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We are selling her car......yep....that one.

Locust ForkLocust Fork Member Posts: 31,909 ✭✭✭✭
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
It broke down again. I told her I was DONE. She could sell it....get what she could and good luck to her with whatever she ended up with. After some thought I might just give her the Escape and put the money toward something new for me....I don't know. Right now I just don't see an easy way to deal with this. I didn't really want to buy a car right now....but the Escape would be better for her than what she could afford. If she buys some "oober-cheap" crap car it will eventually lead to her driving that anyway. I don't know..... I just can't wrap my head around this right now.
LOCUST FORK CURRENT AUCTIONS: Listings added every Thursday! We do consignments, contact us at


  • ruger41ruger41 Member Posts: 14,665 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    pretty simple--she is a teenager--$3,000 car at MOST is what they should get to learn on until they prove they are worthy of more or they can afford more. For $2,500 she could get a very reliable but used toyota[;)] IMO just giving her the Escape just shows her she can do whatever she wants--make her buy it-even if its $500.
  • 1911a1-fan1911a1-fan Member Posts: 51,193 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    how much you want for that wrecked piece o crap? [:D]
  • Locust ForkLocust Fork Member Posts: 31,909 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I wanted nothing to do with it. She had an ex-boyfriend list it on that CRAIG site. I have just had my fill of her "car" issues. I wouldn't be giving her my Escape.....I would be keeping the entire amount that she got from her car and putting it toward something for myself. I just don't know if I want to buy a car right now. I know if I just let her loose with the money she will go buy something stupid. Either way....I get more to deal with.

    I haven't looked at the listing.....I tried to find it, but didn't really want to see it.
    LOCUST FORK CURRENT AUCTIONS: Listings added every Thursday! We do consignments, contact us at
  • moonshinemoonshine Member Posts: 8,471
    edited November -1
    quote:I would be keeping the entire amount that she got from her car

    want to bet ???
  • Locust ForkLocust Fork Member Posts: 31,909 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Oh...I will take that bet. I plan on having them make any payment for her car out to me. I wouldn't dare let this little filly loose with any large amount of matter what. She would go buy a $1,500 car and spend the rest at Buckle on overpriced clothes.

    She is a is amazing any of us live through this time in our lives.
    LOCUST FORK CURRENT AUCTIONS: Listings added every Thursday! We do consignments, contact us at
  • tomahawktomahawk Member Posts: 11,826
    edited November -1
    why not let her get her give her two... past time to ween her..if she has to do it herself, she will be mighty careful to take care of it..jmho[;)]
  • Locust ForkLocust Fork Member Posts: 31,909 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I think we are just going to try to supervise what she picks out. I really don't want to pay any more. We fixed so many things...and bought soooo much. She has GOT to do better. We just can't do it any more. Especially with how things are with me. I have been tucking everything I have away to go toward the store....I shouldn't have fixed it this last time.

    I just want her to be safe. I don't want her breaking down and being stranded....or having a wreck. She is sooooo hard on cars. I don't think we are going to be "done" with this for a while matter what we do.
    LOCUST FORK CURRENT AUCTIONS: Listings added every Thursday! We do consignments, contact us at
  • tomahawktomahawk Member Posts: 11,826
    edited November -1
    yep say just that...were done..get your own,pay for it ,keep insurance on it,fix it, drive it ...your car,your bills...she is 19 you say> jake is getting his own at 16..just like i had too..c'est la vie[;)]
  • RosieRosie Member Posts: 14,525 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    My oldest daughter bought her first car out of her savings when she was 16. Actually it was a ext cab ford ranger with 3000 miles on a new ford engine. She paid $3.500.00 for it. When the next one reached 16 she didn't have a penny so we bought her a car for $3.500.00 and then gave the oldest $3.500.00 cash which knowing her she probably still has.
  • Locust ForkLocust Fork Member Posts: 31,909 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    She turned 17 this past December. She is working....but her McDonald's job only pays a little. She has plans on working at Best Buy soon. We will see where that goes.
    LOCUST FORK CURRENT AUCTIONS: Listings added every Thursday! We do consignments, contact us at
  • SpartacusSpartacus Member Posts: 14,415
    edited November -1
    quote:We are selling her car......yep....that one.

    which one?
  • tomahawktomahawk Member Posts: 11,826
    edited November -1
    tell her to think auto mechanic for a boyfriend[;)][:D]
  • dreherdreher Member Posts: 8,862 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Why does she HAVE to have a car? My daughter is 15. She has her permit. Because of the high insurance rates of having a teenager with a drivers license, she has been informed that until she graduates, no license, just a permit. Also no car. Full ride scholarship, than I will buy her a nice (nice defined as 2 or 3 year old low mileage equvalent of a Ford Taurus) car. No full ride, no car. My money will be going towards her college. One benefit of 2 years with permit, statistically she will be a much better safer driver the more miles she drives with a parent before getting license. Safe is a good thing.
  • scottm21166scottm21166 Member Posts: 20,723
    edited November -1
    I keep telling you, get her an American car made prior to 1969. even the x boyfriend can fix it.
    or just a honda civic or accord. they are dang nead bullet-proof.
    No more kook cars BMW is a rich persons car a used BMW is worse than a boat for sucking up spare cash
  • Queen of SwordsQueen of Swords Member Posts: 14,355
    edited November -1
    What's wrong with driving crap?

    I started out with crap. I drove crap for years.

    Learning curve, Mom. You can't start them out with a Beemer and expect them to be "okay" with a Camry.

    Your bad.
  • Locust ForkLocust Fork Member Posts: 31,909 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I didn't say she wouldn't be fine with a crap car....I'm afraid she will pick out something that is TOO crappy actually. Then we are faced with repairs and worry. When it comes down to it....she is pretty fearless. I think she will go for a Jeep or some off road type thing.....lord help us.
    LOCUST FORK CURRENT AUCTIONS: Listings added every Thursday! We do consignments, contact us at
  • KSUmarksmanKSUmarksman Member Posts: 10,705 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Locust Fork
    I didn't say she wouldn't be fine with a crap car....I'm afraid she will pick out something that is TOO crappy actually. Then we are faced with repairs and worry. When it comes down to it....she is pretty fearless. I think she will go for a Jeep or some off road type thing.....lord help us.

    what's wrong with a jeep? based on what I've heard they are pretty rock solid and tough as a tank
  • shoff14shoff14 Member Posts: 11,994 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
  • tomahawktomahawk Member Posts: 11,826
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Locust Fork
    I didn't say she wouldn't be fine with a crap car....I'm afraid she will pick out something that is TOO crappy actually. Then we are faced with repairs and worry. When it comes down to it....she is pretty fearless. I think she will go for a Jeep or some off road type thing.....lord help us.

    jeeps are cool, and it could be worse...she could want a van[B)][:0][:p][:D]
  • Colt SuperColt Super Member Posts: 31,007
    edited November -1
    I'm now thinking about getting an old box-style Jeep Cherokee - not the Grand Cherokee.

  • Queen of SwordsQueen of Swords Member Posts: 14,355
    edited November -1
    Only problem with Jeeps is their high roll-over problems. A great vehicle, but not for the inexperienced.

    I love mine, I cannot imagine my inexperienced driver daughter behind the wheel of it. One swerve to miss a deer, cat, squirrel, rabbit, whatever....[xx(]
  • Locust ForkLocust Fork Member Posts: 31,909 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I had a Jeep when I was was soooo much fun. I knew a bunch of people that used to go off road all the time and we used to meet up on the weekends. I just want to be certain whatever she ends up in isn't something that needs repair 6 months after she gets it. I'm afraid in her price range there isn't a lot of choices.
    LOCUST FORK CURRENT AUCTIONS: Listings added every Thursday! We do consignments, contact us at
  • SuwanneePirateSuwanneePirate Member Posts: 65 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Saturns are a fine easy maintence car and so are the 2wd Cherokees with the 4.0 straight 6 automatic. As for the roll over problemjust drive them sensible and they are ok.
  • footlongfootlong Member Posts: 8,009
    edited November -1
    Bought My daughter a new Escort when she turned 16. Tore it up. Bought her another New Escort when she grad hs. Tore that on up too.
    Gave her Mama's 5 year old Buick- it lasted 6 months. Then I gave her my 8 year old Toyota. She could not tear that one up. Get her an older Small Toyota or Nissan. Doubt she could tear those up. Got a buddy who has a 94 Nissan that survived 3 teenage boys. I think it has a bit over 300 k on it[^]
  • SuwanneePirateSuwanneePirate Member Posts: 65 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Check the police auctions and with the bank for repos for a good price on a used vehicle.I bought a 1999 Saturn for my youngest daughter for 950 at a sherrifs auction five years ago. Sold it two years ago for 1500.It was a great car.
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    She's a young driver. It doesn't matter what car she drives, it will get wrecked and break down. That's just the cold hard facts.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    You keep saying "we" will worry. "We" will have to pay for repairs....

    You got a mouse in your pocket? [}:)]

    There should be no "WE'S" about it. She will not learn to be frugal with her money, if you keep wiping her chin for her. She is hard on vehicles because you keep shelling out the cash.

    Tell her, her car, her responsibility, or learn to like walking.

    Either that or throw away the idea of your own store. About time she act like a grown up isn't it?
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    you can only do so much for your children, eventually you have to make them stand on their own two feet or risk making them "support dependent" for the rest of their days. Responsibility is in order here or she may wind up one of those people that the taxpayer has to take care of via federal checks every month. It is a thin line we walk as parents, may everything turn out right and proper for you, and the rest of us. Best of luck with whatever decision you reach
  • Locust ForkLocust Fork Member Posts: 31,909 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I get the whole "learn to do for yourself" thing....but HOW is a 17 yr old girl that works a couple days at McDonalds and is in school supposed to pay for car repairs. The suspension and two new tires this last time ran $1,700.00 Its either pay up or do without. Doing without means.....sitting on your but at work. There is just no way to see it everyone's way. She has to HAVE a job to make money.....she has to HAVE a car to get to work. I just don't get where people are coming from that say she should "do for herself." With the job a 17 yr old can get and stay in school....about $140 a week is the most I've seen her able to bring home.

    Anyone have a good "cheap" car they want to part with. HEY! Didn't someone here come across a Mercades?
    LOCUST FORK CURRENT AUCTIONS: Listings added every Thursday! We do consignments, contact us at
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Locust Fork
    I didn't say she wouldn't be fine with a crap car....I'm afraid she will pick out something that is TOO crappy actually. Then we are faced with repairs and worry. When it comes down to it....she is pretty fearless. I think she will go for a Jeep or some off road type thing.....lord help us.

    You know you can TELL her what she is allowed to have, right?
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Locust Fork
    I get the whole "learn to do for yourself" thing....but HOW is a 17 yr old girl that works a couple days at McDonalds and is in school supposed to pay for car repairs. The suspension and two new tires this last time ran $1,700.00 Its either pay up or do without. Doing without means.....sitting on your but at work. There is just no way to see it everyone's way. She has to HAVE a job to make money.....she has to HAVE a car to get to work. I just don't get where people are coming from that say she should "do for herself." With the job a 17 yr old can get and stay in school....about $140 a week is the most I've seen her able to bring home.

    Anyone have a good "cheap" car they want to part with. HEY! Didn't someone here come across a Mercades?

    Being frugal with your money also means saving it. If she doesn't learn to build a nest egg now, she never will. She has no bills to speak of now. What will life be like for her when she has rent, car payment, utilities, groceries, ect? When I was her age, I worked. I bought all my own crap. I paid my own expenses. I partied my * off. AND I HAD MONEY in the bank.

    SHE is going to have her hand in YOUR pockets till YOU stop it K.
  • Locust ForkLocust Fork Member Posts: 31,909 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I know.... I just don't know what would be better. Give her my car that is worth about what she will have when she sells the BMW. That would put me having to go out and buy myself a new car. I would have payments for a while because I am shure I can't find what I need for a couple grand.


    Go out and get the best used car we can find for the money she gets. Which means we take a chance on what we end up with and COULD end up having future repairs and such.

    I am guessing she will end up with 3 to 4,000 for her car in the shape it is in. Right now I am sharing a car WITH her. It isn't as horrible as I thought it would be. She gets her friends to come get her a lot of the time.....unless she is going to school or work....then I am stuck here at home or have to take the Camaro out. (which isn't the best thing to drive around every day.)
    LOCUST FORK CURRENT AUCTIONS: Listings added every Thursday! We do consignments, contact us at
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    I would let HER find the vehicle she needs. Let L do the checking out of the vehicle or a TRUSTED mechanic. Try to get away from cars loaded with electronics, 4x4, and power windows/locks, ect. Those things just end up costing more for repairs.

    Get something with a V-6 or bigger. They can take a new driver better than a 4 cylinder.

    Keep It Simple Silly. K.I.S.S.
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Locust Fork
    I get the whole "learn to do for yourself" thing....but HOW is a 17 yr old girl that works a couple days at McDonalds and is in school supposed to pay for car repairs. The suspension and two new tires this last time ran $1,700.00 Its either pay up or do without. Doing without means.....sitting on your but at work. There is just no way to see it everyone's way. She has to HAVE a job to make money.....she has to HAVE a car to get to work. I just don't get where people are coming from that say she should "do for herself." With the job a 17 yr old can get and stay in school....about $140 a week is the most I've seen her able to bring home.

    Anyone have a good "cheap" car they want to part with. HEY! Didn't someone here come across a Mercades?
    17 is too late to start thinking about this imho. You should have had a plan years ago to keep from letting it get to this point. Not trying to lecture, just stating my opinion. This is YOUR fault, not hers. When you decide to let her stand on her own two feet it becomes her fault, not yours. Feed the habit and you may as well be giving the big a-ok
  • Locust ForkLocust Fork Member Posts: 31,909 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I'm kind of scared to look at the listing for the car. She has been getting calls all day about it....and a couple are coming from Georgia in the morning to look at it. They are bringing a chashiers check and a trailor. I really want as little to do with what is going on as possible....but as a parent its hard not to just take over when it comes to certain things.

    Larry keeps walking around murmuring and exhaling loudly.....he has had his fill also. I think we have about 10 more of these years to go....
    LOCUST FORK CURRENT AUCTIONS: Listings added every Thursday! We do consignments, contact us at
  • KSUmarksmanKSUmarksman Member Posts: 10,705 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    will the car make it to Auburn???

    I can ask my old man if he wants a BMW [;)]
  • Locust ForkLocust Fork Member Posts: 31,909 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    It won't work at all. Something is wrong with the motor this time. It won't move at all.
    LOCUST FORK CURRENT AUCTIONS: Listings added every Thursday! We do consignments, contact us at
  • bamafanbamafan Member Posts: 4,011 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    The wife has a 'Yota Corolla that we don't need anymore... Serious. Not eye candy, but it keeps on me.........
  • Locust ForkLocust Fork Member Posts: 31,909 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I'm interrested. (I may strap a few of these bombs to do you think that would go over?)
    LOCUST FORK CURRENT AUCTIONS: Listings added every Thursday! We do consignments, contact us at
  • Jacob2008Jacob2008 Member Posts: 19,528 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    She needs to do some outside work. Sweat her balls off a little... Oh wait. [:D][:D]

    Ive been cutting grass and doing what I can when I can. Ive saved up ... enough. Gave a friend 20 for graduation, pay my phone bill, spent a few bucks to get the family ice cream (dad shouldnt ALWAYS pay for stuff) etc. Ive got like.. 81 bucks. I didnt get a DIME of it handed to me. Dad was never that way. You never got ANYTHING for free.. If you needed money for the ball game, he'd ask what you were doing the next day cause the grass needs cutting. If it was already cut or whatever, he'd say next week no pay, or you can clean the garage (thats worth 50 IMO) [:D][:D]

    And I dont blame him a bit.

    If I were you, I would have not a leaf in the gutters, no stick on the ground, not a blade of grass taller than an inch, that camaro and the escape would be SPOTLESS and vacuumed, the kitchen floor would be clean enough to eat off of, you get the idea. Ive done it all, and I cant say it wasnt worth it in the end.

    And on the mechanic boy, well, you DO know what I wanna go to school for, RIGHT? [:D]
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