done something to go to prison for. Some got caught, some didn't. I knew a guy who spent 2 1/2 years in prison for a $52 bad check. Are you saying he shouldn't have the right (or permission) to own a gun. So if you can cross the creek without getting your ankles wet, neither you nor I should have this right.



    Absouloutley not[}:)] what I am sayin is "shall not be infringed does not apply to everybody anymore", and your OBCA would seem to think other wise yet you still have not answered my question what has any one else done that has preserved our rights, because of them we can do this.... this is getting repetitive[:(!]
  • zinkzink Member Posts: 6,456 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by idahordnk
    quote:Originally posted by zink
    quote:Originally posted by idahordnk
    quote:Originally posted by zink
    quote:Originally posted by idahordnk
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    How about they turn around and spend some of the money they typically use for big salaries and recreation to flooding the court system with lawsuits to repeal the unconstitutional laws already on the books, instead of backing "permission laws"? Feel good legislation is no better than no legislation imho. Go after the big fish and quit scooping up plankton

    Um excuse me ill jump in here, To the best of my Knowledge they are the only ones engaged in lawsuits concerning our gun rights, what has anyone else done? anyone that has done any thing who are they again... To be clear what has anyone else done that it so significant yall can hate on the NRA so Bad?

    Well excuuse me! The GOA has been involved in lawsuits including the Heller Case. What the other organizations haven't done that the NRA has is to help write gun control legislation nor have they robbed Peter to save Paul (bargained away our rights), nor have they supported reasonable, enforceable gun control since 1871 (by their own admission).


    Define Bargained away our rights I just dont see it. If a convicted felon cant go down and Buy a gun so what.... He f'd up..... this aint dodge city anymore!

    They have conceeded certain parts of measures to save others without fighting. You can do the research if you are really interested (it is all out there for you to find), or you can rely on their propoganda. I learned along time ago that EVERYBODY has done something to go to prison for. Some got caught, some didn't. I knew a guy who spent 2 1/2 years in prison for a $52 bad check. Are you saying he shouldn't have the right (or permission) to own a gun. So if you can cross the creek without getting your ankles wet, neither you nor I should have this right.



    Absouloutley not[}:)] what I am sayin is "shall not be infringed does not apply to everybody", and your OBCA would seem to think other wise yet you still have not answered my question what has any one else done that has preserved our rights, because of them we can do this.... this is getting repetitive[:(!]

    I have answered it![}:)] You fail to comprehend the obvious when written. Thay have done more by omitting the acts mentioned than the NRA has done by doing what they have. They have filed law suits and donated to some the NRA has filed that were worthwhile and 100% supported our rights.

    Good night and may GOD bless. I do hope you realize nothing said was personally against you, I just have lost faith in the NRA. It is like if you ever have a spouse cheating on you, you lose the trust and faith you had in them.

  • Hunter MagHunter Mag Member Posts: 6,610 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:"shall not be infringed does not apply to everybody anymore"
    Why not and since when?
    Please tell me your kidding?

    OH and as far as preserving our rights. Everyone that has ever written their representatives,joined a group,attended a meeting ect has helped preserve our rights. On the other hand everyone that has been in favor of gun legislation has helped set a precident to degrade our rights that the 2nd amendment/constitution doesn't mean squat anymore.[xx(]
  • wsfiredudewsfiredude Member Posts: 7,769 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by slumlord44
    The NRA promoted gun control? News to me. Been getting all their materials for over 30 years and never saw that. I would rather be part of the solution than part of the problem.

    Don't be an idiot. You've been here long enough to see all the factual info posted on how the NRA has supported, and even authored some gun control legislation since the 1930s.
  • zinkzink Member Posts: 6,456 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by wsfiredude
    quote:Originally posted by slumlord44
    The NRA promoted gun control? News to me. Been getting all their materials for over 30 years and never saw that. I would rather be part of the solution than part of the problem.

    Don't be an idiot. You've been here long enough to see all the factual info posted on how the NRA has supported, and even authored some gun control legislation since the 1930s.

    Henceforth my comment to search for the truth or believe their propaganda. Their choice!

  • IdahoRedneckIdahoRedneck Member Posts: 2,699
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by zink
    quote:Originally posted by idahordnk
    quote:Originally posted by zink
    quote:Originally posted by idahordnk
    quote:Originally posted by zink
    quote:Originally posted by idahordnk
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    How about they turn around and spend some of the money they typically use for big salaries and recreation to flooding the court system with lawsuits to repeal the unconstitutional laws already on the books, instead of backing "permission laws"? Feel good legislation is no better than no legislation imho. Go after the big fish and quit scooping up plankton

    Um excuse me ill jump in here, To the best of my Knowledge they are the only ones engaged in lawsuits concerning our gun rights, what has anyone else done? anyone that has done any thing who are they again... To be clear what has anyone else done that it so significant yall can hate on the NRA so Bad?

    Well excuuse me! The GOA has been involved in lawsuits including the Heller Case. What the other organizations haven't done that the NRA has is to help write gun control legislation nor have they robbed Peter to save Paul (bargained away our rights), nor have they supported reasonable, enforceable gun control since 1871 (by their own admission).


    Define Bargained away our rights I just dont see it. If a convicted felon cant go down and Buy a gun so what.... He f'd up..... this aint dodge city anymore!

    They have conceeded certain parts of measures to save others without fighting. You can do the research if you are really interested (it is all out there for you to find), or you can rely on their propoganda. I learned along time ago that EVERYBODY has done something to go to prison for. Some got caught, some didn't. I knew a guy who spent 2 1/2 years in prison for a $52 bad check. Are you saying he shouldn't have the right (or permission) to own a gun. So if you can cross the creek without getting your ankles wet, neither you nor I should have this right.



    Absouloutley not[}:)] what I am sayin is "shall not be infringed does not apply to everybody", and your OBCA would seem to think other wise yet you still have not answered my question what has any one else done that has preserved our rights, because of them we can do this.... this is getting repetitive[:(!]

    I have answered it![}:)] You fail to comprehend the obvious when written. Thay have done more by omitting the acts mentioned than the NRA has done by doing what they have. They have filed law suits and donated to some the NRA has filed that were worthwhile and 100% supported our rights.

    Good night and may GOD bless. I do hope you realize nothing said was personally against you, I just have lost faith in the NRA. It is like if you ever have a spouse cheating on you, you lose the trust and faith you had in them.


    No offense taken, I just dont quite get the hatred here for NRA yet. And No You Have not answered the question unless it is that nobody else has done anything and "that" somehow is better, than the NRA doing something (although not favorable by all parties all the time) whichs makes absouloutley no sense at all. Good night to you as well I can agree to disagree[:)]
  • IdahoRedneckIdahoRedneck Member Posts: 2,699
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Hunter Mag
    quote:"shall not be infringed does not apply to everybody anymore"
    Why not and since when?
    Please tell me your kidding?

    OH and as far as preserving our rights. Everyone that has ever written their representatives,joined a group,attended a meeting ect has helped preserve our rights. On the other hand everyone that has been in favor of gun legislation has helped set a precident to degrade our rights that the 2nd amendment/constitution doesn't mean squat anymore.[xx(]

    Since its 2009, you mean to tell me you want your daughter,.... maybe walkin down the street and get caught in a crossfire and end up dead because some peice of trash has a right to bear arms and just got out the gun store with his new gun? WTH please tell me your kidding right? This is a two way street, Some PEOPLE have bargained away their rights and are no longer fit to own a gun in my opinion of course!
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:No offense taken, I just dont quite get the hatred here for NRA yet. And No You Have not answered the question unless it is that nobody else has done anything and "that" somehow is better, than the NRA doing something (although not favorable by all parties all the time) whichs makes absouloutley no sense at all. Good night to you as well I can agree to disagreeThe NRA occasionally stumbles into a legitimate issue in their quest to be the self-appointed "staunch defender" of YOUR Second Amendment rights. You know the old saying that "even a blind hog finds an acorn now and then".

    The fact is, that the NRA defends and supports a different version of Amendment II than that which is enumerated in the US Constitution's Bill of Rights.

    The NRA's Second Amendment is all about being able to own guns for hunting, competition, target shooting and yes, even for self-defense, BUT with the caveat that the government control, regulate, and decide who, what, when, where, why and how a citizen can exercise this "privilege" to keep and bear arms, under government approved conditions.

    The NRA files suit when it fits their agenda. How else could they keep you "faithful" on the hook for membership and continued donations?

    The facts, contemporary and historical, speak for themselves. You just do not seem to want to face up to them.

    It's kind of like finding out that your wife, who you have loved and been faithful to for all these many years, has been regularly cheating on you since before you got married.

    It is what it is.
  • Hunter MagHunter Mag Member Posts: 6,610 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by idahordnk
    quote:Originally posted by Hunter Mag
    quote:"shall not be infringed does not apply to everybody anymore"
    Why not and since when?
    Please tell me your kidding?

    OH and as far as preserving our rights. Everyone that has ever written their representatives,joined a group,attended a meeting ect has helped preserve our rights. On the other hand everyone that has been in favor of gun legislation has helped set a precident to degrade our rights that the 2nd amendment/constitution doesn't mean squat anymore.[xx(]

    Since its 2009, you mean to tell me you want your daughter,.... maybe walkin down the street and get caught in a crossfire and end up dead because some peice of trash has a right to bear arms and just got out the gun store with his new gun? WTH please tell me your kidding right? This is a two way street, Some PEOPLE have bargained away their rights and are no longer fit to own a gun in my opinion of course!

    These types of people you mention do not belong in society. Why are they out in society? Because the government let them out. So lets deny everyone the right to bear arms ok? These people weren't born unfit for society and anyone can become "unfit" in case you didn't know there's no way to prevent all crime.
    Should we outlaw cars or alcohol because our "kids" can be run over by a drunk driving a car at any time?
    You know better than that come on........[xx(]
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Hunter Mag
    quote:Originally posted by idahordnk
    quote:Originally posted by Hunter Mag
    quote:"shall not be infringed does not apply to everybody anymore"
    Why not and since when?
    Please tell me your kidding?

    OH and as far as preserving our rights. Everyone that has ever written their representatives,joined a group,attended a meeting ect has helped preserve our rights. On the other hand everyone that has been in favor of gun legislation has helped set a precident to degrade our rights that the 2nd amendment/constitution doesn't mean squat anymore.[xx(]

    Since its 2009, you mean to tell me you want your daughter,.... maybe walkin down the street and get caught in a crossfire and end up dead because some peice of trash has a right to bear arms and just got out the gun store with his new gun? WTH please tell me your kidding right? This is a two way street, Some PEOPLE have bargained away their rights and are no longer fit to own a gun in my opinion of course!

    These types of people you mention do not belong in society. Why are they out in society? Because the government let them out. So lets deny everyone the right to bear arms ok? These people weren't born unfit for society and anyone can become "unfit" in case you didn't know there's no way to prevent all crime.
    Should we outlaw cars or alcohol because our "kids" can be run over by a drunk driving a car at any time?
    You know better than that come on........[xx(]
    Hunter, it once again comes down to "collectivism" vs. "individualism".

    This is the philosophical divide and the battleground for the future of the Republic, hence the reason that I keep dragging this stuff out for public view.

    One philosophy believes in "societal justice" rather than individual responsibility, punishment, or individual justice.

    One philosophy looks at things as groups, classes, races, genders, social strata, general behavior and group actions etc, rather than at individuals and subsequently they desire prohibition and control of objects and behaviors related to these groups, classes, genders, races; as opposed to dealing with/punishing individual "bad-acts".

    You will never get through to them, but the arguments and the illustrating of the opposing position, is critical to focus attention on the philosophical divide and the root-cause of the erosion of the Republic.
  • IdahoRedneckIdahoRedneck Member Posts: 2,699
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Hunter Mag
    quote:Originally posted by idahordnk
    quote:Originally posted by Hunter Mag
    quote:"shall not be infringed does not apply to everybody anymore"
    Why not and since when?
    Please tell me your kidding?

    OH and as far as preserving our rights. Everyone that has ever written their representatives,joined a group,attended a meeting ect has helped preserve our rights. On the other hand everyone that has been in favor of gun legislation has helped set a precident to degrade our rights that the 2nd amendment/constitution doesn't mean squat anymore.[xx(]

    Since its 2009, you mean to tell me you want your daughter,.... maybe walkin down the street and get caught in a crossfire and end up dead because some peice of trash has a right to bear arms and just got out the gun store with his new gun? WTH please tell me your kidding right? This is a two way street, Some PEOPLE have bargained away their rights and are no longer fit to own a gun in my opinion of course!

    These types of people you mention do not belong in society. Why are they out in society? Because the government let them out. So lets deny everyone the right to bear arms ok? These people weren't born unfit for society and anyone can become "unfit" in case you didn't know there's no way to prevent all crime.
    Should we outlaw cars or alcohol because our "kids" can be run over by a drunk driving a car at any time?
    You know better than that come on........[xx(]

    Are you serious thats a joke right! I aint some uppety Brady Bunch character, These people are out there none the less and if they F up they do not have a Right any more period. You know the people im talkin about, its simple, black and white, dont try twistin my words into anything more than exactly what they say. So where do you put these people who do not belong in society, Here again its 2009 cant just find a big tall tree and a short peice of rope, The government let them out is a nice theory but more kids today grow up corrupted than become corrupted so what do ya do w them, all im sayin is its a two way street and it cant be all or nothin anymore times have changed, and it sucks but that is the way it is
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by idahordnk
    quote:Originally posted by Hunter Mag
    quote:Originally posted by idahordnk
    quote:Originally posted by Hunter Mag
    quote:"shall not be infringed does not apply to everybody anymore"
    Why not and since when?
    Please tell me your kidding?

    OH and as far as preserving our rights. Everyone that has ever written their representatives,joined a group,attended a meeting ect has helped preserve our rights. On the other hand everyone that has been in favor of gun legislation has helped set a precident to degrade our rights that the 2nd amendment/constitution doesn't mean squat anymore.[xx(]

    Since its 2009, you mean to tell me you want your daughter,.... maybe walkin down the street and get caught in a crossfire and end up dead because some peice of trash has a right to bear arms and just got out the gun store with his new gun? WTH please tell me your kidding right? This is a two way street, Some PEOPLE have bargained away their rights and are no longer fit to own a gun in my opinion of course!

    These types of people you mention do not belong in society. Why are they out in society? Because the government let them out. So lets deny everyone the right to bear arms ok? These people weren't born unfit for society and anyone can become "unfit" in case you didn't know there's no way to prevent all crime.
    Should we outlaw cars or alcohol because our "kids" can be run over by a drunk driving a car at any time?
    You know better than that come on........[xx(]

    Are you serious thats a joke right! I aint some uppety Brady Bunch character, These people are out there none the less and if they F up they do not have a Right any more period. You know the people im talkin about, its simple, black and white, dont try twistin my words into anything more than exactly what they say. So where do you put these people who do not belong in society, Here again its 2009 cant just find a big tall tree and a short peice of rope, The government let them out is a nice theory but more kids today grow up corrupted than become corrupted so what do ya do w them, all im sayin is its a two way street and it cant be all or nothin anymore times have changed, and it sucks but that is the way it is
    You are confused my friend. Government interference has lead us to the very bane which you try to utilize as an excuse to curtail rights. DO you not see that this is the exact result that has been in the making for years? Government WANTS us to turn to them to solve problems and force us to be reliant on them. So sad that so many fall for this "only the government can help us" line
  • Hunter MagHunter Mag Member Posts: 6,610 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Yes indeed lt!! Your a good man and we need more like you.
    I'm stubborn and will not stop trying to convince 1,2,3...people that we have been led astray and need to get back on the path to morality/induvidualality.[;)]

    Even in school many of the things my son tells me they're teaching is of the collectivist mentality. Just follow the path/sheppard without question. Georgge Orwells 1984 come to mind.

    I'm keeping him from falling into the trap though. He catches on fast to common sense. [:)]
  • IdahoRedneckIdahoRedneck Member Posts: 2,699
    edited November -1
    ]Hunter, it once again comes down to "collectivism" vs. "individualism".

    This is the philosophical divide and the battleground for the future of the Republic, hence the reason that I keep dragging this stuff out for public view.

    One philosophy believes in "societal justice" rather than individual responsibility, punishment, or individual justice.

    One philosophy looks at things as groups, classes, races, genders, social strata, general behavior and group actions etc, rather than at individuals and subsequently they desire prohibition and control of objects and behaviors related to these groups, classes, genders, races; as opposed to dealing with/punishing individual "bad-acts".

    You will never get through to them, but the arguments and the illustrating of the opposing position, is critical to focus attention on the philosophical divide and the root-cause of the erosion of the Republic.

    I do agree with what you have stated here, very intriguing!
  • Hunter MagHunter Mag Member Posts: 6,610 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by idahordnk
    quote:Originally posted by Hunter Mag
    quote:Originally posted by idahordnk
    quote:Originally posted by Hunter Mag
    quote:"shall not be infringed does not apply to everybody anymore"
    Why not and since when?
    Please tell me your kidding?

    OH and as far as preserving our rights. Everyone that has ever written their representatives,joined a group,attended a meeting ect has helped preserve our rights. On the other hand everyone that has been in favor of gun legislation has helped set a precident to degrade our rights that the 2nd amendment/constitution doesn't mean squat anymore.[xx(]

    Since its 2009, you mean to tell me you want your daughter,.... maybe walkin down the street and get caught in a crossfire and end up dead because some peice of trash has a right to bear arms and just got out the gun store with his new gun? WTH please tell me your kidding right? This is a two way street, Some PEOPLE have bargained away their rights and are no longer fit to own a gun in my opinion of course!

    These types of people you mention do not belong in society. Why are they out in society? Because the government let them out. So lets deny everyone the right to bear arms ok? These people weren't born unfit for society and anyone can become "unfit" in case you didn't know there's no way to prevent all crime.
    Should we outlaw cars or alcohol because our "kids" can be run over by a drunk driving a car at any time?
    You know better than that come on........[xx(]

    Are you serious thats a joke right! I aint some uppety Brady Bunch character, These people are out there none the less and if they F up they do not have a Right any more period. You know the people im talkin about, its simple, black and white, dont try twistin my words into anything more than exactly what they say. So where do you put these people who do not belong in society, Here again its 2009 cant just find a big tall tree and a short peice of rope, The government let them out is a nice theory but more kids today grow up corrupted than become corrupted so what do ya do w them, all im sayin is its a two way street and it cant be all or nothin anymore times have changed, and it sucks but that is the way it is

    So the kids get stabbed with a knife instead of being shot with a gun...
    What then 2009?
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